opentld matlab视频,计算机视觉中的相关算法的源代码

Part-based Face Detector and Pose Estimation – Implementation of a unified approach for face detection, pose estimation, and landmark localization (CVPR 2012).

Attributes and Semantic Features

Relative Attributes – Modified implementation of RankSVM to train Relative Attributes (ICCV 2011).

Object Bank – Implementation of object bank semantic features (NIPS 2010). See also ActionBank

Classemes, Picodes, and Meta-class features – Software for extracting high-level image descriptors (ECCV 2010, NIPS 2011, CVPR 2012).

Large-Scale Learning

Additive Kernels – Source code for fast additive kernel SVM classifiers (PAMI 2013).

LIBLINEAR – Library for large-scale linear SVM classification.

VLFeat – Implementation for Pegasos SVM and Homogeneous Kernel map.

Fast Indexing and Image Retrieval

FLANN – Library for performing fast approximate nearest neighbor.

Kernelized LSH – Source code for Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Hashing (ICCV 2009).

ITQ Binary codes – Code for generation of small binary codes using Iterative Quantization and other baselines such as Locality-Sensitive-Hashing (CVPR 2011).

INRIA Image Retrieval – Efficient code for state-of-the-art large-scale image retrieval (CVPR 2011).

Object Detection

Pedestrian Detection at 100fps – Very fast and accurate pedestrian detector (CVPR 2012).

Caltech Pedestrian Detection Benchmark – Excellent resource for pedestrian detection, with various links for state-of-the-art implementations.

OpenCV – Enhanced implementation of Viola&Jones real-time object detector, with trained models for face detection.

Efficient Subwindow Search – Source code for branch-and-bound optimization for efficient object localization (CVPR 2008).

3D Recognition

Point-Cloud Library – Library for 3D image and point cloud processing.

Action Recognition

ActionBank – Source code for action recognition based on the ActionBank representation (CVPR 2012).

STIP Features – software for computing space-time interest point descriptors

Independent Subspace Analysis – Look for Stacked ISA for Videos (CVPR 2011)

Velocity Histories of Tracked Keypoints - C++ code for activity recognition using the velocity histories of tracked keypoints (ICCV 2009)



Animals with Attributes – 30,475 images of 50 animals classes with 6 pre-extracted feature representations for each image.

aYahoo and aPascal – Attribute annotations for images collected from Yahoo and Pascal VOC 2008.

FaceTracer – 15,000 faces annotated with 10 attributes and fiducial points.

PubFig – 58,797 face images of 200 people with 73 attribute classifier outputs.

[url=]LFW[/url] – 13,233 face images of 5,749 people with 73 attribute classifier outputs.

Human Attributes – 8,000 people with annotated attributes. Check also this link for another dataset of human attributes.

SUN Attribute Database – Large-scale scene attribute database with a taxonomy of 102 attributes.

ImageNet Attributes – Variety of attribute labels for the ImageNet dataset.

Relative attributes – Data for OSR and a subset of PubFig datasets. Check also this link for the WhittleSearch data.

Attribute Discovery Dataset – Images of shopping categories associated with textual descriptions.

Fine-grained Visual Categorization

Caltech-UCSD Birds Dataset – Hundreds of bird categories with annotated parts and attributes.

Stanford Dogs Dataset – 20,000 images of 120 breeds of dogs from around the world.

Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset – 37 category pet dataset with roughly 200 images for each class. Pixel level trimap segmentation is included.

Leeds Butterfly Dataset – 832 images of 10 species of butterflies.

Oxford Flower Dataset – Hundreds of flower categories.

Face Detection

[url=]FDDB[/url] – UMass face detection dataset and benchmark (5,000+ faces)

CMU/MIT – Classical face detection dataset.

Face Recognition

Face Recognition Homepage – Large collection of face recognition datasets.

[url=]LFW[/url] – UMass unconstrained face recognition dataset (13,000+ face images).

NIST Face Homepage – includes face recognition grand challenge (FRGC), vendor tests (FRVT) and others.

CMU Multi-PIE – contains more than 750,000 images of 337 people, with 15 different views and 19 lighting conditions.

FERET – Classical face recognition dataset.

