pb链接oracle unknown error opening,form builder 常见错误代码


FRM-30369: Popup menu item specifies non-existent submenu %s.

Cause: You specified an invalid submenu name.

Action: Check the submenu name and try again.


FRM-30370: Popup menu must have at least one item.

Cause: The popup menu has no items in it.

Action: Add at least one menu item to the popup menu.


FRM-30373: Invalid command type specified for popup menu item.

Cause: You selected a command type that is not valid for popup menu items.

Action: Select a command type that is valid for popup menu items.


FRM-30374: Invalid item type for popup menu item.

Cause: You selected an invalid item type for a popup menu item.

Action: Select a valid item type.


FRM-30375: Datatype for non-Min/Max summary item must be Number.

Cause: A summary item with a summary function of Count, Sum, Avg, Variance, or Stdev has a datatype other than Number.

Action: Remove the summary item or change its datatype to Number.


FRM-30376: Datatype for Min/Max summary item must match summarized item.

Cause: A summary item with a summary function of Min or Max has a datatype that does not match the datatype of the summarized item.

Action: Remove the summary item or change its datatype to match the datatype of the summarized item.


FRM-30377: Summary item must reside in single-record block or in same block as summarized item.

Cause: A summary item resides in a different block from the summarized item, and the summary item's block does not have its Single Record property set to Yes.

Action: Move the summary item to the block that contains the summarized item, or to a block with the Single Record property set to Yes.


FRM-30378: Summarized item must not be summary item and must not reside in single-record block.

Cause: A summary item specifies one of the following as its summarized item:

1. Another summary item.

2. An item in a block with the Single Record property set to Yes.

Action: Remove the summary item, or change it to summarize a non-summary item in a block with the Single Record property set to No.


FRM-30380: There is a circular chain of dependent calculated items:

Cause: There is a circular chain of calculated items, such that the value of each item in the chain depends on the value of the next item in the chain.

The items in the chain are listed below the error message.

Action: Remove an item in the chain, or change an item in the chain so that it does not depend on any other item in the chain.

For a formula item, you must ensure that neither the formula nor any function or procedure that it calls refers to any item in the chain.

For a summary item, you must ensure that the item it summarizes is not in the chain.


FRM-30390: Warning: Hint property ignored for calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: The Hint property was specified for a calculated item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action required.


FRM-30391: Warning: Copy Value from Item property ignored for calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: The Copy Value from Item property was specified for a calculated item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action required.


FRM-30392: Warning: Initial Value ignored for calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: The Initial Value property was specified for a calculated item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action required.


FRM-30393: Warning: Highest Value Allowed ignored for calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: The Highest Value Allowed property was specified for a calculated item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action required.


FRM-30394: Warning: Lowest Value Allowed ignored for calculated item %s.%s.

Cause: The Lowest Value Allowed property was specified for a calculated item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action required.


FRM-30395: Other Values required for calculated item.

Cause: The Mapping of Other Values property was not specified for a calculated item that is a check box, list item, or radio group.

Action: Set the Mapping of Other Values property for the item.


FRM-30396: Summary Function required for summary item.

Cause: The Summary Function property was specified as None for a summary item.

Action: Set the Summary Function property to a value other than None.


FRM-30397: Warning: Summary Function ignored for non-summary item %s.%s.

Cause: The Summary Function property was specified for an item which is not a summary item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action is necessary. To prevent the warning in the future, set the Summary Function property to None.


FRM-30398: Summarized Block Name and Summarized Item Name properties are required for summary items.

Cause: The Summarized Block Name and Summarized Item Name properties were not set for a summary item.

Action: Specify values for the properties.


FRM-30399: Warning: Summarized Item Name ignored for non-summary item %s.%s.

Cause: The Summarized Block Name or Summarized Item Name property was specified for an item which is not a summary item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action required.


FRM-30400: Formula required for formula item.

Cause: The Formula property was not specified for a formula item.

Action: Specify the Formula property.


FRM-30401: Warning: Formula ignored for non-formula item %s.%s.

Cause: The Formula property was specified for an item which is not a formula item. It will be ignored.

