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// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Globalization;

using System.Linq;

using System.Reflection;

using System.Text.Encodings.Web;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ModelBinding;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing;

using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures



/// Default implementation of .


public class DefaultHtmlGenerator : IHtmlGenerator


private const string HiddenListItem = @"


private static readonly MethodInfo ConvertEnumFromStringMethod =


// See: (http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/forms.html#the-input-element)

private static readonly string[] _placeholderInputTypes =

new[] { "text", "search", "url", "tel", "email", "password", "number" };

// See: (http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/sec-forms.html#apply)

private static readonly string[] _maxLengthInputTypes =

new[] { "text", "search", "url", "tel", "email", "password" };

private readonly IAntiforgery _antiforgery;

private readonly IModelMetadataProvider _metadataProvider;

private readonly IUrlHelperFactory _urlHelperFactory;

private readonly HtmlEncoder _htmlEncoder;

private readonly ValidationHtmlAttributeProvider _validationAttributeProvider;


/// Initializes a new instance of the class.


/// The instance which is used to generate antiforgery

/// tokens.

/// The accessor for .

/// The .

/// The .

/// The .

/// The .

public DefaultHtmlGenerator(

IAntiforgery antiforgery,

IOptions optionsAccessor,

IModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider,

IUrlHelperFactory urlHelperFactory,

HtmlEncoder htmlEncoder,

ValidationHtmlAttributeProvider validationAttributeProvider)


if (antiforgery == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(antiforgery));


if (optionsAccessor == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(optionsAccessor));


if (metadataProvider == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metadataProvider));


if (urlHelperFactory == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(urlHelperFactory));


if (htmlEncoder == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(htmlEncoder));


if (validationAttributeProvider == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(validationAttributeProvider));


_antiforgery = antiforgery;

_metadataProvider = metadataProvider;

_urlHelperFactory = urlHelperFactory;

_htmlEncoder = htmlEncoder;

_validationAttributeProvider = validationAttributeProvider;

// Underscores are fine characters in id's.

IdAttributeDotReplacement = optionsAccessor.Value.HtmlHelperOptions.IdAttributeDotReplacement;



/// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the maxlength attribute should be rendered for

/// compatible HTML input elements, when they're bound to models marked with either

/// or attributes.


/// The default value is .



/// If both attributes are specified, the one with the smaller value will be used for the rendered

/// maxlength attribute.



/// This property is currently ignored.



protected bool AllowRenderingMaxLengthAttribute { get; } = true;


public string IdAttributeDotReplacement { get; }


public string Encode(string value)


return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? _htmlEncoder.Encode(value) : string.Empty;



public string Encode(object value)


return (value != null) ? _htmlEncoder.Encode(value.ToString()) : string.Empty;



public string FormatValue(object value, string format)


return ViewDataDictionary.FormatValue(value, format);



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateActionLink(

ViewContext viewContext,

string linkText,

string actionName,

string controllerName,

string protocol,

string hostname,

string fragment,

object routeValues,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


if (linkText == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(linkText));


var urlHelper = _urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(viewContext);

var url = urlHelper.Action(actionName, controllerName, routeValues, protocol, hostname, fragment);

return GenerateLink(linkText, url, htmlAttributes);



public virtual TagBuilder GeneratePageLink(

ViewContext viewContext,

string linkText,

string pageName,

string pageHandler,

string protocol,

string hostname,

string fragment,

object routeValues,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


if (linkText == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(linkText));


var urlHelper = _urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(viewContext);

var url = urlHelper.Page(pageName, pageHandler, routeValues, protocol, hostname, fragment);

return GenerateLink(linkText, url, htmlAttributes);



public virtual IHtmlContent GenerateAntiforgery(ViewContext viewContext)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var formContext = viewContext.FormContext;

if (formContext.CanRenderAtEndOfForm)


// Inside a BeginForm/BeginRouteForm or a

tag helper. So, the antiforgery token might have

// already been created and appended to the 'end form' content (the AntiForgeryToken HTML helper does

// this) OR the

tag helper might have already generated an antiforgery token.

if (formContext.HasAntiforgeryToken)


return HtmlString.Empty;


formContext.HasAntiforgeryToken = true;


return _antiforgery.GetHtml(viewContext.HttpContext);



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateCheckBox(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

bool? isChecked,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


if (modelExplorer != null)


// CheckBoxFor() case. That API does not support passing isChecked directly.


if (modelExplorer.Model != null)


if (bool.TryParse(modelExplorer.Model.ToString(), out var modelChecked))


isChecked = modelChecked;




var htmlAttributeDictionary = GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(htmlAttributes);

if (isChecked.HasValue && htmlAttributeDictionary != null)


// Explicit isChecked value must override "checked" in dictionary.



