摘 要 随着信息技术的不断进步,基于Web模式的小说阅读系统逐渐成为一种新型的阅读方式,受到了广大读者的欢迎。该系统通过管理系统实现小说的共享服务,提供线上交易功能,进一步推动了小说行业的发展。本系统旨在为用户提供一个方便、高效、易用的小说阅读平台,满足他们对阅读的需求。在技术实现上,本系统采用Java作为后台开发语言,前台则使用Vue技术进行开发,确保系统在不同操作系统上的兼容性和可移植性。 为了实现这一目标,采用了小说阅读系统的形式,并使用MySQL数据库进行后台开发。系统后台则利用SpringBoot框架进行构建,保证了低耦合、高内聚的特点。该系统不仅提供了基础的小说管理功能,还支持在线购买会员、章节管理以及留言评论等高级功能。经过一系列的测试,验证了本系统的功能完备性、负载能力以及良好的兼容性,满足实际使用的需求。 本文主要从需求分析、系统设计、实现细节和系统测试等角度进行详细阐述,全面介绍了该小说阅读系统的开发过程和关键技术。通过这种方式,希望能够为相关领域的开发人员提供有益的参考和启示,共同推动小说阅读系统的进步和发展。


Abstract With the continuous progress of information technology, web based novel reading systems have gradually become a new type of reading method and have been welcomed by a large number of readers. The system implements novel sharing services through a management system, provides online transaction functions, and further promotes the development of the novel industry. This system aims to provide users with a convenient, efficient, and user-friendly novel reading platform to meet their reading needs. In terms of technical implementation, this system adopts Java as the backend development language, while the frontend uses Vue technology for development, ensuring the compatibility and portability of the system on different operating systems. To achieve this goal, we adopted the form of a novel reading system and used MySQL database for backend development. The system backend is built using the SpringBoot framework, ensuring low coupling and high cohesion. This system not only provides basic novel management functions, but also supports advanced functions such as online membership purchase, chapter management, and message comments. After a series of tests, we have verified the completeness of the system's functionality, load capacity, and good compatibility, meeting the practical needs of use. This article mainly elaborates on the development process and key technologies of the novel reading system from the perspectives of requirement analysis, system design, implementation details, and system testing. Through this approach, we hope to provide useful references and insights for developers in related fields, and jointly promote the progress and development of novel reading systems.

Keywords: electronic novel, online reading, database technology, Java development, Vue


  1. 会员端模块 a. 用户可以在注册界面进行账号注册;用户在登录界面输入账号信息,验证成功之后即可登录成功;用户可以对自己的信息进行修改。 b.首页,提供推荐的最新电子小说信息,资讯信息。 c.电子小说信息,用户可以查看基本的小说信息简介,包括章节数,试读内容、会员章节信息等。 d.在线购买,付费购买会员,在线充值,在线支付。 e. 小说章节查看,查看小说章节信息,在线交流,发布评论等信息。
  2. 管理员模块 (1)管理员可以在后台对用户的信息进行修改; (2)管理员可以在电子小说信息界面对电子小说信息进行增删改查等操作; (3)小说章节管理,管理客户端的小说章节信息,评论信息; (4)交流平台,管理员可以管理论坛信息,管理小说的评分信息。 (5)资讯信息管理,管理员对资讯信息进行管理,对资讯信息进行增删改查等操作。