Action: No action is necessary. To prevent the warning in the future, clear the Formula property.


FRM-30402: Calculated item cannot be an LOV return item.

Cause: A calculated item is specified as a return item in the column mapping for an LOV.

Action: Remove the return item, or specify an item that is not a calculated item.


FRM-30403: Calculated item cannot specify a mirror item, or be specified as a mirror item.

Cause: A calculated item specifies a Mirror Item, or is specified as a Mirror Item by some other item in the block.

Action: Remove the Mirror Item property. To make two calculated items effectively mirror each other, make one a formula item whose formula is simply ':' followed by the name of the other calculated item.


FRM-30404: Summarized item's Item Type must not be Button, Chart, Image, Sound, or OLE Container.

Cause: A summary item specifies a summarized item which is a Button, Chart, Image, Sound, or OLE Container. Such an item has no associated data value and thus cannot be summarized.

Action: Remove the summary item, or change its summarized item to be an item which has an associated data value.


FRM-30405: Datatype for Sum/Avg/Variance/Stddev summarized item must be Number.

Cause: A summary item whose summary function is Sum, Avg, Variance, or Stdev specifies a summarized item with a datatype other than Number.

Action: Remove the summary item or change its summarized item to have a datatype of Number.


FRM-30406: Block with array DML must have required primary key items.

Cause: The block's DML Array Size property value is greater than 1, but no items have the Primary Key property set to Yes and one of the following is true:

1. The key mode for the block is either UPDATEABLE_PRIMARY_KEY or NON_UPDATEABLE_PRIMARY_KEY.

2. The datasource to which you are connected does not support UNIQUE key mode.

Action: Do one of the following:

1. Specify a primary key for the data block by setting the Primary Key property value to Yes for one or more items.

2. Set the data block's DML Array Size property to 1.


FRM-30407: Block must have at least one database item.

Cause: The form module contains a data block with no database items.

Action: Define at least one database item for the data block.


FRM-30408: Invalid value.

Cause: The value entered for the specified datatype is invalid.

Action: Correct one or more of the following:

1. The datatype of the argument corresponding to the given value in the procedure argument list of the specified procedure.

2. The value of the argument in the procedure argument list of the specified procedure.


FRM-30409: Delete Record Behavior for the relation is invalid.

Cause: The Delete Record Behavior of the relation is incompatible with its detail data block.

Action: Modify one of the following:

1. The Delete Record Behavior of the relation.

2. The DML Data Target Type/Query Data Source Type of the detail data block. (If the Delete Record Behavior of the relation is Cascading, then the DML Data Target Type of the detail data block must be Table. If the Delete Record Behavior of the relation is Isolated, then the Query Data Source Type of the detail data block must be Table.)


FRM-30410: Warning: Single Record property ignored for non-control block %s.

Cause: A block specifies the 'Single Record' property as 'Yes', but it also specifies a Query Data Source or a DML Data Target.

Action: No action is necessary. To prevent the warning in the future, set the 'Single Record' property to 'No'.


FRM-30411: A memory allocation failed. Re-compile the form, specifying compile_all=yes.

Cause: A memory allocation failed while calculated item dependency information was being computed.

Action: Do one of the following. Compile the form module:

1. 'Stand-alone' (not from within Form Builder), specifying that all PL/SQL code is to be compiled.

2. On a machine with more memory.

3. On a machine running fewer concurrent jobs.


FRM-30413: Relation has no detail block.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies no detail block.

Action: Specify a detail block.


FRM-30414: Relation's detail block does not exist.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies a non-existant detail block.

Action: Specify a detail block that exists.


FRM-30415: Relation's detail block is a control block.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies a detail block that's a control block.

Action: Specify a detail block that's a database block.


FRM-30416: Relation's master block is a control block.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies a master block that's a control block.

Action: Specify a master block that's a database block.


FRM-30417: Relation's detail block is the same as its master block.

Cause: A master-detail relation specifies a detail block that's the same block as the master block.

Action: Specify distinct master and detail blocks.


FRM-30418: Block contains too many items (more than %d) for Windows 3.1.

Cause: The number of items in this block exceeds the maximum allowable per block.