// Use ViewData only in CheckBox case (metadata null) and when the user didn't pass an isChecked value.

return GenerateInput(





value: "true",

useViewData: (modelExplorer == null && !isChecked.HasValue),

isChecked: isChecked ?? false,

setId: true,

isExplicitValue: false,

format: null,

htmlAttributes: htmlAttributeDictionary);



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateHiddenForCheckbox(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("input");

tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("type", GetInputTypeString(InputType.Hidden));

tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("value", "false");

tagBuilder.TagRenderMode = TagRenderMode.SelfClosing;

var fullName = NameAndIdProvider.GetFullHtmlFieldName(viewContext, expression);

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName))


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("name", fullName);


return tagBuilder;



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateForm(

ViewContext viewContext,

string actionName,

string controllerName,

object routeValues,

string method,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var defaultMethod = false;

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(method))


defaultMethod = true;


else if (HttpMethods.IsPost(method))


defaultMethod = true;


string action;

if (actionName == null && controllerName == null && routeValues == null && defaultMethod)


// Submit to the original URL in the special case that user called the BeginForm() overload without

// parameters (except for the htmlAttributes parameter). Also reachable in the even-more-unusual case

// that user called another BeginForm() overload with default argument values.

var request = viewContext.HttpContext.Request;

action = request.PathBase + request.Path + request.QueryString;




var urlHelper = _urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(viewContext);

action = urlHelper.Action(action: actionName, controller: controllerName, values: routeValues);


return GenerateFormCore(viewContext, action, method, htmlAttributes);



public virtual TagBuilder GeneratePageForm(

ViewContext viewContext,

string pageName,

string pageHandler,

object routeValues,

string fragment,

string method,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var urlHelper = _urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(viewContext);

var action = urlHelper.Page(pageName, pageHandler, routeValues, protocol: null, host: null, fragment: fragment);

return GenerateFormCore(viewContext, action, method, htmlAttributes);



public TagBuilder GenerateRouteForm(

ViewContext viewContext,

string routeName,

object routeValues,

string method,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var urlHelper = _urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(viewContext);

var action = urlHelper.RouteUrl(routeName, routeValues);

return GenerateFormCore(viewContext, action, method, htmlAttributes);



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateHidden(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

object value,

bool useViewData,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


// Special-case opaque values and arbitrary binary data.

if (value is byte[] byteArrayValue)


value = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArrayValue);


var htmlAttributeDictionary = GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(htmlAttributes);

return GenerateInput(







isChecked: false,

setId: true,

isExplicitValue: true,

format: null,

htmlAttributes: htmlAttributeDictionary);



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateLabel(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

string labelText,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


if (modelExplorer == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(modelExplorer));


var resolvedLabelText = labelText ??

modelExplorer.Metadata.DisplayName ??


if (resolvedLabelText == null && expression != null)


var index = expression.LastIndexOf('.');

if (index == -1)


// Expression does not contain a dot separator.

resolvedLabelText = expression;




resolvedLabelText = expression.Substring(index + 1);



var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("label");

var fullName = NameAndIdProvider.GetFullHtmlFieldName(viewContext, expression);

var idString = NameAndIdProvider.CreateSanitizedId(viewContext, fullName, IdAttributeDotReplacement);

tagBuilder.Attributes.Add("for", idString);


tagBuilder.MergeAttributes(GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(htmlAttributes), replaceExisting: true);

return tagBuilder;



public virtual TagBuilder GeneratePassword(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

object value,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var htmlAttributeDictionary = GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(htmlAttributes);

return GenerateInput(






useViewData: false,

isChecked: false,

setId: true,

isExplicitValue: true,

format: null,

htmlAttributes: htmlAttributeDictionary);



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateRadioButton(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

object value,

bool? isChecked,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var htmlAttributeDictionary = GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(htmlAttributes);

if (modelExplorer == null)


// RadioButton() case. Do not override checked attribute if isChecked is implicit.

if (!isChecked.HasValue &&

(htmlAttributeDictionary == null || !htmlAttributeDictionary.ContainsKey("checked")))


// Note value may be null if isChecked is non-null.

if (value == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));


// isChecked not provided nor found in the given attributes; fall back to view data.

var valueString = Convert.ToString(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

isChecked = string.Equals(

EvalString(viewContext, expression),







// RadioButtonFor() case. That API does not support passing isChecked directly.


