ar.drone java api_node-ar-drone

该博客介绍了如何使用Node.js库控制Parrot AR.Drone 2.0,包括起飞、降落、旋转、前进等基本操作,并提供了创建REPL接口以交互式控制无人机。此外,还提到了通过获取传感器数据进行自主飞行编程的可能性,以及获取和处理视频流的方法。尽管模块仍在开发中,但已有的功能足以支持简单的无人机控制和自动化任务。



An implementation of the networking protocols used by the

Parrot AR Drone 2.0. It appears that 1.0 drones are also compatible.

Install via Github to get the latest version:

npm installgit://

Or, if you're fine with missing some cutting edge stuff, go for npm:

npm installar-drone


The AR Drone is an affordable, yet surprisingly capable quadcopter. The drone

itself runs a proprietary firmware that can be controlled via WiFi using the official

FreeFlight mobile app

(available for iOS and Android).

Unlike the firmware, the client protocol is open, and Parrot publishes an SDK

(signup required to download) including a good amount of documentation and C

code. Their target audience seems to be mobile developers who can use this

SDK to create games and other apps for people to have more fun with their drones.

However, the protocol can also be used to receive video and sensor data, enabling

developers to write autonomous programs for the upcoming robot revolution.


This module is still under heavy development, so please don't be surprised if

you find some functionality missing or undocumented.

However, the documented parts are tested and should work well for most parts.


This module exposes a high level Client API that tries to support all drone

features, while making them easy to use.

The best way to get started is to create a repl.js file like this:

var arDrone = require('ar-drone');

var client = arDrone.createClient();


Using this REPL, you should be able to have some fun:

$ node repl.js

// Make the drone takeoff

drone> takeoff()


// Wait for the drone to takeoff

drone> clockwise(0.5)


// Let the drone spin for a while

drone> land()


// Wait for the drone to land

Now you could write an autonomous program that does the same:

var arDrone = require('ar-drone');

var client = arDrone.createClient();



.after(5000, function() {



.after(3000, function() {



Ok, but what if you want to make your drone to interact with something? Well,

you could start by looking at the sensor data:

client.on('navdata', console.log);

Not all of this is handled by the Client library yet, but you should at the

very least be able to receive droneState and demo data.

A good initial challenge might be to try flying to a certain altitude based

on the navdata.demo.altitudeMeters property.

Once you have managed this, you may want to try looking at the camera image. Here

is a simple way to get this as PngBuffers (requires a recent ffmpeg version to

be found in your $PATH):

var pngStream = client.getPngStream();

pngStream.on('data', console.log);

Your first challenge might be to expose these png images as a node http web

server. Once you have done that, you should try feeding them into the

opencv module.

Client API


Returns a new Client object. options include:

ip: The IP of the drone. Defaults to ''.

frameRate: The frame rate of the PngEncoder. Defaults to 5.

imageSize: The image size produced by PngEncoder. Defaults to null.


Launches an interactive interface with all client methods available in the

active scope. Additionally client resolves to the client instance itself.


Returns a PngEncoder object that emits individual png image buffers as 'data'

events. Multiple calls to this method returns the same object. Connection lifecycle

(e.g. reconnect on error) is managed by the client.


Returns a TcpVideoStream object that emits raw tcp packets as 'data'

events. Multiple calls to this method returns the same object. Connection lifecycle

(e.g. reconnect on error) is managed by the client.


Sets the internal fly state to true, callback is invoked after the drone

reports that it is hovering.

Sets the internal fly state to false, callback is invoked after the drone

reports it has landed.

client.up(speed) / client.down(speed)

Makes the drone gain or reduce altitude. speed can be a value from 0 to 1.

client.clockwise(speed) / client.counterClockwise(speed)

Causes the drone to spin. speed can be a value from 0 to 1.

client.front(speed) / client.back(speed)

Controls the pitch, which a horizontal movement using the camera

as a reference point. speed can be a value from 0 to 1.

client.left(speed) / client.right(speed)

Controls the roll, which is a horizontal movement using the camera

as a reference point. speed can be a value from 0 to 1.


Sets all drone movement commands to 0, making it effectively hover in place.


Asks the drone to calibrate a device. Currently the AR.Drone firmware

supports only one device that can be calibrated: the magnetometer,

which is device number 0.

The magnetometer can only be calibrated while the drone is flying, and

the calibration routine causes the drone to yaw in place a full 360


client.config(key, value, callback)

Sends a config command to the drone. You will need to download the drone

SDK to find a full list of commands in the ARDrone_Developer_Guide.pdf.

For example, this command can be used to instruct the drone to send all navdata.

client.config('general:navdata_demo', 'FALSE');

callback is invoked after the drone acknowledges the config request

or if a timeout occurs.

Alternatively, you can pass an options object containing the following:

key: The config key to set.

value: The config value to set.

timeout: The time, in milliseconds, to wait for an ACK from the drone.

