

Memory requirements

The amount ofmemory that is required for Oracle GoldenGate depends on the number of concurrentprocesses that will be running. At minimum on thesource system, there is a primary Extract process that captures sourcedata and a secondary Extract data-pump process that transfers data across thenetwork. At minimum on the target system is at leastone Replicat process that applies the replicated data to the target database.In some cases, these processes might all operate on the same system, dependingon the required configuration.

--并发进程的数据量决定GG内存的大小,在source system端,最少需要一个Extract 进程和一个data-pump进程,在target system 端, 至少需要一个replicat 进程。

(1)The OracleGoldenGate GGSCI command interface fully supports up to 300 concurrent Extractand Replicat processes per instance of Oracle GoldenGate. An instance of OracleGoldenGate equates to one Manager process, which is the main controller process.

-- 在每个GG instance 上,GGSCI 命令结构最多支持300个Extract和 replicat 并发进程,每个GG instance 需要一个Manager 进程。

(2)Each Extractand Replicat process needs approximately 25-55 MB of memory, or more dependingon the size of the transactions and the number of concurrent transactions.

--每个Extract 和 Replicat 进程大概需要25-55M的内存,根据的要根据事务的数量和事务的并发量决定。

The actual amount of physical memory that is used by any Oracle GoldenGate process is controlledby the operating system, not the Oracle GoldenGate program. The Oracle GoldenGatecache manager takes advantage of the memory management functions of the operatingsystem to ensure that Oracle GoldenGate processes work in a sustained and efficientmanner.

--GG 实际使用的物理内存量是由操作系统控制的,GG的cache manager 利用操作系统的memory managementfunctions 来保证GG 以持续和有效的方式来运行。

Within its cache, it makes use of modernvirtual memory techniques by:

--GG 的cachemanager 利用virtual memory 技术:

(1)Allocatingand managing active buffers efficiently.

(2)Recycling oldbuffers instead of paging to disk, when possible.

(3)Pagingless-used information to disk, when necessary.

The cachemanager keeps an Oracle GoldenGate process working within the soft limit of itsglobal cache size, only allocating virtual memory (not physical memory) on demand.System calls to increase the cache size are made only as a last resort and,when used, are always followed by the release of virtual memory back to thesystem.

--Cache manager 保持GG 进程在global cache 的大小内工作,在需要时仅分配virtualmemory,操作完会,会释放virtual memory。 只有在不得已的情况下,才会增加cache size。

The system musthave sufficient swap space for each Oracle GoldenGate Extract and Replicat processthat will be running.

--系统必须要有足够的swap space 来支撑GG Extract 和Replicat 进程的运行。

To determine the required swap space:

--通过一下的方法来确定需要swap space 的大小:

(1) Start up oneExtract or Replicat.

(2) Run GGSCI.

(3) View thereport file and find the line PROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min).

(4) Round up thevalue to the next full gigabyte if needed. For example, round up 1.76GB to 2GB.

(5) Multiplythat value by the number of Extract and Replicat processes that will be running.The result is the maximum amount of swap space that could be required. To determinethe number of processes you will need, consult the configuration chapters in theOracle GoldenGate Windows and UNIX Administrator’s Guide.





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