// Need a value to determine isChecked.

Debug.Assert(value != null);

var model = modelExplorer.Model;

var valueString = Convert.ToString(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

isChecked = model != null &&

string.Equals(model.ToString(), valueString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);


if (isChecked.HasValue && htmlAttributeDictionary != null)


// Explicit isChecked value must override "checked" in dictionary.



return GenerateInput(






useViewData: false,

isChecked: isChecked ?? false,

setId: true,

isExplicitValue: true,

format: null,

htmlAttributes: htmlAttributeDictionary);



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateRouteLink(

ViewContext viewContext,

string linkText,

string routeName,

string protocol,

string hostName,

string fragment,

object routeValues,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


if (linkText == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(linkText));


var urlHelper = _urlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(viewContext);

var url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(routeName, routeValues, protocol, hostName, fragment);

return GenerateLink(linkText, url, htmlAttributes);



public TagBuilder GenerateSelect(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string optionLabel,

string expression,

IEnumerable selectList,

bool allowMultiple,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var currentValues = GetCurrentValues(viewContext, modelExplorer, expression, allowMultiple);

return GenerateSelect(











public virtual TagBuilder GenerateSelect(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string optionLabel,

string expression,

IEnumerable selectList,

ICollection currentValues,

bool allowMultiple,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var fullName = NameAndIdProvider.GetFullHtmlFieldName(viewContext, expression);

var htmlAttributeDictionary = GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(htmlAttributes);

if (!IsFullNameValid(fullName, htmlAttributeDictionary))


throw new ArgumentException(









// If we got a null selectList, try to use ViewData to get the list of items.

if (selectList == null)


selectList = GetSelectListItems(viewContext, expression);


modelExplorer = modelExplorer ??

ExpressionMetadataProvider.FromStringExpression(expression, viewContext.ViewData, _metadataProvider);

// Convert each ListItem to an tag and wrap them with if requested.

var listItemBuilder = GenerateGroupsAndOptions(optionLabel, selectList, currentValues);

var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("select");



NameAndIdProvider.GenerateId(viewContext, tagBuilder, fullName, IdAttributeDotReplacement);

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName))


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("name", fullName, replaceExisting: true);


if (allowMultiple)


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("multiple", "multiple");


// If there are any errors for a named field, we add the css attribute.

if (viewContext.ViewData.ModelState.TryGetValue(fullName, out var entry))


if (entry.Errors.Count > 0)





AddValidationAttributes(viewContext, tagBuilder, modelExplorer, expression);

return tagBuilder;



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateTextArea(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

int rows,

int columns,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


if (rows < 0)


throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(rows), Resources.HtmlHelper_TextAreaParameterOutOfRange);


if (columns < 0)


throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(




var fullName = NameAndIdProvider.GetFullHtmlFieldName(viewContext, expression);

var htmlAttributeDictionary = GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(htmlAttributes);

if (!IsFullNameValid(fullName, htmlAttributeDictionary))


throw new ArgumentException(









viewContext.ViewData.ModelState.TryGetValue(fullName, out var entry);

var value = string.Empty;

if (entry != null && entry.AttemptedValue != null)


value = entry.AttemptedValue;


else if (modelExplorer.Model != null)


value = modelExplorer.Model.ToString();


var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("textarea");

NameAndIdProvider.GenerateId(viewContext, tagBuilder, fullName, IdAttributeDotReplacement);

tagBuilder.MergeAttributes(htmlAttributeDictionary, replaceExisting: true);

if (rows > 0)


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("rows", rows.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), replaceExisting: true);


if (columns > 0)





replaceExisting: true);


if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName))


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("name", fullName, replaceExisting: true);


AddPlaceholderAttribute(viewContext.ViewData, tagBuilder, modelExplorer, expression);

AddMaxLengthAttribute(viewContext.ViewData, tagBuilder, modelExplorer, expression);

AddValidationAttributes(viewContext, tagBuilder, modelExplorer, expression);

// If there are any errors for a named field, we add this CSS attribute.

if (entry != null && entry.Errors.Count > 0)




// The first newline is always trimmed when a TextArea is rendered, so we add an extra one

// in case the value being rendered is something like "\r\nHello"



return tagBuilder;



