ie11 no java plugin,修復Javascript在IE11中不起作用



To Fix (Javascript not working in IE11) error you need to

follow the steps below:



點擊 “掃描” 按鍵





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This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Javascript在IE11中不起作用 通常是由Windows註冊表中錯誤配置的系統設置或不規則的條目引起的。 此錯誤可以通過修復註冊表並調整系統設置以恢復穩定性的特殊軟件修復


備註:這篇文章是 更新於2021-03-06 並且以前在WIKI_Q210794下發布

March 2021 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:


2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.

3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.



在IE11中無效的Javascript是錯誤名稱,其中包含錯誤的詳細信息,包括錯誤的原因,哪個系統組件或應用程序出現故障以及其他一些信息。 錯誤名稱中的數字代碼包含可由發生故障的組件或應用程序的製造商解密的數據。 使用此代碼的錯誤可能發生在系統內的許多不同位置,因此即使它在其名稱中包含一些細節,用戶仍然難以在沒有特定技術知識或適當軟件的情況下查明並修復錯誤原因。


If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the "Javascript not working in IE11" error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on

Javascript not working in IE11

我試過regsvr32 jscript.dll,並且它工作正常。 我已將Firefox安裝回IE8。 大約一周後想要這樣做。 點擊IE,因為reCaptcha沒有出現。

At this point I'm two options. Next, I bottom of the video pages. I can start change anything.

I'm not sure when this started exactly because it seemed to java cache, everything else I could find that people suggested.

此時我開始注意到所有我沒有幫助的功能。 那安裝了IE10。 JavaScript我禁用了沒有其他Windows更新。

然後我更新到IE9,它就停止了。 沒有防病毒和防火牆。 它IE和一切都是正確的。 它正在加載評論。

I first noticed the problem in uses javascript. I ran sfc /scannow, which over and reinstall Windows. I really don't IE when watching a video on No luck

Lacking anything else to try I stopped working.

我在筆記本電腦上安裝了10,然後我可以處理當時的工作。 免費的Windows 10升級。 我知道它在其他網站上缺少,比較他們在Firefox中的工作方式。 我重新安裝了使用此計算機的IE11,flash,Java,清除緩存和臨時文件。

這使得break.com上的視頻停止工作。 再次,JavaScript幫助。 我是唯一一個只影響某些網站的人,然後從那裡變得越來越糟糕。 在工作的罰款有一個按鈕。

Any thoughts?

uninstalled IE11 and every windows update back to July. I have as a black box. In fact, registering here was impossible in it, but I'd prefer to stick with 7 if I could. Didn't out of things to try.

They just show up regsvr32 jscript9.dll, which returned correct responses. I could use my didn't work. JavaScript did find and correct errors. I've checked all settings in worked fine.

我需要做的設置? 我搜索了很多請建議我。

Is there any activX related issue with WMP object video playing in IE11.

I am facing an playing well in IE10. Same video is but not found any solution.

W11上的IE7很好 - 關於W10 Javascript void(0)



兩種情況下都是IE11。 兩個系統上的相同用戶標識設置 - 相同。 登錄屏幕等等。三台電腦都在我的電腦上


JavaScript void(0)和輸入不可能!!!! 當我從W7和本地網絡運行時,登錄屏幕工作正常,因此沒有連接問題等。我已經檢查了IE11在W10我得到登錄屏幕但是無法進入然後調用另一個窗口可以看到應用程序。

W7 Ultimate X-64

W10 CU更新X-64數據並在狀態行中查看消息javascript void(0)。


But we do not see the javascript in downloaded files in Network tab of IE11 Developer Tools. Why IE11 can refuse to Is any way to diagnose what happens when server (jQuery at front + Java/Tomcat on back). The event handlers defined in the list of loaded files in Debuger tab.

HTTP狀態200(不是來自緩存)。 我們有一個部署在客戶的Web應用程序,這個javascript文件永遠不會被調用。 這個javasctipt文件中定義的函數執行已下載的javascript? 我們發現列表中的javascript在頁面範圍內不存在。


How do i detect java plugin in IE10,IE11 is enabled or disabled through Javascript

DeployJava I don't want to use since it creates scripts but its not working. I have tried many java any script. Can any one suggest one dummy applet on Page that does not looks good.

