java 原子类_Java多线程-JUC之原子操作类:数组类型


数组类型:AtomicIntegerArray, AtomicLongArray, AtomicReferenceArray原子类的原理和用法基本一致 本文章基于jdk:1.8.0_66版的AtomicIntegerArray进行介绍



//构造方法 创建给定长度的AtomicIntegerArray
AtomicIntegerArray(int length)

//构造方法 给定数组复制到创建的AtomicIntegerArray this.array = array.clone();
AtomicIntegerArray(int[] array)

final int length()

//获取 i 位置的值
final int get(int i)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值为newValue
final void set(int i, int newValue)

//最后原子方式设置 i 位置的值为定值,因为调用了nsafe.putOrderedLong非堵塞的写入 修改结果不会立刻被线程看到 通常是几纳秒后被线程看到,延时设置变量值.
final void lazySet(int i, int newValue)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值为newValue 返回原值
final int getAndSet(int i, int newValue)

//如果期望值expect==i位置的原值 则原子方式修改i位置值为updata
final boolean compareAndSet(int i, int expect, int update)

final boolean weakCompareAndSet(int i, int expect, int update)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值加1 返回原值
final int getAndIncrement(int i)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值减1 返回原值
final int getAndDecrement(int i)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值加delta 返回原值
final int getAndAdd(int i, int delta)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值加1 返回新值
final int incrementAndGet(int i)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值减1 返回新值
final int decrementAndGet(int i)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值加delta 返回新值
final int addAndGet(int i, int delta)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值为函式数接口返回值 ,返回原值
final int getAndUpdate(int i, IntUnaryOperator updateFunction)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值为函式数接口返回值 ,返回新值
final int updateAndGet(int i, IntUnaryOperator updateFunction)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值为函数式接口返回值 ,返回原值 函数式接口返回处理原值和给定值x结果
final int getAndAccumulate(int i, int x,IntBinaryOperator accumulatorFunction)

//原子方式设置 i 位置的值为函数式接口返回值 ,返回新值 函数式接口返回处理原值和给定值x结果
final int accumulateAndGet(int i, int x,IntBinaryOperator accumulatorFunction)



import sun.misc.Unsafe;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerArray;
import java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;

 * 本测试演示 getAndUpdate getAndAccumulate
 * 其他的请自行测试
 * @author yingchen
 * @date 2019/7/16
public class AtomicArrayTest {
    private static Unsafe unsafe;
    static {
        try {
            Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
            unsafe = (Unsafe)field.get(null);
        }catch (Exception e){
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
        AtomicIntegerArray atomicIntegerArray = new AtomicIntegerArray(2);
        IntUnaryOperator unaryOperator = new IntUnaryOperator() {
            public int applyAsInt(int operand) {
                return 36;
        System.out.printf("%20s 数组[%s]原值:%s,当前值:%sn","getAndUpdate()",0,atomicIntegerArray.getAndUpdate(0,unaryOperator),atomicIntegerArray.get(0));
        IntBinaryOperator binaryOperator = new IntBinaryOperator() {
            public int applyAsInt(int left, int right) {
                return left+right;
        System.out.printf("%20s 数组[%s]原值:%s,当前值:%sn","getAndAccumulate()",1,atomicIntegerArray.getAndAccumulate(1,20,binaryOperator),atomicIntegerArray.get(1));

        //这里反射获取 atomicIntegerArray 中数组 使用unsaf获取数组里面的值
        Field field = atomicIntegerArray.getClass().getDeclaredField("array");
        int[] array = (int[])field.get(atomicIntegerArray);

        int base = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(int[].class);
        int scale = unsafe.arrayIndexScale(int[].class);
        System.out.printf("%20s 元素大小:%sn","Array",scale);
        int shift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(scale);
        System.out.printf("%20s 偏移量:%sn","Array",shift);

        System.out.printf("%20s 数组第一个元素偏移地址:%sn","Array",base);
        int one = unsafe.getIntVolatile(array, base);
        System.out.printf("%20s 数组第一个元素值:%sn","Array",one);

        Long anInt = ((long) 1 << shift) + base;
        System.out.printf("%20s 数组第二个元素偏地址:%sn","Array",anInt);
        int intVolatile = unsafe.getIntVolatile(array, anInt);
        System.out.printf("%20s 数组第二个元素值:%sn","Array",intVolatile);


getAndUpdate() 数组[0]原值:0,当前值:36
getAndAccumulate() 数组[1]原值:1,当前值:21
Array 元素大小:4
Array 偏移量:2
Array 数组第一个元素偏移地址:16
Array 数组第一个元素值:36
Array 数组第二个元素偏地址:20
Array 数组第二个元素值:21