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateTextBox(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

object value,

string format,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var htmlAttributeDictionary = GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(htmlAttributes);

return GenerateInput(






useViewData: (modelExplorer == null && value == null),

isChecked: false,

setId: true,

isExplicitValue: true,

format: format,

htmlAttributes: htmlAttributeDictionary);



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateValidationMessage(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

string message,

string tag,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var fullName = NameAndIdProvider.GetFullHtmlFieldName(viewContext, expression);

var htmlAttributeDictionary = GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(htmlAttributes);

if (!IsFullNameValid(fullName, htmlAttributeDictionary, fallbackAttributeName: "data-valmsg-for"))


throw new ArgumentException(









var formContext = viewContext.ClientValidationEnabled ? viewContext.FormContext : null;

if (!viewContext.ViewData.ModelState.ContainsKey(fullName) && formContext == null)


return null;


var tryGetModelStateResult = viewContext.ViewData.ModelState.TryGetValue(fullName, out var entry);

var modelErrors = tryGetModelStateResult ? entry.Errors : null;

ModelError modelError = null;

if (modelErrors != null && modelErrors.Count != 0)


modelError = modelErrors.FirstOrDefault(m => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.ErrorMessage)) ?? modelErrors[0];


if (modelError == null && formContext == null)


return null;


// Even if there are no model errors, we generate the span and add the validation message

// if formContext is not null.

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag))


tag = viewContext.ValidationMessageElement;


var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder(tag);


// Only the style of the span is changed according to the errors if message is null or empty.

// Otherwise the content and style is handled by the client-side validation.

var className = (modelError != null) ?

HtmlHelper.ValidationMessageCssClassName :



if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))




else if (modelError != null)


modelExplorer = modelExplorer ?? ExpressionMetadataProvider.FromStringExpression(





ValidationHelpers.GetModelErrorMessageOrDefault(modelError, entry, modelExplorer));


if (formContext != null)


if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName))


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("data-valmsg-for", fullName);


var replaceValidationMessageContents = string.IsNullOrEmpty(message);




return tagBuilder;



public virtual TagBuilder GenerateValidationSummary(

ViewContext viewContext,

bool excludePropertyErrors,

string message,

string headerTag,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var viewData = viewContext.ViewData;

if (!viewContext.ClientValidationEnabled && viewData.ModelState.IsValid)


// Client-side validation is not enabled to add to the generated element and element will be empty.

return null;


if (excludePropertyErrors &&

(!viewData.ModelState.TryGetValue(viewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix, out var entryForModel) ||

entryForModel.Errors.Count == 0))


// Client-side validation (if enabled) will not affect the generated element and element will be empty.

return null;


TagBuilder messageTag;

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))


messageTag = null;




if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headerTag))


headerTag = viewContext.ValidationSummaryMessageElement;


messageTag = new TagBuilder(headerTag);



// If excludePropertyErrors is true, describe any validation issue with the current model in a single item.

// Otherwise, list individual property errors.

var isHtmlSummaryModified = false;

var modelStates = ValidationHelpers.GetModelStateList(viewData, excludePropertyErrors);

var htmlSummary = new TagBuilder("ul");

foreach (var modelState in modelStates)


// Perf: Avoid allocations

for (var i = 0; i < modelState.Errors.Count; i++)


var modelError = modelState.Errors[i];

var errorText = ValidationHelpers.GetModelErrorMessageOrDefault(modelError);

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText))


var listItem = new TagBuilder("li");



isHtmlSummaryModified = true;




if (!isHtmlSummaryModified)





var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("div");


if (viewData.ModelState.IsValid)








if (messageTag != null)





if (viewContext.ClientValidationEnabled && !excludePropertyErrors)


// Inform the client where to replace the list of property errors after validation.

tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("data-valmsg-summary", "true");


return tagBuilder;



public virtual ICollection GetCurrentValues(

ViewContext viewContext,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

bool allowMultiple)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var fullName = NameAndIdProvider.GetFullHtmlFieldName(viewContext, expression);

var type = allowMultiple ? typeof(string[]) : typeof(string);

var rawValue = GetModelStateValue(viewContext, fullName, type);

// If ModelState did not contain a current value, fall back to ViewData- or ModelExplorer-supplied value.

if (rawValue == null)


if (modelExplorer == null)


// Html.DropDownList() and Html.ListBox() helper case.

rawValue = viewContext.ViewData.Eval(expression);

if (rawValue is IEnumerable)


// This ViewData item contains the fallback selectList collection for GenerateSelect().

