c java 桌面开发,Java,C#取代C ++作为桌面开发的主要语言?


I''m not asking this to troll, I''m just genuinely interested in this

question and I think that if I were to post it on a Java group that

would be like asking the converted.

Since C# has become Microsoft''s flagship programming language, I''m

wondering, does this mean that the sun is starting to set on C++ as the

dominant language for, in particular, desktop development?

Admittedly, I''m no expert in programming languages and the basis for my

question could be inaccurate but this is the current picture of the

situation as it looks to me.

I think the reason for the shift from C++ to Java-like languages is

that Java etc. provide a friendlier upgrade path to OOP for C

developers whereas C++ is more encyclopedic and confusing.

Thanks for your input,


in*************@yahoo.com wrote:I think the reason for the shift from C++ to Java-like languages is

that Java etc. provide a friendlier upgrade path to OOP for C

developers whereas C++ is more encyclopedic and confusing.

What shift is that? The one that Sun keeps telling you about? Be careful

to distinguish between real data and marketing hype. Most of what you

hear about Java is the latter.


Pete Becker

Dinkumware, Ltd. (http://www.dinkumware.com)

in*************@yahoo.com wrote:Hello,

I''m not asking this to troll, I''m just genuinely interested in this

question and I think that if I were to post it on a Java group that

would be like asking the converted.

Since C# has become Microsoft''s flagship programming language, I''m

wondering, does this mean that the sun is starting to set on C++ as the

dominant language for, in particular, desktop development?

Admittedly, I''m no expert in programming languages and the basis for my

question could be inaccurate but this is the current picture of the

situation as it looks to me.

I think the reason for the shift from C++ to Java-like languages is

that Java etc. provide a friendlier upgrade path to OOP for C

developers whereas C++ is more encyclopedic and confusing.

Thanks for your input,

Ask yourself, how many commercial Java or .NET applications have you

seen so far? How many do you have installed on your computer? How many

Jav or .NET applications do you use on a regular basis?

If I browse my harddisk I have maybe one or two Java programs installed,

none of which I use on a regular basis, because they''re for most parts

slow as hell. Hm, no .NET apps at all. The good part of the software I

use is written in C, C++, Python or Object Pascal. In more or less this


Sorry, I can''t see the shift, can you?




in*************@yahoo.com wrote:

Since C# has become Microsoft''s flagship programming language, I''m

wondering, does this mean that the sun is starting to set on C++ as the

dominant language for, in particular, desktop development?

I think "Flagship Microsoft" is starting to sink. But... that discussion is

off-topic here. All I''ll say is that when Microsoft puts out a crappy

framework like MFC, it''s easy for someone to not want to use C++.

By desktop development, I''ll assume you mean GUI apps. If you didn''t mean

that, you''ll have to elaborate.

That being said, check out Qt. It was written in C++ (probably binds to

other languages too but I''m not sure). It''s very good. From a *purist C++*

standpoint, it isn''t perfect but it''s a heck of a lot better than MFC.

I''m not a hardline C++ advocate but C# and Java certainly aren''t good enough

to pull me away from it permanently.

There isn''t a day that goes by that I cuss, whine, and whimper about C++.

However, I always go back to it because it''s capable of everything I need

it to do.






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