topaz全家桶中文_apache 开源项目全家桶 2020年12月中文介绍




big-data (50):

Project Apache Accumulo

star :838


Apache Accumulo 是一个可靠的、可伸缩的、高性能的排序分布式的 Key-Value 存储解决方案,基于单元访问控制以及可定制的服务器端处理。使用 Google BigTable 设计思路,基于Apache Hadoop、Zookeeper和Thrift构建。

Project Apache Airavata

Airavata [1] 是目前用来建立科学网关的软件工具包,但具有更广泛的潜在用途。它提供的功能组成,管理,执行和监测小范围从本地集群,以国家电网和云计算的计算资源进行大规模的应用和工作流程。小工具接口,Airavata后端服务可以部署在开放社会的容器,如Apache Rave 和修改,以满足他们的需求。 airavata构建面向服务的计算,分布式消息,和工作流程的组成和业务流程的一般概念。

Project Apache Ambari

Apache Ambari是一种基于Web的工具,支持Apache Hadoop集群的供应、管理和监控。Ambari已支持大多数Hadoop组件,包括HDFS、MapReduce、Hive、Pig、 Hbase、Zookeeper、Sqoop和Hcatalog等。

Apache Ambari 支持HDFS、MapReduce、Hive、Pig、Hbase、Zookeepr、Sqoop和Hcatalog等的集中管理。也是5个顶级hadoop管理工具之一。

Project Apache Apex (in the Attic)

Project Apache Avro

Avro(读音类似于[ævrə])是Hadoop的一个子项目,由Hadoop的 创始人Doug Cutting(也是Lucene,Nutch等项目的创始人)牵头开发。Avro是一个数据序列化系统,设计用于支持大 批量数据交换的应用。它的主要特点有:支持二进制序列化方式,可以便捷,快速地处理大量数据;动态语言友好,Avro提供的机制使动态语言可以方便地处理 Avro数据。

Project Apache Beam

Apache Beam 是 Apache 软件基金会越来越多的数据流项目中最新增添的成员,是 Google 在2016年2月份贡献给 Apache 基金会的孵化项目。


Project Apache Bigtop

Bigtop 是一个 Apache Hadoop 生态系统的开发、打包和测试系统。

其主要目的是建立社区驱动的 Hadoop 相关项目的交互性测试。

Project Apache BookKeeper

Apache BookKeeper 是一个可以方便扩展,高可用,低延迟的存储系统。BookKeeper 专门为 append-only 的工作模式提供了优化,在以下的应用场景中非常适用:

WAL (Write-Ahead-Logging), 例如 HDFS 的 NameNode 。

消息存储系统,例如 Apache Pulsar 。

Offset/Cursor 存储系统,例如在 Apache Pulsar 中用来存储消息消费位置。

Object/Blob Store 对象存储系统,例如存储状态机的 snapshots 。

Project Apache Calcite

Apache Calcite 是一个动态数据管理框架,用于 Hadoop 平台。

Project Apache Camel

Apache Camel 是一个非常强大的基于规则的路由以及媒介引擎,该引擎提供了一个基于POJO的 企业应用模式(Enterprise Integration Patterns)的实现,你可以采用其异常强大且十分易用的API (可以说是一种Java的领域定义语言 Domain Specific Language)来配置其路由或者中介的规则。 通过这种领域定义语言,你可以在你的IDE中用简单的Java Code就可以写出一个类型安全并具有一定智能的规则描述文件。这与那种复杂的XML配置相比极大简化了规则定义开发。 当然Apache Camel也提供了一个对Spring 配置文件的支持。

Apache Camel 采用URI来描述各种组件,这样你可以很方便地与各种传输或者消息模块进行交互,其中包含的模块有 HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF Bus API。 这些模块是采用可插拔的方式进行工作的。Apache Camel的核心十分小巧你可以很容易地将其集成在各种Java应用中。

Project Apache CarbonData

Apache® CarbonData™是由华为开源贡献的大数据高效存储格式解决方案。针对当前大数据领域分析场景需求各异而导致的存储冗余问题,CarbonData提供了一种新的融合数据存储方案,以一份数据同时支持“交互式分析、详单查询、任意维度组合的过滤查询等”多种大数据应用场景,并通过丰富的索引技术、字典编码、列存等特性提升了IO扫描和计算性能,实现百亿数据级秒级响应,与大数据生态Apache Hadoop、Apache Spark等无缝集成。