// Do not try to use this collection.

rawValue = null;





// , Html.DropDownListFor() and Html.ListBoxFor() helper case. Do not use ViewData.

rawValue = modelExplorer.Model;


if (rawValue == null)


return null;



// Convert raw value to a collection.

IEnumerable rawValues;

if (allowMultiple)


rawValues = rawValue as IEnumerable;

if (rawValues == null || rawValues is string)


throw new InvalidOperationException(






rawValues = new[] { rawValue };


modelExplorer = modelExplorer ??

ExpressionMetadataProvider.FromStringExpression(expression, viewContext.ViewData, _metadataProvider);

var metadata = modelExplorer.Metadata;

if (allowMultiple && metadata.IsEnumerableType)


metadata = metadata.ElementMetadata;


var enumNames = metadata.EnumNamesAndValues;

var isTargetEnum = metadata.IsEnum;

// Logic below assumes isTargetEnum and enumNames are consistent. Confirm that expectation is met.

Debug.Assert(isTargetEnum ^ enumNames == null);

var innerType = metadata.UnderlyingOrModelType;

// Convert raw value collection to strings.

var currentValues = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

foreach (var value in rawValues)


// Add original or converted string.

var stringValue = (value as string) ?? Convert.ToString(value, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

// Do not add simple names of enum properties here because whitespace isn't relevant for their binding.

// Will add matching names just below.

if (enumNames == null || !enumNames.ContainsKey(stringValue.Trim()))




// Remainder handles isEnum cases. Convert.ToString() returns field names for enum values but select

// list may (well, should) contain integer values.

var enumValue = value as Enum;

if (isTargetEnum && enumValue == null && value != null)


var valueType = value.GetType();

if (typeof(long).IsAssignableFrom(valueType) || typeof(ulong).IsAssignableFrom(valueType))


// E.g. user added an int to a ViewData entry and called a string-based HTML helper.

enumValue = ConvertEnumFromInteger(value, innerType);


else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue))


// E.g. got a string from ModelState.

var methodInfo = ConvertEnumFromStringMethod.MakeGenericMethod(innerType);

enumValue = (Enum)methodInfo.Invoke(obj: null, parameters: new[] { stringValue });



if (enumValue != null)


// Add integer value.

var integerString = enumValue.ToString("d");


// isTargetEnum may be false when raw value has a different type than the target e.g. ViewData

// contains enum values and property has type int or string.

if (isTargetEnum)


// Add all simple names for this value.

var matchingNames = enumNames

.Where(kvp => string.Equals(integerString, kvp.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal))

.Select(kvp => kvp.Key);

foreach (var name in matchingNames)







return currentValues;


internal static string EvalString(ViewContext viewContext, string key, string format)


return Convert.ToString(viewContext.ViewData.Eval(key, format), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);



/// Not used directly in HtmlHelper. Exposed for use in DefaultDisplayTemplates.


internal static TagBuilder GenerateOption(SelectListItem item, string text)


return GenerateOption(item, text, item.Selected);


internal static TagBuilder GenerateOption(SelectListItem item, string text, bool selected)


var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("option");


if (item.Value != null)


tagBuilder.Attributes["value"] = item.Value;


if (selected)


tagBuilder.Attributes["selected"] = "selected";


if (item.Disabled)


tagBuilder.Attributes["disabled"] = "disabled";


return tagBuilder;


internal static object GetModelStateValue(ViewContext viewContext, string key, Type destinationType)


if (viewContext.ViewData.ModelState.TryGetValue(key, out var entry) && entry.RawValue != null)


return ModelBindingHelper.ConvertTo(entry.RawValue, destinationType, culture: null);


return null;



/// Generate a <form> element.


/// A instance for the current scope.

/// The URL where the form-data should be submitted.

/// The HTTP method for processing the form, either GET or POST.


/// An that contains the HTML attributes for the element. Alternatively, an

/// instance containing the HTML attributes.



/// A instance for the </form> element.


protected virtual TagBuilder GenerateFormCore(

ViewContext viewContext,

string action,

string method,

object htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("form");


// action is implicitly generated from other parameters, so htmlAttributes take precedence.

tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("action", action);

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(method))


// Occurs only when called from a tag helper.

method = "post";


// For tag helpers, htmlAttributes will be null; replaceExisting value does not matter.

// method is an explicit parameter to HTML helpers, so it takes precedence over the htmlAttributes.

tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("method", method, replaceExisting: true);

return tagBuilder;



/// Generate an input tag.


/// The .

/// The .

/// The .