Deng Cai’s face dataset in Matlab Format – Easy to use if you want play with simple face datasets including Yale, ORL, PIE, and Extended Yale B.

SCFace – Low-resolution face dataset captured from surveillance cameras.

Handwritten Digits

MNIST – large dataset containing a training set of 60,000 examples, and a test set of 10,000 examples.

Pedestrian Detection

Caltech Pedestrian Detection Benchmark – 10 hours of video taken from a vehicle,350K bounding boxes for about 2.3K unique pedestrians.

INRIA Person Dataset – Currently one of the most popular pedestrian detection datasets.

ETH Pedestrian Dataset – Urban dataset captured from a stereo rig mounted on a stroller.

TUD-Brussels Pedestrian Dataset – Dataset with image pairs recorded in an crowded urban setting with an onboard camera.

PASCAL Human Detection – One of 20 categories in PASCAL VOC detection challenges.

USC Pedestrian Dataset – Small dataset captured from surveillance cameras.

Generic Object Recognition

ImageNet – Currently the largest visual recognition dataset in terms of number of categories and images.

Tiny Images – 80 million 32x32 low resolution images.

Pascal VOC – One of the most influential visual recognition datasets.

Caltech 101 / Caltech 256 – Popular image datasets containing 101 and 256 object categories, respectively.

MIT LabelMe – Online annotation tool for building computer vision databases.

Scene Recognition

MIT SUN Dataset – MIT scene understanding dataset.

UIUC Fifteen Scene Categories – Dataset of 15 natural scene categories.

Feature Detection and Description

VGG Affine Dataset – Widely used dataset for measuring performance of feature detection and description. CheckVLBenchmarksfor an evaluation framework.

Action Recognition

Benchmarking Activity Recognition – CVPR 2012 tutorial covering various datasets for action recognition.

RGBD Recognition

RGB-D Object Dataset – Dataset containing 300 common household objects



Computer Vision Software(里面代码很多,并详细的给出了分类):

MATLAB and Octave Functions for Computer Vision and Image Processing(这个里面的东西也很全,只是都是用Matlab和Octave开发的):

MATLAB Functions for Multiple View Geometry(关于物体多视角计算的库):

Evolutive Algorithm based on Naïve Bayes models Estimation(单独列了一个算法的Code): 主页代码

MATLAB Normalized Cuts Segmentation Code:software

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基于C++&OPENCV 的全景图像拼接 C++是一种广泛使用的编程语言,它是由Bjarne Stroustrup于1979年在新泽西州美利山贝尔实验室开始设计开发的。C++是C语言的扩展,旨在提供更强大的编程能力,包括面向对象编程和泛型编程的支持。C++支持数据封装、继承和多态等面向对象编程的特性和泛型编程的模板,以及丰富的标准库,提供了大量的数据结构和算法,极大地提高了开发效率。12 C++是一种静态类型的、编译式的、通用的、大小写敏感的编程语言,它综合了高级语言和低级语言的特点。C++的语法与C语言非常相似,但增加了许多面向对象编程的特性,如类、对象、封装、继承和多态等。这使得C++既保持了C语言的低级特性,如直接访问硬件的能力,又提供了高级语言的特性,如数据封装和代码重用。13 C++的应用领域非常广泛,包括但不限于教育、系统开发、游戏开发、嵌入式系统、工业和商业应用、科研和高性能计算等领域。在教育领域,C++因其结构化和面向对象的特性,常被选为计算机科学和工程专业的入门编程语言。在系统开发领域,C++因其高效性和灵活性,经常被作为开发语言。游戏开发领域,C++由于其高效性和广泛应用,在开发高性能游戏和游戏引擎扮演着重要角色。在嵌入式系统领域,C++的高效和灵活性使其成为理想选择。此外,C++还广泛应用于桌面应用、Web浏览器、操作系统、编译器、媒体应用程序、数据库引擎、医疗工程和机器人等领域。16 学习C++的关键是理解其核心概念和编程风格,而不是过于深入技术细节。C++支持多种编程风格,每种风格都能有效地保证运行时间效率和空间效率。因此,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的程序员,都可以通过C++来设计和实现新系统或维护旧系统。3


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