Project Apache CouchDB

Apache CouchDB 是一个面向文档的数据库管理系统。它提供以 JSON 作为数据格式的 REST 接口来对其进行操作,并可以通过视图来操纵文档的组织和呈现。

Project Apache Crunch (in the Attic)

Apache Crunch 是基于 FlumeJava 实现的,在 Goolge 发表的一篇论文中讲到它是一个基于 MapReduce 的数据管道库。

Project Apache Daffodil (Incubating)

Project Apache DataFu (Incubating)

Project Apache DirectMemory (in the Attic)

Project Apache Drill

Project Apache Edgent (Incubating)

Project Apache Falcon (in the Attic)

Project Apache Flink

Project Apache Flume

Project Apache Fluo

Project Apache Fluo Recipes

Project Apache Fluo YARN

Project Apache Giraph

Project Apache Hama (in the Attic)

Project Apache Helix

Project Apache Ignite

Project Apache Kibble

Project Apache Knox

Project Apache Kudu

Project Apache Lens (in the Attic)

Project Apache MetaModel

Project Apache MXNet (Incubating)

Project Apache OODT

Project Apache Oozie

Project Apache ORC

Project Apache Parquet

Project Apache Phoenix

Project Apache PredictionIO (in the Attic)

Project Apache REEF

Project Apache Samza

Project Apache Spark

Project Apache Sqoop

Project Apache Storm

Project Apache Tajo (in the Attic)

Project Apache Tez

Project Apache Trafodion

Project Apache VXQuery (in the Attic)

Project Apache Zeppelin

build-management (21):

Project Apache .NET Ant Library

Project Apache Ant

Project Apache AntUnit

Project Apache Archiva

Project Apache Bloodhound

Project Apache Buildr

Project Apache Compress Ant Library

Project Apache Continuum (in the Attic)

Project Apache Forrest (in the Attic)

Project Apache Gump

Project Apache Ivy

Project Apache IvyDE

Project Apache Maven

Project Apache Maven Doxia

Project Apache Props Ant Library

Project Apache Rat

Project Apache Subversion

Project Apache Tentacles

Project Apache VSS Ant Library

Project Apache Whisker

Project Apache Yetus

c++ (1):

Project Apache PLC4X

cloud (14):

Project Apache Airavata

Project Apache Brooklyn

Project Apache Camel

Project Apache CloudStack

Project Apache CouchDB

Project Apache Deltacloud (in the Attic)

Project Apache Helix

Project Apache Ignite

Project Apache jclouds

Project Apache Libcloud

Project Apache Mesos

Project Apache Milagro (Incubating)

Project Apache Stratos (in the Attic)

Project Apache VCL

content (20):

Project Apache Allura

Project Apache Annotator (Incubating)

Project Apache Any23

Project Apache Clerezza

Project Apache CouchDB

Project Apache cTAKES

Project Apache ESME (in the Attic)

Project Apache FreeMarker (Incubating)

Project Apache JSPWiki

Project Apache ManifoldCF

Project Apache OFBiz

Project Apache Open Climate Workbench (in the Attic)

Project Apache OpenOffice

Project Apache PDFBox

Project Apache POI

Project Apache Roller

Project Apache Stanbol (in the Attic)

Project Apache Taverna (Incubating)

Project Apache Tika

Project Apache Whimsy

data-management-platform (1):

Project Apache Ignite

database (25):

Project Apache Cassandra

Project Apache Cayenne

Project Apache Cocoon

Project Apache CouchDB

Project Apache Curator

Project Apache Derby

Project Apache Empire-db

Project Apache Forrest (in the Attic)

Project Apache Gora

Project Apache HBase

Project Apache Hive

Project Apache Ignite

Project Apache IoTDB (Incubating)

Project Apache Jackrabbit

Project Apache Lucene Core

Project Apache Lucene.Net

Project Apache Lucy (in the Attic)

