ideacms php,ideacms/Common.php at master · wy17910/ideacms · GitHub


* Common.php

* 控制器公共类


if (!defined('IN_IDEACMS')) exit();

class Common extends CI_Controller {

public $cache;

public $siteid;

public $action;

public $session;

public $namespace;

public $controller;

public $member;

public $memberinfo;

public $memberedit;

public $membermodel;

public $membergroup;

public $memberconfig;

public $db;

public $cats;

public $site;

public $content;

public $cats_dir;

public $category;

public $_options;

public $template;

public function __construct() {


if (!file_exists(APP_ROOT.'./cache/install.lock')) {



$system_cms = $this->load_config('version');

require_once SYS_ROOT.'libraries/cache_file.class.php';

$this->cache = new cache_file();

App::$namespace = $this->namespace = trim($this->router->directory, '/');

App::$controller = $this->controller = $this->router->class;

App::$action = $this->action = $this->router->method;

App::$plugin = APP_DIR;



$this->cats = $this->get_category();

$this->cats_dir = $this->get_category_dir();

$this->content = Controller::model('content');

$this->content->table_name = $this->content->prefix.'content_'.$this->siteid;




define('SITE_URL', $this->get_server_name() . $this->get_base_url());

define('CMS_CMS', $system_cms['cms']);

define('CMS_NAME', $system_cms['name']);

define('CMS_COM', $system_cms['company']);

define('CMS_VERSION', $system_cms['version']);

define('CMS_UPDATE', $system_cms['update']);

define('SITE_THEME', $this->get_theme_url());

define('PUBLIC_THEME', SITE_PATH . 'statics/public/');//共用样式

define('WEB_THEME', SITE_PATH . 'statics/web/');//网页样式

define('MOBILE_THEME', SITE_PATH . 'statics/mobile/');//移动样式

//define('ADMIN_THEME', SITE_PATH . basename(VIEW_DIR) . '/admin/');

define('ADMIN_THEME', SITE_PATH . 'statics/admin/');


define('LANG_PATH', SITE_PATH . EXTENSION_PATH . '/language/' . SYS_LANGUAGE . '/');


$ips = $this->cache->get('ip');

$uip = $this->input->ip_address();

if ($uip && $ips && is_array($ips)) {

if (isset($ips[$uip])

&& (empty($ips[$uip]['endtime']) || ($ips[$uip]['endtime'] - $ips[$uip]['addtime']) >= 0)) {



foreach ($ips as $ip => $t) {

if (empty($ip) || strpos($ip, '*') === false) {



if (preg_match('/^' . str_replace(array('*', '.'), array('[0-9]+', '\.'), $ip) . '$/', $uip)) {




unset($ips, $ip);


$this->template = $this->view = new View();


if (!$this->site['SYS_MEMBER'] && is_dir(CONTROLLER_DIR . 'member')) {

$this->member = Controller::model('member');

$this->membergroup = $this->cache->get('membergroup');

$this->membermodel = $this->cache->get('model_member');

$this->memberconfig= $this->cache->get('member');

if ($this->memberconfig['uc_use'] == 1 && $this->namespace != 'admin') {

include EXTENSION_DIR . 'ucenter' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '';

include EXTENSION_DIR . 'ucenter' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uc_client' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'client.php';


$this->memberinfo = $this->getMember();


'memberinfo' => $this->memberinfo,

'membergroup' => $this->membergroup,

'membermodel' => $this->membermodel,

'memberconfig' => $this->memberconfig



define('IS_ADMIN', $this->session->userdata('user_id'));



's' => $this->namespace,

'c' => $this->controller,

'a' => $this->action,

'cats' => $this->cats,

'param' => $this->getParam(),

'sites' => App::get_site(),

'siteid' => $this->siteid,

'is_admin' => IS_ADMIN,



require EXTENSION_DIR.'function.php';

require EXTENSION_DIR.'custom.php';




if (defined('SITE_BDPING') && SITE_BDPING &&

date('G') < 6 && $this->user_agent->is_robot()

&& !get_cookie('sb') && $this->db->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$this->db->dbprefix."sb'")->row_array()) {

$data = $this->db->limit(5)->order_by('id desc')->get('sb')->result_array();

if ($data) {

set_cookie('sb', 1, 600);

