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【单选题】花瓶应使用哪种贴图坐标方式:( )

【填空题】贵州气候类型( ),年平均气温( ),年降水量( )。




【阅读理解(选择)/完型填空】Part-time Front Desk Position Kirchhoff, Inc., a book development company, is looking for a part-time front desk office worker. This position is perfect for a person who is cheerful, dependable,and pleasant to work with. Also, you should be able to welcome guests, redirect phone calls, and take messages. More importantly, you can stay cool under pressure. You are expected to work 5∶00-6∶00 pm weekdays. You need to fill in some forms if you are interested. Forms can be collected at Kirchhoff, Inc. 866 United Nations Plaza, # 525 New York,NY 10017 Important Points to Remember When Swimming · Wait at least an hour after meals. · Follow the advice of lifeguards. · Don’t dive into unknown waters. Always swim in line with the shore. · Find out at the seaside when and where it is safe to swim. · Don’t use floating toys on the water. Wind can easily sweep them out to sea. · Get out of the water if you feel tired or cold. Cold can kill even strong swimmers. Help Telephone: 2125435902 Atlantic City Beach Office Arrive on time. Introduce yourself in a polite manner. Read company materials while you wait. Have a firm handshake. Listen. Use body language to show interest. Smile and nod to the interviewer. Ask about the next thing you should do. Thank the interviewer. Write a thank you letter to anyone you have spoken to. For more information, please visit jobweb.com 368 Cooper Square,New York. NY 10008

【问答题】/* Generator: eWebEditor */

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div.WordSection1 {page:WordSection1;} Unit 2 Argumentative Writing (Individual Project) You are asked to write an essay on the topic “The Ways My Parents Teach me”. (120-150 words) You should: 1. First watch an ad which tells a story about a mother, a daughter and pineapples. 2. Describe how the mother taught her daughter in the ad, analyze how your parents teach you and list your recommendations to your parents. Evaluation Criteria Argumentative Writing (100%) --Appropriate length (5 points) --Appropriate structure and content (60 points) Introduction: describe how the mother taught her daughter in the ad. (10 points) Body: analyze and list at least three ways your parents teach you one by one. (refer to P44-45) (30 points) Conclusion: list at least two recommendations to your parents one by one. (refer to P44-45) (20 points) --You should organize your list with proper organizational markers as in Text A (refer to P44-45). (5 points) --You should list at least three ways your parents taught you with proper supporting details in the main Body. (15 points) --You should state your own ideas but not copy the information from the text or website. (5 points) --You must use at least five useful expressions and one sentence pattern from Text A and Text B. (10 point)


【单选题】不属于青霉素G抗菌作用范围的病原体为( )

【问答题】同为 竹笛,也有南北之分,请简单介绍一下二者的异同。

【判断题】纪录片着重纪录一个过程 ,专题片则是围绕一个主题展开。



【单选题】世界上最早的有文字记载的演说记录是商朝的( )为迁都至殷而做的三次演说。

【单选题】设 ,则 ( )。




【判断题】阁楼式货架适用于重型搬运设备运行。( )


【单选题】受力方向与焊缝长度方向成45°角的斜向角焊缝,其强度增大系数为 ( )



【单选题】岩石抗压强度试验中获得的理想应力-应变曲线如图所示,各点对应正确的是( )。


【判断题】产生激光的工作物质的能级中应包含亚稳态能级 。 ()

【单选题】以下哪一项 不属于 中医美容的基本方法 ? ( )

【判断题】8《破阵子》词调,在结构上,与ㄍ丑奴儿一样,都是上下片对称的。( )


【单选题】基金投资于国债的比例不得低于( )的 20%

【单选题】在纯ALOHA算法中,假设电子标签在t时刻向阅读器发送数据,与阅读器的通信时间为T0,则碰撞时间为( )


【多选题】胞吞作用的类型包括( )。

【单选题】1. 工作物质选取的标准是可在其内实现 :( )

【单选题】共享经济牵涉到三大主体,即商品或服务的需求方、供给方和( )。

【判断题】下列说法是否正确? 中国清朝著名数学家李善兰在1859年翻译《代数学》中首次将“function”译做:“函数”,并沿用至今。


【单选题】会计凭证要由专门人员负责保管,年度终了移交档案室归档保管。行阅时要报经 ( ) 同意后方可调阅。


【判断题】聚类是一个典型的无监督学习问题。( )


【单选题】For the ways of cutting, straight cut, leveled slicing, tilted cut, and retained cut can be translated as( )

【多选题】下列市场利率中可以做基准利率的有?( )。




【单选题】卡特尔采取 ( ) 方法研究人格特质测量。


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