Action: Use fewer items in the block, or divide the items into two or more separate blocks.


FRM-30419: Block scrollbar specifies a tab page %s that does not exist.

Cause: A scrollbar is assigned to a tab page which does not exist in the form.

Action: Check the tab page name and make sure it exists in the owning canvas for this scrollbar.


FRM-30420: Cannot compile QUERY-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Query procedure columns and/or Query procedure arguments are not declared properly.

Action: Correct the Query procedure column definitions and/or Query procedure argument definitions.


FRM-30421: Cannot compile INSERT-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Insert procedure columns and/or Insert procedure arguments are not declared properly.

Action: Correct the Insert procedure column definitions and/or Insert procedure argument definitions.


FRM-30422: Cannot compile UPDATE-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Update procedure columns and/or Update procedure arguments are not declared properly.

Action: Correct the Update procedure column definitions and/or Update procedure argument definitions.


FRM-30423: Cannot compile DELETE-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Delete procedure columns and/or Delete procedure arguments are not declared properly.

Action: Correct the Delete procedure column definitions and/or Delete procedure argument definitions.


FRM-30424: Cannot compile LOCK-PROCEDURE trigger.

Cause: Lock procedure columns and/or Lock procedure arguments are not declared properly.

Action: Correct the Lock procedure column definitions and/or Lock procedure argument definitions.


FRM-30425: Summarized database item must reside in a block with Query All Records or Precompute Summaries set to Yes.

Cause: A summary item specifies a summarized item which is a database item in a database block whose Query All Records and Precompute Summaries properties are both set to No.

Action: Remove the summary item or set the Precompute Summaries or Query All Records properties to Yes for the summarized item's block.


FRM-30426: Summarized control item must reside in a control block, or in a block with Query All Records set to Yes.

Cause: A summary item specifies a summarized item which is a control item in a database block whose Query All Records property is set to No.

Action: Remove the summary item or set the Precompute Summaries property to No and the Query All Records property to Yes for the summarized item's block.


FRM-30427: Summarized control item cannot reside in a block with Precompute Summaries set to Yes.

Cause: A summary item specifies a summarized control item which is in a block with the Precompute Summaries property set to Yes.

Action: Remove the summary item or set the Precompute Summaries property to No and the Query All Records property to Yes for the summarized item's block.


FRM-30428: Min/Max summarized item cannot reside in a block with Precompute Summaries set to Yes.

Cause: A summary item with a summary function of Min or Max specifies a summarized item in a block with the Precompute Summaries property set to Yes.

Action: Remove the summary item or set the Precompute Summaries property to No and the Query All Records property to Yes for the summarized item's block.


FRM-30429: Block with Precompute Summaries must specify Query Data Source Type as Table or FROM clause query.

Cause: A block has its Precompute Summaries property set to Yes, but its Query Data Source Type is set to Procedure or Transactional Triggers.

Action: Set Precompute Summaries to No. If the block contains any summarized items, set Query All Records to Yes.


FRM-30430: Warning: block %s specifies Precompute Summaries but form's Isolation Mode is not Serializable.

Cause: A block specifies Precompute Summaries as Yes, but the form does not specify Isolation Mode as Serializable.

Action: No action is necessary. However, read consistency cannot be guaranteed. It is possible that actions by other users can occur between the time that summaries are precomputed and the time at which the query is initiated to populate the block. Such actions may cause the summary item values not to match the block's contents.


FRM-30431: Warning: Duplicate column name %s in block %s.

Cause: One of the following:

There are multiple items with the same database column name.

The column name of one item matches the item name of an item that does not have a column name.

Action: Make sure that the database column names for items are unique.


FRM-30432: Definition for procedure is not complete.

Cause: Either the columns or the arguments for the procedure are not specified.

Action: Enter both the columns and the arguments in the procedure definition.


FRM-30433: Query procedure should have only one argument of type REFCURSOR/TABLE and its mode should be IN OUT.

