php xml rpc,PHP xml-rpc 应用说明-基于php扩展


1、Using XML-RPC with PHP

What is XML-RPC?XML-RPC was developed by UserLand Software ([url][/url])

in April of 1998 as a technology to enable applications to talk to each

other, no matter what language they are written in or where they are

running. Since then, many implementations have been made beyond the

original one for UserLand's Frontier product, and many major companies

have adopted the technology for their products, including Microsoft's

.NET and Apple's Mac OS X.

XML-RPC is a great enabler for

distributed systems and system interoperability, as it allows any

XML-RPC enabled applications to call the methods of other XML-RPC

enabled applications, regardless of what language either application is

written in, or on what machine either application is running on. This

allows a perl function to make a call to a Python method, or a Java

Servlet to call a PHP function, for example.

The upshot of

XML-RPC is that a world of completely heterogeneous applications can

talk to each other with very little work from their programmers.

What is covered in this article


article will cover installing PHP with XML-RPC support, examples of

XML-RPC requests and responses, the basic functions used for XML-RPC

requests, creating an XML-RPC server, creating an XML-RPC client, and

suggests some resources for more information on XML-RPC.

2、Using XML-RPC with PHP - Compiling PHP with XML-RPC Support


of PHP 4.1.0, the XML-RPC extension is included in the source package

with the status of experimental. This extension is simply a copy of the

XML-RPC EPI extension that can be found at [url][/url]


extension is by far the best way of implementing XML-RPC in PHP. Being

an extension to PHP and not a class or set of methods as the other

solutions are, it is written in C and is therefore much faster than any

of the other solutions.

The XML-RPC extension is not compiled

with PHP by default. In order to enable it, you will need to download

the PHP 4.1.0 or greater source from [url][/url] and run the configure script including the switch:--with-xmlrpc

and compile and install as usual.

Doing this will make available several new XML-RPC functions for use in your PHP scripts.


the built in XML-RPC functions are certainly not a joy to use, unless

all you want to do is encode PHP variables into XML-RPC requests. The

built-in functions will not make the actual requests themselves. I'll

show you how to deal with this later in the article.

3、Using XML-RPC with PHP - Dissection of a XML-RPC Call

(Page 3 of 7 )


XML-RPC call is sent from a client to a server via HTTP POST. This

allows XML-RPC applications to work fairly easily behind firewalls, as

port 80 is almost always open.

Here's a sample XML-RPC call:POST xmlrpcexample.php HTTP/1.0

User-Agent: xmlrpc-epi-php/0.2 (PHP)

Host: localhost:80

Content-Type: text/xml

Content-length: 191



The first part of the request is simply a standard HTML post

request. It's the data sent in the body of the request that interests


The tags simply encapsulate the call, with all the parameters enclosed in and each parameter enclosed in .


are specified enclosed in tags that tell the application what type of

parameter they are. In this case, "Lucas" is a string, so it is

enclosed in , but there are a lot more parameter types: or

four-byte signed integer


0 (false) or 1 (true)


ASCII string

Hello, DevShed!

double-precision signed

floating point number




base64-encoded binary


In addition to the basic types, there are also s and s, s containing any number of s that consist of s and s (specified in the same manner as s):


Lucas Marshall



and arrays merely containing any number of s:




4、Using XML-RPC with PHP - Dissection of a XML-RPC Response

And here's the response to the call:HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Connection: close

Content-Length: 191

Content-Type: text/xml

Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 14:23:52 GMT

Server: xmlrpc-epi-php/0.2 (PHP)

Hello Lucas. How are you today?

With your newly found knowledge of XML-RPC calls, it is easy to decipher standard responses. Normal responses consist of container with elements (and all they are heir to) sent inside tags, but there is another type of response - a fault:HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Connection: close

Content-Length: 356

Content-Type: text/xml

Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 13:52:25 GMT

Server: Apache/1.3.20




Too many parameters.

As you can see, a fault response consists of a containing a which contains a which is a containing two elements, one named , an and one named , a .

Please note that a response cannot contain both a container and a container.

5、Using XML-RPC with PHP - Creating an XML-RPC Server


the XML-RPC world, you need a client and a server. The client is simply

the application making the request, and the server is simply the

service that processes the request and returns a response. In this

section, we're looking at how to create an XML-RPC server service.

PHP's XML-RPC extension has several methods that deal with servers, the most important being xmlrpc_server_create(), xmlrpc_server_register_method() and xmlrpc_server_call_method().

xmlrpc_create_server() simply tells PHP that you would like to create a server.

xmlrpc_server_register_method() registers PHP methods with the XML-RPC server so they may be called by a client.

xmlrpc_server_call_method() is used for passing a request to the XML-RPC server and receiving a response.

