linux 命令行 音频分析,Linux下音频频率分析

Recording a Sound Sample

I only use the

sound architecture for GNU/Linux, and I find it very good. I have

some notes on ALSA which might

be helpful, though they are probably a little out of date by now.

Recording uses the arecord program, which is in the alsa-utils.

There is a high chance it is already installed on your system if you

installed ALSA from your distribution.

You use alsamixer to set the channel you want to record from. This will

probably be the microphone channel (space-bar switches capture on). You

also need to activate microphone boost. On my setup, with a soundblaster,

i do this by unmuting (M toggles the mute setting). You

could also acquire your sound sample from a CD, or from line in. It's up

to you. An example invocation of arecord would be:arecord -d 5 -f S16_LE -c1 -r44100 out.wavThis will record 5 seconds, 1 channel (mono), with a sampling rate of

44.1kHz (the same as CD audio). The output is a wav file, with 16 bits

per sample (two bytes), and Linear Encoding. There are other options you

can use, but these are a good place to start. In particular, i think it is

best to work in mono unless you have good reasons to do otherwise (I don't,

and I have not investigated the complications).

It is probably a good idea to listen to the sample you have just

recorded, to check it is what you think it is. You can do this usingaplay out.wavor by playing the wav in or

whatever you like.

Converting the Sound Sample

To process the sound sample, I needed to have the samples in essentially

an ASCII text-file format. There are various ways to do this, and I have

used several as a consequence of initially being ignorant of the

"Right Way To Do Things". In truth, i probably still do not know

the "Right" way, but I'll describe a few of your options.

Sox is a fantastic utility for converting sound file formats. One

option it has is to convert to the "dat" file format. It is

described like this in the man page:.dat Text Data files

These files contain a textual representation of

the sample data. There is one line at the

beginning that contains the sample rate.

Subsequent lines contain two numeric data items:

the time since the beginning of the first sample

and the sample value. Values are normalized so

that the maximum and minimum are 1.00 and -1.00.

This file format can be used to create data

files for external programs such as FFT analyz

ers or graph routines. SoX can also convert a

file in this format back into one of the other

file formats.Using sox in this way is simplicity itself:sox out.wav out.datThe first line in out.dat starts with a ";", and has info on the

sample rate. The dat file produced here is very easy to read into a python

program (or indeed a program in any language). It is also suitable for

immediate plotting with if you

strip off the initial line containing the semicolon (or put a "#" at the


Before I realised that sox had done all my work for me I tried a couple

of other options. These aren't clever or smart, but they show how easy it

can be to mess around with sound formats.

The first thing I tried was a solution completely implemented in python.

This was slow, but it did work. The code went as follows:import wave audioop'out.wav','r')


# contents now holds all the samples in a long text string.

samples_list=[]; ctr=0

while 1:



# "2" refers to no. of bytes/sample, ctr is sample no. to take.



# We jump to here when we run out of samples



for x in range(len(out)):

o.write('%d %e\n'%(x,out[x]))

Another, only slightly different approach was to use sox first

(remember, I didn't know what sox could do when i tried this!), to turn our

wav file into a raw file, with signed samples, and two bytes (1 word) per

sample:sox out.wav out.swThen back to python, and do:contents=open('m.sw','r').read()At this point, "contents" has the same form as it did in the previous

python code, and the output can proceed as before.

As a final aside, it might be of interest to know that it is very easy

to write a small C program to take the out.sw file above and turn it into a

"dat" style file with one sample per line. The code is in

. Ultimately it is useless, as it does

nothing sox doesn't do, but it is very very quick compared to the python

implementation (No surprise, I suppose, but I was still a little taken aback

by the speed gain even with my limited C coding experience).

Analysing the Signal

This is really quite easy, assuming you have

and the FFT modules installed. Continuing from our last code

snippet, where "out" contains a list of the samples from our

sound file, the following gives us an FFT:import Numeric

import FFT


out_fft=FFT.fft(out)It is as easy as that!

To put the FFT data in a file suitable for plotting in Gnuplot, the

following code was used:offt=open('outfile_fft.dat','w')

for x in range(len(out_fft)/2):

offt.write('%f %f

'%(1.0*x/wtime,abs(out_fft[x].real)))Now, depending on your knowledge of FFT's (Fast Fourier Transforms) the

above might need some explanation. First of all, the FFT data produced

will be complex. However, we are looking at a purely real signal, so we

will discard the Imaginary part. Also, only half the data is useful, as

the other half is just a mirror image (if you looked at the imaginary part,

it would be a mirror image multiplied by -1). Also, you can look on the

index of the FFT as meaning the number of cycles occurring in the

time-duration of the total sound extract. Thus, the 0, first component is

the DC component. The index 1 sample reverses once in the time duration,

the next one reverses twice, and so on (lowest frequency is on the


Viewing the Results

To view the output, you need to use some graphing software.

is one good option. Included

below are thumbnails (links to full size) of an , followed by the entire FFT data (as output to file

by the python code above). And a smaller detail of the region where most

of the interest is, between 1000 and 2000 Hz.

Gnuplot code to produced these figures is included below:set style data lines

# Time domain signal first:

set xlabel 'Time (s)'; set ylabel 'Amplitude'

set title 'Signal Profile'

set terminal png

set output 'timeplot.png'

plot 'outfile.dat'

# Now look at FFT Data

set output 'fft_plot_a.png'

set xlabel 'Frequency (Hz)'

set ylabel 'Magnitude of Real FFT'

set title 'Absolute value of FFT'

plot 'outfile_fft.dat'

# Now get a closer look at where the action is...

set xrange [1000:2000]

set title 'Absolute value of FFT (Detail)'

set output 'fft_plot_b.png'


For what it's worth, the signal analysed here is a 5 second (220500

samples) recording of two notes from a harmonica.


These have just been some quick and sketchy notes on how to analyse a

sound input and find out what frequency content it has. As you can see,

there is nothing very clever or difficult to the implementation of this,

but it is still (in my opinion!) interesting to do. If you have more

interesting sound inputs to work on (e.g. vibrations from a machine) you

could proceed even further with your analysis and use it as a tool for

locating the source of the vibration and noise.

There may be typos in the code snippets in this article. However, you

can download the

[Not up yet],

which I have

run and used to produce the figures included above. Even though that does

not mean there are no mistakes, it does at least mean you can reproduce my

results (Note that the sound sample is included in mp3 format, to save my

webspace and bandwidth, so you will have to first convert it to a wav

file. can do this for you using its

cdwriter plugin (plays an mp3 into a wav file)).

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