html5堡垒,HTML5 PixiJS 响应式平行视差城堡景观





var HEIGHT = window.innerHeight,

WIDTH = window.innerWidth;

var castle,

frame, maskIllu, cornerTL, cornerTR, cornerBL, cornerBR, frameLineTop, frameLineBottom, frameTopMiddle, frameBottomMiddle;

var sizeL = 1200;

var sizeM = 960;

var sizeS = 720;

var sizeXS = 480;

var pixiCanvas = document.getElementById("pixiCanvas");

var framePadding = -20;

var framePaddingTarget = 40;

var parallaxCoeff = 3;

var globalScale = 1;

var brightness = 1.5;

var repulsion = .95;

var noise = .0;

var elements = [];

var mousePos = {

x: window.innerWidth / 2,

y: window.innerHeight / 2


var myDisplayResolution = window.devicePixelRatio;

var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(800, 600, {

antialiasing: true,

transparent: true,

resolution: 1



var container = new PIXI.Container();


var noiseFilter = new PIXI.filters.NoiseFilter()

noiseFilter.noise = noise;

var colorMatrix = new PIXI.filters.ColorMatrixFilter();


container.filters = [noiseFilter, colorMatrix];


var loader = new PIXI.loaders.Loader('', 30);

loader.add('world', 'world.json');

loader.once('complete', onAssetsLoaded);


window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false);

document.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove);

function onMouseMove(event) {

var tx = -1 + (event.clientX / WIDTH) * 2;

var ty = 1 - (event.clientY / HEIGHT) * 2;

mousePos = {

x: tx,

y: ty


globalScale = .8 + (event.clientX / WIDTH) * .4;

repulsion = .95 + (event.clientX / WIDTH) * .05;


function onWindowResize() {

HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;

WIDTH = window.innerWidth;

renderer.resize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);



function repositionAll(speed) {

for (var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++) {

var el = elements[i];





function repositionFrame() {

if (frameLineTop) {

frameLineTop.sprite.width = WIDTH - framePadding * 2;

frameLineTop.sprite.y = framePadding;

frameLineTop.sprite.x = framePadding;

frameLineBottom.sprite.width = WIDTH - framePadding * 2;

frameLineBottom.sprite.y = HEIGHT - framePadding;

frameLineBottom.sprite.x = framePadding;

frameLineRight.sprite.width = HEIGHT - framePadding * 2;

frameLineRight.sprite.x = WIDTH - framePadding;

frameLineRight.sprite.y = framePadding;

frameLineLeft.sprite.width = HEIGHT - framePadding * 2;

frameLineLeft.sprite.x = framePadding;

frameLineLeft.sprite.y = framePadding;

frameTopMiddle.sprite.x = WIDTH / 2;

frameTopMiddle.sprite.y = framePadding + 5;

frameBottomMiddle.sprite.x = WIDTH / 2;

frameBottomMiddle.sprite.y = HEIGHT - framePadding - 5;

cornerTL.sprite.x = framePadding;

cornerTL.sprite.y = framePadding;

cornerTR.sprite.x = WIDTH - framePadding;

cornerTR.sprite.y = framePadding;

cornerBR.sprite.x = WIDTH - framePadding;

cornerBR.sprite.y = HEIGHT - framePadding;

cornerBL.sprite.x = framePadding;

cornerBL.sprite.y = HEIGHT - framePadding;

backgroundPlane.sprite.width = WIDTH * 2;

backgroundPlane.sprite.height = HEIGHT * 2;


if (maskIllu) {



maskIllu.drawRect(framePadding + 2, framePadding + 2, WIDTH - framePadding * 2, HEIGHT - framePadding * 2);


}, 4, {

framePadding: framePaddingTarget,

ease: Power4.easeInOut,

onUpdate: repositionFrame


var pic;

function onAssetsLoaded(loader, resources) {

backgroundPlane = new FloatingObject("background-base.png", container, {

tiling: true,

depth: 0,

initPcX: 0,

initPcY: 0,

initDispY: 0,

initDispX: 0,

centerPivotX: false,

centerPivotY: false,

affectedByScale: false


illu = new PIXI.Sprite();


maskIllu = new PIXI.Graphics();


illu.mask = maskIllu;

