java编程试算平衡_某企业月末编制试算平衡表时,因“原材料”账户的余额计算不正确,导致试算平衡表中月末借方余额合计为65 000元,而全部账户月末贷方余额合计为60 000元,则“原材料”账户( )...

【口语题】Make a table analysis of a job advertisement for a transport according to the example analysis in Unit 3 PPT. (50.0分)

【口语题】Project 6 Delivering a Informative + Persuasive Presentation Final Tasks: (1)Choose a topic that you are familiar with and you think important ; (2) Prepare and deliver an informative + persuasive presentation; (3) With no less than 3 minutes; (4) Invite questions afterwards; (5) Hand over to the next presenter; (6) Finally record a video of your presentation and upload it here. (90.0分)

【简答题】3. 简述健康教育诊断的步骤.

【单选题】若熔覆点在粉末流场汇聚点上方,则称粉末流场( )。

【简答题】Make a PPT document to show what knowledge you have learned today.


【论述题】南阳县地处半山区,方圆20余公里,人口45万,以农业生产为主,文化经济水平中等,农民家庭中电视机普及率达75%,主要在夜晚收看新闻和娱乐节目。农民中文盲率约15%,育龄妇女大多是家庭妇女,文盲率达27%。县健康教育工作者通过社区需求调查发现,本县婴儿腹泻发病率很高。大多数儿童母亲和部分乡村医生认为腹泻是由于孩子“吃了火奶”或着凉引起,很少有人把腹泻同不洗手等不卫生习惯联系起来。依照长辈的指导,她们对婴儿腹泻的常用疗法是停止喂奶或减少喂奶次数,到乡医处打吊针吃消炎药。 (1) 该县农村儿童母亲关于婴儿腹泻的知识、态度、行为如何? (2) 如何根据该人群特点选择传播途径?如何设计讯息(材料、内容、表达形式)?

【简答题】Write your own resume for the postion of assistant manager or the transport manager in the given job ads. (30.0分)

【简答题】Project 3 Evaluation Table.docx Fill in the evaluation form for project 3. (10.0分)

【简答题】Write an email of developing potential customers for your own company and products. (35.0分)


【口语题】Analyze the following case with the 7 ethical rules: You boss calls you into her office and praises you for doing excellent work on a recent project. She suggests that this level of performance is likely to earn you a promotion and raise. In truth, a colleague made a far greater contribution to the project. How do you respond to your boss’praise? (1) State clearly your decision on how to deal with such a situation; (2) Write down the words you may say to the "boss" in the case; (3) Analyze how many of the 7 ethical rules has your idea(decision) followed and broken and improve your idea if necessary. (50.0分)

【简答题】Project 6 Evaluation Table Evaluation Table.docx Fill in the Evaluation Table for Project 6. (10.0分)

【口语题】Project 3 Communicating with Boss and Colleagues Final Task Choose one of the following cases or else to act out a communication with your potential boss or coworker and upload the video, using skills of attentive listening, encouragement or praise and making your solution to the case as ethical as possible; then check your performance with your self-evaluation table on this project task: Project 3 Evaluation Table.docx Case 1 In a Benz store, a coworker tells you that he’s about to buy an expensive Benz car with a large sum of bank loan: “I’ll take it”. But that decision will trap him/her into great debt. Besides, you recently learned from a business meeting that he/she was going to be laid off next month. “Those who on the list have to leave next month.” however, you we are told to keep it a secret. Case 2 Your friend is applying for a job and has invited you to act as a reference for him/her. A questionnaire sent by the employer asks if there is any reason you cannot recommend the applicant. You know that your friend is struggling with an alcohol problem, which led to dismissal from a previous job. Do you mention this problem on the reference form? If so, how? Case 3 Your boss calls you into her office and praises you for doing excellent work on a recent project. She suggests that this level of performance is likely to earn you a promotion and rise. In truth, a colleague made a far greater contribution to the project. How do you respond to your boss’ praise? Case 4 As part of your job, you learn that some damaged equipment can be repaired for $15000. Your supervisor tells to claim much greater damage so that the insurance company will pay close to $100,000. What do you do? (90.0分)

【简答题】Design and create a broadcasting advertisement for your own products with both English and Chinese versions. (40.0分)

