mysqli.class.php,PHP Mysqli Class收集


/** * Make an array of references to the values of another array * Note: useful when references rather than values are required * @param {array} array of values * @return {array} references array */ function makeRefArr(&$arr) { $refs = array(); foreach($arr as $key => &$val) { $refs[$key] = &$val; } return $refs; } /** * Make a recursive copy of an array * @param {array} original array * @param {boolean} should the values to be cloned too? * @return {array} copy of source array */ function array_copy($arr, $deep= true) { $newArr = array(); if ($deep) { foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) { if (is_object($val)) { $newArr[$key] = clone($val); } else if (is_array($val)) { $newArr[$key] = array_copy($val); } else { $newArr[$key] = $val; } } } else { foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) { $newArr[$key] = $val; } } return $newArr; } /** * A mysqli wrapper class * * @author Andrew Lowndes (APL Web) * @date 20/11/2010 */ class db { public static $db = null; //connect to the database public static function connect() { self::$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'username' ,'password', 'database'); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { throw new Exception('Connection failed: ' . mysqli_connect_error()); } self::$db->set_charset("utf8"); } //close the connection public static function close() { if (self::$db) { self::$db->close(); } } /** * Run a query and return the result * @param {string} query to run (with '?' for values) * @param {array} values to execute in prepared statement (optional) * @return {resource} result */ public static function query($query, $objs = array()) { if (!self::$db) self::connect(); $objs = (array)$objs; //automagically cast single values into an array $statement = self::$db->prepare($query); if (!$statement) { throw new Exception('Query failed: ' . self::$db->error); } //go through all of the provided objects and bind them $types = array(); $values = array(); if (count($objs)>0) { foreach ($objs as $obj) { //get the object type and translate it ready for bind parameter $type = gettype($obj); switch ($type) { case 'boolean': case 'integer': $types[] = 'i'; $values[] = intval($obj); break; case 'double': $types[] = 'd'; $values[] = doubleval($obj); break; case 'string': $types[] = 's'; $values[] = (string)$obj; break; case 'array': case 'object': $paramTypes[] = 's'; $values[] = json_encode($obj); break; case 'resource': case 'null': case 'unknown type': default: throw new Exception('Unsupported object passed through as query prepared object!'); } } $params = makeRefArr($values); array_unshift($params, implode('', $types)); call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_param'), $params); } if (!$statement->execute()) { return null; } else { $statement->store_result(); return $statement; } } /** * Determine if an object exists * @param {string} query to run * @param {array} objects to use in prepare query (optional) * @return {boolean} object exists in database */ public static function objectExists($query, $objs = array()) { $statement = self::query($query, $objs); return (is_object($statement) && $statement->num_rows>0); } /** * Make an associative array of field names from a statement * @param {resource} mysqli statement * @return {array} field names array */ private static function getFieldNames($statement) { $result = $statement->result_metadata(); $fields = $result->fetch_fields(); $fieldNames = array(); foreach($fields as $field) { $fieldNames[$field->name] = null; } return $fieldNames; } /** * Get an object from a query * @param {string} query to execute * @param {array} objects to use as the values (optional) * @return {assoc} sinulatobject */ public static function getObject($query, $objs = array()) { $statement = self::query($query, $objs); if (!is_object($statement) || $statement->num_rows<1) { return null; } $fieldNames = self::getFieldNames($statement); call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_result'), makeRefArr($fieldNames)); $statement->fetch(); $statement->close(); return $fieldNames; } /** * Get a list of objects from the database * @param {string} query * @return {array} objects */ public static function getObjects($query, $objs = array()) { $statement = self::query($query, $objs); if (!is_object($statement) || $statement->num_rows<1) { return array(); } $fieldNames = self::getFieldNames($statement); call_user_func_array(array($statement, 'bind_result'), makeRefArr($fieldNames)); $results = array(); while ($statement->fetch()) { $results[] = array_copy($fieldNames); } $statement->close(); return $results; } /** * Get all of the data from a table * @param {string} table name * @return {array} table data */ public static function getTable($tableName) { if (!self::$db) self::connect(); $tableName = self::$db->escape_string($tableName); return self::getObjects('SELECT * FROM `' . $tableName . '`;'); } /** * Get a field from a table based on a field having a specific value * @param {string} table name * @param {string} field name * @param {mixed} field value * @return {array} table row data */ public static function getTableRow($tableName, $field, $value) { if (!self::$db) self::connect(); $tableName = self::$db->escape_string($tableName); $field = self::$db->escape_string($field); return self::getObject('SELECT * FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE `' . $field . '` = ? LIMIT 1;', $value); } /** * Get all related rows from a table based on a field having a specific value * @param {string} table name * @param {string} field name * @param {mixed} field value * @return {array} table row data */ public static function getTableRows($tableName, $field, $value, $sortField = null, $sortDesc = false) { if (!self::$db) self::connect(); $tableName = self::$db->escape_string($tableName); $field = self::$db->escape_string($field); if ($sortField == null) { $sortField = $field; } else { $sortField = self::$db->escape_string($sortField); } return self::getObjects('SELECT * FROM `' . $tableName . '` WHERE `' . $field . '` = ? ORDER BY `' . $sortField . '` ' . ($sortDesc ? 'DESC' : 'ASC') . ';', $value); } }