Project Apache MetaModel

Project Apache OFBiz

Project Apache OpenJPA

Project Apache ORC

Project Apache Phoenix

Project Apache Pig

Project Apache Torque

Project Apache ZooKeeper

distributed-sql-database (1):

Project Apache Ignite

education (1):

Project Apache Petri

ftp (1):

Project Apache mod_ftp

geospatial (3):

Project Apache Calcite

Project Apache OFBiz

Project Apache Spatial Information System

graphics (5):

Project Apache Batik

Project Apache Cocoon

Project Apache FOP

Project Apache Forrest (in the Attic)

Project Apache XML Graphics Commons

hadoop (4):

Project Apache Calcite

Project Apache Chukwa (in the Attic)

Project Apache Ignite

Project Apache ORC

html (1):

Project Apache FreeMarker (Incubating)

http (15):

Project Apache Axis2

Project Apache Cocoon

Project Apache Commons HttpClient

Project Apache CouchDB

Project Apache Forrest (in the Attic)

Project Apache Geronimo

Project Apache HTTP Server

Project Apache HttpComponents Client

Project Apache HttpComponents Core

Project Apache OFBiz

Project Apache Synapse

Project Apache Taverna (Incubating)

Project Apache Thrift

Project Apache Tomcat

Project Apache Traffic Server

httpd-module (4):

Project Apache HTTP Server

Project Apache mod_ftp

Project Apache mod_perl

Project Apache Websh

Apache Projects List (1):

Project Apache Kafka

identity-management (3):

Project Apache Fortress

Project Apache Kerby

Project Apache Syncope

identity-provisioning (2):

Project Apache Kerby

Project Apache Syncope

integration (2):

Project Apache Camel

Project Apache PLC4X

iot (4):

Project Apache Camel

Project Apache Ignite

Project Apache IoTDB (Incubating)

Project Apache PLC4X

java (4):

Project Apache Camel

Project Apache FreeMarker (Incubating)

Project Apache IoTDB (Incubating)

Project Apache PLC4X

javaee (10):

Project Apache BVal

Project Apache DeltaSpike

Project Apache Geronimo

Project Apache MyFaces

Project Apache OpenJPA

Project Apache OpenWebBeans

Project Apache River

Project Apache Shindig (in the Attic)

Project Apache Tomcat

Project Apache Wink (in the Attic)

kerberos (1):

Project Apache Kerby

library (102):

Project Apache Anakia

Project Apache Aries

Project Apache Avro

Project Apache Axiom

Project Apache BVal

Project Apache Camel

Project Apache Cayenne

Project Apache Chemistry

Project Apache Click (in the Attic)

Project Apache Commons BCEL

Project Apache Commons BeanUtils

Project Apache Commons BSF

Project Apache Commons Chain

Project Apache Commons CLI

Project Apache Commons Codec

Project Apache Commons Collections

Project Apache Commons Compress

Project Apache Commons Configuration

Project Apache Commons Daemon

Project Apache Commons DBCP

Project Apache Commons DbUtils

Project Apache Commons Digester

Project Apache Commons Discovery

Project Apache Commons EL

Project Apache Commons Email

Project Apache Commons Exec

Project Apache Commons FileUpload

Project Apache Commons Functor

Project Apache Commons HttpClient

Project Apache Commons IO

Project Apache Commons JCI

Project Apache Commons JCS

Project Apache Commons Jelly

Project Apache Commons JEXL

Project Apache Commons JXPath

Project Apache Commons Lang

Project Apache Commons Launcher

Project Apache Commons Logging

Project Apache Commons Math

Project Apache Commons Modeler

Project Apache Commons Net

Project Apache Commons OGNL

Project Apache Commons Pool

Project Apache Commons Proxy

Project Apache Commons RNG

Project Apache Commons SCXML

Project Apache Commons Validator

Project Apache Commons VFS

Project Apache Commons Weaver

Project Apache Cordova

Project Apache Crunch (in the Attic)

Project Apache cTAKES

Project Apache CXF

Project Apache Daffodil (Incubating)

Project Apache Deltacloud (in the Attic)

Project Apache ECS (in the Attic)

Project Apache Edgent (Incubating)

Project Apache Etch (in the Attic)

Project Apache Fortress

Project Apache Groovy

Project Apache Hivemind (in the Attic)