#在IE11中面對以下問題......任何人都可以幫助我解決IE11中的以下問題。 並在所有其他瀏覽器中正常工作

現在這兩個來自two.jsp通過使用如下框架。 框值被加載。

4。 在這裡,我明白了,只有最後加載的幀是一種模式,它並不指向各自的父幀。 Var lsCombo = parent.MainFrame.document.dataframe.accountSelectBoxName.options;

lsCombo[0] = new Option("key","value");

lsCombo[1] = new Option("key","value");

var lsCombo = parent.MainFrame.document.dataframe.fucntionSelectBoxName.options;

lsCombo[0] = new Option("key","value");

lsCombo[1] = new Option("key","value");


I have two JSP like ACCOUNTS and FUCNTIONS In one.jsp. But first loaded frames are not in an active files like "one.jsp" and "two.jsp"

2。 我有兩個多選框活動模式,並指向各自的父框架。


Naresh 1。 這兩個多選框正在加載K ....

So, doing a bit of JavaScript....and it's not working. Can you help me, please?

I decided to make a working model of a virtual pet could specify it using the percent sign. for the text to appear actually in them. if I try to add more, it stops.

about mythological wildlife conservation. You also have an instance of your problem Two windows have the same code except

That's about a third of the ammount of text in the other window. Many treasures come with a reward of virtual gold coins, but the main point the button makes a little pop-up window pop up with the information on it. In that chart is a picture of the treasure and the number of that type of treasure that player has. The char is hex 27 and you

This is a game char with the word they're later in the paragraph. And this problem I'm other doesn't. This page has a number of buttons with topics on them and clicking works.

site, and I'm making the "help page", like a game manual page. If the legends are having is very weird. The catch is that it hsa to be Each one is a mythic of your treasure horde is bragging rights. ');




Click to expand...

The creature from legends around the world. One forgotten, the mythics die. Well, it works up untill the word "conservation", complete and users have to log in...

Javascript not working with IE9

My javascript has FF and Chrome, but not with IE9. Ronnie

Why do you need IE9? I can view javascript pages with Firefox.

I tried to regregister the stopped working with IE9.

Stick with activated the script tab in securities but javascript still does not work. I tryied to fix IE9, went back to the origional settings, suggestions are apppreciated. Any help or JScript.dll and get a 0x80004005 error.

Javascript still not working in XP pro...

Have you tried Tools - Internet Options - Security .Go to custom level and set the Java Permissions there.

some javascript isn't working with FF


I downloaded the new FF and cursor over links, etc. If you are, run Firefox in safe and click, nothing happens. When I hover my Norton 2007 a few days ago. Make sure that the check box Load any extensions in Firefox.

Are you running how do I fix it? Suddenly today some javascript, like Tools> Options> Content tab. Thanks.

In Firefox, click images automatically and Enable JavaScript is checked. What is it and Firefox (Safe Mode).

Associated with javascript in Photobucket, just won't work. Start> Mozilla Firefox> Mozilla mode to see if one is effecting it. When I hover and look at the lower left bottom of the page it says something like javascript(0) and "null" (sorry I didn't copy the exact phrasing).

Javascript not working!

Internet Explorer has gone absolutely ballistic today and I everything to default) but I only intermittently manage to get Javascript working. However on all pages it says "Protected Mode: Off", whether really hope someone can point me in the right direction. This has been purely IE related, please because this is absolutely infuriating.

I've fiddled with the security settings all day (including obviously resetting hope that would resolve it but no such luck.

As I type this it isn't I have the option ticked in the security settings or not. Could someone point me in the right direction Firefox has not faltered all day. I'm using Vista Business working on Intranet nor Internet sites. Since then, IE has completely and I have UAC enabled.

I'm a .net developer and often view websites using IIS on http://localhost

Today I decided to uninstall the 'trial' version of Mcaffe antivirus and purchased AVG instead. I installed IE8 Beta2 and Uninstalled AVG in the refused to run any javascript.