$delete = array();

foreach ($data as $t) {

$value = string2array($t['value']);

if ($t['type'] == 'content_add') {

// 文章推送到baidping

if (function_exists('curl_init')) {

$url = '';

$xml = "






$ch = curl_init();

$head = array(

"POST ".$url." HTTP/1.0",

"Content-type: text/xml;charset=\"utf-8\"",

"Accept: text/xml",

"Content-length: ".strlen($xml)


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $head);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);

$res = curl_exec ($ch);

curl_close ($ch);

if (strpos($res, "0")) {

$delete[] = $t['id'];




if ($delete) {

$this->db->where_in('id', $delete)->delete('sb');







* 获取会员信息


protected function getMember() {

if (get_cookie('member_id') && get_cookie('member_code')) {

$uid = (int)get_cookie('member_id');

$code = get_cookie('member_code');

if (!empty($uid) && $code == substr(md5(SITE_MEMBER_COOKIE . $uid), 5, 20)) {

$_memberinfo = $this->db->where('id', $uid)->get('member')->row_array();

$member_table = $this->membermodel[$_memberinfo['modelid']]['tablename'];

if ($member_table) {

$memberdata = $this->db->where('id', $uid)->get($member_table)->row_array();

if ($memberdata) {

$_memberinfo = array_merge($_memberinfo, $memberdata);

$this->memberedit= 1; //不需要完善会员资料


if ($this->memberconfig['uc_use'] == 1 && function_exists('uc_api_mysql')) {

$uc = uc_api_mysql('user', 'get_user', array('username'=> $_memberinfo['username']));

if ($uc != 0) {

$_memberinfo['uid'] = $uc[0];



return $_memberinfo;




return false;



* 后台提示信息

* msg 消息名称

* url 返回地址

* time 等待时间

* i 是否显示返回文字

* result 返回结果是否成功


protected function adminMsg($msg, $url = '', $time = 3, $i = 1, $result = 0) {


'i' => $i,

'msg' => $msg,

'url' => $url,

'time' => $time,

'result' => $result


$tpl = 'admin/msg';

if ($this->namespace != 'admin') $tpl = '../' . $tpl;





* 会员提示信息

* msg 消息名称

* url 返回地址

* result 返回结果是否成功

* time 等待时间


protected function memberMsg($msg, $url = '', $result = 0, $time = 3) {


'msg' => $msg,

'url' => $url,

'time' => $time,

'result' => $result






* 前台提示信息

* msg 消息名称

* url 返回地址

* i 是否显示返回文字

* time 等待时间


protected function msg($msg, $url = '', $i = 0, $time = 3) {


'i' => $i,

'msg' => $msg,

'url' => $url,

'time' => $time






* 栏目URL


protected function getCaturl($data, $page = 0) {

return getCaturl($data, $page);



* 内容页URL


protected function getUrl($data, $page = 0) {

return getUrl($data, $page);



* 递归创建目录


protected function mkdirs($dir) {

if (empty($dir)) return false;

if (!is_dir($dir)) {






* 后台操作界面中的顶部导航菜单


* @paramarray$menu

* @returnstring


protected function get_menu($menu) {

if (!$menu) {

return NULL;


$_i = 0;

$_str = '';

$_mark = TRUE;

$_uri = $_GET['s'].'/'.$_GET['c'].'/'.$_GET['a'];

foreach ($menu as $name => $uri) {

$uri = trim($uri, '/');

if (!$name && !$uri) {



$class = '';

$url = url($uri);

$class = ' class="onloading"';

$mark = $_i == 0 ? '{MARK}' : '';

// 判断选中

if ($this->get_menu_calss($menu, $uri, $_uri)) {

$_mark = FALSE;

$class = ' class="onloading on"';


$_str.= ''.$name.'|';

$_i ++;


if ($_mark && $this->router->method == 'edit') {

$_str.= ''.lang('edit').'|';

$_mark = FALSE;


return $_mark ? str_replace('{MARK}', ' class="on"', $_str) : str_replace('{MARK}', '', $_str);


private function get_menu_calss($menu, $uri, $_uri) {

if ($uri == $_uri) {

return TRUE;


if (!in_array($_uri, $menu)) {

if (@strpos($_uri, $uri) === FALSE) {

return FALSE;


$uri_arr = explode('/', $_uri);

