php belongsto,BelongsTon.php

这篇博客详细介绍了 Laravel 框架 Eloquent ORM 中的 BelongsTo 关系类的内部工作原理。从类的构造函数、获取结果的方法到添加约束和匹配查询的实现,展示了如何处理一对一从属关系。通过源码分析,揭示了如何建立、初始化、更新和断开关联模型之间的关系,以及在批量加载时设置约束。

namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

use Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;

// this is a new world about this belongs Top

class BelongsTo extends Relation

{//BelongsTo extends Relation


* The foreign key of the parent model.


* @var string


protected $foreignKey;//The foreign key of the parent model.


* The associated key on the parent model.


* @var string


protected $otherKey;//The associated key on the parent model


* The name of the relationship.


* @var string


protected $relation;//The name of the relationship


* Create a new belongs to relationship instance.


* @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $query

* @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model  $parent

* @param  string  $foreignKey

* @param  string  $otherKey

* @param  string  $relation

* @return void


public function __construct(Builder $query, Model $parent, $foreignKey, $otherKey, $relation)

{//Create a new belongs to relationship instance.

$this->otherKey = $otherKey;// set other key

$this->relation = $relation;// set relation

$this->foreignKey = $foreignKey;// set foreign key

parent::__construct($query, $parent);// use parent construct



* Get the results of the relationship.


* @return mixed


public function getResults()


return $this->query->first();// get the first results

}// Get the results of the relationship


* Set the base constraints on the relation query.


* @return void


public function addConstraints()

{//Set the base constraints on the relation query.

if (static::$constraints) {

// if has this constraints

// For belongs to relationships, which are essentially the inverse of has one

// or has many relationships, we need to actually query on the primary key

// of the related models matching on the foreign key that's on a parent.

$table = $this->related->getTable();

// essentially the inverse of has one or has many relationships

// get table

$this->query->where($table.'.'.$this->otherKey, '=', $this->parent->{$this->foreignKey});


}// add Constraints ,just like to add where condition

// set the foreign key equal the associated key.


* Add the constraints for a relationship query.


* @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $query

* @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $parent

* @param  array|mixed  $columns

* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder


public function getRelationQuery(Builder $query, Builder $parent, $columns = ['*'])

{//Add the constraints for a relationship query.

if ($parent->getQuery()->from == $query->getQuery()->from) {

return $this->getRelationQueryForSelfRelation($query, $parent, $columns);

}// if parent equal with this query from,

// use this self function to get the relationQuery

$query->select($columns);//query set the select columns

$otherKey = $this->wrap($query->getModel()->getTable().'.'.$this->otherKey);

// get the otherKey

return $query->where($this->getQualifiedForeignKey(), '=', new Expression($otherKey));

}// just like add constraints , add foreign key equal associated key in this where condition


* Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.


* @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $query

* @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $parent

* @param  array|mixed  $columns

* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder


public function getRelationQueryForSelfRelation(Builder $query, Builder $parent, $columns = ['*'])

{// Add the constraints for a relationship query on the same table.

$query->select($columns);// set the select columns

$query->from($query->getModel()->getTable().' as '.$hash = $this->getRelationCountHash());

// get from


// set Table

$key = $this->wrap($this->getQualifiedForeignKey());

// wrap this foreign key

return $query->where($hash.'.'.$query->getModel()->getKeyName(), '=', new Expression($key));

}// where get key


* Get a relationship join table hash.


* @return string


public function getRelationCountHash()

{// get a relationship join table hash.

return 'self_'.md5(microtime(true));



* Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.


* @param  array  $models

* @return void


public function addEagerConstraints(array $models)

{//Set the constraints for an eager load of the relation.

// We'll grab the primary key name of the related models since it could be set to

// a non-standard name and not "id". We will then construct the constraint for

// our eagerly loading query so it returns the proper models from execution.

