oracle11g压力测试工具,ORACLE RDBMS 压力测试工具:orabm orastress


作者:Geoff Ingram 曾就职于oracle开发部门,是《High Performance Oracle》一书的作者

· Orabmload: loads TPC-C compliant data into a user-chosen number of

Warehouses --测试数据加载工具

· Orabm: stresses the CPU and memory of an Oracle DBMS

server --CPU和内存测试工具,开源

· Orastress!: stresses the DBMS server with a

multi-session, multi-instance

load --多会话,多并发测试工具,需要申请key

Orabm is a set of SQL scripts and command line program (Orabm)

designed to help answer the question:

"how does my server perform under a CPU/memory intensive

Oracle database workload"

The code is downloadable from:

The Orabm data loader program (Orabmload) generates a TPC-C

compliant set of data against which the test runs, and orabm runs

the stress test itself.

Source code for both Orabm (orabm.c) and Orabmload

(orabmload.pc) is available.

Note: Ready-built executables for Oracle9i on Sun

Solaris, Linux, and Windows are provided – the Windows version

means you can run the entire suite from any PC, even a low-end one,

where Oracle client software is installed. The database can be any

Oracle database accessible by Oracle Net.

If you don't run Oracle on those platforms you can easily build

your own versions from source, using instructions in Appendix A.

POSIX threads support is required to build orabm, which runs

multiple concurrent database sessions at once from separate threads

in the same program.

The chief characteristics of a workload to meet the goal of

stressing the CPUs are:

1. it runs entirely within the DBMS server thereby avoiding delays

from client/server roundtrips.

2. there is no wait time between transactions

3. all transactions are read-only to avoid file-write operations

4. the set of tables which the stress test runs against fit entirely

within a 200MB buffer cache

Provided that you allocate an Oracle System Global Area (SGA)

with a 200MB buffer cache, the Oracle workload imposed by orabm

should result in no physical I/O at all, once the data is

cached - just logical I/O from the Oracle buffer

cache, resulting in intensive use of CPU and memory.

All objects used by the stress test are owned by ORABM. Follow

the steps below to install the objects and load the test data,

making sure that ORACLE_SID is set to the database that you want to

run the test against:





create the ORABM user (assumes TOOLS tablespace, TEMP temporary


sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_user


create the tables

sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_tab


load the data

$ orabmload Warehouses 1


create the indexes

sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_ind


analyze the tables and indexes

sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_analyze


create the stress-test PL/SQL procedures

sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_serverside_stress


cache the table and index data in the SGA

sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_cache

Note: you can optionally run Orabmload against a remote

database by first setting the environment symbol LOCAL (Windows) or

TWO_TASK (UNIX/Linux) to contain an Oracle Net alias where you

installed the objects. Keep in mind this will be a lot slower than

running the load from the server where the database is


Atfer completing the list, you can use the orabm_query_cache.sql

script to display the approximate percent of each table's data and

index blocks present in the block buffer cache. This should be

close to 100%.

Orabm works by running a user-specified number of database

transactions in each of a user-specified number of concurrent

database sessions. The transactions are executed by the

ORABM_SERVERSIDE_STRESS stored procedure, under the schema


For each concurrent session, ORABM_SERVERSIDE_STRESS runs the

number of transactions specified on the orabm command line, and

returns the transactions per second (TPS) value for that session

during the sampling interval on completion. To ensure that all

concurrent sessions are processing transactions during the sampling

interval, the TPS value only includes results from the middle 80%

of transactions: the first 10% and last 10% are ignored.

The transactions are loosely based on the TPC-C Order-Status and

Stock-Level transactions, using a predefined distribution of

transactions. The transaction split, which is based on data

returned by the DBMS_RANDOM package, should be:



The string returned by ORABM_SERVERSIDE_STRESS includes the

transaction split during the test, to ensure that the transaction

distribution is correct, subject to random fluctuations e.g.: on=2384(29.8%) oi=1573(19.7%)...

Once you have set up the test tables, data, and indexes, you're

ready to run orabm. The following command shows orabm running 20000

transactions in a single session against the Oracle database

identified by ORACLE_SID in the UNIX environment:

$ orabm 1 20000

This command line runs the same workload against a remote

database identified by the Oracle Net alias from a

Windows command box:

C:\> orabm 1 20000

Note: running against a remote database has little (if any),

affect on the transaction throughput, because all processing takes

place on the DBMS server.

Execution of a single Orabm session should show a single CPU at

close to 100% utilization, provided that all table and index data

is present in the Oracle block buffer cache and no other workload

is running on the database server. On UNIX or Linux, you can use

the “top” command to confirm this, or check that no "db file

sequential read" event waits are taking place for the Oracle

session using info in the V$SESSION_EVENT view - these indicate

waits for physical I/O.

