signature=7a9fda51c86d962ec56670f547eb0d5d,Waiting for another installation to complete -- SCCM Wind...

Mentioned steps has been performed on a system. Please see the windowsupdate.log file of reference system.


2010-10-21 23:51:28:578 1232 dc8 Agent ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]

2010-10-21 23:51:28:578 1232 dc8 Agent *********

2010-10-21 23:51:28:578 1232 dc8 Agent   * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No

2010-10-21 23:51:28:593 1232 dc8 Agent   * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0

and IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"

2010-10-21 23:51:28:593 1232 dc8 Agent   * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed

2010-10-21 23:51:28:593 1232 dc8 Agent   * Search Scope = {Machine}

2010-10-21 23:51:29:312 1232 dc8 Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Default\

2010-10-21 23:51:29:484 1232 dc8 Misc  Microsoft signed: Yes

2010-10-21 23:51:30:031 1232 dc8 Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Default\

2010-10-21 23:51:30:046 1232 dc8 Misc  Microsoft signed: Yes

2010-10-21 23:51:30:328 1232 dc8 Misc Validating signature for C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Default\

2010-10-21 23:51:30:343 1232 dc8 Misc  Microsoft signed: Yes

2010-10-21 23:51:30:359 1232 dc8 Setup ***********  Setup: Checking whether self-update is required  ***********

2010-10-21 23:51:30:359 1232 dc8 Setup   * Inf file: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Default\wsus3setup.inf

2010-10-21 23:51:30:453 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\cdm.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:484 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:500 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:500 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:531 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:546 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaucpl.cpl.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:546 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:562 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:609 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:625 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll.mui: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:625 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:625 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups2.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:765 1232 dc8 Setup Update NOT required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll: target version = 7.4.7600.226, required version = 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-21 23:51:30:765 1232 dc8 Setup   * IsUpdateRequired = No

2010-10-21 23:51:39:468 1232 dc8 PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++

2010-10-21 23:51:39:468 1232 dc8 PT   + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =


2010-10-21 23:51:39:640 1232 dc8 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available

2010-10-21 23:51:39:640 1232 dc8 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = 6e6591c3-5a33-4d21-9a62-969a4c072de0, target group = , DNS name =

2010-10-21 23:51:39:640 1232 dc8 PT   Server URL = http://xyz:8530/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx

2010-10-21 23:51:39:765 1232 dc8 PT WARNING: GetCookie failure, error = 0x8024400D, soap client error = 7, soap error code = 300, HTTP status code = 200

2010-10-21 23:51:39:765 1232 dc8 PT WARNING: SOAP Fault: 0x00012c

2010-10-21 23:51:39:765 1232 dc8 PT WARNING:     faultstring:Fault occurred

2010-10-21 23:51:39:765 1232 dc8 PT WARNING:     ErrorCode:ConfigChanged(2)

2010-10-21 23:51:39:765 1232 dc8 PT WARNING:     Message:(null)

2010-10-21 23:51:39:765 1232 dc8 PT WARNING:     Method:""

2010-10-21 23:51:39:765 1232 dc8 PT WARNING:     ID:5071b80a-caed-4ca2-86bb-3b861f008eb4

2010-10-21 23:51:39:843 1232 dc8 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available

2010-10-21 23:51:39:843 1232 dc8 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = 6e6591c3-5a33-4d21-9a62-969a4c072de0, target group = , DNS name =

2010-10-21 23:51:39:843 1232 dc8 PT   Server URL = http://xyz:8530/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx

2010-10-21 23:53:21:500 1232 dc8 PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing extended update info  +++++++++++

2010-10-21 23:53:21:500 1232 dc8 PT   + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =


2010-10-21 23:53:39:906 1232 dc8 Agent   * Found 0 updates and 52 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 1282 out of 1970 deployed entities

2010-10-21 23:53:39:968 1232 dc8 Agent *********

2010-10-21 23:53:39:968 1232 dc8 Agent **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]

2010-10-21 23:53:39:968 1232 dc8 Agent *************

2010-10-21 23:53:39:984 1232 31c AU >>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {5770DB5D-C162-48D8-90A8-CE0B1DF986E8}]

2010-10-21 23:53:39:984 1232 31c AU   # 0 updates detected

2010-10-21 23:53:39:984 1232 31c AU #########

2010-10-21 23:53:39:984 1232 31c AU ##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates [CallId = {5770DB5D-C162-48D8-90A8-CE0B1DF986E8}]

2010-10-21 23:53:39:984 1232 31c AU #############

2010-10-21 23:53:39:984 1232 31c AU Featured notifications is disabled.