$uri_arr = array_slice($uri_arr, 0, -2);

$__uri = implode('/', $uri_arr);

if (in_array($__uri, $menu) && $__uri == $uri) {

return TRUE;


return $this->get_menu_calss($menu, $uri, $__uri);




* 加载自定义字段

* fields 字段数组

* data 字段默认值

* auth 字段权限(是否必填)


protected function getFields($fields, $data = array()) {


$data_fields = '';

if (empty($fields['data'])) return false;

foreach ($fields['data'] as $t) {

if ($this->namespace != 'admin' && !$t['isshow']) continue;

if (!@in_array($t['field'], $fields['merge']) && !in_array($t['formtype'], array('merge', 'fields')) && empty($t['merge'])) {


$data_fields .= '


$data_fields .= isset($t['not_null']) && $t['not_null'] ? '

* ' . $t['name'] . ':' : '' . $t['name'] . ':';

$data_fields .= '


$func = 'content_' . $t['formtype'];


$content = array($data[$t['field']]);

$content = var_export($content, true);

$field_config = var_export($t, true);

if (function_exists($func)) {

eval("\$data_fields .= " . $func . "(" . $t['field'] . ", " . $content . ", " . $field_config . ");");


$data_fields .= $t['tips'] ? '

' . $t['tips'] . '
' : '';

$data_fields .= '';

$data_fields .= '


$data_fields .= '


} elseif ($t['formtype'] == 'merge') {

$data_fields .= '


$data_fields .= '

' . $t['name'] . ':';

$data_fields .= '

' ;

$setting = string2array($t['setting']);

$string = $setting['content'];

$regex_array = $replace_array = array();

if ($t['data']) {

foreach ($t['data'] as $field) {

$zhiduan = $fields['data'][$field];

$str = '';

$func = 'content_' . $zhiduan['formtype'];


$content = array($data[$field]);

$content = var_export($content, true);

$field_config = var_export($zhiduan, true);

if (function_exists($func)) {

eval("\$str = " . $func . "(" . $field . ", " . $content . ", " . $field_config . ");");


$regex_array[]= '{' . $field . '}';

$replace_array[] = $str;



$data_fields .= str_replace($regex_array, $replace_array, $string);

$data_fields .= '


$data_fields .= '


} elseif ($t['formtype'] == 'fields') {

$data_fields .= '


$data_fields .= '

' . $t['name'] . ':';

$data_fields .= '';

$data_fields .= '

  • ';

$merge_string = null;

$contentdata = empty($data[$t['field']]) ? array(0 => array()) : string2array($data[$t['field']]);

$setting = string2array($t['setting']);

$string = htmlspecialchars_decode($setting['content']);

foreach ($contentdata as $i => $cdata) {

$data_fields .= '


$regex_array = $replace_array = $o_replace_array = array();

foreach ($fields['data'] as $field => $value) {

if (in_array($value['field'], $t['data'])) {

$str = $o_str = '';

$func = 'content_' . $value['formtype'];


$content = array($cdata[$field]);

$content = var_export($content, true);

$field_config = var_export($value, true);

if (function_exists($func)) {

eval("\$str = " . $func . "(" . $field . ", " . $content . ", " . $field_config . ");");


if (empty($merge_string) && function_exists($func)) {

eval("\$o_str = " . $func . "(" . $field . ", null, " . $field_config . ");");


$regex_array[] = '{' . $field . '}';

$replace_array[] = str_replace('data[' . $field . ']', 'data[' . $t['field'] . '][' . $i . '][' . $field . ']', $str);

$o_replace_array[] = str_replace('data[' . $field . ']', 'data[' . $t['field'] . '][{idea_block_id}][' . $field . ']', $o_str);



if (empty($merge_string)) {

$merge_string = '

' . str_replace($regex_array, $o_replace_array, $string) . '
' . lang('a-mod-129') . ' ' . lang('a-mod-130') . '

$merge_string = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t", chr(13), PHP_EOL), array('', '', '', '', ''), $merge_string);


$data_fields .= str_replace($regex_array, $replace_array, $string);

$data_fields .= '

' . lang('a-mod-129') . ' ' . lang('a-mod-130') . '


$data_fields .= '

' . lang('a-add') . '

function add_block_' . $t['field'] . '() {

var json = ' . json_encode(array('echo' => $merge_string)) . ';

var c = json["echo"];

var id = parseInt(Math.random()*1000);

c = c.replace(/{idea_block_id}/ig, id);