Alternatively, if your Oracle DBMS is running on Linux, you can

use the gkrellm performance monitor to show that CPU utilization of

a single CPU is at ~100% and no physical I/O is taking place.

Gkrellm can be downloaded from:

Here's an example of the command line you would use to run 10000

transactions against a local Oracle database for three iterations.

In the first iteration, one session runs, in the second iteration

two concurrent sessions run, and in the third iteration, six

concurrent sessions run:

$ orabm 1,2,6 10000

Keep in mind that the specified number of transactions is run in

each concurrent session.

Note: you should specify sufficient transactions such that

the TPS results produced don't fluctuate significantly between runs

for a given number of sessions; 100000 is a good value to


Output is appended to a log file orabm.database.log,

where database is either the ORACLE_SID or TNS alias that

identifies the database where the test was run e.g. orabm.t92.log.

For each iteration, the TPS value for each concurrent session

appears between begin and end markers. For example,

the following shows the contents of the log for two concurrent

sessions - in this case the second iteration for the previous

command line example - where txn(all) displays the total

transaction count, and xn(sam) and t(sam) show the total

transactions and time for the middle 80% of transactions for which

sampling took place:

---begin sess=2 txn=10000 ORACLE_SID=t92 Fri

Nov 8 20:31:48 2002

T92.WORLD txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=44 tps=182 ...

T92.WORLD txn(all)=10000 xn(sam)=7999 t(sam)=45 tps=178 ...

---end - Fri Nov 8 20:32:46 2002

The total TPS for this iteration is the sum of the TPS for the

two concurrent sessions (182+178=360). A shell script

( can be used to process output from the log on UNIX

and Linux. The script aggregates the TPS values for concurrent

sessions in a single iteration into a total TPS value for that

iteration. The output based on the log info from the previous

command line (3 iterations with 1, then 2, then 6 concurrent

sessions) shows:

$ orabm.t92.log

ORACLE_SID=t92 sess=1 tps=182

ORACLE_SID=t92 sess=2 tps=360

ORACLE_SID=t92 sess=6 tps=364

In this example the server was a 2 CPU model - as a result, 2

concurrent sessions running in orabm are enough to completely

utilize all available CPU capacity. Additional sessions should

result in the total TPS remaining unchanged, or even falling

slightly as the operating system performs context switches to share

the overloaded CPU resource between more ready-to-run sessions than

available CPUs.

Orastress! is a Windows command line utility and Oracle package

procedure designed to help answer the question:

"how does my server perform under a wide range of Oracle DBMS


The code is downloadable from:

Note: to run Orastress! you need a Windows PC with

Oracle9i client software, and one or more Oracle instances

accessible via Oracle net.

Orastress! requires the same TPC-C schema used by the Orabm CPU

stress test. The schema and objects should be installed as shown in

the following table.

It’s important to be aware that, while Orabm uses a TPC-C schema

with a single Warehouse to ensure all data can be cached in memory,

with Orastress! you can choose the number of Warehouses to be a

higher value.

Note: the size of the data loaded scales with the number of

Warehouses. A 10 Warehouse schema requires approximately 1GB of

database space. If you already loaded data for Orabm, run the SQL

“DROP USER ORABM CASCADE” first to prepare for Orastress!.

Create the ORABM schema objects, then load and analyze the data

as follows:





create the ORABM user (assumes TOOLS tablespace, TEMP temporary


sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_user


create the tables

sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_tab


load the data

$ orabmload Warehouses n


create the indexes

sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_ind


analyze the tables and indexes

sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_analyze


Ensure ORABM can run the DBMS_LOCK package

As SYS run:


The Orastress! workload for each session is generated by the

ORABM.ORASTRESS.STRESS package procedure. To create the tables

required for the Orastress! insert tests, and install the package

against the database identified by

(where you loaded

the test data), run:










By default you can run one session per database at any

time. This in itself provides useful information

on server performance.

You need to register and get a key to create

more than one concurrent load session per database.

To get a trial key free of charge, please complete the following

online form. Your trial key details will be

emailed to you shortly thereafter.

Your Serial number is displayed by running Orastress! without

command line arguments from a DOS command window e.g.:


Serial: D5F8-C0A0

After receiving the key, install as follows by entering the Name

and Key into the dialog box that displays when you run:

C:\orabm>orastress! register

Orastress! contains significant enhancements over Orabm:

· it provides 4 different types of workloads.

· it can execute against multiple instances in each iteration, from

the same command line.

Command line usage:

orastress! –s sess-iterations-list –t

transacts-per-sess –c tns-alias-list –m mode [

-s batchsize]


transactions-per-session in each iteration is run

concurrently against all aliases in tns-alias-list

mode is one of


batchsize is

optional number of rows inserted per transaction for INS and DIO

mode (default 10000)

Note: a COMMIT takes place after each batchsize insert in INS

or DIO mode.