Cause: The query procedure definition has either:

1. No argument of type TABLE/REFCURSOR.

2. Multiple arguments of type TABLE/REFCURSOR.

3. An argument of type TABLE/REFCURSOR with a mode that is not defined as IN OUT.

Action: Define the arguments as follows:

1. Define one and only one argument of type TABLE or REFCURSOR.

2. Declare the mode for the TABLE/REFCURSOR argument as IN OUT.


FRM-30434: The table argument in the procedure definition should have a type name.

Cause: The type name for the TABLE argument in the given procedure is not entered.

Action: Enter the type name for the TABLE argument in the given procedure.


FRM-30435: DML procedures should have only one argument of type TABLE and its mode should be IN or IN OUT.

Cause: DML (Insert, Update, Delete, Lock) procedure defintion has either:

1. No argument of type TABLE.

2. Multiple arguments of type TABLE.

3. An argument of type TABLE with a mode defined as OUT.

Action: Define the arguments as follows:

1. Define one and only one argument of type TABLE.

2. Declare the mode for the TABLE argument as IN or IN OUT.


FRM-30436: Parent window not specified for canvas.

Cause: The canvas does not have a window specified to contain it. Default results are as follows:

1. In Forms 4.0, the canvas is attached to the ROOT_WINDOW.

2. In a Forms 4.5 application, the ROOT_WINDOW may not exist, so the canvas is automatically attached to the first window in the Object Navigator hierarchy.

3. In 5.0, it is possible to reference forms and override properties like Window Name. Thus, you always should set the Window Name property for the canvas.

Action: Set the Window Name property for the canvas.


FRM-30437: Warning: POST-CHANGE trigger ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: A POST-CHANGE trigger was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the POST-CHANGE trigger will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the POST-CHANGE trigger in the master mirror item.


FRM-30438: Warning: WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: A WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM trigger in the master mirror item.


FRM-30439: Warning: ON-SEQUENCE-NUMBER trigger ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: An ON-SEQUENCE-NUMBER trigger was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the ON-SEQUENCE-NUMBER trigger will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the ON-SEQUENCE-NUMBER trigger in the master mirror item.


FRM-30440: Warning: Copy Value from Item ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: The Copy Value from Item property was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Copy Value from Item property will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the Copy Value from Item property in the master mirror item.


FRM-30441: Warning: Initial Value ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: The Initial Value property was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Initial Value property will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the Initial Value property in the master mirror item.


FRM-30442: Warning: Required property ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: The Required property was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Required property will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the Required property in the master mirror item.


FRM-30443: Warning: Highest Value Allowed ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: The Highest Value Allowed property was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Highest Value Allowed property will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the Highest Value Allowed property in the master mirror item.


FRM-30444: Warning: Lowest Value Allowed ignored for subordinate mirror item %s.%s.

Cause: The Lowest Value Allowed property was specified for a subordinate mirror item. Since the form's Runtime Compatibility Mode is 5.0, the Lowest Value Allowed property will be obtained from the master mirror item (the item specified by the Synchronize with Item property).

Action: Specify the Lowest Value Allowed property in the master mirror item.


FRM-31601: Options -e, -g, -m, -p, and -r are mutually exclusive.

Cause: You specified more than one of these options.

Action: These options are mutually exclusive; do not use them in combination.


FRM-31602: No module name specified.

Cause: You did not specify a module name.

Action: Specify a module name.


FRM-31603: No username to grant/revoke.

Cause: You tried to grant Form Builder access to a user, or revoke access, but you did not specify the user.

Action: Re-execute the command and specify the username.


FRM-31605: Module %s unknown.

Cause: You tried to access a module that does not exist in the database.

Action: Make sure the module name is correct and try again.


FRM-31606: Could not open file %s.

Cause: Either file privileges are set incorrectly, or the library you attempted to open is invalid.

Action: Recompile the module library and try again.


FRM-31616: Warning! No items defined for menu %s.

Cause: You are generating a module that has a menu which contains no items.

Action: No action required.


FRM-31627: Circular reference detected in menu module.

Cause: The menu module you tried to compile contains circular references (instances where a menu item calls a menu that is above it in the hierarchy).

Action: Isolate and resolve the circular reference(s).


FRM-31628: Item references an undefined menu.

Cause: The item references a submenu that is not part of the module.