AtomicIntegerArray的代码很简单,下面仅以getAndIncrement()为例,对AtomicIntegerArray的原理进行说明。 getAndIncrement()源码:

public final int getAndIncrement(int i) {
           return getAndAdd(i, 1);
    public final int getAndAdd(int i, int delta) {
            //原子方式设置 array数组中 i 位置的值为delta 
            return unsafe.getAndAddInt(array, checkedByteOffset(i), delta);
    private long checkedByteOffset(int i) {
            //校验i 位置是否越界
            if (i < 0 || i >= array.length)
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index " + i);
            //返回 i 位置的地址
            return byteOffset(i);
    private static long byteOffset(int i) {
            // i 左移shift 加上 数组初始偏移 等于 i 位置的偏移
            return ((long) i << shift) + base;

以上是getAndIncrement 源码的调用链 其中涉及到了 数组寻址 数组寻址[i]位置地址 = 数组初始偏移+元素大小*i;(数组是连续的内存空间) 下面代码是 AtomicIntegerArray中获取比例值 数据初始偏移的代码

static {
            //获取比例值 即数组中单个元素的长度
            int scale = unsafe.arrayIndexScale(int[].class);
            if ((scale & (scale - 1)) != 0)
                throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two");
                //数组偏移量  是获取例如 scale = 4 二进制位数是3  shift= 31 -29=2
                //Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros 返回无符号整型i的最高非零位前面的0的个数 4的二进制 0100 1前面还有29个0
            shift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(scale);
    private static final int base = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(int[].class);

下图是简单的解释数组寻址 是怎么操作的


比例值即数组长度,a[0]首地址+比例值 =a[1]首地址= 0000 0100


a[i]首地址=i<<偏移量 + a[0]首地址

a[1]=1 <<2 +0000 0000 = 0000 0100 +0000 0000 =0000 0100

a[2]=2 <<2 +0000 0000 = 0000 1000 +0000 0000 =0000 1000

a[2]=3 <<2 +0000 0000 = 0000 1100 +0000 0000 =0000 1100

 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

 * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at

package java.util.concurrent.atomic;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;

 * An {@code int} array in which elements may be updated atomically.
 * See the {@link java.util.concurrent.atomic} package
 * specification for description of the properties of atomic
 * variables.
 * @since 1.5
 * @author Doug Lea
public class AtomicIntegerArray implements {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2862133569453604235L;

    private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
    private static final int base = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(int[].class);
    private static final int shift;
    private final int[] array;

    static {
        int scale = unsafe.arrayIndexScale(int[].class);
        if ((scale & (scale - 1)) != 0)
            throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two");
        shift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(scale);

    private long checkedByteOffset(int i) {
        if (i < 0 || i >= array.length)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index " + i);

        return byteOffset(i);

    private static long byteOffset(int i) {
        return ((long) i << shift) + base;

     * Creates a new AtomicIntegerArray of the given length, with all
     * elements initially zero.
     * @param length the length of the array
    public AtomicIntegerArray(int length) {
        array = new int[length];

     * Creates a new AtomicIntegerArray with the same length as, and
     * all elements copied from, the given array.
     * @param array the array to copy elements from
     * @throws NullPointerException if array is null
    public AtomicIntegerArray(int[] array) {
        // Visibility guaranteed by final field guarantees
        this.array = array.clone();

     * Returns the length of the array.
     * @return the length of the array
    public final int length() {
        return array.length;

     * Gets the current value at position {@code i}.
     * @param i the index
     * @return the current value
    public final int get(int i) {
        return getRaw(checkedByteOffset(i));

    private int getRaw(long offset) {
        return unsafe.getIntVolatile(array, offset);

     * Sets the element at position {@code i} to the given value.
     * @param i the index
     * @param newValue the new value
    public final void set(int i, int newValue) {
        unsafe.putIntVolatile(array, checkedByteOffset(i), newValue);

     * Eventually sets the element at position {@code i} to the given value.
     * @param i the index
     * @param newValue the new value
     * @since 1.6
    public final void lazySet(int i, int newValue) {
        unsafe.putOrderedInt(array, checkedByteOffset(i), newValue);

     * Atomically sets the element at position {@code i} to the given
     * value and returns the old value.
     * @param i the index
     * @param newValue the new value
     * @return the previous value
    public final int getAndSet(int i, int newValue) {
        return unsafe.getAndSetInt(array, checkedByteOffset(i), newValue);

     * Atomically sets the element at position {@code i} to the given
     * updated value if the current value {@code ==} the expected value.
     * @param i the index
     * @param expect the expected value
     * @param update the new value
     * @return {@code true} if successful. False return indicates that
     * the actual value was not equal to the expected value.
    public final boolean compareAndSet(int i, int expect, int update) {
        return compareAndSetRaw(checkedByteOffset(i), expect, update);

    private boolean compareAndSetRaw(long offset, int expect, int update) {
        return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(array, offset, expect, update);