* 作者:streen003

* 来自

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class Db_mysql {


private $host;

private $user;

private $pwd;

private $dbname;

protected $charset;

public $db_link;

public $result;

public $rows;

public $myrow;

public $sql_version; //mysql 版本

//构造函数,用来初始化Mysql Server 连接。

public function __construct($params) {

$this->host = $params['host'];

$this->user = $params['username'];

$this->pwd = $params['password'];

$this->dbname = $params['dbname'];

$this->charset = $params['charset'];

if (is_array($params)) {

if ($this->db_connect($this->host,$this->user,$this->pwd)) {

if ($this->db_select($this->dbname)) {

$this->query("SET NAMES {$this->charset}");


if (version_compare($this->sql_version,'5.0.2','>=')) {

$this->query("SET SESSION SQL_MODE=''");



else {

$this->halt('Connet databa

'.$params['dbname'].' unsuccess or database is not exists');



else {

$this->halt('Connet Mysql server unsuccess please check your config args');



else {

$this->halt('Class Db_mysql() args is error');



//连接Mysql Server.

public function db_connect($host,$user,$pwd) {

if($this->db_link) {

return false; //当Mysql server已连接时,程序不执行,返回false.


else {

$this->db_link = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pwd);

return $this->db_link;




public function db_select($dbname) {

return mysqli_select_db($this->db_link,$dbname);



public function query($sql,$info=false) {

//当SQL参数不为空且Mysql Server连接成功时执行SQL语句.

if (!empty($sql)&&isset($this->db_link)){

//当$this->result 存在时,应清除,以免影响后面赋值.

if ($this->result) {



$this->result = ($info==true) ?

mysqli_unbuffered_query($this->db_link,$sql) :


if ($this->result){

return $this->result;


else {

$this->halt('SQL query unsuccess');

return false;



else {

return false;



//获取Mysql Server信息

public function get_sever_info() {

if ($this->db_link) {

$this->sql_version = mysqli_get_server_info($this->db_link);

return $this->sql_version;


else {

return false;



//获取Mysql 错误信息.

public function sql_error() {

//当Mysql Server连接不成功时.

if (!$this->db_link) {

return array(





return array(






public function fetch_row($sql) {

if ($this->rows) {




$this->rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->result);

return $this->rows;



public function fetch_array($sql) {

if ($this->rows) {




$this->rows = mysqli_fetch_array($this->result);

return $this->rows;



public function get_array($sql) {

if ($this->myrow) {




$myrow = array();

while ($row=mysqli_fetch_row($this->result)) {

$myrow[] = $row;



$this->myrow = $myrow;

return $this->myrow;



public function get_all($sql) {

if ($this->myrow) {




$myrow = array();

while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($this->result)) {

$myrow[] = $row;



$this->myrow = $myrow;

return $this->myrow;



public function free($result) {

return mysqli_free_result($result);



public function num_rows ($result) {

return mysqli_num_rows($result);


//关闭Mysql Server

public function db_close($db_link) {

if ($db_link) {

return mysqli_close($db_link);


else {

return false;




public function halt($message) {


$page_top = <<


Mysql error



$page_bottom = <<

© 版权所有 2009 All rights reserved.


