I need to decode the following text (just partial of it) and it consists of Chinese traditional characters. I have tried some decoding code but it doesn't work. After decoded, it turned out to be ????
PART OF THE Encoded Text:
After DECODED: You can see the Chinese characters being decoded as ????
Genie???? 10???????? ????
Please help how to decode it properly.
Private Const CP_UTF8 As Long = 65001 ' UTF-8 Code Page
'Sys call to convert multiple byte chars to a char
Private Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal CodePage As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByVal lpMultiByteStr As Long, _
ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, _
ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, _
ByVal cchWideChar As Long) As Long
Private Function URL8Decode(ByVal URLEncoded As String) As String
On Error GoTo executeError
Dim ANSI() As Byte
Dim UTF8() As Byte
Dim I As Long
Dim B As Long
URLEncoded = Replace$(URLEncoded, "+", " ") 'Optional, plus-encoding isn't always used.
ANSI = StrConv(URLEncoded, vbFromUnicode)
ReDim UTF8(UBound(ANSI)) 'Estimate.
For I = 0 To UBound(ANSI)
If ANSI(I) = &H25 Then
UTF8(B) = FromHex(ANSI(I + 1)) * &H10 + FromHex(ANSI(I + 2)) 'Val("&H" & Mid$(URLEncoded, I + 2, 2))
I = I + 2
End If
B = B + 1
URL8Decode = FromUTF8(UTF8, B)
Exit Function
LogProcess "ProductDetailFrm URL8Decode - [Err=" & Err.description & "]"
Resume 'HANG
End Function
Private Function FromHex(ByVal Char As Byte) As Byte
On Error GoTo executeError
If Char <= &H39 Then
FromHex = Char - &H30
FromHex = Char - &H41 + &HA
End If
Exit Function
LogProcess "ProductDetailFrm FromHex - [Err=" & Err.description & "]"
End Function