
Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Overview and History 1

1.2 What Do Compilers Do? 3

1.3 The Structure of a Compiler 8

1.4 The Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages 14

1.5 Compiler Design and Programming Language Design 16

1.6 Compiler Classifications 18

1.7 Influences on Computer Design 19

Exercises 21

Chapter 2 A Simple Compiler 23

2.1 The Structure of a Micro Compiler 24

2.2 A Micro Scanner 25

2.3 The Syntax of Micro 30

2.4 Recursive Descent Parsing 33

2.5 Translating Micro 38

2.5.1 Target Language 38

2.5.2 Temporaries 39

2.5.3 Action Symbols 39

2.5.4 Semantic Information 40

2.5.5 Action Symbols for Micro 41

Exercises 47

Chapter 3 Scanning Theory and Practice 50

3.1 Overview 50

3.2 Regular Expressions 52

3.3 Finite Automata and Scanners 55

3.4 Using a Scanner Generator 59

3.4.1 ScanGen 59

3.4.2 Lex 64

3.5 Practical Considerations 70

3.5.1 Reserved Words 70

3.5.2 Compiler Directives and Listing Source Lines 72

3.5.3 Entry of Identifiers into the Symbol Table 73

3.5.4 Scanner Termination 74

3.5.5 Multicharacter Lookahead 74

3.5.6 Lexical Error Recovery 76

3.6 Translating Regular Expressions into Finite Automata 78

3.6.1 Creating Deterministic Automata 80

3.6.2 Optimizing Finite Automata 84

Exercises 86

Chapter 4 Grammars and Parsing 91

4.1 Context-Free Grammars: Concepts and Notation 91

4.2 Errors in Context-Free Grammars 95

4.3 Transforming Extended BNF Grammars 98

4.4 Parsers and Recognizers 98

4.5 Grammar Analysis Algorithms 100

Exercises 108

Chapter 5 LL(1) Grammars and Parsers 111

5.1 The LL(1) Predict Function 112

5.2 The LL(1) Parse Table 115

5.3 Building Recursive Descent Parsers from LL(1) Tables 116

5.4 An LL(1) Parser Driver 120

5.5 LL(1) Action Symbols 121

5.6 Making Grammars LL(1) 123

5.7 The If-Then-Else Problem in LL(1) Parsing 127

5.8 The LLGen Parser Generator 129

5.9 Properties of LL(1) Parsers 133

5.10 LL(k)Parsing 134

Exercises 137

Chapter 6 LR Parsing 140

6.1 Shift-Reduce Parsers 141

6.2 LR Parsers 144

6.2.1 LR(0) Parsing 145

6.2.2 How Can We Be Sure LR(0) Parsers Work Correctly? 153

6.3 LR(1) Parsing 155

6.3.1 Correctness of LR(1) Parsing 159

6.4 SLR(1) Parsing 161

6.4.1 Correctness of SLR(1) Parsing 164

6.4.2 Limitations of the SLR(1) Technique 165

6.5 LALR(1) 167

6.5.1 Building LALR(1) Parsers 171

6.5.2 Correctness of LALR(1) Parsing ! 77

6.6 Calling Semantic Routines in Shift-Reduce Parsers 178

6.7 Using a Parser Generator 180

6.7.1 The LALRGen Parser Generator 180

6.7.2 Yacc 184

6.7.3 Uses (and Misuses) of Controlled Ambiguity 187

6.8 Optimizing Parse Tables 190

6.9 Practical LR(1) Parsers 194

6.10 Properties of LR Parsing 197

6.11 LL(1) orLALR(1), That Is the Question 198

6.12 Other Shift-Reduce Techniques 202

6.12.1 Extended Lookahead Techniques 202

6.12.2 Precedence Techniques 203

6.12.3 General Context-Free Parsers 205

Exercises 208

Chapter 7 Semantic Processing 216

7.1 Syntax-directed Translation 317

7.1.1 Using a Syntax Tree Representation of a Parse 217

7.1.2 Compiler Organization Alternatives 219

7.1.3 Parsing, Checking, and Translation in a Single Pass 225

7.2 Semantic Processing Techniques 227

7.2.1 LL Parsers and ActionSymbols 227

7.2.2 LR Parsers and Action Symbols 228

7.2.3 Semantic Record Representations 230

7.2.4 Implementing Action-controlled Semantic Stacks 232