Note: when Orastress! runs in READ mode against a single

Warehouse, the code executed is identical to Orabm.

Example 1:

orastress! –s 1 –t 50000 –c –m


Run one iteration - comprising 50000 transactions in 1 session -


Example 2:

orastress! –s 2 –t 50000 –c, –m oltp

Run one iteration comprising 2 concurrent

sessions of 50000 transactions on each of,

giving a total of 4 concurrent

sessions. The location of the instances specified

by, is entirely down to the

user. They could be:

· 2 instances of a RAC cluster

· different non RAC instances on the same server

· different non RAC instances on different servers (e.g. one on

Linux, one on Solaris)

Example 3:

orastress! –s 1,2,4 –t 50000 –c

inst1,inst2,inst3,inst4 –m read

Run 3 iterations each

of 50000 transactions on each

of four instances: inst1, inst2, inst3 and inst4,

where the number of concurrent sessions in each iteration is:


iteration: 1 concurrent session on each instance, giving 4 sessions total


iteration: 2 concurrent sessions on each instance, giving 8 sessions total

3rd iteration: 4 concurrent sessions on each instance, giving 16


Output is very similar to Orabm, showing the transactions per

second for each session in each iteration and the

transaction split between the five TPC-C transactions for OLTP


---begin mode=oltp sess=1 txn=5000 TNS=l Fri Sep 19 22:11:06


LXD1.WORLD #1 w=3 txn(all)=5000 xn(sam)=3999 t(sam)=431 tps=92.8


---end - Fri Sep 19 22:20:19 2003

You need to add the tps= values in each iteration session to

give the total tps for that iteration.

Note: the instance id is given by #1.

Orastress! in OLTP mode enables you to monitor performance via

SQL during execution as follows:

-- use this SQL to show total

Transactions/Sec (TPS) for a single instance

select sum(substr(module,instr(module,'#')+1))

tps from

v$session where module like 'oltp%#%';

-- use this SQL to show total TPS per

instance for RAC


inst_id,sum(substr(module,instr(module,'#')+1)) tps from

gv$session where module like 'oltp%#%'

group by inst_id

-- use this SQL to show total TPS

cluster-wide for RAC

select sum(substr(module,instr(module,'#')+1))

tps from

gv$session where module like 'oltp%#%'

To convey the maximum information about performance during

execution, a graphical presentation of wait events and statistics

is required. For example, you can use the Event Profiles and

Statistic Profiles options in the Enterprise Edition free trial of

empower! to show wait events and statistics for all nodes in

a RAC cluster on a single display. You can download empower!


The following screenshot shows significant amounts of waits for

I/O (“db file sequential read”) and row level locks (“enqueue”)

during a three-session iteration of Orastress! on Red Hat Linux ES

2.1, running on a single instance:

The following hardware and Oracle configuration produced ~100

TPS for a single session in repeated tests:

· Oracle

· Red Hat Linux ES 2.1 kernel 2.4.9-e.12

· 1 x Pentium P4 1.4GHz processor


· database located on 10000rpm Ultra160 18GB SCSI drive

· 10 Warehouse schema (Orabmload – 50 mins load time)

· 8K blocksize database

· 3 x 100MB redo logs

· 500K redo log buffer

TOOLS tablespace definition as follows:



'/u03/oradata/LXD1/tools01.dbf' SIZE 2000M






Tip: set the TOOLS tablespace file size to ensure no

autoextend takes place during the monitored interval.

Significant Oracle initialization parameters:

db_cache_size 268435456

db_file_multiblock_read_count 16

log_buffer 524288

log_checkpoint_interval 0

pga_aggregate_target 25165824

shared_pool_size 83886080

sga_max_size 403772716

workarea_size_policy AUTO

If the supplied executables of orabm and orabmload don't


for your OS or version of Oracle, you can create both from the

source code.

· orabmload.pc is a Pro*C program.

· orabm.c is an OCI program.

For orabmload you need Pro*C installed (check for


For orabmload and orabm, you need a C compiler. On Linux, gcc is


You can also download ready-built binaries of gcc for many other

OS, including Solaris.

Note: The table and index creation scripts assume a TOOLS

tablespace. For 10g this doesn’t exist by

default, so you need to create it.

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo

Copy orabmload.pc to this directory.

Edit and add orabmload to the DEMOS symbol


DEMOS=orabmload cdemo1 …

$ make -f orabmload PROC=$ORACLE_HOME/bin/proc

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo

Copy orabm to this directory.

Edit and add orabm to the DEMOS symbol e.g.:

DEMOS=orabm cdemo1 …

$ make -f orabm

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