oracle dba指南,Oracle E-Business Suite:ERP DBA实践指南 (朱龙春) 高清PDF扫描版[95.72M]...

《oracle e-business suite:erp dba实践指南》是国内资深oracle技术专家和erp技术专家10余年工作经验的完美呈现,国内数位资深oracle技术专家和专业社区联袂推荐。本书重在授人以渔,而不是授人以鱼,专注于如何才能让读者受到启发,而不仅仅只是解决某个具体的问题。宏观上高屋建瓴,系统讲解了oracle erp系统的架构、规划和部署;微观上鞭辟入里,细致地讲解了oracle erp系统的管理、运维和性能优化。理论与实践相结合,在强调理论的同时,更注重启发读者解决实际工作中各种难题的思路;广度与深度兼备,既能满足erp dba需要掌握大量知识的需求,又对解决某些关键的问题进行了深入地阐述。

全书一共3篇:架构篇(第1~2章)首先详细地对oracle电子商务套件的功能特点和结构等进行了介绍,然后对大型oracle erp系统的架构思路、规划方法、资源配置估算、存储架构、网络架构、集成架构、客户端架构、安全策略、系统管理与监控,以及高可用性等进行了宏观阐述;管理篇(第3~6章)首先对oracle erp系统的部署及周边工作环境的搭建进行了详细介绍,其次详细讲解了oracle erp系统的各种配置、设置和各种常用工具的使用方法,最后全面介绍了oracle erp的管理;性能优化篇(第7章)则主要讲解了oracle erp系统的运行管理、系统管理员的职责、系统的备份与恢复、日常的维护和监控、健康检查,以及各种性能优化相关的问题。

oracle e-business suite:erp dba实践指南  目录前 言

第1章 oracle 电子商务套件/1

1.1 oracle 电子商务套件的功能及其特点/2

1.2 oracle 电子商务套件r12 /3

1.3 本章小结/5

第2章 erp系统规划/6

2.1 erp系统规划概述/7

2.2 资源配置估算/9

2.3 大型erp系统架构涉及的内容/14

2.4 系统环境/28

2.5 本章小结/29

第3章 oracle erp部署/31

3.1 部署前准备/32

3.2 oracle电子商务套件r12的安装/42

3.3 安装后的基本配置、检查和备份/62

3.4 本章小结/66

第4章 语言包安装和erp配置调整/67

4.1 中文语言包安装/68

4.2 更改系统名称/81

4.3 安装在线帮助/83

4.4 更改默认密码/85

4.5 更改日志和输出文件目录/89

4.6 调整数据库/89

4.7 安全设置/98

4.8 工作流通知邮件配置 /101

4.9 配置 forms socket模式/121

4.10 其他常用选项配置/123

4.11 应用系统的启动及关闭 /124

4.12 本章小结 /127

第5章 oracle电子商务套件架构和工具/128

5.1 oracle电子商务套件架构/129

5.2 应用产品技术堆栈/131

5.3 应用补丁程序/134

5.4 rapid clone/141

5.5 oam监控/158

5.6 本章小结/171

第6章 系统管理员基础/172

6.1 体验oracle电子商务套件/173

6.2 安全机制/192

6.3 增加新功能模块/195

6.4 并发管理器/205

6.5 配置文件选项/237

6.6 本章小结/245

第7章 erp 运行管理和维护/246

7.1 erp系统运行管理/247

7.2 erp系统的管理职责/247

7.3 系统的备份和恢复/249

7.4 erp系统日常维护/255

7.5 监控和跟踪erp系统/260

7.6 erp健康检查/280

7.7 系统优化思路/305

7.8 有效利用技术支持/306

7.9 本章小结/308


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This book is a hands-on, real-world guide to building and implementing a robust Oracle E-Business Suite System using the new Release, EBS 12.2. It explains the rationale for using an Oracle E-business suite environment in a business enterprise and covers the major technology stack changes from EBS version 11i through R12.2. The book clarifies how to build up an EBS environment from a simple single-node installation to a complex multi-node high available setup. Practical Oracle E-Business Suite focuses on release R12.2, but key areas in R12.1 are also covered wherever necessary. Oracle E-Business suite R12.2 includes major changes in Technology Stack components and introduced many new features. And these changes and new features must be added to the skill set of those individuals responsible for implementing and managing Oracle EBS. Practical Oracle E-Business Suite provides detailed instructions for the Installation of EBS R12.2 in single and multi-node configurations, the logic and methodology used in EBS patching, and cloning of EBS single-node and complex multi-node environments configured with RAC. This book also provides filtered valuable information about such areas as FMW used in EBS 12.2, as well as performance tuning and EBS 12.2 on engineered system implementations. The following are the key areas of coverage: Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite, general definition of the EBS product families and the overview of the new system architecture implemented in EBS 12.2 EBS 12.2 single node/multi-node installations along with the EBS 12.2 upgrades EBS 12.2 Application and database tier components along with details about the newly introduced EBS 12.2 FMW components, the new application filesystem (dual fs) and the new patching concept called online patching. Administration utilities including adconfig and rapid clone, along with their usages for managing and maintaining the EBS 12.2 systems. Security features and key areas for performance tuning in EBS


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