Aim: to insert a character every x characters in a string in Golang
Input: helloworldhelloworldhelloworld
Expected Output: hello-world-hello-world-hello-world
Attempt one
package main
import (
func main() {
s := "helloworldhelloworldhelloworld"
s = strings.Replace(s, "world", ",", -1)
results in: hello,hello,hello,
Attempt two
Count number of characters
For loop
If X=5 then insert a -
Attempt three
Scan combined with join
The reason that attempts two and three do not contain code snippets at the moment is that I am still thinking what approach should be used to insert a character every X characters in a string in Golang.
This function just inserts '-' each Nth element
func insertNth(s string,n int) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
var n_1 = n - 1
var l_1 = len(s) - 1
for i,rune := range s {
if i % n == n_1 && i != l_1 {
return buffer.String()