Action: Define a submenu as part of the module or make the item reference a submenu that is part of the module.


FRM-31629: Build errors written to file %s.

Cause: Compilation error.

Action: Refer to errors and warnings in the specified file.


FRM-31631: Could not close file %s.

Cause: An operating system error prevented Form Builder from closing an output file.

Action: Contact your DBA or an Oracle support representative.


FRM-31633: Main menu %s not found in module.

Cause: The menu name specified does not exist in this module.

Action: Make sure a menu with this name exists.


FRM-31634: Error writing file %s.

Cause: You lack privileges in the specified directory, or you do not have the disk space required.

Action: Contact your DBA to make sure you have the access privileges you need.


FRM-31635: No menu in specified file.

Cause: The file was loaded, but no menu module was found in the file.

Action: Make sure the file is a MMB file.


FRM-31637: Error performing upgrade. Upgrade aborted.

Cause: SQL error deleted while performing menu upgrade.

Action: Make sure you are running as SYSTEM, and both Oracle Forms 4.5 and the menu tables are correctly installed.


FRM-31639: No modules to upgrade.

Cause: No module was specified that does not already exist in Oracle Forms 4.5 tables.

Action: Make sure that no menu module with this name already exists in Oracle Forms 4.5.


FRM-31640: Submenu name not specified.

Cause: A menu item of type menu has no menu specified.

Action: Specify a submenu for the menu item.


FRM-31641: Radio group items must have radio group name specified.

Cause: Menu item was defined as type radio button, but no radio group was specified.

Action: Specify a radio group name.


FRM-31643: Menu %s does not exist.

Cause: The menu item was defined as type menu, but the menu it refers to does not exist.

Action: Create a menu with this name.


FRM-31644: Menu %s has no items.

Cause: You did not supply choices for a menu.

Action: Edit your form to supply items within the menu.


FRM-31645: Only one instance of each magic menu type per module is allowed.

Cause: You used more than one instance of a specific magic menu type.

Action: Delete all but one instance of each magic menu type.


FRM-31646: Magic menu item %s has invalid command type.

Cause: You selected a command type that is not valid for the specific magic menu item.

Action: Select a command type that is compatible with the current magic menu item type.


FRM-31649: Label for menu item %s is too long.

Cause: You specified a menu item label which has more than the maximum allowable number of characters.

Action: Shorten the menu item label.


FRM-31650: Name of menu item %s is too long.

Cause: You specified a menu item name which has more than the maximum allowable number of characters.

Action: Shorten the menu item name.


FRM-31651: No PL/SQL source code in menu item %s.

Cause: You specified a menu item name which has command type PL/SQL but has no Command Text.

Action: Either change the command type to Null, or specify some Command Text.


FRM-32009: Premature end of file at line %05d.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.


FRM-32010: Input file sequence error at line %05d.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.


FRM-32011: File doesn't contain valid Run Form source.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.


FRM-32035: Illegal field type (%s) in %s.%s.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.


FRM-32036: Warning! Prompt above line 1 for %s.%s.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.


FRM-32037: Warning! Prompt doesn't fit beside field %s.%s.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.


FRM-32041: Expected: %s: %s

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.


FRM-32042: Error (line %05d): expected Yes/No answer, received %s.

Cause: You entered something other than Yes or No.

Action: Answer either Yes or No.


FRM-32051: Illegal command in form text at line %05d.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.

Cause: The error commonly occurs when the .INP file is edited.

Action: Contact your DBA if the .INP file was not edited.


FRM-32079: Invalid initial value for given datatype.

Cause: You specified an invalid initial value for the given datatype.

Action: Specify a valid initial value for the given datatype.


FRM-32080: Invalid range value for given datatype.

Cause: You specified an invalid range value for the given datatype.

Action: Specify a valid range value for the given datatype.


FRM-32081: Invalid default parameter value for given datatype.

Cause: You specified an invalid default parameter value for the given datatype.

Action: Specify a valid default parameter value for the given datatype.


FRM-32082: Invalid value for given item type.

Cause: You tried to specify a value for the initial value property or other values property that exceeds the value of the maximum length property.

