Write a method anagrams(f) that opens a text file, f, splits it into words and prints out a list of anagrams in the file. Recall that two words are anagrams if they are the same after we sort their letters alphabetically. To sort the letters in a word, w, you can use this code: key = "".join(sorted([c for c in w])).
>>> anagrams('words.txt')
'emrsu': remus serum
'ceiklnrs': crinkles clinkers
'ainrst': trinas trains strain
'abbcsy': cabbys scabby
'ailprs': aprils spiral
'chins': inchs chins
'degilr': girdle glider
'giorsv': virgos vigors
'belru': bluer ruble
'aknor': akron koran
'ainst': tinas antis nitas saint stain satin
'egiinprrs': springier reprising respiring
'airstt': traits artist
'eerst': steer reste trees
'eersv': serve sever
'aceht': cheat teach
'adeprs': spared spread
'adeprt': parted depart
'eilms': smile miles
'lvx': xlv lxv
'below': elbow below