/// The expression.

/// The value.

/// Whether to use view data.

/// If the input is checked.

/// Whether this should set id.

/// Whether this is an explicit value.

/// The format.

/// The html attributes.


protected virtual TagBuilder GenerateInput(

ViewContext viewContext,

InputType inputType,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression,

object value,

bool useViewData,

bool isChecked,

bool setId,

bool isExplicitValue,

string format,

IDictionary htmlAttributes)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


// Not valid to use TextBoxForModel() and so on in a top-level view; would end up with an unnamed input

// elements. But we support the *ForModel() methods in any lower-level template, once HtmlFieldPrefix is

// non-empty.

var fullName = NameAndIdProvider.GetFullHtmlFieldName(viewContext, expression);

if (!IsFullNameValid(fullName, htmlAttributes))


throw new ArgumentException(









var inputTypeString = GetInputTypeString(inputType);

var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("input")


TagRenderMode = TagRenderMode.SelfClosing,



tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("type", inputTypeString);

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName))


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("name", fullName, replaceExisting: true);


var suppliedTypeString = tagBuilder.Attributes["type"];

if (_placeholderInputTypes.Contains(suppliedTypeString))


AddPlaceholderAttribute(viewContext.ViewData, tagBuilder, modelExplorer, expression);


if (_maxLengthInputTypes.Contains(suppliedTypeString))


AddMaxLengthAttribute(viewContext.ViewData, tagBuilder, modelExplorer, expression);


var valueParameter = FormatValue(value, format);

var usedModelState = false;

switch (inputType)


case InputType.CheckBox:

var modelStateWasChecked = GetModelStateValue(viewContext, fullName, typeof(bool)) as bool?;

if (modelStateWasChecked.HasValue)


isChecked = modelStateWasChecked.Value;

usedModelState = true;


goto case InputType.Radio;

case InputType.Radio:

if (!usedModelState)


if (GetModelStateValue(viewContext, fullName, typeof(string)) is string modelStateValue)


isChecked = string.Equals(modelStateValue, valueParameter, StringComparison.Ordinal);

usedModelState = true;



if (!usedModelState && useViewData)


isChecked = EvalBoolean(viewContext, expression);


if (isChecked)


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("checked", "checked");


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("value", valueParameter, isExplicitValue);


case InputType.Password:

if (value != null)


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("value", valueParameter, isExplicitValue);



case InputType.Text:


var attributeValue = (string)GetModelStateValue(viewContext, fullName, typeof(string));

if (attributeValue == null)


attributeValue = useViewData ? EvalString(viewContext, expression, format) : valueParameter;


var addValue = true;

object typeAttributeValue;

if (htmlAttributes != null && htmlAttributes.TryGetValue("type", out typeAttributeValue))


var typeAttributeString = typeAttributeValue.ToString();

if (string.Equals(typeAttributeString, "file", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||

string.Equals(typeAttributeString, "image", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))


// 'value' attribute is not needed for 'file' and 'image' input types.

addValue = false;



if (addValue)


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("value", attributeValue, replaceExisting: isExplicitValue);




if (setId)


NameAndIdProvider.GenerateId(viewContext, tagBuilder, fullName, IdAttributeDotReplacement);


// If there are any errors for a named field, we add the CSS attribute.

if (viewContext.ViewData.ModelState.TryGetValue(fullName, out var entry) && entry.Errors.Count > 0)




AddValidationAttributes(viewContext, tagBuilder, modelExplorer, expression);

return tagBuilder;



/// Generate a link.


/// The text for the link.

/// The url for the link.

/// The html attributes.

/// The .

protected virtual TagBuilder GenerateLink(

string linkText,

string url,

object htmlAttributes)


if (linkText == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(linkText));


var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("a");



tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("href", url);

return tagBuilder;



/// Adds a placeholder attribute to the .


/// A instance for the current scope.

/// A instance.

/// The for the .

/// Expression name, relative to the current model.

protected virtual void AddPlaceholderAttribute(

ViewDataDictionary viewData,

TagBuilder tagBuilder,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression)


modelExplorer = modelExplorer ?? ExpressionMetadataProvider.FromStringExpression(




var placeholder = modelExplorer.Metadata.Placeholder;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(placeholder))


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("placeholder", placeholder);




/// Adds a maxlength attribute to the .


/// A instance for the current scope.

/// A instance.

/// The for the .