Action: Specify a value that does not exceed the value of the maximum length property.


FRM-32083: Value length is too long for maximum length of item.

Cause: You specified an value length that is longer than the maximum length of the item.

Action: Specify a shorter value.


FRM-32084: Type of item is not compatible with mirror item %s.

Cause: You specified an item that is an incompatible mirror item property.

Action: Specify a valid mirror item property.


FRM-32085: Strip_Source requires output filename.

Cause: You failed to specify an output file name when generating a library from the command line.

Action: Specify an output file name.


FRM-32086: Bind Variable :%s parse failed at .

Cause: The bind variable could not be parsed due to an invalid format.

Action: Change to a valid format.


FRM-32087: Bind Variable :%s binds to more than one object.

Cause: The bind variable is ambiguous since it binds to more than one object.

Action: Make sure the bind variable binds to one object only.


FRM-99999: Error %d occurred. See the release notes file (relnotes) for information about this error.

Cause: An error occurred; the error is documented in the release notes file.

Action: See the release notes file.


FRM-10200: Illegal function in this context.

Cause: You pressed a key that is not valid in this context.

Action: Press [Show Keys] to view a list of valid function keys.


FRM-10201: No parameters needed.

Cause: You pressed [Enter Application Parameters] or [Enter Menu Parameters], but none are required in this context.

Action: No action required.


FRM-10202: Menus are nested too deeply.

Cause: You tried to select an item that would nest menus more than 10 deep.

Action: Press [Main Menu] to return to the main menu, then navigate to the menu of your choice.


FRM-10203: Selected item is not in this menu.

Cause: In a full-screen menu, you entered a number that exceeds the maximum number of menu items.

Action: Choose an item that is on this menu.


FRM-10204: No command defined for the selected background item.

Cause: You pressed [Background Menu n], where n was greater than the maximum number on the background menu.

Action: No action required. Press [Show Background Menu] to see the valid background menu items.


FRM-10205: Menu %s not found.

Cause: In the choice field of a full-screen menu, you entered a menu name that does not exist in this application or is not found in the library.

Action: No action is required if the menu does not exist in the application. If it does, recompile the library.


FRM-10206: Dynamic memory exhausted.

Cause: Form Builder has run out of memory.

Action: Contact your DBA.


FRM-10207: No background menu present.

Cause: You pressed [Show Background Menu], but no background menu exists.

Action: No action required.


FRM-10208: Parameter %s not found.

Cause: A menu item referenced an undefined parameter.

Action: Contact your DBA.


FRM-10209: No next menu from background in this context.

Cause: The application attempted to navigate to a named menu from the background menu.

Action: No action required.


FRM-10210: Response required.

Cause: You did not enter a required parameter, or you left the choice field blank in a full-screen menu.

Action: Make an entry.


FRM-10211: Field must be filled completely.

Cause: You partially entered a parameter that must be entered completely.

Action: Enter enough data to completely fill the field.


FRM-10212: Login failed for this username and password.

Cause: You specified an illegal username and password.

Action: Check the username and password and try again.


FRM-10213: Login procedure terminated.

Cause: You failed to logon to ORACLE three times in a row.

Action: No action required. If you are a valid user, check your user name and password.


FRM-10214: No authorization to run any application.

Cause: You are not a valid user of any module in Form Builder.

Action: No action required. If you think that you should be a valid user, ask your DBA to grant you access to the module you wish to run.


FRM-10215: No help available.

Cause: You pressed [Help], but none is available for this item.

Action: No action required.


FRM-10216: Failed to spawn a command to the operating system.

Cause: The operating system could not spawn a sub-process.

Action: Refer to the error message that the operating system issued.


FRM-10217: No authorization for any item in selected menu.

Cause: You tried to move to a menu that has no items you can access.

Action: Check the menu name you entered and try again.


FRM-10218: Error for menu %s.

Cause: Form Builder could not read the library information for this menu, or an invalid menu name was specified.

Action: Recompile the library or correct the menu name.


FRM-10219: Item number is invalid.

Cause: In a full-screen menu, you entered an invalid number in the choice field.

Action: Check the item number and re-enter it.