$("#' . $t['field'] . '-sort-items").append(c);


$("#' . $t['field'] . '-sort-items").sortable();


$data_fields .= '




return $data_fields;








*缓存数据格式array('动作名称'=>'函数文件', ... )


protected function postEvent($data, $event, $action) {

$Events = $this->cache->get('post_event_' . $event);//加载缓存

if (empty($Events) || empty($Events[$action])) return true;

foreach ($Events[$action] as $name => $file) {

if (is_file($file)) {

include_once $file;//加载函数文件

$function = $name . '_' . $event;

if (function_exists($function)) {

eval("\$result = " . $function . "('" . array2string($data) . "');");

if ($result && $event == 'before') {//发布前,有返回信息

$action == 'member' ? $this->memberMsg($result) : $this->adminMsg($result);





return true;



* 验证自定义字段


protected function checkFields($fields, $data, $msg = 1) {

if (empty($fields)) return false;

foreach ($fields['data'] as $t) {

if ($this->namespace != 'admin' && !$t['isshow']) continue;

if ($t['formtype'] != 'merge' && isset($t['not_null']) && $t['not_null']) {

if (is_null($data[$t['field']]) || $data[$t['field']] == '') {

if ($msg == 1) {

$this->adminMsg(lang('com-0', array('1' => $t['name'])));

} elseif ($msg == 2) {

$this->memberMsg(lang('com-0', array('1' => $t['name'])));

} elseif ($msg == 3) {

return lang('com-0', array('1' => $t['name']));



if (isset($t['pattern']) && $t['pattern']) {

$pattern = substr($t['pattern'], 0, 1) == '/' ? (substr(substr($t['pattern'], 1), -1, 1) == '/' ? substr(substr($t['pattern'], 1), 0, -1) : substr($t['pattern'], 1)) : $t['pattern'];

if (!preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/', $data[$t['field']])) {

$showmsg = isset($t['errortips']) && $t['errortips'] ? $t['errortips'] : lang('com-1', array('1' => $t['name']));

if ($msg == 1) {


} elseif ($msg == 2) {


} elseif ($msg == 3) {

return $showmsg;








* 生成水印图片


protected function watermark($file) {

if (!$this->site['SITE_WATERMARK'] || $this->site['SITE_THUMB_TYPE']) return false;

$image = $this->instance('image_lib');

if ($this->site['SITE_WATERMARK'] == 1) {


$image->make_image_watermark($file, $this->site['SITE_WATERMARK_POS'], $this->site['SITE_WATERMARK_IMAGE']);

} else {


$image->make_text_watermark($file, $this->site['SITE_WATERMARK_POS'], $this->site['SITE_WATERMARK_SIZE']);




* 生成网站地图


protected function sitemap() {




* 删除目录及文件


protected function delDir($filename) {

if (empty($filename)) return false;

if (is_file($filename) && file_exists($filename)) {


} else if ($filename != '.' && $filename!='..' && is_dir($filename)) {

$dirs = scandir($filename);

foreach ($dirs as $file) {

if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {

$this->delDir($filename . '/' . $file);







* 用户是否能够查看未审核信息


protected function userShow($data) {

if ($data['status'] != 0) return true;

if ($this->session->is_set('user_id') && $this->session->get('user_id')) return true;

if (get_cookie('member_id') && get_cookie('member_id') == $data['userid'] && $data['sysadd'] == 0) return true;

return false;



* 验证验证码


protected function checkCode($value) {

if (isset($_POST['geetest_challenge'])

&& isset($_POST['geetest_validate'])) {

require EXTENSION_DIR.'Geetestlib.php';

$GtSdk = new GeetestLib();

if ($this->session->userdata('gtserver') == 1) {

$result = $GtSdk->validate(





if ($result == TRUE) {

return TURE;

} else if ($result == FALSE) {

return FALSE;

} else {

return FALSE;



if ($GtSdk->get_answer($_POST['geetest_validate'])) {

return TURE;


return FALSE;



} else {

$code = $this->session->get('captcha');

$value = strtolower($value);


return $code == $value ? true : false;