【简答题】Translate the following words and expressions into English. 1 实现出口目标 2 开展市场调查 3 建立营销渠道 4 国际贸易中的失利 5 不充分的准备 6 对市场有深入的了解 7 视察 8 做详细的评估 9 获得好名声 10 广告运作活动 11 为品牌塑造生命的过程 12 手工地毯 13 海量选择 14 送货上门 15 退货保障 16 提供各种产品 17平等互利 18 畅销欧洲、南美和东南亚 19 建立长期的业务关系 20 可靠的贸易伙伴 21 这是真正的便宜货。 22 本月 23 试订货 24 提供退换货服务 25 给予特殊折扣 (25.0分)


【填空题】香烟中主要的有害物质有 、 、 三种。

【简答题】Select 10 words or phrases from the learning materials including in today's lesson, look them up in the Baidu online dictionary and write down their meanings with example sentences. (25.0分)

【简答题】4. 简述健康教育项目评价的种类。

【简答题】Select 10 words or phrases from the learning materials included in today's lesson, look them up in the Baidu online dictionary and write down their meanings with example sentences. (50.0分)


【口语题】Make up a dialogue on consignment time for your international trading business and then act out the dialogue with your partner and upload the script of the dialogue and video(s) of your performance on the platform here. (25.0分)

【简答题】2. 简述教育与健康相关行为的关系

【名词解释】C 型行为模式:

【简答题】Write a job application email for the postion of assistant manager or the transport manager in the given job ads. (30.0分)


【简答题】Make a summary of what knowledge you have learned today. (25.0分)

【简答题】设计 φ36k6工作量规的极限尺寸。

【口语题】Make up a dialogue on packing methods for your international trading business and then act out the dialogue with your partner and upload the script of the dialogue and video(s) of your performance on the platform here. (25.0分)

【简答题】Make a summary of what knowledge you have learned today. (20.0分)

【填空题】据目前各国学者对老年人性格类型的研究成果,基本上归结为以下几个类型: 、 、 、 、 。



【口语题】Develop a group and act out a mini-play to show importance of communication or communication skills.

【口语题】Make up a dialogue on mode of transportation about your own products and then act out the dialogue with your partner and upload the script of the dialogue and video(s) of your performance on the platform here. (25.0分)

【口语题】Role play the following requirements: (1)act out 3 skillss to show attentive listening; (2)praise or compliment your partner appropriately. (50.0分)

【简答题】Select 10 words or phrases from the learning materials including in today's lesson, look them up in the Baidu online dictionary and write down their meanings with example sentences. (50.0分)


【填空题】艾滋病的主要传播途径有: 、 、 三种。

【简答题】Select 10 words or phrases from the learning materials including in today's lesson, look them up in the Baidu online dictionary and write down their meanings with example sentences. (30.0分)

【简答题】Translate the following words and expressions into English. 1 在某方面达成一致 2 走海运发货 3 写出表示运输、发货的五个动词 4 分相等的三批进行装运 5 备货 6 制单 7 订舱 8 复杂的手续 9 直运 10 在香港转船 11 我向你保证 12 交货任务很重 13 购货旺季 14 想办法提前装运 15 联系工厂 16 装船通知 17 不迟于九月上旬 18 对此您尽管放心 19 薄膜包装 20 密实填充 21 防止货物受震和开裂 22 挂式包装 23 罩板包装 24 每两打装一盒,一百盒装一木箱 25 经得起远洋运输 (25.0分)

【简答题】Select 10 words or phrases from the learning materials including in today's lesson, look them up in the Baidu online dictionary and write down their meanings with example sentences.

【简答题】Write your own resume for the postion of assistant manager or the transport manager in the given job ads. (40.0分)


【填空题】根据 PRECEDE 模式,健康教育诊断首要步骤应为 。

【简答题】Select 10 words or phrases from the learning materials including in today's lesson, look them up in the Baidu online dictionary and write down their meanings with example sentences. (20.0分)

【简答题】1. 《渥太华宣言》提出的健康促进的三个基本策略?

【简答题】Make a summary of what knowledge you have learned today. (50.0分)

【论述题】1 、 为什么说高血压防治是社会综合性问题,而非单纯的医学问题。





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