cupolaLeft = new FloatingObject("cupola-left.png", illu, {

depth: -7,

initPcX: .5,

initPcY: 0,

initDispY: 125,

initDispX: -220,

hideBelowX: sizeM


cupolaRight = new FloatingObject("cupola-left.png", illu, {

depth: -7,

initPcX: .5,

initPcY: 0,

initDispY: 125,

initDispX: 220,

initScaleX: -.5,

hideBelowX: sizeM


starTopBig = new FloatingObject("star-top-big.png", illu, {

depth: -8,

initPcX: .5,

initPcY: .1,

hideBelowX: sizeM


starTopSmall = new FloatingObject("star-top-small.png", illu, {

depth: -8,

initPcX: .55,

initPcY: .11,

hideBelowX: sizeS


sun = new FloatingObject("sun.png", illu, {

depth: -6,

initPcX: 0,

initPcY: 0,

initDispY: 140,

initDispX: 240,

hideBelowX: sizeXS


moonTopRight = new FloatingObject("moon-top-right.png", illu, {

depth: -6,

initPcX: 1,

initPcY: 0,

initDispX: -125,

initDispY: 125,

hideBelowX: sizeXS


saturnTopRight = new FloatingObject("saturn-top-right.png", illu, {

depth: -6,

initPcX: 1,

initPcY: 0,

initDispX: -185,

initDispY: 60,

hideBelowX: sizeS


saturnCloudTopRight = new FloatingObject("saturn-cloud-top-right.png", illu, {

depth: -7,

initPcX: .77,

initPcY: .15,

hideBelowX: sizeL


planetTopLeft = new FloatingObject("planet-top-left.png", illu, {

depth: -7,

initPcX: .35,

initPcY: .13,

hideBelowX: sizeS


meteorite = new FloatingObject("meteorite.png", illu, {

depth: -7,

initPcX: .92,

initPcY: .35,

hideBelowX: sizeL


planetOrbitTopRight = new FloatingObject("planet-orbit-top-right.png", illu, {

depth: -6,

initPcX: 1,

initPcY: 0,

initDispX: -145,

initDispY: 200


mountainTopRight = new FloatingObject("mountain-top-right.png", illu, {

depth: -5,

initPcX: .65,

initPcY: .2,

hideBelowX: sizeS


mountainTopLeft = new FloatingObject("mountain-top-left.png", illu, {

depth: -5,

initPcX: .35,

initPcY: .2,

hideBelowX: sizeS


cloudTop = new FloatingObject("cloud-top.png", illu, {

depth: -5,

initPcX: .5,

initPcY: .2,

hideBelowX: sizeS


cloudB3 = new FloatingObject("cloud-b.png", illu, {

depth: -4,

initRotation: .1,

initPcX: .71,

initPcY: .27,

hideBelowX: sizeS


shelfLeftSmall = new FloatingObject("shelf-left-small.png", illu, {

depth: -4,

initPcX: .23,

initPcY: .48,

hideBelowX: sizeL,

floatFrequency: .02,

floatAmplitude: 2,

floatAngle: 0


cloudB = new FloatingObject("cloud-b.png", illu, {

depth: -3,

initPcX: .25,

initPcY: .53,

hideBelowX: sizeM


shipLeftSmall = new FloatingObject("ship-left-small.png", illu, {

depth: -3,

initPcX: .28,

initPcY: .55,

hideBelowX: sizeS,

floatFrequency: .035,

floatAmplitude: 3,

floatAngle: 0


cloudA = new FloatingObject("cloud-a.png", illu, {

depth: -2,

initPcX: .25,

initPcY: .6,

hideBelowX: sizeS


balloonRightSmall = new FloatingObject("balloon-right-small.png", illu, {

depth: -3,

initPcX: .77,

initPcY: .48,

hideBelowX: sizeL,

floatFrequency: .02,

floatAmplitude: 2,

floatAngle: 0


balloonsCastle = new FloatingObject("balloons-castle.png", illu, {

depth: -1,

initPcX: .25,

initPcY: .15,

hideBelowX: sizeM


troy = new FloatingObject("troy.png", illu, {

depth: 2,

initPcX: .7,

initPcY: .45,

hideBelowX: sizeM,

floatFrequency: .02,

floatAmplitude: 3,

floatAngle: 0


cloudC = new FloatingObject("cloud-c.png", illu, {

depth: 2,

initPcX: .03,

initPcY: .27


bubblesCastle = new FloatingObject("bubbles-castle.png", illu, {

depth: 3,

initPcX: .23,

initPcY: .35,

hideBelowX: sizeM,

floatFrequency: .01,

floatAmplitude: 3,

floatAngle: 0


smallCastle = new FloatingObject("small-castle.png", illu, {

depth: 3,

initPcX: .80,

initPcY: .25,

hideBelowX: sizeL,

floatFrequency: .025,

floatAmplitude: 2,

floatAngle: 0


balloonTopRightSmall = new FloatingObject("balloon-top-right-small.png", illu, {

depth: 3,

initPcX: .70,

initPcY: .22,

hideBelowX: sizeL,

floatFrequency: .02,

floatAmplitude: 1,

floatAngle: 0


mountainLeftSmall = new FloatingObject("mountain-left-small.png", illu, {

depth: 7,

initPcX: .05,

initPcY: .4,

hideBelowX: sizeS


mountainLeftSmall4 = new FloatingObject("mountain-right-small2.png", illu, {

depth: 7.5,

initPcX: .12,

initPcY: .46,

hideBelowX: sizeL


var mountain = new PIXI.Sprite();