* 模型栏目


protected function getModelCategory($modelid) {

$data = array();

foreach ($this->cats as $cat) {

if ($modelid == $cat['modelid'] && $cat['typeid'] == 1 && $cat['child'] == 0) $data[$cat['catid']] = $cat;


return $data;



* 模型的关联表单


protected function getModelJoin($modelid) {

if (empty($modelid)) return null;

$data = $this->get_model('form');

$return = null;

if ($data) {

foreach ($data as $t) {

if ($t['joinid'] == $modelid) $return[] = $t;



return $return;



* 可在会员中心显示的表单


protected function getFormMember() {

$data = $this->get_model('form');

$join = $this->cache->get('model_join_' . $this->siteid);

$return= null;

if ($data) {

foreach ($data as $id=>$t) {

if (isset($t['setting']['auth']['siteuser']) && $t['setting']['auth']['siteuser'] && $t['setting']['auth']['site'] && in_array($this->siteid, $t['setting']['auth']['site'])) continue;

if (isset($t['setting']['form']['member']) && $t['setting']['form']['member'] && !$this->memberPost($t['setting']['auth'])) {

$t['joinname'] = isset($join[$t['joinid']]['modelname']) && $join[$t['joinid']]['modelname'] ? $join[$t['joinid']]['modelname'] : '';

$return[$id] = $t;




return $return;



* 格式化字段数据


protected function getFieldData($model, $data) {

if (!isset($model['fields']['data']) || empty($model['fields']['data']) || empty($data)) return $data;

foreach ($model['fields']['data'] as $t) {

if (!isset($data[$t['field']])) continue;

if ($t['formtype'] == 'editor') {


$data[$t['field']] = htmlspecialchars_decode($data[$t['field']]);

} elseif (in_array($t['formtype'], array('checkbox', 'files', 'fields'))) {


$data[$t['field']] = string2array($data[$t['field']]);



return $data;



* 检查文件/目录名称是否规范


protected function checkFileName($file) {

if (strpos($file, '../') !== false || strpos($file, '..\\') !== false) return true;

return false;



* 会员投稿权限判断


protected function memberPost($data) {

if (isset($data['siteuser']) && $data['siteuser'] && $data['site'] && in_array($this->siteid, $data['site'])) return true;

if (isset($data['memberpost']) && $data['memberpost']) {

if (isset($data['modelpost']) && in_array($this->memberinfo['modelid'], $data['modelpost'])) return true;

if (isset($data['grouppost']) && in_array($this->memberinfo['groupid'], $data['grouppost'])) return true;


return false;



* 生成内容html


protected function createShow($data, $page = 1) {

if (empty($data)) {

return false;



$id= $data['id'];

$catid= $data['catid'];

$cat = $this->cats[$catid];

if ($cat['setting']['url']['use'] == 0 || $cat['setting']['url']['tohtml'] == 0 || $cat['setting']['url']['show'] == '') {

return false;


$table = $this->model($cat['tablename']);

$_data = $table->find($id);

$data = array_merge($data, $_data);

$model = $this->get_model();

$data = $this->getFieldData($model[$cat['modelid']], $data);

$data = $this->get_content_page($data, 1, $page);

$url = substr($this->getUrl($data, $page), strlen(Controller::get_base_url())); //去掉域名部分

if (strpos($url, 'index.php') !== false || strpos($url, 'http://') != false) {

return false;


if (substr($url, -5) != '.html') {

$file = 'index.html'; //文件名

$dir = $url; //目录

} else {

$file = basename($url);

$dir = str_replace($file, '', $url);



$dir = substr($dir, -1) == '/' ? substr($dir, 0, -1) : $dir;

$htmlfile = $dir ? $dir . '/' . $file : $file;

if ($data['status'] == 0) {


if (isset($pagelist) && is_array($pagelist)) {

foreach ($pagelist as $p=>$u) {

$file = str_replace(Controller::get_base_url(), '', $u);




return false;


$prev_page = $this->content->getOne("`catid`=$catid AND `id`0 ORDER BY `id` DESC", null, 'title,url,hits');

$next_page = $this->content->getOne("`catid`=$catid AND `id`>$id AND `status`<>0", null, 'title,url,hits');

$data['content'] = relatedlink($data['content']);


