python 线性回归 约束_用Python实现线性回归

from random import sample, normalvariate

from utils import load_boston_house_prices, train_test_split, get_r2, run_time, min_max_scale

class LinearRegression(object):

def __init__(self):

"""Linear regression classAttributes:bias: bweights: W"""

self.bias = None

self.weights = None

def _linear(self, Xi):

"""y = WX + bArguments:Xi{list}-- 1d list object with int or floatReturns:float -- y"""

return sum(wi * xij for wi, xij in zip(self.weights, Xi)) + self.bias

def _get_gradient_delta(self, Xi, yi):

"""Calculate the gradient delta of the partial derivative of MSELoss function:L = (y - y_hat) ^ 2L = (y - W * X - b) ^ 2Get partial derivative of W:dL/dW = -2 * (y - W * X - b) * XdL/dW = -2 * (y - y_hat) * XGet partial derivative of b:dL/db = -2 * (y - W * X - b)dL/db = -2 * (y - y_hat)----------------------------------------------------------------Arguments:Xi{list}-- 1d list object with intyi{float}Returns:tuple -- Gradient delta of bias and weight"""

y_hat = self._linear(Xi)

bias_grad_delta = yi - y_hat

weights_grad_delta = [bias_grad_delta * Xij for Xij in Xi]

return bias_grad_delta, weights_grad_delta

def _batch_gradient_descent(self, X, y, lr, epochs):

"""Update the gradient by the whole datasetb = b - learning_rate * 1/m * b_grad_i, b_grad_i

m, n = len(X), len(X[0])

self.bias = 0

self.weights = [normalvariate(0, 0.01) for _ in range(n)]

# Calculate the gradient of each epoch(iteration)

for _ in range(epochs):

bias_grad = 0

weights_grad = [0 for _ in range(n)]

# Calculate and sum the gradient delta of each sample

for i in range(m):

bias_grad_delta, weights_grad_delta = self._get_gradient_delta(

X[i], y[i])

bias_grad += bias_grad_delta

weights_grad = [w_grad + w_grad_d for w_grad,

w_grad_d in zip(weights_grad, weights_grad_delta)]

# Update the bias and weight by gradient of current epoch

self.bias += lr * bias_grad * 2 / m

self.weights = [w + lr * w_grad * 2 / m for w,

w_grad in zip(self.weights, weights_grad)]

def _stochastic_gradient_descent(self, X, y, lr, epochs, sample_rate):

"""Update the gradient by the random sample of datasetb = b - learning_rate * b_sample_grad_i, b_sample_grad_i

m, n = len(X), len(X[0])

k = int(m * sample_rate)

self.bias = 0

self.weights = [normalvariate(0, 0.01) for _ in range(n)]

# Calculate the gradient of each epoch(iteration)

for _ in range(epochs):

# Calculate the gradient delta of each sample

for i in sample(range(m), k):

bias_grad, weights_grad = self._get_gradient_delta(X[i], y[i])

# Update the bias and weight by gradient of current sample

self.bias += lr * bias_grad

self.weights = [w + lr * w_grad for w,

w_grad in zip(self.weights, weights_grad)]

def fit(self, X, y, lr, epochs, method="batch", sample_rate=1.0):

"""Train linear regression modelArguments:X{list}-- 2D list with int or floaty{list}-- 1D list with int or floatlr{float}-- Learning rateepochs{int}-- Number of epochs to update the gradientKeyword Arguments:method{str}-- "batch" or "stochastic" (default: {"batch"})sample_rate{float}-- Between 0 and 1 (default:{1.0})"""

assert method in ("batch", "stochastic")

# batch gradient descent

if method == "batch":

self._batch_gradient_descent(X, y, lr, epochs)

# stochastic gradient descent

if method == "stochastic":

self._stochastic_gradient_descent(X, y, lr, epochs, sample_rate)

def _predict(self, Xi):

"""Auxiliary function of predict.Arguments:Xi{list}-- 1d list object with int or floatReturns:int or float -- prediction of yi"""

# Product the weighs and Xi then add the bias

return self._linear(Xi)

def predict(self, X):

"""Get the prediction of y.Arguments:X{list}-- 2D list with int or floatReturns:list -- prediction of y"""

return [self._predict(xi) for xi in X]

def main():


def batch():

print("Tesing the accuracy of LinearRegression(batch)...")

# Train model

reg = LinearRegression(), y=y_train, lr=0.02, epochs=5000)

# Model accuracy

get_r2(reg, X_test, y_test)


def stochastic():

print("Tesing the accuracy of LinearRegression(stochastic)...")

# Train model

reg = LinearRegression(), y=y_train, lr=0.001, epochs=1000,

method="stochastic", sample_rate=0.5)

# Model accuracy

get_r2(reg, X_test, y_test)

# Load data

X, y = load_boston_house_prices()

X = min_max_scale(X)

# Split data randomly, train set rate 70%

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=10)



if __name__ == "__main__":






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