I want to convert the contents of *.sav file into a *.csv file in Python. I have written the following lines of code to access the details of variables in *.sav file. Now, I am not clear on how I can write the accessed variable data to a .csv file with headers
import scipy.io as spio
on2file = 'ON2_2015_112m_220415.sav'
on2data = spio.readsav(on2file, python_dict=True, verbose=True)
Following is the result when I run the above lines of the code:
IDL Save file is compressed
-> expanding to /var/folders/z4/r3844ql123jgkq1ztdr4jxrm0000gn/T/tmpVE_Iz6.sav
Date: Mon Feb 15 20:41:02 2016
User: zhangy1
Host: augur
Format: 9
Architecture: x86_64