cloudA2 = new FloatingObject("cloud-a.png", illu, {

depth: 8,

initPcX: .13,

initPcY: .5,

hideBelowX: sizeL


cloudBottomLeft = new FloatingObject("cloud-top.png", illu, {

depth: 8,

initPcX: .35,

initPcY: .75,

initRotation: Math.PI / 6,

hideBelowX: sizeL


mountainLeftBig = new FloatingObject("mountain-left-big.png", illu, {

depth: 9,

initPcX: .15,

initPcY: .69


mountainRightSmall3 = new FloatingObject("mountain-right-small3.png", illu, {

depth: 8,

initPcX: .90,

initPcY: .50


smokeBig = new FloatingObject("smoke-big.png", mountainRightSmall3.sprite, {

initScaleX: 1,

initScaleY: 1,

initDispX: 90,

initDispY: 30,

hideBelowX: sizeL


smokeSmall = new FloatingObject("smoke-small.png", mountainRightSmall3.sprite, {

initScaleX: 1,

initScaleY: 1,

initDispX: 70,

initDispY: -80,

hideBelowX: sizeM


cloudB2 = new FloatingObject("cloud-b.png", illu, {

depth: 8,

initRotation: -.75,

initPcX: .71,

initPcY: .57,

hideBelowX: sizeS


mountainRightBig = new FloatingObject("mountain-right-big.png", illu, {

depth: 9,

initPcX: .80,

initPcY: .65


diamond = new FloatingObject("diamond.png", mountainRightBig.sprite, {

initScaleX: 1,

initScaleY: 1,

initDispX: 440,

initDispY: -60,

hideBelowX: sizeM,

floatFrequency: .02,

floatAmplitude: 4,

floatAngle: 0


cloudC2 = new FloatingObject("cloud-c.png", illu, {

depth: 11,

initPcX: .6,

initPcY: .7,

hideBelowX: sizeM


mountainRightSmall3 = new FloatingObject("mountain-right-small2.png", illu, {

depth: 12,

initPcX: .77,

initPcY: .65,

hideBelowX: sizeS


mountainRightSmall1 = new FloatingObject("mountain-right-small1.png", illu, {

depth: 12,

initPcX: .70,

initPcY: .70,

hideBelowX: sizeS


cloudC3 = new FloatingObject("cloud-c.png", illu, {

depth: 13,

initPcX: .55,

initPcY: .75,

initRotation: -Math.PI / 6,

hideBelowX: sizeL


mountainRightSmall2 = new FloatingObject("mountain-right-small2.png", illu, {

depth: 12,

initPcX: .95,

initPcY: .65,

hideBelowX: sizeS


cloudC4 = new FloatingObject("cloud-c.png", illu, {

depth: 13,

initPcX: .85,

initPcY: .7,

hideBelowX: sizeL


hillsBottomLeft = new FloatingObject("hills-bottom-left.png", illu, {

depth: 11,

initPcX: .15,

initPcY: .74,

hideBelowX: sizeS


waterSurfaceA = new FloatingObject("water-surface-a.png", illu, {

depth: 12,

initPcX: .25,

initPcY: .91,

initDispY: -65,

hideBelowX: sizeM


waterSurfaceB = new FloatingObject("water-surface-b.png", illu, {

depth: 12,

initPcX: .35,

initPcY: .91,

initDispY: -65


waterSurfaceC = new FloatingObject("water-surface-c.png", illu, {

depth: 12,

initPcX: .45,

initPcY: .91,

initDispY: -65


waterSurfaceD = new FloatingObject("water-surface-d.png", illu, {

depth: 12,

initPcX: .65,

initPcY: .91,

initDispY: -65


waterSurfaceE = new FloatingObject("water-surface-e.png", illu, {

depth: 12,

initPcX: .85,

initPcY: .91,

initDispY: -65


castle = new FloatingObject("castle.png", illu, {

depth: 14,

initPcX: .5,

initPcY: .45,

floatFrequency: .03,

floatAmplitude: 5,

floatAngle: 0


tentacleLeft = new FloatingObject("tentacle-left.png", illu, {

depth: 18,

initPcX: .5,

initDispX: -115,

initPcY: .92,

