linux rsync 原理,rsync机制原理

How Rsync Works

A Practical Overview


The original


Andrew Tridgell's

Are both excellent documents for understanding the

theoretical mathematics and some of the mechanics of the rsync algorithm.

Unfortunately they are more about the theory than the

implementation of the rsync utility (hereafter referred to as


In this document I hope to describe...A non-mathematical overview of the rsync algorithm.

How that algorithm is implemented in the rsync utility.

The protocol, in general terms, used by the rsync utility.

The identifiable roles the rsync processes play.

This document be able to serve as a guide for programmers

needing something of an entré into the source code but the

primary purpose is to give the reader a foundation from

which he may understandWhy rsync behaves as it does.

The limitations of rsync.

Why a requested feature is unsuited to the code-base.

This document describes in general terms the construction

and behaviour of Rsync. In some cases details and exceptions

that would contribute to specific accuracy have

been sacrificed for the sake meeting the broader goals.

Processes and Roles

When we talk about Rsync we use specific terms to refer to

various processes and their roles in the task performed by

the utility. For effective communication it is important that we

all be speaking the same language; likewise it is important

that we mean the same things when we use certain terms in a

given context. On the rsync mailing list there is often

some confusion with regards to role and processes. For

these reasons I will define a few terms

used in the role and process contexts that will be used henceforth.clientroleThe client initiates the synchronisation.

serverroleThe remote rsync process or system to which the

client connects either within a local transfer, via

a remote shell or via a network socket.

This is a general term and should not be confused with the daemon.

Once the connection between the client and server is established

the distinction between them is superseded by the

sender and receiver roles.

daemonRole and processAn Rsync process that awaits connections from

clients. On a certain platform this would be called a


remote shellrole and set of processesOne or more processes that provide connectivity

between an Rsync client and an Rsync server on a

remote system.

senderrole and processThe Rsync process that has access to the source

files being synchronised.

receiverrole and processAs a role the receiver is the destination system.

As a process the receiver is the process that

receives update data and writes it to disk.

generatorprocessThe generator process identifies changed files and

manages the file level logic.

Process Startup

When an Rsync client is started it will first establish a

connection with a server process. This connection may be

through pipes or over a network socket.

When Rsync communicates with a remote non-daemon server via

a remote shell the startup method is to fork the remote

shell which will start an Rsync server on the remote system.

Both the Rsync client and server are communicating via pipes

through the remote shell. As far as the rsync processes are

concerned there is no network.

In this mode the rsync options for the server process are

passed on the command-line that is used to start the remote


When Rsync is communicating with a daemon it is

communicating directly with a network socket. This is the

only sort of Rsync communication that could be called

network aware.

In this mode the rsync options must be sent over the socket, as

described below.

At the very start of the communication between the client

and the server, they each send the maximum protocol version

they support to the other side.

Each side then uses the minimum value as the the protocol

level for the transfer.

If this is a daemon-mode connection, rsync options are sent

from the client to the server. Then, the exclude list is

transmitted. From this point onward the

client-server relationship is relevant only with regards

to error and log message delivery.

Local Rsync jobs (when the source and destination are both on locally

mounted filesystems) are done exactly like a push. The

client, which becomes the sender, forks a server process to

fulfill the receiver role. The client/sender and

server/receiver communicate with each other over pipes.

The File List

The file list includes not only the pathnames but also

ownership, mode, permissions, size and modtime.

If the --checksum option has been specified it also includes

the file checksums.

The first thing that happens once the startup has completed

is that the sender will create the file list.

While it is being built, each entry is transmitted to the

receiving side in a network-optimised way.

When this is done, each side sorts the file list lexicographically by path

relative to the base directory of the transfer.

(The exact sorting algorithm varies depending on what protocol

version is in effect for the transfer.)

Once that has happened all references to files

will be done by their index in the file list.

If necessary the sender follows the file list with id→name

tables for users and groups which the receiver will use to

do a id→name→id translation for every file in the file


After the file list has been received by the receiver, it

will fork to become the generator and receiver pair

completing the pipeline.

The Pipeline

Rsync is heavily pipelined. This means that it is a set of

processes that communicate in a (largely) unidirectional

way. Once the file list has been shared the pipeline

behaves like this:

generator → sender → receiver

The output of the generator is input for the sender and the

output of the sender is input for the receiver.

Each process runs independently and is delayed only when the

pipelines stall or when waiting for disk I/O or CPU resources.

The Generator

The generator process compares the file list with its local

directory tree. Prior to beginning its primary function, if

--delete has been specified, it will first identify local

files not on the sender and delete them on the receiver.

The generator will then start walking the file list. Each

file will be checked to see if it can be skipped. In the

most common mode of operation files are not skipped if the

modification time or size differs. If --checksum was

specified a file-level checksum will be created and

compared. Directories, device nodes and symlinks are not

skipped. Missing directories will be created.