For example:

var callback = function(err) { if (err) console.log(err); };

client.config({ key: 'general:navdata_demo', value: 'FALSE', timeout: 1000 }, callback);

client.animate(animation, duration)

Performs a pre-programmed flight sequence for a given duration (in ms).

animation can be one of the following:

['phiM30Deg', 'phi30Deg', 'thetaM30Deg', 'theta30Deg', 'theta20degYaw200deg',

'theta20degYawM200deg', 'turnaround', 'turnaroundGodown', 'yawShake',

'yawDance', 'phiDance', 'thetaDance', 'vzDance', 'wave', 'phiThetaMixed',

'doublePhiThetaMixed', 'flipAhead', 'flipBehind', 'flipLeft', 'flipRight']


client.animate('flipLeft', 1000);

Please note that the drone will need a good amount of altitude and headroom

to perform a flip. So be careful!

client.animateLeds(animation, hz, duration)

Performs a pre-programmed led sequence at given hz frequency and duration

(in sec!). animation can be one of the following:

['blinkGreenRed', 'blinkGreen', 'blinkRed', 'blinkOrange', 'snakeGreenRed',

'fire', 'standard', 'red', 'green', 'redSnake', 'blank', 'rightMissile',

'leftMissile', 'doubleMissile', 'frontLeftGreenOthersRed',

'frontRightGreenOthersRed', 'rearRightGreenOthersRed',

'rearLeftGreenOthersRed', 'leftGreenRightRed', 'leftRedRightGreen',



client.animateLeds('blinkRed', 5, 2)


Causes the emergency REF bit to be set to 1 until

navdata.droneState.emergencyLanding is 0. This recovers a drone that has

flipped over and is showing red lights to be flyable again and show green

lights. It is also done implicitly when creating a new high level client.


A client will emit landed, hovering, flying, landing, batteryChange, and altitudeChange events as long as demo navdata is enabled.

To enable demo navdata use

client.config('general:navdata_demo', 'FALSE');


This is a low level API. If you prefer something simpler, check out the Client


The drone is controlled by sending UDP packets on port 5556. Because UDP

does not guarantee message ordering or delivery, clients must repeatedly send

their instructions and include an incrementing sequence number with each


For example, the command used for takeoff/landing (REF), with a sequence number

of 1, and a parameter of 512 (takeoff) looks like this:


To ease the creation and sending of these packets, this module exposes an

UdpControl class handling this task. For example, the following program will

cause your drone to takeoff and hover in place.

var arDrone = require('ar-drone');

var control = arDrone.createUdpControl();

setInterval(function() {

// The emergency: true option recovers your drone from emergency mode that can

// be caused by flipping it upside down or the drone crashing into something.

// In a real program you probably only want to send emergency: true for one

// second in the beginning, otherwise your drone may attempt to takeoff again

// after a crash.

control.ref({fly: true, emergency: true});

// This command makes sure your drone hovers in place and does not drift.


// This causes the actual udp message to be send (multiple commands are

// combined into one message)


}, 30);

Now that you are airborne, you can fly around by passing an argument to the

pcmd() method:


front: 0.5, // fly forward with 50% speed

up: 0.3, // and also fly up with 30% speed


That's it! A full list of all pcmd() options can be found in the API docs


With what you have learned so far, you could create a simple program

like this:

var arDrone = require('ar-drone');

var control = arDrone.createUdpControl();

var start =;

var ref = {};

var pcmd = {};

console.log('Recovering from emergency mode if there was one ...');

ref.emergency = true;

setTimeout(function() {

console.log('Takeoff ...');

ref.emergency = false; = true;

}, 1000);

setTimeout(function() {

console.log('Turning clockwise ...');

pcmd.clockwise = 0.5;

}, 6000);

setTimeout(function() {

console.log('Landing ...'); = false;

pcmd = {};

}, 8000);

setInterval(function() {




}, 30);

UdpControl API

arDrone.createUdpControl([options]) / new arDrone.UdpControl([options])

Creates a new UdpControl instance where options can include:

ip: The drone IP address, defaults to ''.

port: The port to use, defaults to 5556.

udpControl.raw(command, [arg1, arg2, ...])

Enqueues a raw AT* command. This is useful if you want full control.

For example, a takeoff instructions be send like this:

udpControl.raw('REF', (1 << 9));


Enqueues a AT*REF command, options are:

fly: Set this to true for takeoff / staying in air, or false to initiate

landing / stay on the ground. Defaults to false.

emergency: Set this to true to set the emergency bit, or false to not

set it. Details on this can be found in the official SDK Guide. Defaults to



Enqueues a AT*PCMD (progressive) command, options are:

front or back: Fly towards or away from front camera direction.

left or/ right: Fly towards the left or right of the front camera.

up or down: Gain or reduce altitude.

clockwise or counterClockwise: Rotate around the center axis.

The values for each option are the speed to use for the operation and can range

from 0 to 1. You can also use negative values like {front: -0.5}, which is

the same as {back: 0.5}.


Sends all enqueued commands as an UDP packet to the drone.


@TODO Document the low level video API.


@TODO Document the low level navdata API.

Environment variables


Camera access

You can access the head camera and the bottom camera, you just have to change

the config:

// access the head camera

client.config('video:video_channel', 0);

// access the bottom camera

client.config('video:video_channel', 3);





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钱包余额 0


