
lete cod:

select  Salary as SecondHighestSalary from Employee order by Salary limit 1,1 ;不对啊,当没有第二高的时候返回null,但是这个返回空。

select IFNULL((select Distinct Salary from Employee order by Salary DESC limit 1,1),null) as SecondHighestSalary

select Email from Person group by Email having count(Email)>1 

SELECT Department.Name AS Department, e1.Name AS Employee, e1.Salary AS Salary FROM Employee e1 JOIN Department ON e1.DepartmentId = Department.Id WHERE  ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT e2.Salary) FROM Employee e2 WHERE e2.Salary > e1.Salary AND e1.DepartmentId = e2.DepartmentId
            ) <3 ORDER BY Department.Name, e1.Salary DESC





create database aa;

show databases;#查看

use aa;#进入数据库

create table ww (id int,age int,sex int);#在aa数据库中创建表,ww是表名

show tables;

insert into ww values (1,19,1), (2,30,1),(3,18,2), (4,19,1);#插入多行数据

select * from ww;#查看表里的全部数据

drop table hy_order_20170410;#删除表

drop database 数据库名;#删除数据库






#查询表的结构;desc ww;

#alter table对已有表的增删改列;增加,修改需指定类型,更新字段类型,表名。删除不用加类型。

alter table ww add test float;#增加test这一列

alter table ww drop test;#删除test这一列

alter table ww change age years int;#修改表age一列为years

alter table ww rename bb;#修改表名,即可以重命名







create table hy_order_20170410(idvarchar(100),order_money float,memeber_id int,create_time datetime,status int);

insert into hy_order_20170410 values('A001',100.15,1,'2017-01-01 13:23:12',2);


create table hy_orderitem_20170410 (idvarchar(100),order_id varchar(100),item_id int,item_name varchar(200), pricefloat,item_num int);

insert into hy_orderitem_20170410values('AB001','A001',1001,'A',0.15,1);

#2.update更正值,改哪张表,改哪几列值,在哪些行生效删除和修改必须加where 条件,避免数据损坏,修改不过来。

update 表名 set 列名1=新值1,列名2=新值2。。。where 条件 

update hy_order_20170410 set order_money=123 where id='A002';


delete from 表名(不加条件,就是删除整张表或者where 列名称=值)

delete from hy_order_20170410 where id='A001';



 * 如果执行所有脚本,alt+x





advanced copy  复制粘贴到excel ,也可以右键导出结果。



select 列1,列2,列n from哪张表,where 哪些行


select 模式:列是变量,可计算,也可以代入函数,where后是表达式,为真就把相应的行取出啦。取列叫投影运算,两列间做运算,叫广义投影。条件多时,一定要加小括号,避免歧义。

select goods_id,goods_name,cat_id from goods where cat_id in(4,11)或者是cat_id =4 or cat_id=11

5种语句有严格的顺序,不可以颠倒。select  后可写后面5种语句。where ,group by,having,order by,limit

模糊查询。%通配任意字符,_通配单一字符,3个字符,3个下划线。not like 不像

in在某集合内,not in 不在某集合内,between 在某范围内。and优先级大于or


Update num  set number=floor(number/10)*10 where number between 20 and 39;#等号左边的number就是新附的变量名。


select goods_id,concat('htc',substring(goods_name,4)) from goods where goods_name like '诺基亚%';

select  *from   temp where name is not null;

select avg(shop_price)  from goods;#查询商品的单价的平均价格

select count(*)  from goods;#数一数有多少产品个数

select sum(goods_num*shop_price) from doods;#求库存商品的总价格

group by一般比较浪费资源,因为它要先排序。所以能避免就避免

select cat_id,max(shop_price) from goods group by cat_id;#每个栏目下最贵的商品价格。


select  goods_id,goods_name,(market_price-shop_price)  as sheng from goods where 1 having sheng>200;(1不能省略,否则出错)

create table cheng(name varchar(20),subject varchar(20),score int);

insert into cheng(values('zhang','数学',90),('zahng','语文',50),('zahng','地理',40),('li','语文',55),('li','政治',45),('wang','政治',30);


select name,avg(score) as pj from chengji group by name;


select name,subject,score,score<60 from chengji;

select name,sum(score<60) as gk ,  avg(score) as pj from chengji group by name having gk>=2;#count(score<60) 不行,它数有几行,不管他是0还是1和score<60没有关系。

order by 排序,desc降序排,默认是升序。多列排序,指定排序方式,逗号隔开。在cat_id里再降序排shop_price。

select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name,shop_price from goods order by cat_id,shop_price desc;


select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name,shop_price from goods order by shop_price desc limit 3;


select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name,shop_price from goods order by shop_price desc limit 2,3;


select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name,shop_price from goods order by goods_id  desc limit 0,1;

