2012-02-27 08:00:05
In some languages, a closure may occur when a function is defined within another function, and the inner function refers to local variables of the outer function.
At run-time, when the outer function executes, a closure is formed, consisting of the inner function’s code and references (the upvalues) to any variables of the outer function required by the closure.
在一些编程语言当中,闭包发生 :在一个函数内部定义了另外一个函数,并且内部的函数引用了外部函数的本地变量。
在运行的时候,当外部函数执行,这个时候形成了一个闭包,由内部函数的代码和对外部函数任意变量引用组成,这写引用都依赖于此闭包。 // ECMAScriptvar f, g;function foo() {var x = 0;f = function () { return ++x; };g = function () { return --x; };x = 1;alert('inside foo, call to f(): ' + f()); // "2"}//外部函数执行,这个时候形成了闭包foo();//因为有了闭包,所以才访问到了 foo中的xalert('call to g(): ' + g()); // "1"//因为有了闭包,所以才访问到了 foo中的xalert('call to f(): ' + f()); // "2"
可以看得出来,使用这种方式最多的地方是在我们定义对象的时候:(function (window) {var MyObject = function () {this.initialize();}var p = DisplayObject.prototype;p.initialize = function () {}window.MyObject = MyObject;} (window));
场景1 :
如下所示,我需要在cc方法中调用到外面的name:var bb, cc;function aa() {var name = "当耐特";bb = function () {var name = "砖家";cc = function () {var name = "张磊";alert(name);}}}aa();bb();cc();//输出 “张磊”因为内部的函数定义的变量覆盖了外部函数的变量,所以结果输出“张磊”。
解决办法:var bb, cc;function aa() {var name = "当耐特";(function (aa_name) {bb = function () {var name = "砖家";(function (bb_name, aa_name) {cc = function () {var name = "张磊";alert(aa_name);alert(bb_name);alert(name);}})(name, aa_name);}})(name);}aa();bb();cc();//输出“当耐特” “砖家” “张磊”
记得上周,我的一个同事(实习生),对下面一段代码产生疑惑,所以咨询我。如下所示:$("#dialog-form").dialog({autoOpen: false,height: 300,width: 350,modal: true,buttons: {"Create an account": function () {var bValid = true;allFields.removeClass("ui-state-error");bValid = bValid && checkLength(name, "username", 3, 16);bValid = bValid && checkLength(email, "email", 6, 80);bValid = bValid && checkLength(password, "password", 5, 16);if (bValid) {$.ajax({type: "POST",url: "xxxxx.aspx",data: "name=xxxxx&email=xxxxx&password=xxxx"}).done(function (msg) {alert("Data Saved: " + msg);$(this).dialog("close");});}},Cancel: function () {$(this).dialog("close");}},close: function () {allFields.val("").removeClass("ui-state-error");}});
这里用的是JqueryUI的dialog插件。详见: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#modal-form
他抱怨着说:Cancel: function () {$(this).dialog("close");}
我的cancel都能关闭。为什么if (bValid) {$.ajax({type: "POST",url: "xxxxx.aspx",data: "name=xxxxx&email=xxxxx&password=xxxx"}).done(function (msg) {alert("Data Saved: " + msg);$(this).dialog("close");});}
这是一个很典型的场景,解决办法:if (bValid) {(function (outThis) {$.ajax({type: "POST",url: "xxxxx.aspx",data: "name=xxxxx&email=xxxxx&password=xxxx"}).done(function (msg) {alert("Data Saved: " + msg);$(outThis).dialog("close");});}}(this))},
场景2---循环中的内部函数function TestObj(name) {this.name = name;}var objs = [];var obj;function test() {for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {var name = "张磊" + i;obj = new TestObj(name);obj.printName = function () {console.log(obj.name);}objs.push(obj);}}//外部函数执行,闭包形成。内部函数obj.printName中的obj全部指向最后一次new TestObj(name);test();//所以这里会输出100次-----"张磊99"for (var i in objs) {objs[i].printName();}
解决办法function TestObj(name) {this.name = name;}var objs = [];var obj;function test() {for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {var name = "张磊" + i;obj = new TestObj(name);(function (target) {obj.printName = function () {console.log(target.name);}} (obj))objs.push(obj);}}test();for (var i in objs) {objs[i].printName();}
真实案例:// create and populate the screen with random daisies:for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++){bitmap = new Bitmap(image);container.addChild(bitmap);bitmap.x = canvas.width * Math.random()|0;bitmap.y = canvas.height * Math.random()|0;bitmap.rotation = 360 * Math.random()|0;bitmap.regX = bitmap.image.width/2|0;bitmap.regY = bitmap.image.height/2|0;bitmap.scaleX = bitmap.scaleY = bitmap.scale = Math.random()*0.4+0.6;bitmap.name = "bmp_"+i;// wrapper function to provide scope for the event handlers:(function(target) {bitmap.onPress = function(evt) {// bump the target in front of it's siblings:container.addChild(target);var offset = {x:target.x-evt.stageX, y:target.y-evt.stageY};// add a handler to the event object's onMouseMove callback// this will be active until the user releases the mouse button:evt.onMouseMove = function(ev) {target.x = ev.stageX+offset.x;target.y = ev.stageY+offset.y;// indicate that the stage should be updated on the next tick:update = true;}}bitmap.onMouseOver = function() {target.scaleX = target.scaleY = target.scale*1.2;update = true;}bitmap.onMouseOut = function() {target.scaleX = target.scaleY = target.scale;update = true;}})(bitmap);}
这是javascript蹩脚的一个方面,除了这个,还有javascript的 getter和setter也是该语言语法特性中令人憋屈的地方。
我相信经过人类的不懈努力,总有那么一天:static 、namespace、interface、private、protected 、class、enum·············都能成为javascript的关键字,而不是五花八门的技巧。相信那个时候,对应这些关键字的所有 文章 笔记 心得 日记 技巧 随笔 后门 都将沉尸谷底、永无翻身之日。