php end array_value,PHP: 数组 函数



kolkabes at googlemail dot com

4 years ago

Short function for making a recursive array copy while cloning objects on the way.

function arrayCopy( array $array ) {

$result = array();

foreach( $array as $key => $val ) {

if( is_array( $val ) ) {

$result[$key] = arrayCopy( $val );

} elseif ( is_object( $val ) ) {

$result[$key] = clone $val;

} else {

$result[$key] = $val;



return $result;



dave at davidhbrown dot us

4 years ago

While PHP has well over three-score array functions, array_rotate is strangely missing as of PHP 5.3. Searching online offered several solutions, but the ones I found have defects such as inefficiently looping through the array or ignoring keys.

The following array_rotate() function uses array_merge and array_shift to reliably rotate an array forwards or backwards, preserving keys. If you know you can trust your $array to be an array and $shift to be between 0 and the length of your array, you can skip the function definition and use just the return expression in your code.

function array_rotate($array, $shift) {

if(!is_array($array) || !is_numeric($shift)) {

if(!is_array($array)) error_log(__FUNCTION__.' expects first argument to be array; '.gettype($array).' received.');

if(!is_numeric($shift)) error_log(__FUNCTION__.' expects second argument to be numeric; '.gettype($shift)." `$shift` received.");

return $array;


$shift %= count($array); //we won't try to shift more than one array length

if($shift < 0) $shift += count($array);//handle negative shifts as positive

return array_merge(array_slice($array, $shift, NULL, true), array_slice($array, 0, $shift, true));



A few simple tests:


print_r(array_rotate($array, 2));

print_r(array_rotate($array, -2));

print_r(array_rotate($array, count($array)));

print_r(array_rotate($array, "4"));

print_r(array_rotate($array, -9));


renatonascto at gmail dot com

7 years ago

Big arrays use a lot of memory possibly resulting in memory limit errors. You can reduce memory usage on your script by destroying them as soon as you′re done with them. I was able to get over a few megabytes of memory by simply destroying some variables I didn′t use anymore.

You can view the memory usage/gain by using the funcion memory_get_usage(). Hope this helps!

callmeanaguma at gmail dot com

3 years ago

If you need to flattern two-dismensional array with single values assoc subarrays, you could use this function:

function arrayFlatten($array) {

$flattern = array();

foreach ($array as $key => $value){

$new_key = array_keys($value);

$flattern[] = $value[$new_key[0]];


return $flattern;



seva dot lapsha at gmail dot com

6 years ago

Arrays are good, but inapplicable when dealing with huge amounts of data.

I'm working on rewriting some array functions to operate with plain Iterators - map, reduce, walk, flip et cetera are already there.

In addition I'm going to implement simulation of comprehensions (generators) in PHP (

See the source code, examples and documentation at

mo dot longman at gmail dot com

8 years ago

to 2g4wx3:

i think better way for this is using JSON, if you have such module in your PHP. See

to convert JS array to JSON string: arr.toJSONString();

to convert JSON string to PHP array: json_decode($jsonString);

You can also stringify objects, numbers, etc.

ob at babcom dot biz

9 years ago

Here is a function to find out the maximum depth of a multidimensional array.

// return depth of given array

// if Array is a string ArrayDepth() will return 0

// usage: int ArrayDepth(array Array)

function ArrayDepth($Array,$DepthCount=-1,$DepthArray=array()) {


if (is_array($Array))

foreach ($Array as $Key => $Value)



return $DepthCount;

foreach($DepthArray as $Value)


return $Depth;



nicoolasens at gmail dot com

6 months ago

/*to change an index without rewriting the whole table and leave at the same place.


function change_index(&$tableau, $old_key, $new_key) {

$changed = FALSE;

$temp = 0;

foreach ($tableau as $key => $value) {

switch ($changed) {

case FALSE :

//creates the new key and deletes the old

if ($key == $old_key) {

$tableau[$new_key] = $tableau[$old_key];


$changed = TRUE;



case TRUE :

//moves following keys

if ($key != $new_key){

$temp= $tableau[$key];


$tableau[$key] = $temp;



else {$changed = FALSE;} //stop



array_values($tableau); //free_memory


//Result :

$tableau = array(1, 2 , 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

$res = print_r($tableau, TRUE);

$longueur = strlen($res) -1;

echo "Old array :\n" . substr($res, 8, $longueur) . "\n" ;

change_index ($tableau, 2, 'number 2');

