

a7f4a3f590493a1e451dd952a488fd7c.gif 宁波大学计算机网络多选题




7.9 积分

1. The URL(Uniform Resource Locator) include:[ ]A. Protocol name[ ]B. Host name[ ]C. Path name[ ]D. User name[ ]E. Object name2. TCP congestion control, there are those State in TCP Sender:[ ]A. Congestion Avoidance [ ]B. Fast recovery[ ]C. Slow Start [ ]D. Timeout[ ]E. GBN3. When receive a segment in TCP Receiver, It can action with:[ ]A. Delayed ACK. [ ]B. Immediately send single cumulative ACK[ ]C. Immediately send duplicate ACK[ ]D. Immediate send ACK[ ]E. Nothing to do4. Which are the Key Network-Layer Functions:[ ]A. forwarding[ ]B. routing[ ]C. Connection setup[ ]D. multiple access[ ]E. Address translator5.IN DNS service, these servers are needed:[ ]A. Top-level domain (TLD) server[ ]B. Authoritative DNS servers[ ]C. Local Name server[ ]D. Proxy DNS server[ ]D. Root DNS server1. Which Method types are in HTTP:[ ]A. GET[ ]B. POST[ ]C. SELECT[ ]D. PUT[ ]E. HEAD2. TCP sender congestion control, there are these action in TCP Sender:[ ]A. window grows linearly[ ]B. window grows exponentially[ ]C. Threshold set to CongWin/2 and CongWin set to Threshold[ ]D. Threshold set to CongWin/2 and CongWin set to 1 MSS[ ]E. Threshold set to CongWin*2 and CongWin set to 1 MSS3. TCP retransmission can be caused by:[ ]A. lost data[ ]B. lost ACK [ ]C. premature timeout[ ]D. premature ACK[ ]E. ACK4. ICMP do not error reporting about:[ ]A. unreachable host[ ]B. unknown network[ ]C. unknown protocol[ ]D. unknown username[ ]E. unknown filename5.For P2P file sharing, we can implement it by:[ ]A. Query flooding[ ]B. Queue flooding[ ]C. centralized directory[ ]D. decentralized directory[ ]E. CDNs directory1. which are Wireless access networks:[ ]A. Wireless LANs[ ]B. UWB [ ]C. Wider-area wireless access[ ]D. Wireless mouse2. In Client-server architecture, clients can be:[ ]A. Communicate with server[ ]B. Intermittently connected[ ]C. Have dynamic IP addresses[ ]D. Communicate directly with each other3. Web caching can:[ ]A. Reduce response time for client request.[ ]B. Reduce traffic on an institution’s access link.[ ]C. Result in Providers to effectively deliver content[ ]D. Guarantee QOS4. In TCP, Retransmissions can be triggered by:[ ]A. Timeout events[ ]B. Duplicate acks[ ]C. Duplicate datas[ ]D. Flow control5. ICMP can reporting error about:[ ]A. Unreachable host[ ]B. Unknown network[ ]C. Unknown protocol[ ]D. Unknown username6. Which are types of MAC Protocols?[ ]A. Channel Partitioning[ ]B. Random Access[ ]C. Hand work[ ]D. Taking turns7. In Selective repeat RDT, receiver need those FSM:[ ]A. Packet n in [rcvbase, rcvbase+N-1][ ]B. Packet n in [rcvbase-N,rcvbase-1][ ]C. Packet n in [rcvbase+N,rcvbase+2N][ ]D. Otherwise1. which are Radio link types:[ ]A. Terrestrial microwave[ ]B. Fiber optic cable[ ]C. Wide-area (e.g., cellular)[ ]D. Satellite2. What transport service does an application need:[ ]A. Data loss[ ]B. Bandwidth[ ]C. Time Sensitive[ ]D. Morning call3. Which element are in Mail Servers:[ ]A. Mailbox contains incoming messages for user[ ]B. Message queue of outgoing (to be sent) mail messages[ ]C. SMTP protocol between mail servers to send email messages[ ]D. NAT device for outgoing mails4. In Selective repeat RDT, sender need those FSM:[ ]A. Data from above [ ]B. Timeout(n)[ ]C. ACK(n) [ ]D. Receive packet( n)5.The motivation of IPv6 may be:[ ]A. Header format helps speed processing/forwarding[ ]B. Header changes to facilitate QoS [ ]C. Collecting more revenue[ ]D. 32-bit address space completely allocated6. ARP Table is used for IP/MAC address mappings on some LAN nodes, it need:[ ]A. IP address[ ]B. MAC address[ ]C. Port number[ ]D. TTL7. RDT for reliable transfer over a unreliable channel need:[ ]A. Time to live[ ]B. Timer[ ]C. Seq#[ ]D. ACK 关 键 词: 宁波大学 计算机网络 选题

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