'cat' => $cat,

'cats' => $this->cats,

'page' => $page,

'pageurl' => urlencode(getUrl($data, '{page}')),

'prev_page'=> $prev_page,

'next_page'=> $next_page



$this->view->assign(showSeo($data, $page));

if ($this->namespace == 'admin') {



$this->view->display(substr($cat['showtpl'], 0, -5));

if ($this->namespace == 'admin') {



if (!file_put_contents($htmlfile, ob_get_clean(), LOCK_EX)) {

$this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-11', array('1' => $htmlfile)));


$htmlfiles = $this->cache->get('html_files');

$htmlfiles[] = $htmlfile;

$this->cache->set('html_files', $htmlfiles);

if (isset($_data['content']) && strpos($_data['content'], '{-page-}') !== false) {

$content = explode('{-page-}', $_data['content']);

$pageid= $page <= 0 ? 1 : $page;

$nextpage = $pageid + 1;

if ($nextpage <= count($content)) {

$this->createShow($data, $nextpage);



return true;



* 生成表单html


protected function createForm($mid, $data) {

if (empty($data) || empty($mid)) return false;

if ($data['status']!= 1) return false;

$url = substr(form_show_url($mid, $data), strlen(Controller::get_base_url())); //去掉域名部分

if (strpos($url, 'index.php') !== false || strpos($url, 'http://') != false) {

return false;


if (substr($url, -5) != '.html') {

$file= 'index.html'; //文件名

$dir= $url; //目录

} else {

$file= basename($url);

$dir= str_replace($file, '', $url);



$dir = substr($dir, -1) == '/' ? substr($dir, 0, -1) : $dir;

$htmlfile= $dir ? $dir . '/' . $file : $file;


$model = $this->get_model('form');

$form = $model[$mid];

if (empty($form)) return false;

if (!isset($form['setting']['form']['url']['tohtml']) || empty($form['setting']['form']['url']['tohtml'])) return false;

if (isset($form['fields']) && $form['fields']) $data = $this->getFieldData($form, $data);



'table'=> $form['tablename'],

'modelid'=> $mid,

'form_name'=> $form['modelname'],

'meta_title'=> $form['setting']['form']['meta_title'],

'meta_keywords'=> $form['setting']['form']['meta_keywords'],

'meta_description'=> $form['setting']['form']['meta_description']


if ($this->namespace == 'admin') $this->view->setTheme(true);

$this->view->display(substr($form['showtpl'], 0, -5));

if ($this->namespace == 'admin') $this->view->setTheme(false);

if (!file_put_contents($htmlfile, ob_get_clean(), LOCK_EX)) {

$this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-11', array('1' => $htmlfile)));


$htmlfiles= $this->cache->get('html_files');

$htmlfiles[]= $htmlfile;

$this->cache->set('html_files', $htmlfiles);

return true;



* 获取栏目缓存


protected function get_category() {

$cats = $this->cache->get('category_' . $this->siteid);

if ($this->site['SITE_EXTEND_ID']) {

$data = $this->cache->get('category_' . $this->site['SITE_EXTEND_ID']);

if (empty($data)) {

return $cats;


foreach ($data as $catid => $t) {

$t['items'] = $cats[$catid]['items'];

$cats[$catid] = $t;



return $cats;



* 获取栏目缓存目录名称


protected function get_category_dir() {

$cats = $this->cache->get('category_dir_' . $this->siteid);

if ($this->site['SITE_EXTEND_ID']) {

$data = $this->cache->get('category_dir_' . $this->site['SITE_EXTEND_ID']);

return empty($data) ? $cats : $data;


return $cats;



* 获取模型缓存(非会员模型)


protected function get_model($name = 'content', $site = 0) {

return get_model_data($name, $site);



* 检查会员名是否符合规定


protected function is_username($username) {

$strlen = strlen($username);

$pattern = $this->memberconfig['username_pattern'] ? $this->memberconfig['username_pattern'] : '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/';

if(!preg_match($pattern, $username)){

return false;

} elseif ( 20 < $strlen || $strlen < 2 ) {

return false;


return true;



* 内容分页


protected function get_content_page($data, $type, $page) {

if (strpos($data['content'], '{-page-}') !== false) {//内容分页判断

$content = explode('{-page-}', $data['content']);

$pageid = count($content) >= $page ? ($page - 1) : (count($content) - 1);

$page_id = 1;

