摘  要






This article explores the design and application of a hospital drug management system, which adopts information technology to achieve precise drug management and improve the efficiency of hospital drug management. By utilizing functions such as drug information management, inventory management, and procurement management, we effectively ensure the quality and safety of drugs, optimize drug management processes, and enhance the overall service quality of hospitals. At the same time, the system ensures the safety and effectiveness of patient medication through strict drug supervision and recording. The promotion and application of this system will help promote the healthy development of the medical industry.

This article focuses on exploring the research background and significance of hospital drug management systems, and selects appropriate technology stacks for system development, including Java programming language, MySQL database, and SpringBoot development framework. Before the system development, we conducted a thorough analysis of the actual needs of hospital drug management, clarified the business process of the system, and evaluated the feasibility of the development. Subsequently, we carefully designed the database structure of the system and clarified the division of functional roles, thus completing the overall framework construction. In the system coding and testing phase, we focus on details and strive to ensure the stability and efficiency of the system. The role permission allocation of this system is reasonable, the functions are complete, and the user interface is friendly and easy to operate. It can effectively support the management of hospital drug inventory, which is of great significance for improving hospital management efficiency and becoming an indispensable part of hospital management.

Keywords:hospital management, inventory management, drug management, database design


目  录

摘  要 2


第一章 绪论 6

1.1 研究背景 6

1.2 系统的开发意义 6

1.3 研究内容 7

第二章 相关技术介绍 9

2.1 数据库技术 9

2.2 编程环境 9

2.3 JAVA技术 10


第三章 系统分析 13

3.1可行性分析 13

3.2功能性需求分析 13

3.3系统用例分析 14

3.4系统非功能性需求 14

第四章 系统设计 16

4.1系统架构设计 16

4.1.1 表示层 16

4.1.2 业务逻辑层 16

4.1.3 持久层 16

4.2系统功能设计 17

4.2.1 管理员管理模块设计 17

4.2.2 员工模块设计 18

4.3数据库设计 19

4.3.1数据库逻辑结构设计 19

4.3.2数据库物理结构设计 21

第五章 系统实现 27

5.1 系统登录 27

5.2 系统主界面实现 27

5.3 员工信息管理 28

5.4 药品管理的实现 29

5.5 药品入库管理 30

5.6 药品出库管理 31

5.7 药品盘点管理 32

5.8 药品报损管理 32

第6章 系统测试 34

6.1测试目的 34

6.2测试方法 34

6.3测试用例 34

总 结 37

参考文献 38

致  谢 39


管理员登录后修改个人的密码。药品管理中,对医院内的所有药品进行录入,也可以对药品进行修改和删除。统计药品的入库、出库、库存、报损 盘点信息。