FRM-10220: No detailed help available for this item.

Cause: You pressed [Help], but none is available for this menu item.

Action: No action required.


FRM-10221: Cannot read file %s.

Cause: Either file privileges are set incorrectly, or the library you tried to open is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again.


FRM-10222: Menu %s was created by an old version of Forms Compiler.

Cause: You are using a newer version of Form Builder than the one that created this menu module.

Action: Recompile the menu module and re-execute the command.


FRM-10223: Application parameter module does not exist.

Cause: The parameter information could not be located in the library. This may be due to a library file that is invalid, or one that contains a different application.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact your DBA.


FRM-10224: Application bind variable module does not exist.

Cause: The bind variable information could not be located in the library. This may be due to an invalid library file.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact your DBA.


FRM-10225: Could not read parameter data.

Cause: The application library is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact your DBA.


FRM-10226: Could not read bind variable data.

Cause: The application library is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact your DBA.


FRM-10227: Too many menu parameters.

Cause: The application contains more menu parameters than can be used on your operating system.

Action: Revise and recompile the application, or contact your DBA.


FRM-10228: Could not read help text.

Cause: The application library is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact your DBA.


FRM-10229: Could not close file %s.

Cause: Operating system error or internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.


FRM-10230: Application procedure module does not exist.

Cause: The procedure information could not be located in the library. This may be due to an invalid library file.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact your DBA.


FRM-10231: Could not read procedure data.

Cause: The application library is invalid.

Action: Recompile the application library and try again. If this is unsuccessful, contact your DBA.


FRM-10233: Navigational procedures/macros not valid in current menu style.

Cause: You tried to use the full-screen, navigational packaged procedures, or macros in the pull-down or menu bar display style.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10234: Semicolon missing in macro statement.

Cause: The command line specified for this item has a syntax error.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10235: Macro %s not found.

Cause: The menu designer specified an undefined macro to be executed.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10236: No procedure/macro specified.

Cause: The menu designer has specified a blank command.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10237: Argument(s) not allowed for this procedure/macro.

Cause: The menu designer specified an argument to a command that does not take arguments.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10238: Error executing %s. Check argument(s).

Cause: The menu designer specified an argument to a command that does not take arguments.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10239: Cannot read form by that name.

Cause: Form Builder tried to read a form that does not exist in the current directory.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10240: Form name not specified.

Cause: Forms Runtime command did not give the name of a form to execute.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10241: Illegal operation when Form Builder is active.

Cause: The menu designer specified a built-in or macro that cannot be used when Form Builder calls Forms Runtime.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10242: Cannot call linked-in Forms from Form Builder.

Cause: The menu designer specified a call to linked-in Forms from within Form Builder.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10243: Error occurred during invocation of Form Builder.

Cause: A call to Forms Runtime failed.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10244: Application %s does not exist.

Cause: The application name you specified does not exist in the database, or you do not have access privileges to it.

Action: Check the application name and try again, or contact your DBA.


FRM-10245: Already on first item.

Cause: You pressed [Previous Item] from the first item in the parameter form.

Action: No action required. You cannot go to an item prior to the first item in a parameter form.


FRM-10246: Error executing packaged procedure - inactive form.

Cause: The menu designer specified a built-in that cannot be executed in the current context.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10247: No active items in root menu of application.

Cause: You tried to open an application but its root menu has no items that you can access. The root menu is either the application's main menu or another menu specified when Form Builder called Forms Designer.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10248: No direct menu selection allowed when using a root menu.

Cause: The root menu is not the module's main menu, because Form Builder specified another root menu when calling Forms Designer.

Action: No action required. You can only use direct menu selection when the module's main menu is the root menu.


FRM-10249: No authorization to run application %s.

Cause: You are not a valid user of the application you tried to run.

Action: No action required. If you think you should be a valid user, ask your DBA to grant you access privileges to the application.


FRM-10250: Error initializing Forms Runtime application.

Cause: You did not name the module properly.

Action: Check the module name and enter it correctly.


FRM-10251: Unsupported command type 4 switch used (-e,-i,-r,-w).

