album_id = results["albums"]["items"][0]["uri"]
IndexError: list index out of range
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import spotipy
sp = spotipy.Spotify()
sp.trace = False
def get_artist_albums(artist):
results = sp.search(q = "artist:" + artist, type = "artist")
items = results["artists"]["items"]
artist = items[0]
# print artist
albums = []
albumsTitles = []
results = sp.artist_albums(artist["id"], album_type = "album")
while results["next"]:
results = sp.next(results)
seen = set() # to avoid dups
albums.sort(key = lambda album:album["name"].lower())
for album in albums:
albumTitle = album["name"]
if albumTitle not in seen:
print((" " + albumTitle))
# return albumsTitles
return albumsTitles
def get_albums_tracks(album):
albumtracks = []
results = sp.search(q = "album:" + album, type = "album")
# get the first album uri
album_id = results["albums"]["items"][0]["uri"]
# get album tracks
tracks = sp.album_tracks(album_id)
c = 1
# print album
for track in tracks["items"]:
# print "#%s %s" %(c, track["name"])
c +=1
return albumtracks
# 3 album band - ok
phosgoreAlbums = get_artist_albums("Phosgore")
for item in phosgoreAlbums:
print get_albums_tracks(item)
print ""
# 6 album band - ok
# (well technically 2, but's let not get into that night now)
joyDivisionAlbums = get_artist_albums("Joy Division")
for item in joyDivisionAlbums:
print get_albums_tracks(item)
print ""
# 34 albums - falls over
cherAlbums = get_artist_albums("Cher")
for item in cherAlbums:
print get_albums_tracks(item)
print ""
# 38 album band - falls over
theCureAlbums = get_artist_albums("The Cure")
for item in theCureAlbums:
print get_albums_tracks(item)
print ""
# 43 album band - falls over
aliceCooperAlbums = get_artist_albums("Alice Cooper")
for item in aliceCooperAlbums:
print get_albums_tracks(item)
print ""
results [“相册”] [“商品”]只是一个空列表,因此索引0处没有元素.您可以在尝试对其进行索引之前对其进行测试:
if not results["albums"]["items"]:
# no albums found, so no tracks either
return []
album_id = results["albums"]["items"][0]["uri"]