mysql 23000,MySQL错误1452(23000):无法添加或更新子行

I need a help with this problem. I don't understand how to resolve this problem. I will be happy if you find out why this problem happens. Here is my SQL:

Create database Order_Purchase;

Use Order_Purchase;

Create table Customer (

customerID int(10),

cname varchar(30),

city varchar(30),

Constraint customer_PK Primary Key (customerID))

Engine = innodb;

Create table Item (

itemID int(10),

description varchar(30),

price double,

Constraint item_PK Primary Key (itemID))

Engine = innodb;

Create table Order_ (

orderID int(10),

customerID int(10),

orderDate date,

Constraint order_PK Primary Key (orderID),

Constraint order_FK1 Foreign Key (customerID) references Customer(customerID))

Engine = innodb;

Create table Order_Item (

orderID int(10) null default null,

itemID int(10) null default null,

quantity int,

Constraint order_item_PK Primary Key (orderID, itemID),

Constraint order_item_FK1 Foreign Key (orderID) references Order_(orderID),

Constraint order_item_FK2 Foreign Key (itemID) references Item(itemID))

Engine = innodb;

Create table Warehouse (

warehouseID int(10),

city varchar(30),

Constraint warehouse_PK Primary Key (warehouseID))

Engine = innodb;

Create table Shipment (

orderID int(10),

warehouseID int(10),

shipDate date,

Constraint shipment_PK Primary Key (orderID, warehouseID),

Constraint shipment_FK1 Foreign Key (orderID) references Order_(orderID),

Constraint shipment_FK2 Foreign Key (warehouseID) references Warehouse(warehouseID))

ENGINE = innodb;

My code for inserting:

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10000, 105472, 1);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10001, 105472, 4);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10002, 104375, 1);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10003, 100870, 2);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10003, 103798, 1);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10004, 103798, 1);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10004, 105472, 2);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10005, 100475, 1);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10006, 100870, 1);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10006, 105472, 1);

Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10006, 103798, 1);

The result:

mysql> Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10000, 105472, 1);

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10001, 105472, 4);

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10002, 104375, 1);

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10003, 100870, 2);

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10003, 103798, 1);

ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`order_purchase`.`order_item`, CONSTRAINT `o

rder_item_FK2` FOREIGN KEY (`itemID`) REFERENCES `item` (`itemID`))

mysql> Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10004, 103798, 1);

ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`order_purchase`.`order_item`, CONSTRAINT `o

rder_item_FK2` FOREIGN KEY (`itemID`) REFERENCES `item` (`itemID`))

mysql> Insert into Order_Item (orderID, itemID, quantity) values (10004, 105472, 2);

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)


As the error tells you, you need to first insert values in the item table. Run the following insert statement before the failing one:

INSERT INTO Item(itemID, description) values(103798, 'This was the missing item');

Now, you should be able to insert the intended row into the Order_Item table.

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