$error_msg = $this->sql_error();

$page_content = 'Mysql Error:


Mysql error description :


Mysql error code:


age url: http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];

echo $page_top.$page_content.$page_bottom;


//析构函数,用来完成Db_mysql Class执行后的清理战场工作.

public function __destruct(){




public function __call($method, array $args) {

$msg ='Db_mysql Class has not method '.$method;





class db {


* *错误编号


public static $is_error = false;


* *当执行出错时是否中断


public static $OnErrorStop = false;


* *当执行出错时是否提示错误信息


public static $OnErrorShow = true;


* *当前查询SQL语句


protected static $sql = '';


* *mysqli 对象


protected static $mysqli = null;


* *当前结果集


protected static $result = false;


* *查询统计次数


protected static $query_count = 0;


* *当前查询是否开户了事物处理


protected static $is_commit = false;


* *执行查询

* @param $sql [string] :SQL查询语句

* @return 成功赋值并返回self::$result; 失败返回 false 如果有事务则回滚


public static function query($sql) {

self :: connect();

self :: $sql = $sql;

self :: $result = self :: $mysqli -> query($sql);

if (self :: $mysqli -> error) {

$error = sprintf("SQL Query Error: %s\r\n", self :: $mysqli -> error);

self :: $is_error = true;

self :: log($error);

if (self :: $OnErrorStop) exit;

return false;

} else {

self :: $query_count++;


return self :: $result;



* *查询指定SQl 第一行,第一列 值

* @param $sql [string] :SQL查询语句

* @return 失败返回 false


public static function data_scalar($sql) {

if (self :: $result = self :: query($sql)) {

return self :: fetch_scalar();

} else {

return false;




* *查询指定SQl 第一行记录

* @param $sql [string] :SQL查询语句

* @param $assoc [bool] :true 返回数组; false 返回stdClass对象;默认 false

* @return 失败返回 false


public static function data_row($sql, $assoc = false) {

if (self :: $result = self :: query($sql)) {

return self :: fetch_row(self :: $result, $assoc);

} else {

return false;




* *查询指定SQl 所有记录

* @param $sql [string] :SQL查询语句

* @param $key_field [string] :指定记录结果键值使用哪个字段,默认为 false 使用 regI{0...count}

* @param $assoc [bool] :true 返回数组; false 返回stdClass对象;默认 false

* @return 失败返回 false


public static function data_table($sql, $key_field = false, $assoc = false) {

if (self :: $result = self :: query($sql)) {

return self :: fetch_all($key_field, $assoc);

} else {

return false;




* *取结果(self::$result)中第一行,第一列值

* @return 没有结果返回 false


public static function fetch_scalar() {

if (!empty(self :: $result)) {

$row = self :: $result -> fetch_array();

return $row[0];

} else {

return false;




* *取结果$result中第一行记录

* @param $result [object] :查询结果数据集

* @param $assoc [bool] :true 返回数组; false 返回stdClass对象;默认 false

* @return 没有结果返回 false


public static function fetch_row($result = null , $assoc = false) {

if ($result == null) $result = self :: $result;

if (empty($result)) {

return false;


if ($assoc) {

return $result -> fetch_assoc();

} else {

return $result -> fetch_object();




* *取结果(self::$result)中所有记录

* @param $key_field [string] :指定记录结果键值使用哪个字段,默认为 false 则使用 regI{0...count}

* @param $assoc [bool] :true 返回数组; false 返回stdClass对象;默认 false

* @return 没有结果返回 false


public static function fetch_all($key_field = false, $assoc = false) {

$rows = ($assoc) ? array() : new stdClass;

$regI = -1;

while ($row = self :: fetch_row(self :: $result, $assoc)) {

if ($key_field != false) {

$regI = ($assoc) ? $row[$key_field] : $row -> $key_field;

} else {



if ($assoc) {

$rows[$regI] = $row;

} else {

$rows -> {

$regI} = $row;



self :: free_result();

return ($regI > -1) ? $rows : false;



* 执行更新数据操作

* @param $table [string] 数据库表名称

* @param $data [array|stdClass] 待更新的数据

* @param $where [string] 更新条件

* @return 成功 true; 失败 false


public static function update($table, $data, $where) {

$set = '';

if (is_object($data) || is_array($data)) {

foreach ($data as $k => $v) {

self :: format_value($v);

