java alsa 编程_linux上的java声音:如何从TargetDataLine中快速捕获到足以跟上?

我正在使用Java声音API和Java 1.7.当我在Linux上运行我的应用程序时,我很难快速地从TargetDataLine读取以跟上记录的内容(java版“1.7.0_51”,Java(TM)SE运行时环境(版本1.7.0_51-b13),Java HotSpot(TM)64位服务器VM(构建24.51-b03,混合模式),Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5).在我的Windows 7笔记本电脑上运行相同的程序时,我没有这个问题.我有点难过.






import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.List;

import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;

import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;

import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;

import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;

import javax.sound.sampled.Mixer;

import javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine;


* This is a test of mic capture delay for given buffer and fetch settings.


public class MicCaptureDelayTest {


* the audio format used for capturing and transmitting


private static final AudioFormat format =

new AudioFormat(8000,16,1,true,true);


* This is the target data line buffer size to request,in bytes.


private static final int MIC_BUFFER_SIZE = 1000;


* This is the number of bytes to try to fetch from the target data line at a

* time.


private static final int MIC_FETCH_SIZE = 480;


* Searches for available mixers on the system that have a microphone.

* @return a list of matching mixers


private static ListdioSystem.getMixerInfo();


DataLine.Info lineInfo = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class,format);

boolean isSupported = mixer.isLineSupported(lineInfo);

if (isSupported) {




return matches;



* This is the test recording thread.


private static class MicFetcher extends Thread {


* This is the requested recording state.


private boolean shouldRecord = false;


* This is the current processed recording state of the thread.


private boolean isRecording = false;


* This is the Java audio interface line microphone data is captured from.


private TargetDataLine lineFromMic;


* Runs the test mic capture thread body.



public void run() {


DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class,format);

try {

lineFromMic = (TargetDataLine) mixerToUse.getLine(info);,MIC_BUFFER_SIZE);

} catch (LineUnavailableException e) {




byte[] transferBuffer = new byte[MIC_FETCH_SIZE];





read times (ms):