Cause: This menu option attempted to run a form, but specified a command line argument for Forms Runtime which is invalid when running a form from a menu.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10252: Unknown command type 4 switch used.

Cause: This menu option attempted to run a form, but specified an unknown command line argument for Forms Runtime.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10253: File name must be entered.

Cause: You have not entered a name (or you have deleted a name) for the file.

Action: You must enter a file name.


FRM-10254: Cannot open file for screen shot.

Cause: The operating system could not open a file (e.g. permission problems, lack of disk space).

Action: Resolve the operating system condition that caused the error.


FRM-10255: Error occurred during printing of screen shot.

Cause: The operating system had trouble with a file.

Action: Resolve the operating system condition that caused the error.


FRM-10256: User is not authorized to run Form Builder Menu.

Cause: You are not enrolled in Form Builder. You do not have SELECT permission on the Form Builder base tables.

Action: Notify your DBA.


FRM-10257: User is not authorized to select specified option.

Cause: You tried to select a menu item to which you do not have access.

Action: Choose another item or notify your DBA.


FRM-10258: Specified menu is already active.

Cause: You tried to navigate to the current menu.

Action: No action required.


FRM-10259: Invalid null argument to packaged procedure or function.

Cause: You did not specify an argument to a built-in, or the argument is invalid.

Action: Check the online Help for the proper built-in syntax.


FRM-10260: No active items in selected menu.

Cause: You do not have access privileges for any items in this menu.

Action: Contact your DBA for access privileges if you think you should have access to the items on this menu.


FRM-10261: Menu %s was created by a new version of Forms Compiler.

Cause: You are using an old version of Forms Runtime with a new version of Forms Compiler.

Action: Upgrade to new version of Forms Runtime.


FRM-10262: Cannot put radio items, check boxes, or separators in menu bar.

Cause: You attempted to put radio items, check boxes, or separators in menu bar.

Action: Put these items in a submenu.


FRM-10263: Cannot find icon file for iconic menu item.

Cause: No directory name for this icon.

Action: Contact the person who created the menu application.


FRM-10264: Specified menu item does not exist.

Cause: You specified a menu item that does not exist in the form.

Action: Try retyping the name or choose another item name.


FRM-10265: Library was created by an old version of Forms Compiler.

Cause: Form Builder cannot use library.

Action: Recompile the library with current version of Forms Compiler.


FRM-10266: Library was created by a new version of Forms Compiler.

Cause: Form Builder cannot use library.

Action: Recompile the library with current version of Forms Compiler.


FRM-10267: Help type magic menu item must be placed on top-level menu.

Cause: You placed a help magic menu item on a submenu.

Action: Move the help magic menu item to the top-level menu (main menu).


FRM-10268: Error: Program unit %s in library %s is uncompiled.

Cause: You called an uncompiled program unit from a library.

Action: Follow the PL/SQL program error.


FRM-10269: Warning! Program unit %s in library %s is uncompiled.

Cause: In debug Forms Runtime, you called an uncompiled program unit in a library.

Action: This is just a warning. Forms Runtime will attempt to compile and run the program unit.


FRM-10270: Cannot attach library %s while opening menu %s.

Cause: The specified library file is attached to the given menu, but cannot be located in the search path for PL/SQL libraries.

Action: Make sure the library file can be located before attempting to run with the specified menu again. For example, have it in the working directory.


FRM-10401: Can't open file %s for output.

Cause: The operating system had trouble opening a file (e.g. permission problems, lack of disk space).

Action: Resolve the operating system condition that caused the error.


FRM-10402: No such application present.

Cause: The requested application could not be found in order to be documented.

Action: Make sure that the correct application name is specified.


FRM-10409: Cannot close file.

Cause: Operating system error or internal error.

Action: Contact your DBA.


FRM-10410: Wrong descriptor area selected.


FRM-10411: Unable to allocate dynamic memory for descriptor area.


FRM-10412: Non-supported ORACLE datatype selected.


FRM-99999: Error %d occurred. See the release notes file (relnotes) for information about this error.

Cause: An error occurred; the error is documented in the release notes file.

Action: See the release notes file.


FRM-21011: PL/SQL unhandled exception %s.

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