#内连接模板select  xxxxx from table1 inner join table2 on  table1.xx=table2.xx

truncate 表名#清除表里内容,保持表结构和名称

truncate 表名清空表内容。drop 表名是删除整个表。select boy.hid,boy.bname,girl.hid girl.gname from boy inner join girl on boy.hid=girl.hid内链接。

#左右连接select boy.hid,boy.bname,girl.hid girl.gname from boy left  join girl on boy.hid=girl.hid

select boy.hid,boy.bname,girl.hid girl.gname from boy right join girl on boy.hid=girl.hid



select goods_name,cat_name,shop_price from goods left join category on goods.cat_id=category .cat_id  where goods.cat_id=4


select mid ,t1.tname as hname,mers,t2.tname as gteam,matime from m inner join t as t1 on m.hid=t1.hid inner join t as t2 on m.gid=t2.tid


select mid ,t1.tname as hname,mers,t2.tname as gteam,matime from m inner join t as t1 on m.hid=t1.hid inner join t as t2 on m.gid=t2.tid  where matime between '2006-06-01' and '2006-07-01' ;

##union 把2条或多条sql的查询结果,合并成1个结果集。一个表中的两个条件,或者是两个表中的的条件,但是必须满足,各语句取出的列数要相同,列名称未必要一致,union使用时,完全相等的行将会被合并。合并是比较耗时的操作,因此,一般情况下,要用union all来避免合并。union的字句中不用写order by,没效果。合在一起的总结果,可以用order by .

select goods_id,cat_id from goods   where cat_id=4 union all  select goods_id,cat_id from goods   where cat_id=2;

select uid,name from user union select id,name from temp


select  id ,sum(num) from (select * from a union all select * from b) as temp group by id;

 desc hy_order_20170410;
 -- 查看前面10行;用来熟悉表结构和内容;
 select * 
 from hy_order_20170410
 limit 10;
 select id  from hy_order_20170410 where order_money>200;
 --#6.会员会不会重复 distinct
 select distinct  id from hy_order_20170410 where order_money>200;
 select distinct  id from hy_order_20170410 where order_money>20 and order_money<200; 
 select * from hy_order_20170410  order by order_money desc;
 * 练习group by 
 * group by 必须结合汇总函数
 * 汇总函数:max,min,avg,count,sum
use exerci2;
select id
from hy_order_20170410
group by id; 
---取别名 as 
select id as member_name
  ,sum(order_money) as sum_money
from hy_order_20170410
group by  id; 
select a.member_id
  ,sum(order_money) as sum_money
from hy_order_20170410 as a 
group by member_id; 
select  id
  ,date_format(create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') as day_1
  ,sum(order_money) as sum_money
from hy_order_20170410 
group by  id
 * where 条件练习
 * like 练习
---区间用 between and 
 select distinct  id
 from hy_order_20170410
 where order_money>20 and order_money<200; 
  select distinct  id
 from hy_order_20170410
 where order_money between 20 and 200; 
 select * 
 from hy_order_20170410
 where status is null; 
 select * 
 from hy_order_20170410
 where status is not null; 
 select status
  ,count(distinct member_id)  as member_number
 from hy_order_20170410
 group by status;
select * 
from hy_order_20170410
where id like 'A%C';  
select * 
from  hy_order_20170410
where id like 'A_C'; 
 * 进行时间函数必须掌握
 * 时间维度是数据分析最为重要的分析维度之一;
 * 天:上午,下午,中午
 * 周:
 * 月:
 * 时间:
 * 节假日,农历
 * 很重要趋势分析:每天 ,每周,每月

--- 默认是星期天是用1,按国外习惯 

select dayofweek(create_time) as dday
   ,week(create_time) as wweek
   ,month(create_time) as mmonth
   ,dayofmonth(create_time) as monthofday
   ,dayofyear(create_time) as dayofyear
from hy_order_20170410  
select create_time
   ,date_format(create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') as type1
   ,date_format(create_time,'%y-%m-%d') as type2
   ,date_format(create_time,'%H') as type3
   ,date_format(create_time,'%h') as type4
from hy_order_20170410

 * hy_order_20170410 订单表 包括:订单ID 订单金额 会员ID 创建时间 订单状态
 * hy_orderitem_20170410 订单明细表 包括:订单明细表的ID 订单ID 商品ID 商品名称 商品价格 商品数量 
 * */

###重要alter database demo character set utf8;

alter table hy_member_20170410 character set utf8;










  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