2010-10-21 23:53:39:984 1232 31c AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2010-10-22 16:32:44

2010-10-21 23:53:39:984 1232 31c AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-10-22 13:00:00

2010-10-21 23:53:44:968 1232 dc8 Report REPORT EVENT: {38D5DE85-DEDA-412B-9923-C900FD84E705} 2010-10-21 23:53:39:968+0500 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Software

Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 0 updates.

2010-10-21 23:53:44:968 1232 dc8 Report REPORT EVENT: {876A799C-3C59-4C62-A6AF-9A841000F0B3} 2010-10-21 23:53:39:968+0500 1 156 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Pre-Deployment

Check Reporting client status.

2010-10-22 00:21:32:634 1232 5e8 AU AU received policy change subscription event

2010-10-22 11:27:28:962 1232 5e8 AU ###########  AU: Uninitializing Automatic Updates  ###########

2010-10-22 11:27:29:759 1232 5e8 Service *********

2010-10-22 11:27:29:759 1232 5e8 Service **  END  **  Service: Service exit [Exit code = 0x240001]

2010-10-22 11:27:29:759 1232 5e8 Service *************

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Misc ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0500)  ===========

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Misc   = Process: C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Misc   = Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Service *************

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Service ** START **  Service: Service startup

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Service *********

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Agent   * WU client version 7.4.7600.226

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Agent   * Base directory: C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Agent   * Access type: No proxy

2010-10-22 11:28:32:132 1232 c70 Agent   * Network state: Connected

2010-10-22 11:28:34:648 1340 a58 Misc ===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0500)  ===========

2010-10-22 11:28:34:648 1340 a58 Misc   = Process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe

2010-10-22 11:28:34:648 1340 a58 Misc   = Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll

2010-10-22 11:28:34:648 1340 a58 DtaStor Default service for AU is {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

2010-10-22 11:28:34:679 1340 a58 DtaStor Default service for AU is {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}

2010-10-22 11:28:34:695 1232 c70 Agent WARNING: failed to access the auth cab, fatal error 0x80070003

2010-10-22 11:28:34:695 1232 c70 Agent WARNING: Invalid service in the backup data store; cleaning up

2010-10-22 11:28:34:695 1232 c70 Agent WARNING: Failed to add and register service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d to the data store 0x80240031

2010-10-22 11:28:34:695 1232 c70 Agent WARNING: Default Service Recovery: Attempting to add pending registration for service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d to the data store

2010-10-22 11:29:19:741 1232 c70 Agent ***********  Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent  ***********

2010-10-22 11:29:19:756 1232 c70 Agent ***********  Agent: Initializing global settings cache  ***********

2010-10-22 11:29:19:756 1232 c70 Agent   * WSUS server:


2010-10-22 11:29:19:756 1232 c70 Agent   * WSUS status server:


2010-10-22 11:29:19:756 1232 c70 Agent   * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)

2010-10-22 11:29:19:756 1232 c70 Agent   * Windows Update access disabled: No

2010-10-22 11:29:19:788 1232 c70 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads

2010-10-22 11:29:19:788 1232 c70 AU ###########  AU: Initializing Automatic Updates  ###########

2010-10-22 11:29:19:788 1232 c70 AU AU setting next sqm report timeout to 2010-10-22 06:29:19

2010-10-22 11:29:19:788 1232 c70 AU   # WSUS server:


2010-10-22 11:29:19:803 1232 c70 AU   # Detection frequency: 22

2010-10-22 11:29:19:803 1232 c70 AU   # Approval type: Scheduled (Policy)

2010-10-22 11:29:19:803 1232 c70 AU   # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 18:00

2010-10-22 11:29:19:803 1232 c70 AU   # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)

2010-10-22 11:29:19:803 1232 c70 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2010-10-22 13:00:00