$pagelist = $pagename = array();

foreach ($content as $k => $t) {

if (preg_match('/\[stitle\](.*)\[\/stitle\]/', $t, $stitle)) {//子标题判断

$content[$k] = str_replace($stitle[0], '', $t);

$pagename[$page_id]= $stitle[1];

if ($k == $pageid) $data['stitle'] = $stitle[1];

} else {

$pagename[$page_id]= $page_id;


$pagelist[$page_id] = $type == 0 ? getCaturl($data, $page_id) : getUrl($data, $page_id);

$page_id ++ ;


$data['content'] = $content[$pageid];


'page'=> $page,

'contentname'=> $pagename,

'contentpage'=> $pagelist



return $data;



* 更新登录信息


public function update_login_info($data) {

$userip= client::get_user_ip();

if (empty($data['loginip']) || $data['loginip'] != $userip) {//如果会员表中的登录ip不一致,则重新记录

$update = array(

'lastloginip' => $data['loginip'],

'lastlogintime' => $data['logintime'],

'loginip' => $ip,

'logintime' => time(),


$this->member->update($update, 'id=' . $data['id']);





* 设置网站配置信息


private function _init() {

$config = require CONFIG_DIR . 'config.ini.php';

$site = array_flip(require CONFIG_DIR . 'site.ini.php');

$mb = array();

if (is_file(CONFIG_DIR . 'mobile.ini.php')) {

$mb = array_flip(require CONFIG_DIR . 'mobile.ini.php');


$name = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '80' ? '' : ':' . (int)$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']);

$info = array();

$path = str_replace(array('\\', '//'), '/', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));

$path = (substr($path, -1) == '/') ? $path : $path . '/'; //URL以反斜杠("/")结尾

$is_mb = 0;

if (isset($_GET['siteid'])) {

$siteid= (int)$_GET['siteid'];

} elseif (isset($site[$name])) {

$siteid = (int)$site[$name];

} elseif (isset($mb[$name])) {

$siteid = (int)$mb[$name];

$is_mb = 1;


$siteid = max($siteid, 1);

foreach ($site as $url => $sid) {

$f = CONFIG_DIR . 'site' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sid . '.ini.php';

if (file_exists($f) && is_file($f)) {

$info[$sid] = require $f;

$info[$sid]['URL'] = 'http://' . $url . $path;

$info[$sid]['DOMAIN'] = $url;

} else {

if ($siteid == $sid) $siteid = 1;



$site = isset($info[$siteid]) ? $info[$siteid] : array();

$config = array_merge($config, $site);

$config['PLUGIN_DIR'] = basename(PLUGIN_DIR);

// 移动判断

if (isset($config['SITE_MOBILE']) && $config['SITE_MOBILE'] == true) {

if ($is_mb || App::get_mobile()) {


$config['SITE_THEME'] = is_dir(VIEW_DIR . 'mobile_' . $siteid) ? 'mobile_' . $siteid : (is_dir(VIEW_DIR . 'mobile') ? 'mobile' : $config['SITE_THEME']);



define('TIME_FORMAT',isset($config['SITE_TIME_FORMAT']) && $config['SITE_TIME_FORMAT'] ? $config['SITE_TIME_FORMAT'] : 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); //输出时间格式化

define('SYS_LANGUAGE',isset($config['SITE_LANGUAGE']) && $config['SITE_LANGUAGE']? $config['SITE_LANGUAGE']: 'zh-cn');//网站语言设置


if (defined('SITE_DIR')) {


} else {



define('SYS_TIME_ZONE','Etc/GMT' . ($config['SITE_TIMEZONE'] > 0 ? '-' : '+') . (abs($config['SITE_TIMEZONE'])));//时区


if (!file_exists(LANGUAGE_DIR)) {

exit('语言目录不存在:' . LANGUAGE_DIR);


$language = require LANGUAGE_DIR . 'lang.php';

if (file_exists(LANGUAGE_DIR . 'custom.php')) {//如果存在自定义语言包,则引入

$custom_lang = require LANGUAGE_DIR . 'custom.php';

$language = array_merge($language, $custom_lang);//若有重复,自定义语言会覆盖系统语言


$this->siteid = $siteid;

define('SITE_ID', $this->siteid);

define('SYS_MODE', isset($config['SYS_MODE']) ? $config['SYS_MODE'] : 0);

define('IS_AJAX', $this->input->is_ajax_request());

