计算机sci审稿意见,【小木虫SCI秘籍】感悟之二——一个审稿意见的回复 - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区...


Reply to reviewers

Ms. Ref. No. for a Fast Track Communication: JSST1020

Title: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Editor and reviewers:

Thank you for your time and thoughtful comments on my manuscript for a Fast Track Communication, and the manuscript number is JSST1020. We have studied their comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with their approval. I rewrote a new paper and submitted it as a regular manuscript. To make the comments available to all of the authors, we have repeated the comments from the reviewers below (in a different font). We have responded to the comments by reviewers where appropriate and have indicated the changes made in the manuscript. And our manuscript, referenced above, has been corrected by some native–standard English speakers. The style of this manuscript was corrected according to the guide for authors.

Reviewer #1

The manuscript entitled "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" describes preparation of polyvinyl butyral - Aluminum nitrate composite gel and its characterization by simple analytical and structural techniques. Authors have only prepared the composite gel but no fiber formation application mentioned in the text. Preparation of such composite materials (using different polymer blends such as PVP, PAM) useful for fiber generation (by electrospinning method, melt through the orifice process) have been published. Moreover, once this gel is used for the fiber formation the polymer used as a blend or strengthening agent will not stay any more in the fiber, when fibers are annealed at higher temperatures (>400C).


Although some polymers used as a blend or strengthening agent in the sol are used for the preparation of ceramic fibers, ceramic fibers are obtained if the process parameters are well controlled.

1) In the abstract, 8th line replace it with that (that of PVB...)


"it" was replaced with "that" according to the comment.

2) Expand HEC and PVA in the introduction part (2nd paragraph)


HEC and PVA were replaced with hydroxyl ethyl cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol, respectively. This sentence was revised as follows: "In the sol-gel process, organics, e.g. methyl cellulose [13], hydroxyl ethyl cellulose [14], polyvinyl alcohol [17], lactic acid [17] were added as spinning aids to improve the spinnability and rheological property, respectively."

3) In the introduction part, replace litter with little in the 2nd paragraph (little research..)


"litter" was replaced with "little" according to the comment.

4) For better understanding the synthesis process, provide flowchart for the preparation of the PVB-AN composite gel.


A schematic flowchart for the preparation of the PVB-AN composite gel was added in the Fig.1 in the revise vision.

5) Provide the concentration of PVB in the experimental part


The weight ratio of [EtOH]/[PVB] was provided. The following sentence was added to the experimental part: "The weight ratio [AN]/[PVB] in the mixture solution was 5, which corresponded to a weight ratio [EtOH]/[PVB] of 8."

6) In XRD measurements, it is unusual to use 1000mA (it can not exceed 40mA and 40kV)- Verify and correct


It was corrected, and this sentence was revised as follows: “The XRD patterns were obtained on D/max-3C diffractometer (Rigaku Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.) at 40kV and 40mA using Cu Kα radiation, a step width of 0.02° and a counting time of 0.3s."

7) Subtract the background of the PVB and PVB-AN gel XRD spectra.


The XRD measurement of PVB and PAB-AN gel were repeated, and the backgrounds were subtracted.

8) 3rd page line 57, replace it with that (that of AN.)


"it" was replaced with "that" according to the comment.

9) Page 4, 12th line change to also shown in Fig 2a and Fig 2b, respectively


This sentence was revised as follows in the new vision: "The decomposition curves of PVB-AN composite powder in DTG and DSC measurement are also shown in Fig.3 (a) and Fig.3 (b), respectively. "

10) In references it is mandatory to provide all authors names - provide all authors names in each reference


The references were corrected carefully according to the guide for authors.

11) What is the test performed to examine the spinnability of the obtained sol?


The following sentences were added to the experimental part: "The sol with spinnability was obtained. Spinnability of the sols was estimated from the capability of fiber formation by immersing a glass rod of about 8mm in diameter into the sols, then pulling it up by hand. Spinnability meant transparent and glass-liked fiber of above 10cm in length could be drawn directly from the viscous sol."

12) In Fig 1a, authors have provided AlNO3 XRD pattern, this is not required as this is available in JCPDS data. This material is starting material so one can have the XRD pattern in JCPDS database. Just provide the card number


The XRD patterns of Al(NO3)3•9H2O was removed. The card number was provided. The sentences were revised as follows: "AN used is a fully crystalline starting materials. The JCPDS data of AN used could be obtained from JCPDS database, and its card number is JCPDS 12-0472."