7.2.5 Parser-controlled Semantic Stacks 236

7.3 Intermediate Representations and Code Generation 246

7.3.1 Intermediate Representations versus Direct Code Generation 246

7.3.2 Forms of Intermediate Representations 247

7.3.3 A Tuple Language 250

Exercises 252

Chapter 8 Symbol Tables 254

8.1 A Symbol Table Interface 255

8.2 Basic Implementation Techniques 256

8.2.1 Binary Search Trees 257

8.2,2 Hash Tables 257

8.2.3 String Space Arrays 259

8.3 Block-Structured Symbol Tables 261

8.4 Extensions to Block-Structured Symbol Tables 267

8.4.1 Fields and Records 267

8.4.2 Export Rules 269

8.4.3 Import Rules 274

8.4.4 Altered Search Rules 277

8.5 Implicit Declarations 279

8.6 Overloading 280

8.7 Forward References 282

8.8 Summary 284

Exercises 284

Chapter 9 Run-Time Storage Organization 287

9.1 Static Allocation 288

9.2 Stack Allocation 289

9.2.1 Displays 292

9.2.2 Block-level and Procedure-level Activation Records 295

9.3 Heap Allocation 296

9.3.1 No Deallocation 297

9.3.2 Explicit Deallocation 298

9.3.3 Implicit Deallocation 298

9.3.4 Managing Heap Space 301

9.4 Program Layout in Memory 302

9.5 Static and Dynamic Chains 305

9.6 Formal Procedures 307

9.6.1 Static Chains 309

9.6.2 Displays 311

9.6.3 Perspective 312

Exercises 313

Chapter 10. Processing Declarations 319

10.1 Declaration Processing Fundamentals 320

10.1.1 Attributes in the Symbol Table 320

10.1.2 Type Descriptor Structures 321

10.1.3 Lists in the Semantic Stack 323

10.2 Action Routines for Simple Declarations 326

10.2.1 Variable Declarations 326

10.2.2 Type Definitions, Declarations, and References 330

10.2.3 Record Types 335

10.2.4 Static Arrays 338

10.3 Action Routines for Advanced Features 340

10.3.1 Variable and Constant Declarations 340

10.3.2 Enumeration Types 343

10.3.3 Subtypes 346

10.3.4 Array Types 349

10.3.5 Variant Records 359

10.3.6 Access Types 364

10.3.7 Packages 366

10.3.8 The' attributes and semantic record Structures 370

Exercises 375

Chapter 11 Processing Expressions and Data Structure References 378

11.1 Introduction 378

11.2 Action Routines for Simple Names, Expressions,and Data Structures 380

11.2.1 Handling Simple Identifiers and Literal Constants 380

11.2.2 Processing Expressions 382

11.2.3 Simple Record and Array References 387

11.2.4 Record and Array Example 390

11.2.5 Strings 390

11.3 Action Routines for Advanced Features 394

11.3.1 Multidimensional Array Organization and References 394

11.3.2 Records with Dynamic Objects 406

11.3.3 Variant Records 411

11.3.4 Access-Type References 411

11.3.5 Other Uses of Names in Ada 413

11.3.6 Record and Array Aggregates 416

11.3.7 Overload Resolution 418

Exercises 422

Chapter 12 Translating Control Structures 426

12.1 if Statements 427

12.2 1OOpS 431

12.2.1 while loops 432

12.2.2 for loops 433

12.3 Compiling exits 440

12.4 The case Statement 445

12.5 Compiling goto Statements 452

12.6 Exception Handling 457

12.7 Short-circuit Boolean Expressions 463

12.7.1 One-address Short-circuit Evaluation 471

Exercises 479

Chapter 13 Translating Procedures and Functions 484

13.1 Simple Subprograms 485

13.1.1 Declaring Subprograms without Parameters 485

13.1.2 Calling Parameterless Procedures 488

13.2 Passing Parameters to Subprograms 489

13.2.1 Value, Result, and Value-Result Parameters 490

13.2.2 Reference and Read-only Parameters 492