2010-10-22 11:29:19:819 1232 c70 AU Initializing featured updates

2010-10-22 11:29:19:819 1232 c70 AU Found 0 cached featured updates

2010-10-22 11:29:19:819 1232 c70 AU AU finished delayed initialization

2010-10-22 11:29:20:819 1232 c70 Report ***********  Report: Initializing static reporting data  ***********

2010-10-22 11:29:20:819 1232 c70 Report   * OS Version = 5.1.2600.3.0.65792

2010-10-22 11:29:20:928 1232 c70 Report   * Computer Brand = Hewlett-Packard

2010-10-22 11:29:20:944 1232 c70 Report   * Computer Model = HP Compaq dc5750 Microtower

2010-10-22 11:29:20:944 1232 c70 Report   * Bios Revision = 786E3 v02.29

2010-10-22 11:29:20:944 1232 c70 Report   * Bios Name = Default System BIOS

2010-10-22 11:29:20:944 1232 c70 Report   * Bios Release Date = 2007-08-14T00:00:00

2010-10-22 11:29:20:944 1232 c70 Report   * Locale ID = 1033

2010-10-22 11:29:38:272 1716 4cc COMAPI -------------

2010-10-22 11:29:38:272 1716 4cc COMAPI -- START --  COMAPI: Search [ClientId = CcmExec]

2010-10-22 11:29:38:272 1716 4cc COMAPI ---------

2010-10-22 11:29:38:303 1232 31c Agent *************

2010-10-22 11:29:38:303 1716 4cc COMAPI <

2010-10-22 11:29:38:303 1232 31c Agent ** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = CcmExec]

2010-10-22 11:29:38:303 1232 31c Agent *********

2010-10-22 11:29:38:303 1232 31c Agent   * Include potentially superseded updates

2010-10-22 11:29:38:303 1232 31c Agent   * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = Yes

2010-10-22 11:29:38:303 1232 31c Agent   * Criteria = "(DeploymentAction=* AND Type='Software') OR (DeploymentAction=* AND Type='Driver')"

2010-10-22 11:29:38:303 1232 31c Agent   * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed

2010-10-22 11:29:38:303 1232 31c Agent   * Search Scope = {Machine}

2010-10-22 11:29:38:647 1232 31c PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++

2010-10-22 11:29:38:647 1232 31c PT   + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =


2010-10-22 11:29:39:959 1232 31c PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available

2010-10-22 11:29:39:975 1232 31c PT Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = 6e6591c3-5a33-4d21-9a62-969a4c072de0, target group = , DNS name =

2010-10-22 11:29:39:975 1232 31c PT   Server URL = http://xyz:8530/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx

2010-10-22 11:35:32:144 1232 31c PT +++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing extended update info  +++++++++++

2010-10-22 11:35:32:144 1232 31c PT   + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL =


2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {374E0100-CAA7-41BC-90A6-DFBAC8D1EA5E}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {54173D00-6670-4E5C-A601-70AE316AA295}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {24D68501-FAC4-4D0E-8A11-3C50505A0177}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {36B59501-1963-455B-9985-81E6AF53AE0E}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {C73FCB01-13D0-42F8-8B1F-298F2350F40D}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {19EBF906-DF85-4DDA-8818-E25B53AF20C0}.105 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {2BB42708-25DC-4B03-BF68-264DC8E70498}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {310A4C08-593D-41A3-BB57-83B386D773B5}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9FF36D09-9505-46AF-8B21-5EBEB95AE7D4}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {79BF7A09-2C2B-4017-8304-0F16403558B0}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0755DB0A-4DDB-4541-949C-3BA985D3895A}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9750C40C-CB2A-4214-A7DF-7633CC39D109}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {F918660D-9F33-47E9-99BF-A01EA612BC5A}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {4EDEC20D-2001-4D0D-9E01-6EF6013859E7}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {D59B870E-908C-4364-9764-13E859E01C56}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0DBE910E-B33E-4AAF-8296-8BD8F2B02E6A}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {CBDA4A10-D5D1-432D-9CFC-A699ED43E69F}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {EC27D810-4120-40B1-8768-A4CF5C51DB23}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {DEB01411-96EB-45A8-8363-DC501CC7FEC5}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {4EB6F812-F2AE-43EF-9FE0-11ED711339BB}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {2B0B2515-192D-470A-9745-4A3FB7C0203A}.105 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {AD701117-5D76-4E8B-976B-03A02AADB897}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:550 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {2B989B18-4BB2-4258-8B8F-E8E4C557B1E5}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {B71AD818-A99D-4309-B350-83FE9399B437}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {7FE46519-51F4-4F67-A74F-2DE851A1DDB5}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {DEBB031C-2EDF-48F4-B26D-7BCE585CAF9A}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {1A544E1D-4157-43A6-93FA-0283CBE2D93C}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9397A21F-246C-453B-AC05-65BF4FC6B68B}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {90030620-A692-4641-9166-B7C4AEE44B86}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {C51DDB20-A7BF-4420-B285-C88DA9798C0C}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {1CB25F22-5DE5-4B6B-B1D8-DE2368CCF84F}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {969D5F26-8B9A-418D-A8C4-DC6912FAEC43}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {1634AA26-C764-43A2-A910-6795A71C14C0}.105 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {6F5DC828-0F05-4577-9A8A-74AB1CBE00A9}.106 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {EC1F4A29-8828-4FBE-B101-5A89321D8E7F}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {C4640A2A-B0E1-4F85-BEFA-300AB95699EB}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {485C9E2C-0DF1-4F96-A1C6-14D81F4C4153}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {6D9CCA2C-21F8-4BB1-A05E-70A934060DE3}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {DAC23C2D-C92D-4301-A516-C0F407ABFE7E}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {25896E2F-7BB9-444D-9FF7-840FFD6929C7}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {070C3030-1205-4F16-ADAE-5F4D17907377}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {81D0AF30-0B70-48C1-AFC8-1ECDA517D66E}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {EBBDC330-BD19-47B9-9E08-C4F32694429B}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {723B4632-B686-45B3-8AA5-6E638E598657}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {C0924832-5D00-4FB5-B82E-89C96B3160A3}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8DCB7132-CCC5-4620-9D8D-331B0701EB2F}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {A7686A33-7AEF-4EC6-A399-0AA0C45AAA21}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {CCCD6335-8006-4BC3-B16E-C61BD9FED9A2}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {D5EADB3B-4FD7-4087-8B9D-4ACB2B41210E}.109 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {812EF43B-1790-414F-9CB6-3AF6841FB623}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {6932473C-33EB-49F1-87DC-BAD76FF2F7C5}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {A72E5A3C-38CC-4976-8E17-92D9D043BEDF}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {27C76C3D-F3DC-4C45-9A87-189F4AB4C52C}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {604D593E-B8A6-4710-A6AC-38A200BB8DAB}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:565 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {777E1D3F-E2C6-431A-8E16-E2B290BF38B5}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {5D044840-AD68-42F5-AE2F-484443A7A252}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9D177940-04A9-4576-8118-59844F725602}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {BF197A40-35D6-4EBC-85D6-F1070ACAED29}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {1E938A41-9727-4E69-9F41-3E7E393462FC}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {2470E441-42FA-4397-B6AE-9E5498F47962}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {D0F0DE43-7A3E-4F0C-B300-AE790330E5F8}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {3D73EA44-E1A8-418C-B3FA-A0A2047D86A4}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {CA4D5148-0F09-4FCD-8D3A-58081C92C07D}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {5A26EC4A-D997-4FB1-81D9-02E1C46A80D7}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {AA4E2B4C-A778-4ECA-A743-30310967613E}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {973E334F-2ABA-4DE2-B51B-EFB975992C1A}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {ED0D8850-60F4-48FC-BD76-49EED8A6F341}.106 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {FC7C3752-4C17-473C-8BFF-75EED375FD61}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {00D97853-4261-4FC6-97E6-28A9383CC8B5}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {33676B56-8465-48E1-81BB-F737E52E392C}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {50DB9656-93F2-4FAA-9EC4-14D8603A060D}.109 