$set .= empty($set) ? ("`{$k}` = {$v}") : (", `{$k}` = {$v}");


} else {

$set = $data;


return self :: query("UPDATE `{$table}` SET {$set} WHERE {$where}");



* 执行插入数据操作

* @param $table [string] 数据库表名称

* @param $data [array|stdClass] 待更新的数据

* @param $fields [string] 数据库字段,默认为 null。 为空时取 $data的 keys

* @return 成功 true; 失败 false


public static function insert($table, $data, $fields = null) {

if ($fields == null) {

foreach($data as $v) {

if (is_array($v)) {

$fields = array_keys($v);

} elseif (is_object($v)) {

foreach($v as $k2 => $v2) {

$fields[] = $k2;


} elseif (is_array($data)) {

$fields = array_keys($data);

} elseif (is_object($data)) {

foreach($data as $k2 => $v2) {

$fields[] = $k2;






$_fields = '`' . implode('`, `', $fields) . '`';

$_data = self :: format_insert_data($data);

return self :: query("INSERT INTO `{$table}` ({$_fields}) VALUES {$_data}");



* *格式化插入数据

* @param $data [array|stdClass] 待格式化的插入数据

* @return insert 中 values 后的 SQL格式


protected static function format_insert_data($data) {

$output = '';

$is_list = false;

foreach ($data as $value) {

if (is_object($value) || is_array($value)) {

$is_list = true;

$tmp = '';

foreach ($value as $v) {

self :: format_value($v);

$tmp .= !empty($tmp) ? ", {$v}" : $v;


$tmp = "(" . $tmp . ")";

$output .= !empty($output) ? ", {$tmp}" : $tmp;


} else {

self :: format_value($value);

$output .= !empty($output) ? ", {$value}" : $value;



if (!$is_list) $output = '(' . $output . ')';

return $output;



* *格式化值

* @param $ &$value [string] 待格式化的字符串,格式成可被数据库接受的格式


protected static function format_value(&$value) {

$value = trim($value);

if ($value === null || $value == '') {

$value = 'NULL';

} elseif (preg_match('/\[\w+\]\.\(.*?\)/', $value)) { // mysql函数 格式:[UNHEX].(参数);

$value = preg_replace('/\[(\w+)\]\.\((.*?)\)/', "$1($2)", $value);

} else {

// $value = "'" . addslashes(stripslashes($value)) ."'";strip

$value = "'" . addslashes(stripslashes($value)) . "'";




* *返回最后一次插入的ID


public static function insert_id() {

return self :: $mysqli -> insert_id;



* *返回结果集数量

* @param $result [数据集]


public static function num_rows($result = null) {

if (is_null($result)) $result = self :: $result;

return mysqli_num_rows($result);



* *统计表记录

* @param $table [string] 数据库表名称

* @param $where [string] SQL统计条件,默认为 1 查询整个表


public static function total($table, $where = '1') {

$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM {$table} WHERE {$where}";

self :: query($sql);

return self :: fetch_scalar();



* *返回当前查询SQl语句


public static function get_sql() {

return self :: $sql;



* *返回当前查询影响的记录数


public static function get_nums() {

return self :: $result -> num_rows;



* *开始事物处理,关闭MYSQL的自动提交模式


public static function commit_begin() {

self :: connect();

self :: $is_error = false;

self :: $mysqli -> autocommit(false); //使用事物处理,不自动提交

self :: $is_commit = true;



* *提交事物处理


public static function commit_end() {

if (self :: $is_commit) {

self :: $mysqli -> commit();


self :: $mysqli -> autocommit(true); //不使用事物处理,开启MYSQL的自动提交模式

self :: $is_commit = false;

self :: $is_error = false;



* *回滚事物处理


public static function rollback() {

self :: $mysqli -> rollback();



* *释放数据集


public static function free_result($result = null) {

if (is_null($result)) $result = self :: $result;




* *选择数据库

* @param $dbname [string] 数据库名称


public static function select_db($dbname) {

self :: connect();

return self :: $mysqli -> select_db($dbname);



* *连接Mysql


protected static function connect() {

if (is_null(self :: $mysqli)) {

self :: $mysqli = new mysqli($GLOBALS['database']['db_host'],






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