我整天都在研究这个问题,最后找到了解决方案。尝试侦听WM_PASTE消息不起作用,因为基础mshtml控件正在对Ctrl-V进行预处理。您可以侦听OnKeyDown / Up等以捕获Ctrl-V,但这不会阻止底层控件继续其默认的粘贴行为。我的解决方案是阻止Ctrl-V消息的预处理,然后实现我自己的粘贴行为。要从PreProcessing CtrlV消息中停止控制,我必须继承我的Control,即AxWebBrowser,
public class DisabledPasteWebBrowser : AxWebBrowser
const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100;
const int CTRL_WPARAM = 0x11;
const int VKEY_WPARAM = 0x56;
Message prevMsg;
public override bool PreProcessMessage(ref Message msg)
if (prevMsg.Msg == WM_KEYDOWN && prevMsg.WParam == new IntPtr(CTRL_WPARAM) && msg.Msg == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.WParam == new IntPtr(VKEY_WPARAM))
// Do not let this Control process Ctrl-V, we'll do it manually.
HtmlEditorControl parentControl = this.Parent as HtmlEditorControl;
if (parentControl != null)
return true;
prevMsg = msg;
return base.PreProcessMessage(ref msg);
internal void ExecuteCommandDocument(string command, bool prompt)
// ensure command is a valid command and then enabled for the selection
if (document.queryCommandSupported(command))
if (command == HTML_COMMAND_TEXT_PASTE && Clipboard.ContainsImage())
// Save image to user temp dir
String imagePath = Path.GetTempPath() + "\" + Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".jpg";
Clipboard.GetImage().Save(imagePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
// Insert image href in to html with temp path
Uri uri = null;
Uri.TryCreate(imagePath, UriKind.Absolute, out uri);
document.execCommand(HTML_COMMAND_INSERT_IMAGE, false, uri.ToString());
// Update pasted id
Guid elementId = Guid.NewGuid();
GetFirstControl().id = elementId.ToString();
// Fire event that image saved to any interested listeners who might want to save it elsewhere as well
if (OnImageInserted != null)
OnImageInserted(this, new ImageInsertEventArgs { HrefUrl = uri.ToString(), TempPath = imagePath, HtmlElementId = elementId.ToString() });
// execute the given command
document.execCommand(command, prompt, null);
catch (Exception ex)
// Unknown error so inform user
throw new HtmlEditorException("Unknown MSHTML Error.", command, ex);