html5 chat,html5 chat room results

Live Chat Software

Live chat software is used by companies as a real time chat communication tool in order to provide support for their website visitors and customers.

Team Chat Software

Team chat software provides work teams with an instant messaging platform which allows them to communicate and collaborate efficiently.

Virtual Data Room Software

Virtual data rooms provide the tools to share, view and manage important client data and legal or financial documents through a secure sharing platform.

Chat SDK & API Software

Chat SDK & API software enables the integration of chat functions into a website in order to collect visitor information and monitor chat events.

ChatOps Software

ChatOps software provides businesses with the means to implement chatbot and real-time communication tools to optimize collaboration, communication and software development operations.

Meeting Room Booking System Software

Meeting room booking systems software provides event planners and organizers with the tools to optimize allocation. booking and resource management for events and meetings.

WeChat Marketing Software

WeChat marketing software provides companies with the tools to run mobile marketing campaigns through the WeChat application platform.

Queue Management Software

Queue management software lets organizations manage their waiting rooms and customer queues to streamline the appointment and waiting process.

Chatbot Software

A chatbot software provides an automatic answering algorithm that interacts with customers in order to answer questions and improve user experience.

Conversational Marketing Platforms

Conversational marketing software enables brands to have product-related online conversations with potential customers in order to promote products and services.

Co-Browsing Software

Co-browsing software enables two or more users to screen share and allows one of the users to control the cursor and navigation of the other user's screen. Co-browsing software is useful for customer support, training, troubleshooting, collaboration, and more.

Messaging Software

Messaging software and messaging apps allow users to send messages to and from their desktop, smartphone, or tablet.

HIPAA Compliant Video Conferencing Software

HIPAA compliant video conferencing software provides healthcare organizations with the means to run and manage web conferences while ensuring HIPAA compliance.

Tool Management Software

Tool management software allows companies and organizations to manage, give maintenance, and keep track of their tool inventory.

Hotel Management Software

Hotel management software enables hotels to monitor and keep track of reservations, clients, schedules, maintenance operations, accounting and financial processes.

Communications Software

Communications software refers to the programs and applications that allow users to communicate through text, chat, audio, video, messages or files from various devices.

Video Conferencing Software

Video conferencing software provides online communication tools, as well as recording and chat features, for audio and video meetings.

Education Software

Education software provides any organization within the education industry with the tools to create, produce, manage and provide educational and learning content.

Virtual Classroom Software

Virtual classroom software is designed to provide teachers and students with a virtual platform that serves as an online learning environment for hosting classes remotely.

Speech Analytics Software

Speech analytics software enables companies and organizations to track, record, analyze, and optimize customer and agent phone calls in order to improve customer experience via sentiment analysis, transcription, language detection, and more.

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