Project Apache HttpComponents Client

Project Apache HttpComponents Core

Project Apache Hudi

Project Apache Jackrabbit

Project Apache jclouds

Project Apache Jena

Project Apache Kerby

Project Apache Libcloud

Project Apache log4cxx

Project Apache Log4j 2

Project Apache log4net

Project Apache log4php

Project Apache Lucene Core

Project Apache Mahout

Project Apache MetaModel

Project Apache MRUnit (in the Attic)

Project Apache Olingo

Project Apache Oltu - Parent (in the Attic)

Project Apache OpenJPA

Project Apache OpenNLP

Project Apache ORC

Project Apache ORO (in the Attic)

Project Apache PDFBox

Project Apache Pivot

Project Apache PLC4X

Project Apache POI

Project Apache Polygene (in the Attic)

Project Apache Portable Runtime

Project Apache Regexp (in the Attic)

Project Apache Santuario

Project Apache Serf

Project Apache Shiro

Project Apache Spatial Information System

Project Apache Steve

Project Apache Texen

Project Apache Thrift

Project Apache Tika

Project Apache Velocity

Project Apache Velocity DVSL

Project Apache Velocity Tools

Project Apache Yetus

mail (2):

Project Apache JAMES

Project Apache SpamAssassin

mobile (3):

Project Apache Cordova

Project Apache DeviceMap (in the Attic)

Project Apache Edgent (Incubating)

network-client (27):

Project Apache ActiveMQ

Project Apache Axis2

Project Apache Camel

Project Apache Cayenne

Project Apache Chainsaw

Project Apache Click (in the Attic)

Project Apache Cocoon

Project Apache Commons HttpClient

Project Apache CouchDB

Project Apache CXF

Project Apache Directory

Project Apache Directory Studio

Project Apache Edgent (Incubating)

Project Apache Etch (in the Attic)

Project Apache Forrest (in the Attic)

Project Apache Guacamole

Project Apache HttpComponents Client

Project Apache HttpComponents Core

Project Apache Ignite

Project Apache MINA

Project Apache OpenMeetings

Project Apache PLC4X

Project Apache Qpid

Project Apache ServiceMix

Project Apache Synapse

Project Apache Taverna (Incubating)

Project Apache Thrift

network-server (40):

Project Apache ActiveMQ

Project Apache Airavata

Project Apache Axis2

Project Apache Camel

Project Apache Cayenne

Project Apache Celix

Project Apache Click (in the Attic)

Project Apache Cocoon

Project Apache CouchDB

Project Apache CXF

Project Apache Directory

Project Apache Directory Server

Project Apache Etch (in the Attic)

Project Apache Excalibur (in the Attic)

Project Apache Felix

Project Apache Forrest (in the Attic)

Project Apache FtpServer

Project Apache Geronimo

Project Apache Guacamole

Project Apache HTTP Server

Project Apache HttpComponents Core

Project Apache Ignite

Project Apache Jackrabbit

Project Apache JAMES

Project Apache Karaf

Project Apache MINA

Project Apache mod_ftp

Project Apache ODE (in the Attic)

Project Apache OFBiz

Project Apache OpenMeetings

Project Apache Qpid

Project Apache ServiceMix

Project Apache Solr

Project Apache SSHD

Project Apache Synapse

Project Apache Thrift

Project Apache Tomcat

Project Apache TomEE

Project Apache Vysper

Project Apache Whirr (in the Attic)

observability (1):

Project Apache SkyWalking

osgi (6):

Project Apache Camel

Project Apache Clerezza

Project Apache Ignite

Project Apache Karaf

Project Apache ServiceMix

Project Apache Taverna (Incubating)

python (2):

Project Apache IoTDB (Incubating)

Project Apache PLC4X

regexp (2):

Project Apache ORO (in the Attic)

Project Apache Regexp (in the Attic)

retired (45):

Project Apache Abdera (in the Attic)

Project Apache ACE (in the Attic)

Project Apache Apex (in the Attic)

Project Apache Beehive (in the Attic)

Project Apache Chukwa (in the Attic)

Project Apache Click (in the Attic)

Project Apache Continuum (in the Attic)

Project Apache Crunch (in the Attic)

