Oracle 11g ASM supports ASM FTP, by which operations on ASM files and directories can be

performed similarly to conventional operations on normal files using conventional File Transfer

Protocol (FTP). A typical use of such access to an ASM file can be to copy ASM files from one

database to another.

The Oracle database leverages the virtual folder feature of XML DB that provides a way to

access the ASM files and directories through XML DB protocols such as FTP, Hypertext

Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and programmatic APIs. An ASM virtual folder is mounted as

/sys/asm within the XML DB hierarchy. The folder is called “virtual” because nothing is physically

stored in XML DB. All operations are handled by underlying ASM components.

for example,

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ ftp

ftp> open rac1 7777

ftp> use system

ftp> passwd manager

ftp> cd /sys/asm/

ftp> ls

ftp> cd dga

ftp> cd dba

ftp> ls

ftp> bin

ftp> get data01.dbf

ftp> quit

[oracle@rac1 ~]$ ls