/// Expression name, relative to the current model.

protected virtual void AddMaxLengthAttribute(

ViewDataDictionary viewData,

TagBuilder tagBuilder,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression)


modelExplorer = modelExplorer ?? ExpressionMetadataProvider.FromStringExpression(




int? maxLengthValue = null;

foreach (var attribute in modelExplorer.Metadata.ValidatorMetadata)


if (attribute is MaxLengthAttribute maxLengthAttribute && (!maxLengthValue.HasValue || maxLengthValue.Value > maxLengthAttribute.Length))


maxLengthValue = maxLengthAttribute.Length;


else if (attribute is StringLengthAttribute stringLengthAttribute && (!maxLengthValue.HasValue || maxLengthValue.Value > stringLengthAttribute.MaximumLength))


maxLengthValue = stringLengthAttribute.MaximumLength;



if (maxLengthValue.HasValue)


tagBuilder.MergeAttribute("maxlength", maxLengthValue.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));




/// Adds validation attributes to the if client validation

/// is enabled.


/// A instance for the current scope.

/// A instance.

/// The for the .

/// Expression name, relative to the current model.

protected virtual void AddValidationAttributes(

ViewContext viewContext,

TagBuilder tagBuilder,

ModelExplorer modelExplorer,

string expression)


modelExplorer = modelExplorer ?? ExpressionMetadataProvider.FromStringExpression(










private static Enum ConvertEnumFromInteger(object value, Type targetType)




return (Enum)Enum.ToObject(targetType, value);


catch (Exception exception)

when (exception is FormatException || exception.InnerException is FormatException)


// The integer was too large for this enum type.

return null;



private static object ConvertEnumFromString(string value) where TEnum : struct


if (Enum.TryParse(value, out TEnum enumValue))


return enumValue;


// Do not return default(TEnum) when parse was unsuccessful.

return null;


private static bool EvalBoolean(ViewContext viewContext, string key)


return Convert.ToBoolean(viewContext.ViewData.Eval(key), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


private static string EvalString(ViewContext viewContext, string key)


return Convert.ToString(viewContext.ViewData.Eval(key), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);


// Only need a dictionary if htmlAttributes is non-null. TagBuilder.MergeAttributes() is fine with null.

private static IDictionary GetHtmlAttributeDictionaryOrNull(object htmlAttributes)


IDictionary htmlAttributeDictionary = null;

if (htmlAttributes != null)


htmlAttributeDictionary = htmlAttributes as IDictionary;

if (htmlAttributeDictionary == null)


htmlAttributeDictionary = HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes);



return htmlAttributeDictionary;


private static string GetInputTypeString(InputType inputType)


switch (inputType)


case InputType.CheckBox:

return "checkbox";

case InputType.Hidden:

return "hidden";

case InputType.Password:

return "password";

case InputType.Radio:

return "radio";

case InputType.Text:

return "text";


return "text";



private static IEnumerable GetSelectListItems(

ViewContext viewContext,

string expression)


if (viewContext == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewContext));


// Method is called only if user did not pass a select list in. They must provide select list items in the

// ViewData dictionary and definitely not as the Model. (Even if the Model datatype were correct, a

// element generated for a collection of SelectListItems would be useless.)

var value = viewContext.ViewData.Eval(expression);

// First check whether above evaluation was successful and did not match ViewData.Model.

if (value == null || value == viewContext.ViewData.Model)


throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.FormatHtmlHelper_MissingSelectData(




// Second check the Eval() call returned a collection of SelectListItems.

if (!(value is IEnumerable selectList))


throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.FormatHtmlHelper_WrongSelectDataType(





return selectList;


private static bool IsFullNameValid(string fullName, IDictionary htmlAttributeDictionary)


return IsFullNameValid(fullName, htmlAttributeDictionary, fallbackAttributeName: "name");


private static bool IsFullNameValid(

string fullName,

IDictionary htmlAttributeDictionary,

string fallbackAttributeName)


if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName))


// fullName==null is normally an error because name="" is not valid in HTML 5.

if (htmlAttributeDictionary == null)


return false;


// Check if user has provided an explicit name attribute.