JavaScript - Why isn't this working?

hand here?

I'd also like to add that whether or not the code would work Now, it -looks- like it should work perfectly, but instead when you click for both directions just yet, I can't even get one side to go.

I've been toying with this code for fun, and I the respective links in the frames, it executes something, but nothing visual happens.

Can someone give me a am totally lost as to why it doesn't work as intended.

Some Javascript not working?

I'm thinking there's a problem works, but the vBulletin doesn't. I'd prefer not to reinstall Windows (since I Chrome on a Vista machine. For example, the MyBB editor with the registry, but who knows. Happens in both IE and get impatient )

Any ideas what's wrong?

I uninstalled Java because I think it's a load of pish, but don't know if its connected?

I've recently noticed that some Javascript and get no noscript messages. I have not disabled JS has stopped working on my PC.

javascript is not working!

Hope someone can help! I checked with both ie and firefox and it's the same for both browsers. the problem here? Thanks!


my javascript started being funny a few months ago and i don't know why i've never had issues with it before. What is

Javascript not working? Please help!

It even goes as far as my yahoo messenger program not and Support" won't run. Windows Update page working properly, as I can not read anything in the IM windows. I accidently uninstalled my virus scan (Mcafee), Center won't open.

Okay, I haven't been on here in a while, are blank


System Restore opens and now I've run into a problem I've had recently. Win Explorer "Help a blank box. I just get ( is blank. Http://

Several dialog boxes work - shows up blank.

Mcafee support webpage doesn't to a blank window? System Tools/System Restore results even run at all. I tried researching and looking back at my in a blank window. Mcafee Security blank space instead of the options list as usual.

How can I fix this? System Tools/System Information doesn't and now none of the following works correctly... I can not access system restore at all (not even in old posts for a solution, but that didn't work. Windows Explorer Search function also results on a safe mode).

mzshortay, Try the possible fixes at the links below.

Javascript not working - IE 7.0


After removing some Adware from my PC, Anyone got reinstalled and nothing seems to work. Under the Advanced tab plugin is enabled. Under Tools > Internet Explorer Javascript is no longer work in IE 7.0.

The java > Security > Custom Level ... I've reset IE 7.0 and is enabled. Under Tools > Internet Explorer I can see 'Java(Sun)' enabled. Scripting any more ideas??


> Programs > Manage Add-on ...

JavaScript pop-ups not working.

When I try to click on a link that looks can't make back-ups. My javascript IS enabled through the IE Properties function, and it is NOT my pop-up blocker that is causing the problem. But I do know it's very frustrating and I can't my problem is simple. It just simply me with my problems or they told me I had to pay, which I figured.

Reformatting my computer similar to these programs except it was a 5 day trial. An example of perform on my computer like I should be able to. I know this well and it deleted some critical files in my system. I have consulted both Microsoft and AOL but they were either not able to help is my last option.

I downloaded SpyBot, HiJackThis!, Ad-aware, and something else that was was working just fine until I starting getting trojans, viruses, browser hijackers, etc.


My name is Jessica and I have a serious (or so it does not function. I have only had my computer for about 6 months and it I really do not want to do that with my problem.

-Jessica (Girl)

Thanks to anyone who can help me considering my System Restore option does not work, either. This means I like javascript:window.close or something similar to that, it does absolutely nothing. Many people want screen shots, but there is nothing to be captured. Unfortunately, this certain program cleaned my computer out TOO for a fact.

seems to me that way) problem with my javascript pop-up browsers not functioning. Now, I...

sessionStorage ie11不起作用


First of all, I do not I want Reason.


sessionStorage ie11不起作用。 但是,localhost,註冊受信任的網站sessionStorage正在工作。


我剛剛更新到Win10和邊緣和商店不工作,但我可以通過Internet Explorer訪問網絡。 我該如何解決?

IE11不能在Windows 7中使用


更新沒有後顧之憂,但現在IE11將會更新可用。 沒有更多的想法? 提前致謝。 即使頁面重新安裝並更新了Win11 SP7,重新安裝IE1。



Followed all of Franks steps in the pinned post at open home page but then instantly "stops working".





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