$key = $this->related->getTable().'.'.$this->otherKey;

// get Table key for out eagerly loading query so it returns the proper models from execution.

$this->query->whereIn($key, $this->getEagerModelKeys($models));

}// whereIn


* Gather the keys from an array of related models.


* @param  array  $models

* @return array


protected function getEagerModelKeys(array $models)

{//Gather the keys from an array of related models.

$keys = [];//$Keys

// First we need to gather all of the keys from the parent models so we know what

// to query for via the eager loading query. We will add them to an array then

// execute a "where in" statement to gather up all of those related records.

foreach ($models as $model) {

if (! is_null($value = $model->{$this->foreignKey})) {

$keys[] = $value;// filter the key

}// is_null

}// loop the models

// If there are no keys that were not null we will just return an array with 0 in

// it so the query doesn't fail, but will not return any results, which should

// be what this developer is expecting in a case where this happens to them.

if (count($keys) == 0) {

return [0];

}// no key return zero

return array_values(array_unique($keys));

}// just return array values


* Initialize the relation on a set of models.


* @param  array   $models

* @param  string  $relation

* @return array


public function initRelation(array $models, $relation)


foreach ($models as $model) {

$model->setRelation($relation, null);

}// models as model

return $models;//just return the models

}//Initialize the relations on a set of models.


* Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents.


* @param  array   $models

* @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection  $results

* @param  string  $relation

* @return array


public function match(array $models, Collection $results, $relation)

{// Match the eagerly loaded results to their parents

$foreign = $this->foreignKey;

// set foreignKey

$other = $this->otherKey;// set other

// First we will get to build a dictionary of the child models by their primary

// key of the relationship, then we can easily match the children back onto

// the parents using that dictionary and the primary key of the children.

$dictionary = [];// set a store

// i  like this word to set a dictionary about the children.

foreach ($results as $result) {

$dictionary[$result->getAttribute($other)] = $result;

}// loop this re

// Once we have the dictionary constructed, we can loop through all the parents

// and match back onto their children using these keys of the dictionary and

// the primary key of the children to map them onto the correct instances.

foreach ($models as $model) {

if (isset($dictionary[$model->$foreign])) {

$model->setRelation($relation, $dictionary[$model->$foreign]);


}//Once we have the dictionary constructed, we can loop through all the parents

// and match back onto their children using these keys of the dictionary and

// the primary key of the children to map them onto the correct instances.

return $models;



* Associate the model instance to the given parent.


* @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|int  $model

* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model


public function associate($model)

{//Associate the model instance to the given parent

$otherKey = ($model instanceof Model ? $model->getAttribute($this->otherKey) : $model);

// set other Key

$this->parent->setAttribute($this->foreignKey, $otherKey);

//set Attribute

if ($model instanceof Model) {

$this->parent->setRelation($this->relation, $model);


// set the model

return $this->parent;

}// return this parent


* Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.


* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model


public function dissociate()


$this->parent->setAttribute($this->foreignKey, null);

// set Attribute

return $this->parent->setRelation($this->relation, null);

}// Dissociate previously associated model from the given parent.


* Update the parent model on the relationship.


* @param  array  $attributes

* @return mixed


public function update(array $attributes)

{// Update the parent model on the relationship.

$instance = $this->getResults();

return $instance->fill($attributes)->save();

}// get instance and fill something and save it


* Get the foreign key of the relationship.


* @return string


public function getForeignKey()


return $this->foreignKey;

}//Get the foreign key of the relationship

// big return


* Get the fully qualified foreign key of the relationship.


* @return string


public function getQualifiedForeignKey()


return $this->parent->getTable().'.'.$this->foreignKey;

}// big get


* Get the associated key of the relationship.


* @return string


public function getOtherKey()


return $this->otherKey;

}// just get


* Get the fully qualified associated key of the relationship.


* @return string


public function getQualifiedOtherKeyName()


return $this->related->getTable().'.'.$this->otherKey;

}// same






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