$this->site = $this->config = $config;

$this->language = $language;

$this->site_info = $info;

define('SITE_BDPING', $config['SITE_BDPING']);

App::$siteid = $siteid;

App::$config = $config;

App::$language = $language;

App::$site_info= $info;

$config = require CONFIG_DIR.'database.ini.php';

$config['hostname'] = $config['host'];

$config['database'] = $config['dbname'];

$config['dbdriver'] = function_exists('mysqli_init') ? "mysqli" : "mysql";

$config['dbprefix'] = $config['prefix'];

$config['pconnect'] = FALSE;

$config['db_debug'] = TRUE;

$config['cache_on'] = FALSE;

$config['cachedir'] = "";

$config['char_set'] = "utf8";

$config['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";




* 记录$_GET中的非法字符


public function check_Get($var) {

return Controller::check_Get($var);



* 记录$_POST中的非法字符


public function check_Post($var, $a=0) {

return Controller::check_Post($var, $a);



* 保存非法字符攻击日志


private static function save_attack_log($type, $val) {

return Controller::save_attack_log($type, $val);



* 获取并分析$_GET数组某参数值


public function get($string) {

return Controller::get($string);



* 获取并分析$_POST数组某参数值


public function post($string, $a=0) {

return Controller::post($string, $a);



* 验证表单是否POST提交


public function isPostForm($var='submit', $emp=0) {

return Controller::isPostForm($var, $emp);



* 获取并分析 $_GET或$_POST全局超级变量数组某参数的值


public function get_params($string) {

return Controller::get_params($string);



* trigger_error()的简化函数


* 用于显示错误信息. 若调试模式关闭时(即:SYS_DEBUG为false时),则将错误信息并写入日志

* @access public

* @param string $message 所要显示的错误信息

* @param string $level 日志类型. 默认为Error. 参数:Warning, Error, Notice

* @return void


public function halt($message, $level = 'Error') {

return Controller::halt($message, $level);



* 获取当前运行程序的网址域名


public function get_server_name() {

return Controller::get_server_name();



* 获取当前项目的根目录的URL


public function get_base_url() {

return Controller::get_base_url();



* 获取当前运行的Action的URL


public function get_self_url() {

return Controller::get_selfself_url();



* 获取当前Controller内的某Action的URL


public function get_action_url($action_name) {

return Controller::get_action_url($action_name);



* 获取当前项目themes目录的URL


public function get_theme_url(){

return Controller::get_theme_url();



* 网址(URL)跳转操作


public function redirect($url){

return Controller::redirect($url);



* 网址(URL)组装操作,组装绝对路径的URL


public function create_url($route, $params = null) {

return Controller::create_url($route, $params);



* 类的单例实例化操作


public function instance($class_name) {

return Controller::instance($class_name);



* 单例模式实例化一个Model对象


public function model($table_name) {

return Controller::model($table_name);



* 单例模式实例化一个应用Model对象


public function plugin_model($plugin, $table_name) {

return Controller::plugin_model($plugin, $table_name);



* 静态加载文件


public function import($file_name) {

return Controller::import($file_name);



* 静态加载项目设置目录(config目录)中的配置文件


public function load_config($file_name) {

return Controller::load_config($file_name);



* stripslashes


protected static function strip_slashes($string) {

return Controller::strip_slashes($string);



* addslashes


protected static function add_slashes($string) {

return Controller::add_slashes($string);



* 加载应用配置信息


protected function load_plugin_setting($dir) {

return Controller::load_plugin_setting($dir);



* 设置应用视图变量


public function assign($key, $value = null) {

if (!$key) return false;

if (is_array($key)) {

foreach ($key as $k=>$v) {

$this->_options[$k] = $v;


} else {

$this->_options[$key] = $value;


return true;



* 应用调用模板文件(文件为PHP文件)


public function display($file) {

$filename = PLUGIN_DIR . App::get_plugin_id() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file . '.php';

if (!file_exists($filename)) {

App::display_error(lang('app-12', array('1'=>$file)));



$this->_options['viewpath'] = SITE_PATH . basename(PLUGIN_DIR) . '/' . APP_DIR . '/views/';

extract($this->_options, EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, 'data');


require $filename;



* 获取URL参数


protected function getParam() {

return Controller::getParam();



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