54.00 18.10 36.62 36.32 35.99

18.10 18.25 54.26 18.30 35.56

18.12 35.51 36.74 17.22 36.70

35.29 18.33 35.60 18.23 54.72

19.00 37.99 18.14 18.37 53.91

18.37 35.34 36.00 18.00 36.00

18.00 54.71 17.22 18.12 36.18

36.64 36.08 18.00 54.34 18.26

18.27 35.44 18.30 54.77 18.33

18.24 36.51 35.47 36.52 18.35

17.14 54.96 18.13 36.73 17.21

54.95 18.28 18.37 36.54 36.72

35.56 18.37 17.23 54.46 18.36

35.53 18.08 36.00 36.00 17.99

54.30 18.06 35.22 18.00 18.00

53.93 18.32 35.63 36.64 18.16

35.21 18.30 55.65 18.23 18.35

35.55 36.32 35.60 18.30 36.33

36.21 17.22 36.54 18.32 54.96

17.19 18.36 35.62 36.67 35.25

18.29 18.37 54.63 18.37 36.54

18.35 53.91 18.37 17.23 36.70

36.09 36.01 17.19 18.33 53.91

18.37 36.56 18.36 35.53 36.58

18.16 53.84 18.26 36.03 18.08

18.12 54.24 18.08 36.14 36.19

18.12 36.08 18.11 53.80 18.28

18.37 36.55 18.13 53.99 18.00

36.12 35.54 18.28 36.56 17.20

53.96 18.00 18.01 36.67 36.53

36.71 17.19 18.37 54.37 18.02

35.97 18.00 54.00 18.00 18.00

36.00 35.99 36.34 18.37 18.35

53.93 18.13 36.63 18.33 36.33

36.34 18.33 36.55 35.51 36.66

18.29 18.06 54.00 17.99 36.08

18.25 36.64 36.38 18.37 35.55

36.66 18.21 36.73 17.19 54.27

18.13 35.55 18.18 36.31 35.56

18.34 53.90 18.36 18.09 36.15

18.22 53.90 18.32 18.37 53.89

18.19 36.04 17.20 53.94 18.31

18.37 36.55 36.70 36.61 18.35

17.18 53.97 18.32 36.55 19.01

18.99 57.00 18.99 38.01 18.98

38.00 18.99 36.99 36.35 18.37

36.55 36.70 18.04 38.00 19.00

38.00 37.99 18.99 37.99 19.00

37.06 36.43 36.03 18.00 18.00

54.47 18.25 36.70 18.22 18.37

53.55 18.33 35.59 36.59 18.29

35.36 18.37 54.89 18.24 36.44

18.33 18.36 53.52 18.13 36.36

35.57 18.20 35.52 18.20 53.78

18.18 18.16 35.49 36.67 36.54

18.37 36.53 36.67 17.19 36.65

18.29 54.87 17.14 18.24 36.68

35.49 35.61 18.27 18.36 53.77

18.24 35.43 18.35 53.90 18.37

18.24 38.00 38.00 37.99 18.99

19.01 37.98 19.00 57.00 18.99

19.00 38.00 18.99 55.01 18.98

35.99 18.00 18.01 54.98 18.00

37.00 17.99 36.00 36.00 17.99

54.01 18.98 18.00 36.02 18.98

53.16 18.34 35.59 36.20 17.98

36.00 18.00 54.00 17.99 18.00

36.00 35.99 36.01 17.99 18.00

54.00 17.98 35.99 18.00 54.28

Mean read time (ms): 30.210176811594206

Time captured (s): 10.35

Time elapsed (s): 10.466399




read times (ms):

44.96 30.13 29.97 29.97 30.04

29.96 29.96 30.00 29.99 30.00

29.92 30.01 30.02 30.01 29.99

29.85 45.12 30.03 29.92 29.96

29.98 30.00 29.98 30.00 0.24

44.73 29.94 30.04 29.96 29.86

29.96 30.05 29.85 30.17 30.02

30.00 29.94 29.99 29.99 30.04

29.97 44.99 29.99 30.08 29.88

30.05 29.95 29.97 29.87 0.15

44.95 29.98 29.91 30.08 29.98

30.00 30.01 29.96 29.94 30.04

30.01 29.96 29.88 30.00 29.95

30.04 44.99 29.99 29.96 30.03

30.00 30.07 29.94 30.01 0.21

44.77 29.95 30.02 30.01 30.00

29.96 29.98 30.00 30.00 29.94

29.99 30.04 29.93 29.99 30.02

29.98 44.99 29.99 29.96 30.01

30.03 29.95 30.00 29.97 0.21

44.81 29.88 30.05 29.99 29.99

30.01 29.97 29.99 29.99 29.98

29.99 30.00 29.97 29.98 29.97

30.01 44.95 29.97 30.03 30.00

30.00 30.00 29.99 29.97 0.21

44.79 29.95 30.00 29.99 29.95

29.98 29.93 30.06 29.94 30.08

29.97 30.00 29.97 29.99 29.98

29.94 45.05 30.04 29.91 30.00

29.99 29.97 30.01 29.98 0.21

44.79 29.94 29.99 29.89 30.06

30.03 29.96 30.04 29.98 29.90

30.04 30.00 29.98 30.00 29.97

30.07 44.96 29.98 29.93 30.07

29.98 29.90 30.00 29.94 0.13

44.97 29.98 29.99 29.94 30.02

30.00 29.93 29.99 30.02 30.01

29.99 29.96 30.02 29.90 29.93

30.01 45.04 30.06 29.99 29.98

29.94 30.04 30.00 29.92 0.20

44.83 29.94 29.99 30.00 30.01

30.02 29.87 30.03 29.94 30.03

29.99 30.00 30.07 29.90 29.95

30.05 44.97 30.01 29.98 29.97

30.01 29.99 30.00 29.97 0.21

44.77 29.96 30.00 30.03 29.91

30.00 30.01 30.03 29.93 29.98

29.99 29.99 29.93 30.04 30.04

30.01 44.92 30.04 29.97 29.91

30.08 29.89 29.97 29.88 0.15

45.01 30.09 29.89 30.01 30.01

29.97 29.95 29.96 30.05 30.04

29.88 30.00 29.99 29.94 30.05

29.98 44.99 30.01 30.00 29.99

29.95 30.00 29.88 30.11 0.21

44.78 30.01 29.96 29.99 29.98

29.98 29.99 30.01 29.91 29.82

30.10 29.99 30.15 29.96 29.93

29.98 45.05 29.97 29.99 30.02

29.96 29.98 29.95 30.04 0.21

44.74 30.02 29.97 29.97 30.03

29.99 29.93 29.94 30.07 29.99

29.99 29.94 30.02 29.97 29.90

30.01 45.12 29.91 30.03 29.95

30.03 29.97 29.87 30.09 0.20

44.79 29.98 29.97 29.99 30.01

30.01 29.97 29.99 29.99 30.01

29.99 29.94 30.01 30.00 29.98

29.98 45.02 29.97 29.91 30.06

29.99 29.96 30.02 29.98

Mean read time (ms): 30.073811959885386

Time captured (s): 10.47

Time elapsed (s): 10.777957116


Mean read time (ms): 30.152922254616133

Time captured (s): 30.87

Time elapsed (s): 31.135111


Mean read time (ms): 30.020078674852652

Time captured (s): 30.54

Time elapsed (s): 30.901762071



什么可能导致取得缓慢?如何确定合理的提取和缓冲区大小,以便具有低延迟但快速提取以及时跟上实时? Linux上是否存在可能影响此问题或我应该检查的声音配置问题?






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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
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