initDispY: -70,

hideBelowX: sizeL


tentacleRight = new FloatingObject("tentacle-right.png", illu, {

depth: 18,

initPcX: .5,

initDispX: 115,

initPcY: .92,

initDispY: -70,

hideBelowX: sizeL


whale = new FloatingObject("whale.png", illu, {

depth: 22,

initPcX: .5,

initPcY: .97,

initDispY: -70,

hideBelowX: sizeXS


beachLeft = new FloatingObject("beach-left.png", illu, {

depth: 21,

initPcX: .17,

initPcY: .91


beachRight = new FloatingObject("beach-left.png", illu, {

depth: 21,

initPcX: .9,

initPcY: .91,

initScaleX: -.5


smallShipBottomRight = new FloatingObject("small-ship-bottom-right.png", illu, {

depth: 21,

initPcX: .82,

initPcY: .8


swordTreeLeft = new FloatingObject("sword-tree-left.png", illu, {

depth: 22,

initPcX: .17,

initPcY: .91


treesLeft = new FloatingObject("trees-left.png", illu, {

depth: 22,

initPcX: .11,

initPcY: .86


columnLeft = new FloatingObject("column-left.png", illu, {

depth: 25,

initPcX: .05,

initPcY: 1,

initDispY: -150


treeBottomRight = new FloatingObject("tree-bottom-right.png", illu, {

depth: 25,

initPcX: .95,

initPcY: 1,

initDispY: -150


spartan = new FloatingObject("spartan.png", illu, {

depth: 26,

initPcX: .3,

initPcY: 1,

initDispY: -110,

hideBelowX: sizeS


viking = new FloatingObject("viking.png", illu, {

depth: 26,

initPcX: .7,

initPcY: 1,

initDispY: -110,

hideBelowX: sizeS


frame = new PIXI.Sprite();


frameLineTop = new FloatingObject("frame-line.png", frame, {

centerPivotX: false,

initDispX: framePadding,

initDispY: framePadding,

affectedByScale: false


frameLineBottom = new FloatingObject("frame-line.png", frame, {

centerPivotX: false,

initDispX: framePadding,

initPcY: 1,

initDispY: -framePadding,

affectedByScale: false


frameLineLeft = new FloatingObject("frame-line.png", frame, {

centerPivotX: false,

initRotation: Math.PI / 2,

initDispX: framePadding,

initDispY: framePadding,

affectedByScale: false


frameLineRight = new FloatingObject("frame-line.png", frame, {

centerPivotX: false,

initRotation: Math.PI / 2,

initPcX: 1,

initDispX: -framePadding,

initDispY: framePadding,

affectedByScale: false


frameTopMiddle = new FloatingObject("frame-top-middle.png", frame, {

initPcX: .5,

initDispY: framePadding + 5,

affectedByScale: false


frameBottomMiddle = new FloatingObject("frame-top-middle.png", frame, {

initPcX: .5,

initPcY: 1,

initDispY: -framePadding - 5,

initRotation: Math.PI,

affectedByScale: false


cornerTL = new FloatingObject("frame-corner.png", frame, {

initDispX: framePadding,

initDispY: framePadding,

affectedByScale: false


cornerTR = new FloatingObject("frame-corner.png", frame, {

initPcX: 1,

initDispX: -framePadding,

initDispY: framePadding,

affectedByScale: false


cornerBL = new FloatingObject("frame-corner.png", frame, {

initDispX: framePadding,

initPcY: 1,

initDispY: -framePadding,

affectedByScale: false


cornerBR = new FloatingObject("frame-corner.png", frame, {

initPcX: 1,

initDispX: -framePadding,

initPcY: 1,

initDispY: -framePadding,

affectedByScale: false





var FloatingObject = function(texName, parent, params) {

this.params = params || {};

