和声搜索 matlab,和声搜索算法

Harmony Search Algorithm

Harmony search tries to find a vector which optimizes (minimizes or maximizes) a certain objective function.

The algorithm has the following steps:

Step 1: Generate random vectors () as many as (harmony memory size), then store them in harmony memory (HM).

Step 2: Generate a new vector . For each component ,

with probability (harmony memory considering rate; 0 ≤ ≤ 1), pick the stored value from HM:

with probability , pick a random value within the allowed range.

Step 3: Perform additional work if the value in Step 2 came from HM.

with probability (pitch adjusting rate; 0 ≤ ≤ 1), change by a small amount: or for discrete variable; or for continuous variable.

with probability , do nothing.

Step 4: If is better than the worst vector in HM, replace with .

Step 5: Repeat from Step 2 to Step 4 until termination criterion (e.g. maximum iterations) is satisfied.

The parameters of the algorithm are

= the size of the harmony memory. It generally varies from 1 to 100. (typical value = 30)

= the rate of choosing a value from the harmony memory. It generally varies from 0.7 to 0.99. (typical value = 0.9)

= the rate of choosing a neighboring value. It generally varies from 0.1 to 0.5. (typical value = 0.3)

= the amount between two neighboring values in discrete candidate set.

(fret width, formerly bandwidth) = the amount of maximum change in pitch adjustment. This can be (0.01 × allowed range) to (0.001 × allowed range).

It is possible to vary the parameter values as the search progresses, which gives an effect similar to simulated annealing.

Parameter-setting-free researches have been also performed. In the researches, algorithm users do not need tedious parameter setting process.

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您好!这里是C知道,我可以为您提供关于声搜索算法MATLAB代码。 声搜索是一种用于在音频数据中检测和识别特定语音指令或关键词的技术。以下是一个简单的声搜索算法MATLAB代码示例: ```matlab % 设置参数 fs = 44100; % 采样率 duration = 2; % 录音时长(秒) threshold = 0.5; % 阈值 keyword = 'hello'; % 要搜索的关键词 % 录制音频 recObj = audiorecorder(fs, 16, 1); disp('开始录音...'); recordblocking(recObj, duration); disp('录音结束!'); % 获取录制的音频数据 audio = getaudiodata(recObj); % 预处理音频数据 audio = audio / max(abs(audio)); % 归一化 audio = audio - mean(audio); % 去除直流分量 % 计算短时能量 frameSize = 0.02 * fs; % 每帧采样点数 energy = movmean(audio.^2, frameSize); % 根据能量阈值检测关键词 detectedIndices = find(energy > threshold * max(energy)); % 输出结果 if ~isempty(detectedIndices) disp(['检测到关键词 "', keyword, '" 在以下时间段:']); for i = 1:length(detectedIndices) startTime = (detectedIndices(i) - 1) * frameSize / fs; endTime = detectedIndices(i) * frameSize / fs; disp(['- 从', num2str(startTime), '秒到', num2str(endTime), '秒']); end else disp(['未检测到关键词 "', keyword, '"']); end ``` 这段代码使用了短时能量作为声音特征,并通过设定阈值来检测关键词。您可以根据自己的需求进行调整和优化。 希望以上代码能够对您有所帮助!如有任何疑问,请随时提问。




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