Nothing teaches like an example, so here you go (the comments in the example provide more details about the functions).<?php


* First, we define some PHP functions to expose via

* XML-RPC. Any functions that will be called by a

* XML-RPC client need to take three parameters:

* The first parameter passed is the name of the

* XML-RPC method called, the second is an array

* Containing the parameters sent by the client, and

* The third is any data sent in the app_data

* parameter of the xmlrpc_server_call_method()

* function (see below).


function uptime_func($method_name, $params, $app_data)


return `uptime`;


function greeting_func($method_name, $params, $app_data)


$name = $params[0];

return "Hello, $name. How are you today?";



* This creates a server and sets a handle for the

* server in the variable $xmlrpc_server


$xmlrpc_server = xmlrpc_server_create();


* xmlrpc_server_register_method() registers a PHP

* function as an XML-RPC method. It takes three

* parameters:

* The first is the handle of a server created with

* xmlrpc_server_create(), the second is the name to

* register the server under (this is what needs to

* be in the of a request for this

* method), and the third is the name of the PHP

* function to register.


xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_server, "greeting", "greeting_func");

xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_server, "uptime", "uptime_func");


* When an XML-RPC request is sent to this script, it

* can be found in the raw post data.


$request_xml = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;


* The xmlrpc_server_call_method() sends a request to

* the server and returns the response XML. In this case,

* it sends the raw post data we got before. It requires

* 3 arguments:

* The first is the handle of a server created with

* xmlrpc_server_create(), the second is a string containing

* an XML-RPC request, and the third is for application data.

* Whatever is passed into the third parameter of this function

* is passed as the third paramater of the PHP function that the

* request is asking for.


$response = xmlrpc_server_call_method($xmlrpc_server, $request_xml, '');

// Now we print the response for the client to read.

print $response;


* This method frees the resources for the server specified

* It takes one argument, a handle of a server created with

* xmlrpc_server_create().




6、Using XML-RPC with PHP - Creating an XML-RPC Client

Now that we have a server, we need a client to call our methods. As

mentioned before, the XML-RPC EPI extension for PHP does not make HTTP

requests by itself. For that reason, before it was included in the PHP

distribution, the XML-RPC EPI PHP extension came with some include

files that had functions that make it a lot easier to work with XML-RPC


The only way to get these functions is to download the XML-RPC EPI PHP extension source package from [url][/url], and install the files in the /sample/utils directory into a directory in your PHP include_path. For the purpose of the next pieces of example code, I will assume that you have copied the entire utils directory into a directory in your include_path, and renamed it xmlrpcutils.

Making a client is fairly simple. The function that does all the work when we call our methods is xu_rpc_http_concise(), which is defined in the utils.php file of the xmlrpcutils directory now in our PHP include_path.

First we'll make a client that calls the first method we defined in the server section of the article, the uptime

method. This method does not require any parameters, so we won't pass

any in. My comments about what we are doing and why will appear as

comments in the code.<?php


* This allows us to use the functions that make

* making XML-RPC requests easy.




* For the next two lines use this guide.

* If your server script can be found at the URL:

* [url][/url]

* $host should be ""

* and

* $uri should be "/xmlrpc_server.php"


// Change these to match your configuration

$host = "";

$uri = "/xmlrpc_server.php";


* Here's where we make the request. xu_rpc_http_concise()

* takes one parameter - a keyed array that specifies all

* the info needed for the request.

* The most important (and required) elements are:

* 'method' - specifies the method to call

* 'host' - specifies the host the server script is on

* 'uri' - specifies the uri of the server script on the server

* 'port' - specifies the port the server is listening on


* Here we are calling the uptime method of the

* server script who's uri is specified in $uri of the

* server that is at the hostname specified in $host and

* listening on port 80 and storing it's response (converted

* to a PHP data type) in $result.


$result = xu_rpc_http_concise(


'method' => "uptime",

'host' => $host,

'uri' => $uri,

'port' => 80



print "The uptime on " . $host . " is " . $result;


When this is run it should print something like:

The uptime on is 9:43pm up 5:12, 2 users, load average: 0.25, 0.24, 0.22

Where the uptime numbers are the same as those you get if you run the 'uptime' command on the server running the server script.

Our second example will call the greeting method. This is one that requires a parameter - a name.<?php


$host = "";

$uri = "/xmlrpc_server.php";

// Change this to your name

$name = "yourname";


* The difference between this call and the last is we pass

* in an array as the 'args' element of the array passed as

* the argument of the xu_rpc_http_concise() function.


$result = xu_rpc_http_concise(


'method' => "greeting",

'args' => array($name),

'host' => $host,

'uri' => $uri,

'port' => 80



print $result;


When run, this should print:Hello, yourname. How are you today?

These are some very simple examples - xu_rpc_http_concise()

can take some other arguments as well, and there are more functions

available. I recommend that you read through the files in the xmlrpcutils directory to learn these for yourself.

7、Using XML-RPC with PHP - Conclusion


that's it for now. It should be noted that you could make XML-RPC calls

to the server we created with other XML-RPC implementations - you

aren't limited to using PHP. Also it should be noted that you could

make XML-RPC calls to other, non-PHP servers with PHP. That is the

beauty of XML-RPC - it isn't restricted to one language or environment.

Remember this when thinking of ways to implement it. Until next time -

It's been fun!

Other PHP XML-RPC Solutions

Useful, Inc. - [url][/url]

eZ xmlrpc - [url][/url]

fase4 - [url][/url]

Recommended Reading - [url][/url]

PHP Manual - [url][/url]

xmlrpc-epi-php API reference - [url][/url]

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introduce to the reader key ideas, concepts, and/or product reviews. As

such it is incumbent upon the reader to employ real-world tactics for

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