If a file is not to be skipped, any existing version on the

receiving side becomes the "basis file" for the transfer, and is

used as a data source that will help to eliminate matching data

from having to be sent by the sender. To effect this remote

matching of data, block checksums are created for the basis file

and sent to the sender immediately following the file's index


An empty block checksum set is sent for new files and if

--whole-file was specified.

The block size and, in later versions, the size of the

block checksum are calculated on a per file basis according

to the size of that file.

The Sender

The sender process reads the file index numbers and associated

block checksum sets one at a time from the generator.

For each file id the generator sends it will store the

block checksums and build a hash index of them for rapid lookup.

Then the local file is read and a checksum is

generated for the block beginning with the first byte of the

local file. This block checksum is looked for in the

set that was sent by the generator, and if no match is found,

the non-matching byte will be appended to the non-matching data

and the block starting at the next byte will be compared.

This is what

is referred to as the “rolling checksum”

If a block checksum match is found it is considered a

matching block and any accumulated non-matching data will be

sent to the receiver followed by the offset and length in

the receiver's file of the matching block and the block

checksum generator will be advanced to the next byte after

the matching block.

Matching blocks can be identified in this way even if

the blocks are reordered or at different offsets.

This process is the very heart of the rsync algorithm.

In this way, the sender will give the receiver instructions for

how to reconstruct the source file into a new destination file.

These instructions detail all the matching data that can be

copied from the basis file (if one exists for the transfe),

and includes any raw data that was not available locally.

At the end of each file's processing a whole-file

checksum is sent and the sender proceeds with the next


Generating the rolling checksums and searching for matches

in the checksum set sent by the generator require a good

deal of CPU power. Of all the rsync processes it is the

sender that is the most CPU intensive.

The Receiver

The receiver will read from the sender data for each file

identified by the file index number. It will open the local

file (called the basis) and will create a temporary file.

The receiver will expect to read non-matched data and/or to match

records all in sequence for the final file contents. When

non-matched data is read it will be written to the

temp-file. When a block match record is received the

receiver will seek to the block offset in the basis file

and copy the block to the temp-file. In this way the

temp-file is built from beginning to end.

The file's checksum is generated as the temp-file is built.

At the end of the file, this checksum is compared with the

file checksum from the sender. If the file checksums do not

match the temp-file is deleted. If the file fails once it

will be reprocessed in a second phase, and if it fails twice

an error is reported.

After the temp-file has been completed, its ownership and

permissions and modification time are set. It is then

renamed to replace the basis file.

Copying data from the basis file to the temp-file make the

receiver the most disk intensive of all the rsync processes.

Small files may still be in disk cache mitigating this but

for large files the cache may thrash as the generator has

moved on to other files and there is further latency caused

by the sender. As

data is read possibly at random from one file and written to

another, if the working set is larger than the disk cache,

then what is called a seek storm can occur, further

hurting performance.

The Daemon

The daemon process, like many daemons, forks for every

connection. On startup, it parses the rsyncd.conf file

to determine what modules exist and to set the global options.

When a connection is received for a defined module the

daemon forks a new child process to handle the connection.

That child process then reads the rsyncd.conf file to set

the options for the requested module, which may chroot to the

module path and may drop setuid and setgid for the

process. After that it will behave just like any other

rsync server process adopting either a sender or receiver


The Rsync Protocol

A well-designed communications protocol has a number of

characteristics.Everything is sent in well defined packets with

a header and an optional body or data payload.

In each packet's header a type and or command


Each packet has a definite length.

In addition to these characteristics, protocols have varying degrees of

statefulness, inter-packet independence, human readability,

and the ability to reestablish a disconnected session.

Rsync's protocol has none of these good characteristics. The data is

transferred as an unbroken stream of bytes. With the

exception of the unmatched file-data, there are no length

specifiers nor counts. Instead the meaning of each byte is

dependent on its context as defined by the protocol level.

As an example, when the sender is sending the file list it

simply sends each file list entry and terminates the list

with a null byte. Within the file list entries, a bitfield

indicates which fields of the structure to expect and those

that are variable length strings are simply null terminated.

The generator sending file numbers and block checksum sets

works the same way.

This method of communication works quite well on reliable

connections and it certainly has less data overhead than the

formal protocols. It unfortunately makes the protocol

extremely difficult to document, debug or extend.

Each version of the protocol will have subtle differences on

the wire that can only be anticipated by knowing the exact

protocol version.


This document is a work in progress. The author expects

that it has some glaring oversights and some portions that may be

more confusing than enlightening for some readers. It is

hoped that this could evolve into a useful reference.

Specific suggestions for improvement are welcome, as would be a

complete rewrite.





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