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Marketing peoplehave identified a new group of consumers.They are “Super Greenies”and they are fashionably concerned about the environment.

How will you recognize them? That is easy.They buy organic,locally-grown food.They use eco-friendly detergent,washing powder,soap and shampoo.They take reusable bagsto the supermarketfor their shopping,thusavoiding collecting loads of plastic bags.In their homesthey have replaced conventional light bulbswith energy efficient ones.Kids’ toys and their gadgetsrun on rechargeable batteries.Their next car will be a hybridpowered by electricity and gas.They’re keen on cycling, hiking, photography, yoga and gardening. They probably grow their own vegetables.


And they recycle everything. Garbage is sorted into glass, tin, paper, cardboard and kitchen waste. Kitchen waste (food, scraps, eggshells, coffee grinds, tea leaves) all goes into the compost heap in the garden. Likewise, grass cuttings and soft weeds. After a few months the whole lot breaks down to produce a rich compost. They take their old refrigerator to a council collection point where the CFCs (which damage the ozone layer) can be safely removed. They don’t wear acrylic fibers: all their sweaters are woolen. Likewise their beds and furniture are made from 100 percent natural materials.


Super Greenies sound like nice neighbors. The kind of people you could invite to your barbecue (organic sausages only).

However, US-based Scarborough Research discovered some key facts about Super Greenies. They enjoy the finer things in life, including quality cosmetics (not tested on animals), fine jewelry and wine. Some 60 percent of them own a second home; it’s likely they bought a camera costing more than 500 dollars (3,199 yuan) in the past year; and 75 percent of them are likely to have a household income of 150,000 dollars. And their other car is likely to be a gas-guzzling green Land Rover.


Sara Laskow, writing on the website of Good Environment, said, “This is why green consumerism is not going to save planets. It is clear that buying green laundry detergent and eco-friendly lipstick is not going to make a dent in the world’s carbon emissions, particularly when people buying these products are buying twice as many of them in order to stock both their homes.”


Bill Gates, Microsoft’s head honcho, is vesting in clean energy technologies. In May he argued that on an individual level green investment such as rooftop solar panels are merely “cuteness”. Gates argued that real solutions lie in systematic change, such as increase in large-scale solar farms.


Laskow said: “Change can happen at a consumer level, but it takes more dedication, effort and sacrifice than the Super Greenie lifestyle entails.”

She went on: “Instead of feeling pressure to keep up with the Joneses, we are feeling pressure to keep up with the Greenies. Perhaps it’s time to take a step back and consider simple ways for even Super Greenies to live in a more eco-friendly way.”

She suggested Super Greenies should fly less, and reduce their expensive hobbies. For the rest of us who can’t afford a private jet or even eco-friendly detergent, it’s good to know that simply possessing less stuff is a way of being green.

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