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {436FE556-A35D-4AD5-96E9-DDDC4FA6055D}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {91057659-9BAA-4781-8041-73660CC0B805}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {BA41845B-5933-4CD4-A6F6-F7CC54B1F49F}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8079EF5C-B355-4C65-8888-8D708BEB2D87}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8FD7425D-9D17-4FAD-BDC0-F820BEFDBD53}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {D3AC165E-D7C4-4BDF-83F0-E249ECBE873B}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {D6C7A25E-9FFF-487C-8E7C-5F324722B62E}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0975455F-D040-4EEC-9013-81D19BF3DD0A}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {076E4960-528C-4BF3-9F75-4D2C4A024104}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {093E6060-C913-46D6-8AE7-E0854CBBE795}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {F84FBE62-1E2F-4ED6-9AFC-D89A58E2F85C}.111 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {26362263-5B85-43F8-A270-EAEF7897C49F}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0848AC63-CE07-4477-BC79-DAE121D6BDDA}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {AC8F2B64-089C-4EEA-87B4-5D381FBA496E}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {C549AD65-F3B3-42E6-B0D7-6FE55576F2BB}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {88AED865-CE1A-42B7-B231-04C77027E03E}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:581 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {219BF365-1EFF-4C9B-83F1-C173C713501B}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {BC8E1666-737B-415E-A038-FBF842E5BAE8}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {32640E67-1631-4E27-A38E-A04C541FA346}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8EA83167-CFA4-4866-8626-13196441D246}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {B09A9A67-E9F4-4F1E-81E2-115E47E95AB4}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {6F23BC68-0656-442E-B76F-C2FA899B7565}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {28190A6C-BDE4-4B91-83BC-1F0231B694B2}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {278BB66C-CE54-40FB-A5A2-AE55804C3917}.106 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {E5074371-9CBE-4B61-8DE3-AB3C678605D2}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {F45F3C72-427B-4889-A627-836244BF1CE1}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {2343C073-562E-46DB-80CA-9FE0221D4767}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {A5A6AD76-A6CA-4AC0-9AF6-BFDBE67A8021}.107 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {78FA2878-C352-42D3-8724-9CF0CECEB6A0}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9D5A4078-9F2E-473F-BFBE-1380CA129468}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9D729479-604C-4330-B0EC-EB204C0B80F3}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {C8649679-AA9B-4F70-A9E5-0281549E5BAA}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {D1C8D47B-7407-48BE-87C8-D9E1050B4557}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {18250E7C-B36E-4162-838D-1C4B408D8B73}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {08AA9B7C-454E-4E97-BFCB-FF71DB31F52D}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {786A447D-2FCE-40FD-8320-26324F5524FF}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {94D1CE7E-B5B0-49AB-A127-BD7E684AF2D4}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {3E2FDD7E-529B-4A95-AC50-E6B1B108A33A}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {7B3EEB7F-DB7F-4E4E-A762-B93E0FB18E59}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {D60E6980-5288-4575-BDE2-D6A593DB9AC1}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0F4FB382-5878-48C5-B7A4-C70F8EB0D7C6}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {E8E7FC83-CB9E-4CF9-B68F-B233EA953E1F}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {CBE22D85-CBB3-447E-804F-1835072057C2}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {930BBA85-DD9E-470C-9B8F-03E79F197C95}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {45C1CB85-A731-498C-A15B-85C6B2CEB0EC}.105 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {03100286-5495-49B2-A4B0-795A73936C35}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9DF34487-9EAE-4B63-9AC3-CDA8A56D8E14}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {91901188-A380-4D7B-ABE5-102BC9953404}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {744F6689-E1F0-4C98-9B24-F1CD334CC166}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {31E37C89-7C4A-4CE0-85D1-28A8E947CB5F}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8328C689-B157-4AFC-B181-915023070C4A}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {19E8008B-A49D-4840-9EB2-EC75EB89BD3E}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {4E41018C-72E6-4F63-9F05-AC088F1352F8}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:597 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {BDAF5C8D-3818-4D61-829F-39BF866DCC55}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {1406378F-BA2C-40FA-816C-922C846FF5E5}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {E4DAA78F-4557-4C6B-A4FE-2EFAFA91AB47}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {65B8E990-114B-4576-A4AA-81AE630122FB}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {320BF490-CBB3-4A80-95CC-A81CA6E02E43}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0D841D92-DCFD-42D0-99CC-DA46ABBFB86C}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {30256B92-6A28-4A9C-848F-B1ABA7BFD7CB}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {38D40594-4A82-41EC-A26A-3297F3940276}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9EBC8B94-EF1D-4065-A4C9-D40DD950CBC8}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {45A7CC94-063A-495E-BCEB-5F605F23F228}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {DF2F0A98-6E35-4379-AB33-A0303EF74B2A}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {CCD4E798-834D-42C9-928F-9A89CC0D2E14}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {A7021C99-1C0D-4CA5-BC65-A60A04CF3D79}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {2EB68C9B-C4A9-445F-A06D-67AF4A33D997}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {4D6E7C9C-99BA-4448-8A0A-3E8E7B84D2FA}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {EE69B39F-4DEE-4BD9-8FF2-D01B082E2C4A}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0F7D07A2-C659-4D2F-8DEB-2BE3192581A2}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {3598CCA3-3E11-4314-B46A-6F2C3FFAC421}.105 