android 开机解锁,android-lockpattern

这个博客介绍了Android Lock Pattern库的多个版本更新内容,包括API支持、功能增强、错误修复、性能优化以及主题和加密方面的改进。从版本3.0开始引入了加密支持,并在后续版本中不断优化用户体验和安全性。

Version 3.2.1 beta (#46)

Initialize: January 23rd, 2015

Version 3.2 (#45)

Release: January 19th, 2015

Update based code from AOSP Lollipop.

Drop support for APIs < 7.

Add static helper methods for creating new Intent's and calling

startActivityForResult(Intent, int) from an Activity, framework

Fragment or support library Fragment.


EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT_FORGOT_PATTERN. Note that its value type is also

changed from Intent to PendingIntent.

Fix small issues.

Version 3.1.1 beta (#44)

Initialize: April 04, 2014

Version 3.1 (#43)

Release: March 10, 2014

Change package name to

Change prefixes:

From alp_ to alp_42447968_.

From Alp. to Alp.42447968..

Optimize code and make some other minor changes.

Version 3.0.8 beta

Initialize: February 26, 2014

Version 3.0.7

Release: February 21, 2014

Fix NullPointerException while loading settings from manifest.

Version 3.0.6

Release: February 19, 2014

Add support to directly configure settings via AndroidManifest.xml (tag


Version 3.0.6 beta

Initialize: February 18, 2014

Version 3.0.5

Release: Feburary 12, 2014

Add SimpleWeakEncryption.

Update LockPatternView to branch kitkat-release (commit:


Update Javadocs, some minor changes...

Version 3.0.5 beta

Initialize: January 12, 2014

Version 3.0.4

Release: January 12, 2014

Refactor package prefs to a single class util.Settings.

Add LoadingDialog for the case that implementation of IEncrypter takes

lots of time to finish.

Version 3.0.4 beta

Initialize: January 11, 2014

Version 3.0.3

Release: December 18, 2013

Optimize code.

Version 3.0.2

Release: December 18, 2013

Add theme light with dark action bar (for API 14+).

Version 3.0.1

Release: October 10, 2013

Use default icon set (from AOSP).

Version 3.0

Release: September 15, 2013

Upgrade IEncrypter.

Version 2.9

Release: August 11, 2013

Fix dialog themes in API 11.

Optimize code.

Version 2.9 beta

Initialize: July 05, 2013

Version 2.8

Release: July 02, 2013

Add new extra EXTRA_INTENT_ACTIVITY_FORGOT_PATTERN to help the user

recover the pattern if he/ she forgot it.

Change char[] IEncrypter.encrypt(Context, char[]) to

char[] IEncrypter.encrypt(Context, List).



Optimize code.

Some minor changes...

Version 2.8 beta

Initialize: June 20, 2013

Version 2.7

Release: June 20, 2013


Version 2.7 beta

Initialize: May 28, 2013

Version 2.6

Release: May 18, 2013

Use UPPER_CASE for static final fields and enums;

Move most of dynamic settings to SharedPreferences;

Change IEncrypter;

Version 2.6 beta

Initialize: May 15, 2013

Version 2.5.1

Release: April 15, 2013

Fix delivering result to ResultReceiver.

Version 2.5

Release: April 15, 2013

Upgrade UI;

Add options:

for setting minimum wired dots in mode creating pattern;

for setting maximum tries and determining the number of tries that the

user did in mode comparing patterns;

thanks to David Myers for his feedbacks;

Use fixed size for LockPatternActivity in large screens with dialog


Add options for sending result to a PendingIntent and/ or


Fix minor bugs; optimize code;

Version 2.5 beta

Initialize: March 18, 2013

Version 2.4

Release: March 16, 2013

Merge latest code from AOSP;

Use action names instead of extra fields for different types of handlers:



Add built-in themes: default dark and dark dialog;

Add stealth-mode;

New icon set;

Version 2.3

Update info: August 28, 2012


serious bug

was invalid.

Version 2.3

Release: August 28, 2012

Fixed serious bug: key _PaternSha1 is deprecated but is used to return

the pattern;

Removed all fields/ methods which were deprecated in old versions;

Version 2.2

Release: August 17, 2012

added: Spanish language; special thanks to C. - a kind friend who helped

us translate the library into his mother language;

Version 2.1

Release: July 29, 2012

turn off AutoSave by default;

add new method IEncrypter.encrypt(Context, String);

set method IEncrypter.encrypt(String) as deprecated;

Version 2.1 beta

Initialization: July 21, 2012

Version 2

Release: July 15, 2012

add support for encryption;

Version 2 beta

Initialization: July 12, 2012

Version 1.5.5

Release: June 22, 2012

set max width and height for LockPatternView to 400dp for tablet;

Version 1.5.4

Release: June 09, 2012

Fix bug: in mode CreatePattern, LockPatternActivity recognized wrong

the confirmed pattern;

Version 1.5.4 beta

Initialization: June 07, 2012

Version 1.5.3

Release: June 07, 2012

ability to change theme in runtime;

save and restore controls' state after screen orientation changed;

Version 1.5.3 beta

Initialization: May 21, 2012

make LockPatternView's gravity center;

Version 1.5.2

Release: May 21, 2012

in landscape mode, move button Cancel to bottom;

Version 1.5.1

Release: May 21, 2012

set LockPatternView's gravity center;

Version 1.5

Release: May 21, 2012

due to

this bug, so

we prefix all resource names with alp_;

add layout for landscape mode;

update coding style:

prefix global fields with m;

prefix static final fields with _;

Version 1.4

Release: April 29, 2012

change UI;

determine and use user's haptic feedback;

Version 1.2

Release: March 09, 2012

make sure LockPatternUtils.patternToSha1() returns lower case string;

Version 1.1

Release: March 08, 2012

fix security issue about using SharedPreferences;

Version 1.0

Release: March 08, 2012

first release;

create pattern;

compare to existing pattern;





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