



Solutions must be written out completely. You must clearly expressing your

ideas in complete sentences using words and symbols, rather than just \getting the

right answer.quot; Homework will be graded accordingly.

Homework must be neat, well organized and stapled (if multiple sheets).

You are encouraged to collaborate with classmates on homework outside of

classtime. However, it is expected that the work you turn in is your individual work.

If you are working with others on the problems, please write up your individual

solutions on your own. Please acknowledge any other students you worked with

on developing solutions to these problems by writing something like, \I worked

with Mary Poppins and Winnie the Poohquot; at the end of your paper or by speci c


Please include this rst page as a cover sheet on your homework.

Only a select number of problems will be graded.


(1) Section 2.1 Mindscapes (pg. 50-52): 10, 12 (justify your answer fully!), 14,

15, 26

(2) It is the middle of winter. A centipede has a gigantic drawer lled with

many socks and gets up before sunrise each morning to don these socks.

The centipedersquo;s two most favorite colors in the world are yellow and brown

(since this particular centipede is quite fond of bananas).

(a) Naturally, the centipede owns only yellow and brown socks, but since

it is dark outside and the centipede doesnrsquo;t like to fold laundry, this

sleepy insect has to make a best guess for each sock pulled out of the

drawer to try and nd a matching set. How many socks must the

centipede pull from the drawer to guarantee a matching set for each

of its 100 cold feet?

(b) One day, this centipede goes all out and obtains a huge pile of yellow-

with-brown-polka-dots socks. Now there are three types of socks in

the drawer: yellow, brown, and polka-dotted. In this case, how many

socks must the centipede pull from the drawer to guarantee a matching

set for each of its 100 feet?

(3) Say that you pick 5 cards at random from a deck of 52 cards.

(a) Can you guarantee that at least two of the cards will be of the same

suit? Why or why not?

(b) Is it possible to determine which suit this will be? Why or why not?

(4) Suppose that 13 people are locked inside a cold, damp room by a giant evil

medieval cockroach. The cockroach, laughing maniacally, tells the people

that the only way she will release them is if they can prove to her that

at least two of them have birthdays on the same month. Since she does

not trust these humans, she is unsatis ed simply being told each of their

months of birth. Provide a proof that among these 13 people, there are at

least two people with the same months of birth.

(5) Write the number 76 in binary. (Hint: Find the highest power of 2 that

goes into 76).

(6) Find the decimal equivalent of the binary number 1000011101.





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