13.2.3 Semantic Routines for Parameter Declarations 493

13.3 Processing Subprogram Calls and Parameter Lists 495

13.4 Subprogram Invocation 498

13.4.1 Saving and Restoring Registers 498

13.4.2 Subprogram Entry and Exit 500

13.5 Label Parameters 503

13.6 Name Parameters 506

Exercises 508

Chapter 14 Attribute Grammars and Multipass Translation 510

14.1 Attribute Grammars 511

14.1.1 Simple Assignment Form and Action Symbols 514

14.1.2 Tree-Walk Attribute Evaluators 515

14.1:3 On-the-Fly Attribute Evaluators 524

14.1.4 An Attribute Grammar Example 531

14.2 Tree-structured Intermediate Representations 534

14.2.1 Interfaces to Abstract Syntax Trees 536

14.2.2 Abstract Interfaces to Syntax Trees 538

14.2.3 Implementing Trees 544

Exercises 544

Chapter 15 Code Generation and Local Code Optimization 546

15.1 An Overview 547

15.2 Register and Temporary Management 548

15.2.1 Classes of Temporaries 550

15.2.2 Allocating and Freeing Temporaries 551

15.3 A Simple Code Generator 551

15.4 Interpretive Code Generation 555

15.4.1 Optimizing Address Calculation 556

15.4.2 Avoiding Redundant Computations 559

15.4.3 Register Tracking 562

15.5 Peephole Optimization 572

15.6 Generating Code from Trees 574

15.7 Generating Code from Dags '578

15.7.1 Aliasing 586

15.8 Code Generator Generators 589

15.8.1 Grammar-Based Code Generators 593

15.8.2 Using Semantic Attributes in Code

Generators 597

15.8.3 Generation of Peephole Optimizers 602

15.8.4 Code Generator Generators Based on Tree Rewriting 605

Exercises 605

Chapter 16 Global Optimization 614

16.1 An Overview--Goals and Limits 614

16.1.1 An Idealized Optimizing Compiler

Structure 617

16.1.2 Putting optimization in Perspective 621

16.2 Optimizing Subprogram Calls 622

16.2.1 lnline Expansion of Subprogram Calls 622

16.2.2 Optimizing Calls of Closed Subroutines 625

16.2.3 Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis 630

16.3 Loop Optimization 636

16.3.1 Factoring Loop-invariant Expressions 637

16.3.2 Strength Reduction in Loops 641

16.4 Global Data Flow Analysis 645

16.4.1 Any-Path Flow Analysis 645

16.4.2 All-Paths Flow Analysis 650

16.4.3 A Taxonomy of Data Flow Problems 652

16.4.4 Other Important Data Flow Problems 652

16.4.5 Global Optimizations Using Data Flow Information 655

16.4.6 Solving Data Flow Equations 660

16.5 Putting It All Together 673

Exercises 675

Chapter 17 Parsing in the Real World 685

17.1 Compacting Tables 686

17.1.1 Compacting LL(1) Parse Tables 691

17.2 Syntactic Error Recovery and Repair 691

17.2.1 Immediate Error Detection 694

17.2.2 Error Recovery in Recursive Descent Parsers 695

17.2.3 Error Recovery in LL(1) Parsers 698

17.2.4 The FMQ LL(1) Error-Repair

Algorithm 698

17.2.5 Adding Deletions to the FMQ Repair Algorithm 703

17.2.6 Extensions to the FMQ Algorithm 706

17.2.7 Error Repair Using LLGen 712

17.2.8 LR Error Recovery 713

17.2.9 Error Recoveryin Yacc 714

17.2.10 Automatically Generated LR Repair Techniques 715

17.2.11 Error Repair Using LALRGen 723

17.2.12 Other LR Error-Repair Techniques 724

Exercises 726

Appendix A Definition of Ada/CS 730

Appendix B ScanGen 759

Appendix C LLGen User Manual 768

Appendix D LALRGen User Manual 777

Appendix E Error-Repair Features of LLGen and LALRGen 787

Appendix F Compiler Development Utilities 792

Bibliography 799

Index 806





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