The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.
Example 1
def vdot(a, b):
"""Returns the dot product of two vectors.
The input arrays are flattened into 1-D vectors and then it performs inner
product of these vectors.
a (cupy.ndarray): The first argument.
b (cupy.ndarray): The second argument.
cupy.ndarray: Zero-dimensional array of the dot product result.
.. seealso:: :func:`numpy.vdot`
if a.size != b.size:
raise ValueError('Axis dimension mismatch')
if a.dtype.kind == 'c':
a = a.conj()
return core.tensordot_core(a, b, None, 1, 1, a.size, ())
Example 2
def test_sandwich(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen, dtype):
mps = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank,
randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype, normalized=True)
mps2 = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank,
randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype, normalized=True)
mpo = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, [local_dim] * 2, rank,
randstate=rgen, dtype=dtype)
mpo /= mp.trace(mpo)
vec = mps.to_array().ravel()
op = mpo.to_array_global().reshape([local_dim**nr_sites] * 2)
res_arr = np.vdot(vec,, vec))
res_mpo = mp.inner(mps,, mps))
res_sandwich = mp.sandwich(mpo, mps)
assert_almost_equal(res_mpo, res_arr)
assert_almost_equal(res_sandwich, res_arr)
vec2 = mps2.to_array().ravel()
res_arr = np.vdot(vec2,, vec))
res_mpo = mp.inner(mps2,, mps))
res_sandwich = mp.sandwich(mpo, mps, mps2)
assert_almost_equal(res_mpo, res_arr)
assert_almost_equal(res_sandwich, res_arr)
Example 3
def test_adjoint(dtype, shearletSystem):
"""Validate the adjoint."""
shape = tuple(shearletSystem['size'])
# load data
X = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype)
# decomposition
coeffs = pyshearlab.SLsheardec2D(X, shearletSystem)
# adjoint
Xadj = pyshearlab.SLshearadjoint2D(coeffs, shearletSystem)
assert Xadj.dtype == X.dtype
assert Xadj.shape == X.shape
# should equal
assert (pytest.approx(np.vdot(coeffs, coeffs), rel=1e-3, abs=0) ==
np.vdot(X, Xadj))
Example 4
def test_adjoint_of_inverse(dtype, shearletSystem):
"""Validate the adjoint of the inverse."""
X = np.random.randn(*shearletSystem['size']).astype(dtype)
# decomposition
coeffs = pyshearlab.SLsheardec2D(X, shearletSystem)
# reconstruction
Xrec = pyshearlab.SLshearrec2D(coeffs, shearletSystem)
Xrecadj = pyshearlab.SLshearrecadjoint2D(Xrec, shearletSystem)
assert Xrecadj.dtype == X.dtype
assert Xrecadj.shape == coeffs.shape
# = .
assert (pytest.approx(np.vdot(Xrec, Xrec), rel=1e-3, abs=0) ==
np.vdot(Xrecadj, coeffs))
Example 5
def test_basic(self):
dt_numeric = np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
dt_complex = np.typecodes['Complex']
# test real
a = np.eye(3)
for dt in dt_numeric + 'O':
b = a.astype(dt)
res = np.vdot(b, b)
assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)
# test complex
a = np.eye(3) * 1j
for dt in dt_complex + 'O':
b = a.astype(dt)
res = np.vdot(b, b)
assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)
# test boolean
b = np.eye(3, dtype=np.bool)
res = np.vdot(b, b)
assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), True)
Example 6
def test_vdot_uncontiguous(self):
for size in [2, 1000]:
# Different sizes match different branches in vdot.
a = np.zeros((size, 2, 2))
b = np.zeros((size, 2, 2))
a[:, 0, 0] = np.arange(size)
b[:, 0, 0] = np.arange(size) + 1
# Make a and b uncontiguous:
a = a[..., 0]
b = b[..., 0]
assert_equal(np.vdot(a, b),
np.vdot(a.flatten(), b.flatten()))
assert_equal(np.vdot(a, b.copy()),
np.vdot(a.flatten(), b.flatten()))
assert_equal(np.vdot(a.copy(), b),
np.vdot(a.flatten(), b.flatten()))
assert_equal(np.vdot(a.copy('F'), b),
np.vdot(a.flatten(), b.flatten()))
assert_equal(np.vdot(a, b.copy('F')),
np.vdot(a.flatten(), b.flatten()))
Example 7
def test_basic(self):
dt_numeric = np.typecodes['AllFloat'] + np.typecodes['AllInteger']
dt_complex = np.typecodes['Complex']
# test real
a = np.eye(3)
for dt in dt_numeric + 'O':
b = a.astype(dt)
res = np.vdot(b, b)
assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)
# test complex
a = np.eye(3) * 1j
for dt in dt_complex + 'O':
b = a.astype(dt)
res = np.vdot(b, b)
assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), 3)
# test boolean
b = np.eye(3, dtype=np.bool)
res = np.vdot(b, b)
assert_equal(np.vdot(b, b), True)
Example 8
def test_vdot_uncontiguous(self):
for size in [2, 1000]:
# Different sizes match different branches in vdot.
a = np.zeros((size, 2, 2))
b = np.zeros((size, 2, 2))
a[:, 0, 0] = np.arange(size)
b[:, 0, 0] = np.arange(size) + 1
# Make a and b uncontiguous:
a = a[..., 0]
b = b[..., 0]
assert_equal(np.vdot(a, b),
np.vdot(a.flatten(), b.flatten()))
assert_equal(np.vdot(a, b.copy()),
np.vdot(a.flatten(), b.flatten()))
assert_equal(np.vdot(a.copy(), b),
np.vdot(a.flatten(), b.flatten()))
assert_equal(np.vdot(a.copy('F'), b),
np.vdot(a.flatten(), b.flatten()))
assert_equal(np.vdot(a, b.copy('F'