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {696BF0A3-E713-432E-96D5-08559C69491D}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {F14F09A5-A2ED-4A04-AD13-733EDA1C31E7}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {6A8A9DA5-2BF7-4A7F-9823-8FDEC8C663EF}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {F1E485A6-8B18-4D1A-B1B2-08856E3A9B70}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9CBF63A7-7708-4762-A131-7CD71EFEC96C}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {C15269A7-1779-47C4-BDC1-371317E81708}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {F2FD5FA8-ED91-46D1-8D1A-944DC783244C}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {1B90D9AA-16E1-4A0D-9A42-BC317948E8E7}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {2DAB10AE-1996-475F-939A-2F462562B7FE}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8B86DEAE-C862-4405-8FCA-3A2DCFAE1DE0}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8A146CAF-F475-45E0-A8C4-0B02DBF6ABC5}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {DEC021B1-5677-414D-992D-FB2B48A3AA47}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {F4634EB1-ED4D-438D-8699-BEE0CAE13898}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {54D3BBB1-B9E5-45FA-BC98-7F70D6AD6AFD}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {BF1CEAB2-46AE-43BE-B766-188DDBA5E6D4}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {E6F4B0B4-82B7-405D-A248-30B250D337C5}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {DF4711B7-174E-4248-8044-B7B6C3FEAA3A}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {6E6CEAB8-B219-45E6-AAB7-C7ED62CB58FA}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:612 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {7513BCB9-2586-415E-A866-28E6A10D32A7}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9B13D7BB-287C-4341-9473-E1F99F5F2FDA}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {6D930EBC-BB1C-4DC5-82F6-C15366AF904A}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0897C3BC-5DF1-4DB5-9977-0565E2C8DC57}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {B975CDBE-3DDC-4F60-88DB-06F64369061F}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {B8B212BF-4CB0-4681-B1CC-28486988730B}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8AACF2BF-68AA-4C90-B606-D4CF5770A970}.105 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {36250CC1-76D3-4579-AFFD-EC2B5FD88886}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {C86B1CC2-268B-48A6-B2F9-0A6DCA0116CB}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {7FF134C3-2D92-4A71-95C8-AFB47C6548F2}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {94B5C0C3-8CC0-4B16-A3B5-8F148507DA6E}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {7C54B2C5-32E5-467F-B098-26424F4B9932}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {44F3BFC5-1C64-41E2-839D-A91407634BAB}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9900B4C6-0071-4E02-962E-F6F6B849EAF0}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {B3C689C7-BF78-455C-ABC1-2FC61183D887}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {CD106AC8-C467-4A04-8E6C-5C4911E2736F}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {6ACD6BCB-A59F-4926-A76E-D07E0C1ECA73}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {5D2787CB-BCB5-439D-B734-3E6F1B21B2DD}.105 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {DDA60FCC-6280-458F-BE92-D400947094CC}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {B5D981CC-0153-4B42-BCE1-2401F266BA1C}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {872236CF-BCDD-413C-AA70-F1EF4DE58294}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {93E009D0-F319-4E23-8017-47CBF15CD1C6}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {440A0DD1-BA04-4235-BE29-E9AC1FC0E0B6}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {18072BD1-84D7-4CEF-A069-808512A8A76D}.108 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {2789B7D2-4CF8-4F5A-A8D9-D6DCE593B14B}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {CEF35DD3-298D-4D2A-AE6A-5D9FE7A6A1D6}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {69794AD5-4C95-4904-8BDA-B308BB9663D4}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9D4681D5-46FA-4250-BEDC-480AC7BCE3AA}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {185315D8-AA13-43C9-AB29-0CCB562471DC}.107 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {53BFB1DB-1705-4B0E-A79C-23929B1AC7A6}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0C1447DC-904E-4DCE-B208-50741D1CC65C}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {5FCBB9DD-B97E-46B8-826C-32017657B0A2}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {6C2FC5DF-B55D-4593-B885-0AF553CDDD9C}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {F98256E0-C539-480F-A942-B30E38B3A697}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {A20602E3-5D27-414E-902B-93D4026CF504}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {71535AE5-039F-482C-B242-6C5046414EDF}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {A4C493E5-FAD7-414A-9826-31C2FDB68A6E}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:628 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {64C3FAE5-C3F2-4F77-9D4E-7D1D5D295EA6}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {C78B09E7-C78D-4172-B944-2A2C69B578E3}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {5511B5E8-75F8-4DA2-86BF-D9C532BBF31C}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {B0EB6BE9-8C12-492B-9115-A565C7B4BE5A}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {561D99EC-5266-46EF-9BC5-FA1627CC1AAD}.102 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {FC83CAEC-2632-48D7-B1B0-A67A1E343070}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8382E3EE-6F64-47BE-BD4D-DB1494B55E5E}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {EE624BEF-5340-492C-A553-2B9957F4402D}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {8D94DCEF-0D41-4F9B-A572-2EC7883B3B97}.106 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {7A3D3EF0-B671-4E63-8A49-B13A200CA003}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {33A7EDF1-2350-4102-8082-9540EFF65704}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {B0E6E3F2-2522-449D-A808-F57E8FAE7F35}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {611B36F3-AD07-4872-BB34-C51B338E70C8}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {773039F4-BA65-43F8-B293-61F40EBD7A52}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {83D1ADF5-779D-4016-8C31-549270F67B3F}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {AE8DAFF6-1ADC-4E55-A0C1-3E2E0B0C0058}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {0F9C03F7-D1E1-4D8F-9B66-8B1C7D30421F}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {46A0B6F7-B283-45F8-9CCB-C8E3B4EC332C}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {E7EC15F8-AF04-4745-99E1-2271E868F50C}.103 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {70D41FF9-0796-4EB6-A699-61C04CB395FE}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {4E46CAF9-4849-40CC-84FC-20F0FB21C6A5}.101 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {B35B57FD-033D-4DBA-9CA2-ED17D324A020}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {9C9989FD-9A87-4AA1-A4D2-77189D94A553}.100 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:643 1232 31c Agent   * Added update {23491AFE-537E-4684-9D10-895516D6FAE7}.104 to search result