// Generalized a bit because other attributes e.g. data-valmsg-for refer to element names.

htmlAttributeDictionary.TryGetValue(fallbackAttributeName, out var attributeObject);

var attributeString = Convert.ToString(attributeObject, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeString))


return false;



return true;



public IHtmlContent GenerateGroupsAndOptions(string optionLabel, IEnumerable selectList)


return GenerateGroupsAndOptions(optionLabel, selectList, currentValues: null);


private IHtmlContent GenerateGroupsAndOptions(

string optionLabel,

IEnumerable selectList,

ICollection currentValues)


if (!(selectList is IList itemsList))


itemsList = selectList.ToList();


var count = itemsList.Count;

if (optionLabel != null)




// Short-circuit work below if there's nothing to add.

if (count == 0)


return HtmlString.Empty;


var listItemBuilder = new HtmlContentBuilder(count);

// Make optionLabel the first item that gets rendered.

if (optionLabel != null)



new SelectListItem()


Text = optionLabel,

Value = string.Empty,

Selected = false,


currentValues: null));


// Group items in the SelectList if requested.

// The worst case complexity of this algorithm is O(number of groups*n).

// If there aren't any groups, it is O(n) where n is number of items in the list.

var optionGenerated = new bool[itemsList.Count];

for (var i = 0; i < itemsList.Count; i++)


if (!optionGenerated[i])


var item = itemsList[i];

var optGroup = item.Group;

if (optGroup != null)


var groupBuilder = new TagBuilder("optgroup");

if (optGroup.Name != null)


groupBuilder.MergeAttribute("label", optGroup.Name);


if (optGroup.Disabled)


groupBuilder.MergeAttribute("disabled", "disabled");



for (var j = i; j < itemsList.Count; j++)


var groupItem = itemsList[j];

if (!optionGenerated[j] &&

object.ReferenceEquals(optGroup, groupItem.Group))


groupBuilder.InnerHtml.AppendLine(GenerateOption(groupItem, currentValues));

optionGenerated[j] = true;







listItemBuilder.AppendLine(GenerateOption(item, currentValues));

optionGenerated[i] = true;




return listItemBuilder;


private IHtmlContent GenerateOption(SelectListItem item, ICollection currentValues)


var selected = item.Selected;

if (currentValues != null)


var value = item.Value ?? item.Text;

selected = currentValues.Contains(value);


var tagBuilder = GenerateOption(item, item.Text, selected);

return tagBuilder;




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C语言是一种广泛使用的编程语言,它具有高效、灵活、可移植性强等特点,被广泛应用于操作系统、嵌入式系统、数据库、编译器等领域的开发。C语言的基本语法包括变量、数据类型、运算符、控制结构(如if语句、循环语句等)、函数、指针等。下面详细介绍C语言的基本概念和语法。 1. 变量和数据类型 在C语言中,变量用于存储数据,数据类型用于定义变量的类型和范围。C语言支持多种数据类型,包括基本数据类型(如int、float、char等)和复合数据类型(如结构体、联合等)。 2. 运算符 C语言中常用的运算符包括算术运算符(如+、、、/等)、关系运算符(如==、!=、、=、<、<=等)、逻辑运算符(如&&、||、!等)。此外,还有位运算符(如&、|、^等)和指针运算符(如、等)。 3. 控制结构 C语言中常用的控制结构包括if语句、循环语句(如for、while等)和switch语句。通过这些控制结构,可以实现程序的分支、循环和多路选择等功能。 4. 函数 函数是C语言中用于封装代码的单元,可以实现代码的复用和模块化。C语言中定义函数使用关键字“void”或返回值类型(如int、float等),并通过“{”和“}”括起来的代码块来实现函数的功能。 5. 指针 指针是C语言中用于存储变量地址的变量。通过指针,可以实现对内存的间接访问和修改。C语言中定义指针使用星号()符号,指向数组、字符串和结构体等数据结构时,还需要注意数组名和字符串常量的特殊性质。 6. 数组和字符串 数组是C语言中用于存储同类型数据的结构,可以通过索引访问和修改数组中的元素。字符串是C语言中用于存储文本数据的特殊类型,通常以字符串常量的形式出现,用双引号("...")括起来,末尾自动添加'\0'字符。 7. 结构体和联合 结构体和联合是C语言中用于存储不同类型数据的复合数据类型。结构体由多个成员组成,每个成员可以是不同的数据类型;联合由多个变量组成,它们共用同一块内存空间。通过结构体和联合,可以实现数据的封装和抽象。 8. 文件操作 C语言中通过文件操作函数(如fopen、fclose、fread、fwrite等)实现对文件的读写操作。文件操作函数通常返回文件指针,用于表示打开的文件。通过文件指针,可以进行文件的定位、读写等操作。 总之,C语言是一种功能强大、灵活高效的编程语言,广泛应用于各种领域。掌握C语言的基本语法和数据结构,可以为编程学习和实践打下坚实的基础。


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