13) In Fig 1b, there is no evidence of AlNO3 in PVB-AN gel -explain.


The peaks of AN disappeared completely, which corresponded to the decomposition of AN when PVB-AN gel was dehydrated at 60oC using an evaporator. The following sentences were added to this part: " However, the reflection peaks of AN were not found in the PVB-AN composite powder. It was chiefly attributed to the decomposition into amorphous Al2O3 of AN when PVB-AN gel was dehydrated at 60oC using an evaporator. The decomposition reaction was written as follows:

4Al(NO3)3 (gel)        2Al2O3 (amorphous) + 12NO2 + 3O2"

14) Provide JCPDS card number of PVB.


Polyvinyl butyral is an industrial product, which is obtained from the fasculation reaction between polyvinyl alcohol and butyral aldehyde. Its structure formula is as follows:

As a polymer with undefined composition, we have searched its data from the JCPDS database, but we could not find its JCPDS data and card number.

15) Authors claim the observation of small peak around 9 (2 theta degrees) is attributed to the formation of PVB-AN gel. This should be supported by other techniques such as Scanning electron microscopy or X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy techniques- verify


The XRD measurement of PVB-AN gel powder was repeated, and the peak at around 6o was observed clearly after the spectra background was subtracted.

16) DTA and TGA spectra of the PVB-AN (Fig 2a and 2b)


The TG plot was replaced with a DTG plot.

17) Provide a Table with bending and stretching vibrations of each AN, PVB and PVB-AN.


Table 1 was added to show the frequencies observed in the FTIR to clarify the conclusions. The paragraphs which explained FTIR spectra were revised as follows: "The PVB, AN and PVB-AN composite were also studied through FTIR analysis in the wavenumber region of 4000 cm-1 ~ 400 cm-1. Fig.4 shows FTIR spectra of AN, PVB and PVB-AN composite. The observed frequencies are listed in Table 1.

As shown in Fig.4 (a), the absorption peak at 3450 cm-1 was assigned to the OH stretching modes of PVB. The bands at 2990 cm-1 and 2850 cm-1 were corresponded to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibration of CH2 and CH3 groups, respectively. The absorption peaks at 1055 cm-1 and 1000 cm-1 were attributed to the C-OH stretching vibration in PVB. The absorption bands observed at 1633 cm-1, 1396 cm-1 and 1250 cm-1 were corresponded to C=O groups. The observed bands at 2360 cm-1, 1138 cm-1, 910 cm-1, 812 cm-1, 669 cm-1 and 448 cm-1 were due to the C-O-C groups in cyclic ether.

Fig.4 (b) shows the FTIR spectra of AN in the wavenumber region of 4000 cm-1 ~ 400 cm-1. The OH stretching vibration mode at 3500 cm-1 was assigned to the crystalline water in Al(NO3)3•9H2O. The bands at 1652 cm-1 and 1558 cm-1 were due to the NO2 asymmetrical stretching vibration. The symmetrical stretching vibration at 1350 cm-1 was given from the NO2 groups in AN. Moreover, the three peaks at 2360 cm-1, 1054 cm-1 and 943 cm-1 due to the N-O stretching vibration were shown. Al-O stretching vibration was observed at 584 cm-1 and 432 cm-1.

The structural evolution took place within the sol during condensation at 60oC. The spectra of PVB-AN composite powder after dehydration at 60oC using an evaporator was shown in Fig.4(c). The broad peak at 3414 cm-1 was corresponded to the OH group stretching vibration in absorbed water. The CH3 and CH2 bands around 2990 cm-1 and 2850 cm-1 in Fig.4 (a) developed into a shoulder observed at 2922 cm-1. The peaks at 1384 cm-1 and 1651 cm-1 showed the presence of C=O groups. The peaks at 820 cm-1 and 895 cm-1 due to the C-O-C groups in cyclic ether were observed. What is mentioned is that the absorption peak at 2493 cm-1 due to OH vibration in COOH group was found in Fig.4 (c), which implied that some reaction took place"





[Last edited by brian125 on 2009-12-2 at 11:14]





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