2010-10-22 11:35:45:659 1232 31c Agent   * Found 221 updates and 52 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 1282 out of 1970 deployed entities

2010-10-22 11:35:45:690 1232 31c Agent *********

2010-10-22 11:35:45:690 1232 31c Agent **  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = CcmExec]

2010-10-22 11:35:45:690 1232 31c Agent *************

2010-10-22 11:35:45:690 1232 31c Report REPORT EVENT: {BCEDDAE7-E0A6-4A90-BECE-F20CAE814284} 2010-10-22 11:35:45:675+0500 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 CcmExec Success Software

Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 221 updates.

2010-10-22 11:35:45:690 1232 31c Report REPORT EVENT: {B49C4A13-CD71-4A80-B84F-869215F2474F} 2010-10-22 11:35:45:675+0500 1 156 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 CcmExec Success Pre-Deployment

Check Reporting client status.

2010-10-22 11:35:45:706 1716 4cc COMAPI >>--  RESUMED  -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = CcmExec]

2010-10-22 11:35:45:847 1716 4cc COMAPI   - Updates found = 221

2010-10-22 11:35:45:847 1716 4cc COMAPI ---------

2010-10-22 11:35:45:847 1716 4cc COMAPI --  END  --  COMAPI: Search [ClientId = CcmExec]

2010-10-22 11:35:45:847 1716 4cc COMAPI -------------





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