this.initPcX = this.params.initPcX || 0;

this.initPcY = this.params.initPcY || 0;

this.initDispX = this.params.initDispX || 0;

this.initDispY = this.params.initDispY || 0;

this.depth = this.params.depth || 0;

this.tiling = (this.params.tiling) ? true : false;

this.initRotation = this.params.initRotation || 0;

this.initScaleX = this.params.initScaleX || .5;

this.initScaleY = this.params.initScaleY || .5;

this.affectedByScale = (this.params.affectedByScale == false) ? false : true;

this.centerPivotX = (this.params.centerPivotX == false) ? false : true;

this.centerPivotY = (this.params.centerPivotY == false) ? false : true;

this.hideBelowX = this.params.hideBelowX || 0;

this.hideBelowY = this.params.hideBelowY || 0;

this.floatFrequency = this.params.floatFrequency || 0;

this.floatAmplitude = this.params.floatAmplitude || 0;

this.floatAngle = this.params.floatAngle || 0;

this.texName = texName;

this.visible = true;

this.parent = parent;

if (this.tiling) {

this.sprite = PIXI.TilingSprite.fromFrame(texName);

} else {

this.sprite = PIXI.Sprite.fromFrame(texName);


if (this.centerPivotX) this.sprite.pivot.x = this.sprite.width / 2;

if (this.centerPivotY) this.sprite.pivot.y = this.sprite.height / 2;





FloatingObject.prototype.updatePosition = function(speed) {

var sp = speed || 0;

var floatY = 0;

if (this.floatFrequency > 0) {

this.floatAngle += this.floatFrequency;

floatY = Math.cos(this.floatAngle) * this.floatAmplitude * 2;


var tx = (WIDTH * this.initPcX) + this.initDispX - mousePos.x * this.depth * parallaxCoeff;

var ty = (HEIGHT * this.initPcY) + this.initDispY + floatY + mousePos.y * this.depth * parallaxCoeff;

var tsx = this.initScaleX;

var tsy = this.initScaleY;

if (this.affectedByScale) {

var ratioS = (1 + ((this.depth - 18) / 100));

var ratioT = (1 + ((this.depth - 18) / 50));

tsx *= globalScale * ratioS;

tsy *= globalScale * ratioS;

tx = (WIDTH / 2) + (tx - WIDTH / 2) * globalScale * repulsion;

ty = (HEIGHT / 2) + (ty - HEIGHT / 2) * globalScale * repulsion;


this.sprite.rotation = this.initRotation;

// not visible but it should be visible

if (!this.visible && WIDTH > this.hideBelowX && HEIGHT > this.hideBelowY) {

this.visible = true;, 1, {

x: tsx,

y: tsy,

ease: Power4.easeInOut


this.sprite.x = tx;

this.sprite.y = ty;


// not visible and it should stay not visible

} else if (!this.visible) {

this.sprite.x = tx;

this.sprite.y = ty;


// visible but it should be not visible

} else if (this.visible && (WIDTH < this.hideBelowX || HEIGHT < this.hideBelowY)) {

this.visible = false;

TweenMax.killTweensOf(this.sprite.scale);, 1, {

x: 0,

y: 0,

ease: Power4.easeInOut




this.visible = true;

if (this.affectedByScale) {

this.sprite.x += (tx - this.sprite.x) * .1;

this.sprite.y += (ty - this.sprite.y) * .1;

this.sprite.scale.x += (tsx - this.sprite.scale.x) * .1;

this.sprite.scale.y += (tsy - this.sprite.scale.y) * .1;

//, .5, {x:tsx, y:tsy, ease:Power4.easeInOut});

} else {

this.sprite.x = tx;

this.sprite.y = ty;

this.sprite.scale.x = tsx;

this.sprite.scale.y = tsy;


//this.sprite.visible = (WIDTH > this.hideBelowX) && (HEIGHT > this.hideBelowY);


function animate() {





  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


