
  • Ever read the book The Dot and The line by Norton Juster? It’s a beautiful story about the romance between a Line and a Dot. While reading the book I realized the three characters of the story (unorganized Scribble, the shy Line and the naughty Dot) were describing the reality of life.


  • I found the Scribble character to be a representation of chaos in life while the Line was the order or stable way of living life. Additionally the Dot was a catalyst for igniting and motivating the plain Line to become someone more innovative and courageous. Through determination and willpower the Line identified his own potential and challenged himself to create an interesting yet complex life.


  • Finally I questioned, why are we so afraid of difficult situations? Specifically when these situations make us stronger and more inventive. Great discoveries have been unleashed from the most chaotic situations.


  • As they say, Order and Chaos are irreversible. The birth of major inventions happened when we desired to change from an unorganized to an organized condition, from a difficult to a convenient life.


  • Accept this as a truth and make life more joyful and cheerful. Humans have become used to living a boring and systematic lifestyle. We are caught up in the regular chaos in life and have disregarded life’s true meaning.


  • Just take a minute and look around. There are so many courageous people who were literally caught up in the most troublesome situations (both physical and psychological) yet today they stand victorious over all the odds.


  • Ronda Bryne—The writer of The Secret; Chris Gardner—The famous stockbroker; Mary Kom—The great women boxer and many more had the fire, power and great attitude to become a champion and discard their messy circumstances.


  • Order and Chaos are two faces of the same coin. Life is a gift which has to be constantly infused with innovation, courage, determination, fun, laughter, and love. Life is about constant evolution and this evolution keeps moving from chaos to order then back to chaos again.


  • Human psychology is about putting everything under control. We resist change and feel upset when turbulence occurs in our life.


  • The science of chaos in life signifies the outbreak of something advanced and valuable. Even a disastrous volcano brings fertile soil. Many wishful thinkers now assume that chaos can somehow generate higher order—evolution in particular. Chaos itself forces us to think beyond the regular, it tells us that a system—whether closed or open—tends to decay. So the science of chaos in life indicates that disorganization forces us to brainstorm and develop newer, more-innovative systems.


  • Imagine a life in complete order (like in the movie The Devil Wears Prada), a structured routine that is enslaved by the clock and where everything is being controlled, even your emotions. Such a life becomes suffocating for others and for yourself.


  • Chaos is an indication of an eruption, hence, any preventive measures to keep things in order turns futile. Control or order makes situations miserable, while chaos adds spice to life and enhances its flavor.


  • Chaos in life is disturbing, challenging and even painful, but on the flip-side it is about innovation, determination, motivation, triumph, love, and transformation. Always remember, spring prevails only after winter has left its mark.



1. stable adj. firmly fixed; not likely to move, change or fail 稳定的;稳固的;牢固的

2. unleash v. ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) to suddenly let a strong force, emotion, etc. be felt or have an effect 发泄;突然释放;使爆发

3. irreversible adj. that cannot be changed back to what it was before 无法复原(或挽回)的;不能倒转的

4. systematic adj. done according to a system or plan, in a thorough, efficient or determined way 成体系的;系统的;有条理的;有计划有步骤的

5. enslave v. to make sb a slave 使成为奴隶;奴役;~ sb/sth (to sth) (formal) to make sb/sth completely depend on sth so that they cannot manage without it 使受控制;征服;制伏

6. suffocating adj. making it difficult to breathe normally 令人呼吸困难的;使人窒息的

7. enhance v. to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of sb/sth 提高;增强;增进

8. triumph n. ~ (over sb/sth) a great success, achievement or victory 巨大成功;重大成就;伟大胜利

本文英文来自Wisdom Times,已选入《快捷英语 活页英语时文阅读理解 高一年级19》,参考译文由快捷英语整理。转载需注明出处。





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