kubernetes in action读书笔记之客户端与pod通信,pod与pod通信






问题来了,如果说service可以保持稳定不变的ip,当一个pod想访问另一个的pod的时候,如何知道对方的所属的service ip和端口是什么?本能的就会想到去API server查询,通过server_name查询对应的ip和port,这其实就和DNS功能一样了,Kubernetes在服务发现上提供了两种方式:

  1. 通过环境变量,让一个pod能够发现其他的service
  2. 通过DNS服务,类似kube-dns服务

第一种方式是在pod启动的时候,通过api server获取当前系统有哪些service,将service名称和对应的ip写入pod的环境变量中;


  1. pod A请求service B
  2. 通过resolve.conf找到对应的集群内的DNS,转发给DNS
  3. DNS返回service B的ip
  4. 请求转发至service B
  5. 在service B随机分配到一个end point
  6. 请求转发到对应end point的pod上

以上,是一个集群内pod通过service请求集群内其他pod的过程,如果集群内的pod向请求集群外部的服务,应该如何实现?在一般场景下访问www.baidu.com,可以通过类似的两类方法:在外部服务有域名在DNS注册的情况下,可以在pod内访问外部服务的域名,如果没有域名,也可以写ip+端口来进问;在集群内部,还有另一种方法来实现集群外部服务访问:end point

end point也是一种kubernetes资源,从yaml的描述可以看出end point定义了一组pod ip和svc的关系,endpoint中的两个关键的字段:name代表所属哪一个service,subsets代表对应到哪些pod的ip;

After working at Red Hat for a few years, in late 2014 I was assigned to a newlyestablished team called Cloud Enablement. Our task was to bring the company’s range of middleware products to the OpenShift Container Platform, which was then being developed on top of Kubernetes. At that time, Kubernetes was still in its infancy—version 1.0 hadn’t even been released yet. Our team had to get to know the ins and outs of Kubernetes quickly to set a proper direction for our software and take advantage of everything Kubernetes had to offer. When faced with a problem, it was hard for us to tell if we were doing things wrong or merely hitting one of the early Kubernetes bugs. Both Kubernetes and my understanding of it have come a long way since then. When I first started using it, most people hadn’t even heard of Kubernetes. Now, virtually every software engineer knows about it, and it has become one of the fastestgrowing and most-widely-adopted ways of running applications in both the cloud and on-premises datacenters. In my first month of dealing with Kubernetes, I wrote a two-part blog post about how to run a JBoss WildFly application server cluster in OpenShift/Kubernetes. At the time, I never could have imagined that a simple blog post would ultimately lead the people at Manning to contact me about whether I would like to write a book about Kubernetes. Of course, I couldn’t say no to such an offer, even though I was sure they’d approached other people as well and would ultimately pick someone else. And yet, here we are. After more than a year and a half of writing and researching, the book is done. It’s been an awesome journey. Writing a book about a technology is absolutely the best way to get to know it in much greater detail than you’d learn as just a user. As my knowledge of Kubernetes has expanded during the process and Kubernetes itself has evolved, I’ve constantly gone back to previous chapters I’ve written and added additional information. I’m a perfectionist, so I’ll never really be absolutely satisfied with the book, but I’m happy to hear that a lot of readers of the Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) have found it to be a great guide to Kubernetes. My aim is to get the reader to understand the technology itself and teach them how to use the tooling to effectively and efficiently develop and deploy apps to Kubernetes clusters. In the book, I don’t put much emphasis on how to actually set up and maintain a proper highly available Kubernetes cluster, but the last part should give readers a very solid understanding of what such a cluster consists of and should allow them to easily comprehend additional resources that deal with this subject. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it, and that it teaches you how to get the most out of the awesome system that is Kubernetes.




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