Project Apache Deltacloud (in the Attic)

Project Apache DeviceMap (in the Attic)

Project Apache DirectMemory (in the Attic)

Project Apache ECS (in the Attic)

Project Apache ESME (in the Attic)

Project Apache Etch (in the Attic)

Project Apache Excalibur (in the Attic)

Project Apache Falcon (in the Attic)

Project Apache Forrest (in the Attic)

Project Apache Hama (in the Attic)

Project Apache Harmony (in the Attic)

Project Apache Hivemind (in the Attic)

Project Apache Jakarta Cactus (in the Attic)

Project Apache Lens (in the Attic)

Project Apache Lenya (in the Attic)

Project Apache Lucy (in the Attic)

Project Apache Marmotta (in the Attic)

Project Apache MRUnit (in the Attic)

Project Apache ODE (in the Attic)

Project Apache Oltu - Parent (in the Attic)

Project Apache Open Climate Workbench (in the Attic)

Project Apache ORO (in the Attic)

Project Apache Polygene (in the Attic)

Project Apache PredictionIO (in the Attic)

Project Apache Regexp (in the Attic)

Project Apache Shale (in the Attic)

Project Apache Shindig (in the Attic)

Project Apache Stanbol (in the Attic)

Project Apache Stratos (in the Attic)

Project Apache Tajo (in the Attic)

Project Apache Tiles (in the Attic)

Project Apache Tuscany (in the Attic)

Project Apache VXQuery (in the Attic)

Project Apache Whirr (in the Attic)

Project Apache Wink (in the Attic)

Project Apache Wookie (in the Attic)

Project Apache Xindice (in the Attic)

sdk (2):

Project Apache Fortress

Project Apache Kerby

search (2):

Project Apache Lucene Core

Project Apache Solr

security (4):

Project Apache Fortress

Project Apache Kerby

Project Apache Santuario

Project Apache Syncope

sql (2):

Project Apache Calcite

Project Apache Ignite

templating (1):

Project Apache FreeMarker (Incubating)

testing (5):

Project Apache AntUnit

Project Apache Gump

Project Apache Jakarta Cactus (in the Attic)

Project Apache JMeter

Project Apache Yetus

virtual-machine (1):

Project Apache Harmony (in the Attic)

web-framework (26):

Project Apache Beehive (in the Attic)

Project Apache Cayenne

Project Apache Click (in the Attic)

Project Apache Cocoon

Project Apache Flex

Project Apache Forrest (in the Attic)

Project Apache Geronimo

Project Apache Isis

Project Apache Lenya (in the Attic)

Project Apache MyFaces

Project Apache Nutch

Project Apache OFBiz

Project Apache Portals

Project Apache Rivet

Project Apache Shale (in the Attic)

Project Apache Shiro

Project Apache Solr

Project Apache Struts

Project Apache Tapestry

Project Apache Tiles (in the Attic)

Project Apache Tobago

Project Apache Turbine

Project Apache Tuscany (in the Attic)

Project Apache Websh

Project Apache Wicket

Project Apache Wookie (in the Attic)

xml (32):

Project Apache Abdera (in the Attic)

Project Apache Axiom

Project Apache Axis2

Project Apache Batik

Project Apache Cayenne

Project Apache Click (in the Attic)

Project Apache Cocoon

Project Apache CXF

Project Apache Daffodil (Incubating)

Project Apache FOP

Project Apache Forrest (in the Attic)

Project Apache Jackrabbit

Project Apache Lenya (in the Attic)

Project Apache ODE (in the Attic)

Project Apache OFBiz

Project Apache Sandesha2

Project Apache Santuario

Project Apache Scout

Project Apache ServiceMix

Project Apache Synapse

Project Apache Taverna (Incubating)

Project Apache VXQuery (in the Attic)

Project Apache Woden

Project Apache Xalan for C++ XSLT Processor

Project Apache Xalan for Java XSLT Processor

Project Apache Xerces for C++ XML Parser

Project Apache Xerces for Java XML Parser

Project Apache Xerces for Perl XML Parser

Project Apache Xindice (in the Attic)

Project Apache XML Commons External

Project Apache XML Commons Resolver

Project Apache XMLBeans





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