
In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, a microelectronics technology, computer technology and communication technology as the leading information revolution is booming. Computer technology as one of the three, how to effectively combine with the practical application and play its role. SCM as a branch of computer technology, is constantly applied to the actual life, while driving the traditional control detection update. In real-time detection and automatic control of the application system, the microcontroller is often used as a core component, for the specific application of the characteristics of the object, together with other devices to be improved.

The design of the MSP430 microcontroller as the core, external peripheral circuit constitutes the basic circuit, so that the hardware circuit can be adapted to the completion of the control function. In the Keil software in the preparation of C language program, and finally with Proteus software simulation, the basic realization of the intelligent traffic control system simulation. The system can control the red, green and yellow lights in turn by time, and there are inverted seconds function. On this basis, through the sensor on the traffic situation for data collection. The collected data sent to the control center, for analysis and comparison. According to the comparison result, the specific traffic flow is converted into the ratio of the two-phase vehicle traffic size. According to the ratio of conversion to the traffic light time control, so that the traffic signal time can be changed according to traffic flow, improve the intersection of traffic efficiency.

Key words: single chip microcomputer; The traffic light; The countdown display; Sensing detection

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目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 1 引言 1 2 智能交通系统介绍 2 2.1 智能交通系统(ITS)概述 2 2.2智能交通管理系统的应用现状及发展趋势 3 3 开发方法、技术、工具 4 3.1 系统的开发方法 4 3.2 开发技术 4 3.2.1动态网页技术简介 4 3.2.2 JSP技术简介 4 3.3开发工具 5 3.3.1网页制作工具Deamweaver MX2004 6 3.3.2 SQL 6 3.3.3 Eclipse 7 4 需求分析 10 4.1 设计目标 10 4.2 智能道路交通信息系统描述 10 4.2.1 功能模块简单描述 10 4.3 系统的数据流程分析 12 4.3.1 数据流程分析概述 12 4.4.2 数据流程图 12 5 数据库系统及设计 17 5.1 数据库的引入 17 5.2 数据库E-R模型 18 5.3 数据库表结构设计 19 5.4 数据库的完整性和安全性 25 5.4.1 数据库的完整性 25 5.4.2 数据库的安全性 25 6 系统主要功能模块的设计与实现 26 6.1 系统设计概述 26 6.1.1 系统设计的原则与内容 26 6.1.2 系统设计的基本方法 26 6.2 系统主要功能模块结构设计 27 6.2.1 系统主要功能模块结构 27 6.2.2 用户管理子系统 27 6.2.3 用户组管理子系统 28 6.2.4 违章信息录入子系统 29 6.2.5 违章信息公告子系统 32 6.2.6 违章处罚子系统 32 6.2.7 信息统计子系统 33 6.3系统重要的程序实现简介 36 6.3.1 数据库的连接实现 36 6.3.2 违章图片存储方式 37 7 系统测试 38 7.1 软件测试的目的和原则 38 7.2 系统测试 39 7.2.1 JSP的中文乱码问题 39 7.2.2 表单和表格打印问题 39 7.2.3 数据库时间字段以及页面中的时间显示问题 39 7.3 软件运行与安装 40 7.3.1 J2EE应用程序的构建与部署 40 7.3.2 具体运行过程 40 8 结论 41 9 致谢 43 参考文献 44




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