html5 悬停文字,HTML5悬停时文本跳跃或剥落动画特效

这篇文章介绍了CSS SCSS 中的盒模型设置,以及如何使用变量定义并切换四种不同的颜色方案,包括.magneto、.kidnap、.redraw 和.swing。内容还包括了HTML背景、字体样式、链接样式、动画加载指示器和导航样式等。







*::before {

box-sizing: border-box;


html {

background: #28282b;


/* Color schemes */

.demo-magneto {

--color-text: #41353d;

--color-background: #fff037;

--color-link: #000;

--color-link-hover: #41353d;


.demo-kidnap {

--color-text: #d5c12e;

--color-background: #191a19;

--color-link: #d5c12e;

--color-link-hover: #fff;


.demo-redraw {

--color-text: #0c48a4;

--color-background: #7d96df;

--color-link: #0c48a4;

--color-link-hover: #ededed;


.demo-swing {

--color-text: #828284;

--color-background: #1f1f21;

--color-link: #828284;

--color-link-hover: #fff;


.word--redraw {

font-size: 12vw;

font-family: 'Montserrat', serif;

font-weight: 700;

text-transform: uppercase;

color: #ededed;

line-height: 0.7125;

letter-spacing: -0.02em;


.word--redraw span {

display: block;

position: relative;


.word--redraw svg {

left: 50%;

position: absolute;

height: 100%;

width: auto;

max-width: 100%;

fill: none;

stroke: var(--color-text);

stroke-width: 4px;

transform: translateX(-50%);

stroke-linecap: round;

stroke-linejoin: round;


.word--redraw svg path {

opacity: 0;


body {

font-family: 'Nunito', monospace;

color: var(--color-text);

background-color: var(--color-background);

min-height: 100vh;


.js body {

opacity: 0;

transition: opacity 0.3s;


.js body.demo-kidnap {

transition: background-color 0.3s, opacity 0.3s;


.js body.render {

opacity: 1;

margin: 0;


/* Page Loader */

.js .loading::before {

content: '';

position: fixed;

z-index: 1000;

top: 0;

left: 0;

width: 100%;

height: 100%;

background: var(--color-background);


.js .loading::after {

content: '';

box-shadow: 20px 0 0, -20px 0 0;

position: fixed;

z-index: 10000;

top: 50%;

left: 50%;

width: 10px;

height: 10px;

margin: -5px 0 0 -5px;

pointer-events: none;

border-radius: 50%;

background: var(--color-text);

animation: loaderAnim 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate forwards;


@keyframes loaderAnim {

0% {

box-shadow: 20px 0 0 var(--color-text), -20px 0 0 transparent;

background: transparent;


50% {

box-shadow: 20px 0 0 transparent, -20px 0 0 transparent;

background: var(--color-text);


100% {

box-shadow: 20px 0 0 transparent, -20px 0 0 var(--color-text);

background: transparent;



a {

text-decoration: none;

color: var(--color-link);

outline: none;



a:focus {

color: var(--color-link-hover);


.hidden {

position: absolute;

overflow: hidden;

width: 0;

height: 0;

pointer-events: none;


/* Icons */

.icon {

display: block;

width: 1.5em;

height: 1.5em;

margin: 0 auto;

fill: currentColor;


main {

position: relative;

width: 100%;


.demo-kidnap main::before {

content: '';

position: fixed;

pointer-events: none;

top: 0;

left: 0;

width: 100%;

height: 100%;

background-image: url(../img/noise.gif);

background-size: 300px;

opacity: 0.7;


.content {

position: relative;

display: grid;

justify-content: center;

align-content: center;

height: 100vh;

overflow: hidden;

min-height: 650px;

margin: 0 auto;


.content--fixed {

position: absolute;

top: 0;

left: 0;

width: 100%;

max-width: none;

z-index: 100;

align-content: space-between;

pointer-events: none;

padding: 1.5em;

grid-template-columns: 50% 50%;

grid-template-rows: auto auto 4em;

grid-template-areas: "header tagline" "deco tagline" "deco demos";


.content--layout {

grid-template-columns: 100%;

padding: 3em 0;


.content--fixed a {

pointer-events: auto;


.deco {

grid-area: deco;

align-self: end;

justify-self: start;

padding: 0;

transform: rotate(180deg);


.demos {

grid-area: demos;

text-align: center;

display: block;

position: relative;


.demo {

margin: 0 0.15em;


.demo span {

text-transform: lowercase;

font-weight: bold;

pointer-events: none;


.demo span::before {

content: '#';


a.demo--current {

text-decoration: underline;

pointer-events: none;


/* Top Navigation Style */

.codrops-links {

position: relative;

display: flex;

justify-content: center;

text-align: center;

white-space: nowrap;

margin: 0 1em 0 0;


.codrops-icon {

display: inline-block;

margin: 0.15em;

padding: 0.25em;


/* Common styles for the words */

.word {

display: flex;

flex-direction: row;

align-items: center;

justify-content: center;

flex-wrap: wrap;

margin: 0;

cursor: default;

-webkit-touch-callout: none;

-webkit-user-select: none;

-moz-user-select: none;

-ms-user-select: none;

user-select: none;

-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);


@media screen and (min-width: 50em) {

.demos {

align-self: end;

justify-self: end;

display: flex;


.demo {

display: block;

border: 2px solid;

width: 12px;

height: 12px;

border-radius: 2px;

margin: 0 10px 0 0;


a.demo--current {

background: currentColor;


.demo span {

position: absolute;

display: none;

right: 100%;

top: -0.35em;

margin: 0 1em 0 0;


.demo--current span {

display: block;



@media screen and (max-width: 50em) {


body {

overflow-x: hidden;

width: 100vw;

height: 100%;


.content {

height: auto;

min-height: 0;


.content--layout {

overflow: visible;


.demo-magneto .content--layout {

padding: 1em 0 0 0;


.content--fixed {

display: block;

z-index: 1000;

position: relative;

padding: 0.85em;


.codrops-header {

align-items: center;

flex-direction: column;


.codrops-header__title {

font-weight: bold;

text-align: center;

padding-bottom: 0.25em;


.codrops-header__tagline {

-webkit-writing-mode: horizontal-tb;

writing-mode: horizontal-tb;

text-align: center;

padding: 0 0 1.5em;

font-size: 0.85em;


.github {

display: block;

margin: 1em auto;


.codrops-links {

margin: 0;


.deco {

display: none;


.word.word--magneto {

font-size: 3em;


.word.word--kidnap {

font-size: 3.5em;


.word.word--redraw {

font-size: 5em;


.word.word--swing {

font-size: 4.5em;



.word--magneto {

font-size: 10vw;

font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif;

font-weight: 900;

text-transform: uppercase;

color: #0e0e19;

line-height: 0.8;

margin: 0 0 1em 0;


.word--magneto > span {

display: block;

padding: 1em 0 0;

cursor: default;

position: relative;


.word--magneto span span {

display: block;

pointer-events: none;


.word--magneto svg {

position: absolute;

left: 50%;

margin-left: -1.5vw;

width: 3vw;

bottom: calc(100% - 1em);


.word--magneto svg circle {

fill: currentColor;

opacity: 0;

transform-origin: 50% 50%;






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