$res = print_r($tableau, TRUE);

$longueur = strlen($res) -10;

echo "New array :\n" . substr($res, 8, $longueur) . "\n" ;


Old array :

[0] => 1

[1] => 2

[2] => 3

[3] => 4

[4] => 5

[5] => 6

[6] => 7

[7] => 8

[8] => 9

[9] => 10


New array :

[0] => 1

[1] => 2

[numéro 2] => 3

[3] => 4

[4] => 5

[5] => 6

[6] => 7

[7] => 8

[8] => 9

[9] => 10



cyberchrist at futura dot net

8 years ago

Lately, dealing with databases, I've been finding myself needing to know if one array, $a, is a proper subset of $b.

Mathematically, this is asking (in set theory) [excuse the use of u and n instead of proper Unicode):

( A u B ) n ( ~ B )

What this does is it first limits to known values, then looks for anything outside of B but in the union of A and B (which would be those things in A which are not also in B).

If any value exists in this set, then A is NOT a proper subset of B, because a value exists in A but not in B.  For A to be a proper subset, all values in A must be in B.

I'm sure this could easily be done any number of ways but this seems to work for me.  It's not got a lot of error detection such as sterilizing inputs or checking input types.

// bool array_subset( array, array )

// Returns true if $a is a proper subset of $b, returns false otherwise.

function array_subset( $a, $b )


if( count( array_diff( array_merge($a,$b), $b)) == 0 )

return true;


return false;


oliverSPAMMENOT at e-geek dot com dot au

6 years ago

Function to pretty print arrays and objects. Detects object recursion and allows setting a maximum depth. Based on arraytostring and u_print_r from the print_r function notes. Should be called like so:

egvaluetostring($value)   //no max depth, or

egvaluetostring($value, $max_depth)   //max depth set

function egvaluetostring($value, $max_depth, $key = NULL, $depth = 0, $refChain = array()) {

if($depth > 0)

$tab = str_repeat("\t", $depth);

$text .= $tab . ($key !== NULL ? $key . " => " : "");

if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {

$recursion = FALSE;

if (is_object($value)) {

foreach ($refChain as $refVal) {

if ($refVal === $value) {

$recursion = TRUE;




array_push($refChain, $value);


$text .= (is_array($value) ? "array" : "object") . " ( ";

if ($recursion) {

$text .= "*RECURSION* ";


elseif (isset($max_depth) && $depth >= $max_depth) {

$text .= "*MAX DEPTH REACHED* ";


else {

if (!empty($value)) {

$text .= "\n";

foreach ($value as $child_key => $child_value) {

$text .= egvaluetostring($child_value, $max_depth, (is_array($value) ? "[" : "") . $child_key . (is_array($value) ? "]" : ""), $depth+1, $refChain) . ",\n";


$text .= "\n" . $tab;



$text .= ")";

if (is_object($value)) {




else {

$text .= "$value";


return $text;



Jck_true (leave out the '_' at gmail dot com)

8 years ago

A usefull function that returns a flat array.

I use it in a template system. Let the user pass a multidimensional array. Convert it using my function. Then use

$array = flatten($array,'','{$','}','->');

echo str_replace(array_keys($array),array_values($array),$template)


* Flattens out an multidimension array

* Using the last parameters you can define the new key based on the old path.

* @param array $array A multidimension array

* @param string $prefix Internal perfix parameter - leave empty.

* @param string $start_string What string should start the final array key?

* @param string $end_string What string should end the final array key?

* @param string $seperator The string that should seperate the piecies in final array key path

* @return array Returns the flat array


function flatten($array, $start_string= '{$',$end_string= '}',$seperator='->',$prefix="") {

$return = array();

foreach($array as $key=>$value) {

if (is_array($value)) {

$return = array_merge($return, Parser_method_replace::flatten($value, $prefix.$key.$seperator,$start_string,$end_string,$seperator));

} else

$return [$start_string.$prefix.$key.$end_string] = $value;


return $return;





$template = 'My string with replacement {$test->subkey}';

{$test->subkey} will get replaced with $array['test']['subkey']

rune at zedeler dot dk

9 years ago

Notice that keys are considered equal if they are "=="-equal. That is:

$a = array();

$a[1] = 'this is the first value';

$a[true] = 'this value overrides the first value';

$a['1'] = 'so does this one';






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