     * Atomically sets the element at position {@code i} to the given
     * updated value if the current value {@code ==} the expected value.
     * <p><a href="package-summary.html#weakCompareAndSet">May fail
     * spuriously and does not provide ordering guarantees</a>, so is
     * only rarely an appropriate alternative to {@code compareAndSet}.
     * @param i the index
     * @param expect the expected value
     * @param update the new value
     * @return {@code true} if successful
    public final boolean weakCompareAndSet(int i, int expect, int update) {
        return compareAndSet(i, expect, update);

     * Atomically increments by one the element at index {@code i}.
     * @param i the index
     * @return the previous value
    public final int getAndIncrement(int i) {
        return getAndAdd(i, 1);

     * Atomically decrements by one the element at index {@code i}.
     * @param i the index
     * @return the previous value
    public final int getAndDecrement(int i) {
        return getAndAdd(i, -1);

     * Atomically adds the given value to the element at index {@code i}.
     * @param i the index
     * @param delta the value to add
     * @return the previous value
    public final int getAndAdd(int i, int delta) {
        return unsafe.getAndAddInt(array, checkedByteOffset(i), delta);

     * Atomically increments by one the element at index {@code i}.
     * @param i the index
     * @return the updated value
    public final int incrementAndGet(int i) {
        return getAndAdd(i, 1) + 1;

     * Atomically decrements by one the element at index {@code i}.
     * @param i the index
     * @return the updated value
    public final int decrementAndGet(int i) {
        return getAndAdd(i, -1) - 1;

     * Atomically adds the given value to the element at index {@code i}.
     * @param i the index
     * @param delta the value to add
     * @return the updated value
    public final int addAndGet(int i, int delta) {
        return getAndAdd(i, delta) + delta;

     * Atomically updates the element at index {@code i} with the results
     * of applying the given function, returning the previous value. The
     * function should be side-effect-free, since it may be re-applied
     * when attempted updates fail due to contention among threads.
     * @param i the index
     * @param updateFunction a side-effect-free function
     * @return the previous value
     * @since 1.8
    public final int getAndUpdate(int i, IntUnaryOperator updateFunction) {
        long offset = checkedByteOffset(i);
        int prev, next;
        do {
            prev = getRaw(offset);
            next = updateFunction.applyAsInt(prev);
        } while (!compareAndSetRaw(offset, prev, next));
        return prev;

     * Atomically updates the element at index {@code i} with the results
     * of applying the given function, returning the updated value. The
     * function should be side-effect-free, since it may be re-applied
     * when attempted updates fail due to contention among threads.
     * @param i the index
     * @param updateFunction a side-effect-free function
     * @return the updated value
     * @since 1.8
    public final int updateAndGet(int i, IntUnaryOperator updateFunction) {
        long offset = checkedByteOffset(i);
        int prev, next;
        do {
            prev = getRaw(offset);
            next = updateFunction.applyAsInt(prev);
        } while (!compareAndSetRaw(offset, prev, next));
        return next;

     * Atomically updates the element at index {@code i} with the
     * results of applying the given function to the current and
     * given values, returning the previous value. The function should
     * be side-effect-free, since it may be re-applied when attempted
     * updates fail due to contention among threads.  The function is
     * applied with the current value at index {@code i} as its first
     * argument, and the given update as the second argument.
     * @param i the index
     * @param x the update value
     * @param accumulatorFunction a side-effect-free function of two arguments
     * @return the previous value
     * @since 1.8
    public final int getAndAccumulate(int i, int x,
                                      IntBinaryOperator accumulatorFunction) {
        long offset = checkedByteOffset(i);
        int prev, next;
        do {
            prev = getRaw(offset);
            next = accumulatorFunction.applyAsInt(prev, x);
        } while (!compareAndSetRaw(offset, prev, next));
        return prev;

     * Atomically updates the element at index {@code i} with the
     * results of applying the given function to the current and
     * given values, returning the updated value. The function should
     * be side-effect-free, since it may be re-applied when attempted
     * updates fail due to contention among threads.  The function is
     * applied with the current value at index {@code i} as its first
     * argument, and the given update as the second argument.
     * @param i the index
     * @param x the update value
     * @param accumulatorFunction a side-effect-free function of two arguments
     * @return the updated value
     * @since 1.8
    public final int accumulateAndGet(int i, int x,
                                      IntBinaryOperator accumulatorFunction) {
        long offset = checkedByteOffset(i);
        int prev, next;
        do {
            prev = getRaw(offset);
            next = accumulatorFunction.applyAsInt(prev, x);
        } while (!compareAndSetRaw(offset, prev, next));
        return next;

     * Returns the String representation of the current values of array.
     * @return the String representation of the current values of array
    public String toString() {
        int iMax = array.length - 1;
        if (iMax == -1)
            return "[]";

        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
            if (i == iMax)
                return b.append(']').toString();
            b.append(',').append(' ');

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