h5 php录音功能下载,html5录音功能实战示例


由于项目需要,我们要在web端实现录音功能。一开始,找到的方案有两个,一个是通过iframe,一个是html5的getUserMedia api。由于我们的录音功能不需要兼容IE浏览器,所以毫不犹豫的选择了html5提供的getUserMedia去实现。基本思路是参考了官方的api文档以及网上查找的一些方案做结合做出了适合项目需要的方案。但由于我们必须保证这个录音功能能够同时在pad端、pc端都可以打开,所以其中也踩了一些坑。以下为过程还原。




// 老的浏览器可能根本没有实现 mediaDevices,所以我们可以先设置一个空的对象

if (navigator.mediaDevices === undefined) {

navigator.mediaDevices = {};


// 一些浏览器部分支持 mediaDevices。我们不能直接给对象设置 getUserMedia

// 因为这样可能会覆盖已有的属性。这里我们只会在没有getUserMedia属性的时候添加它。

if (navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia === undefined) {

let getUserMedia =

navigator.getUserMedia ||

navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||

navigator.mozGetUserMedia ||


navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia = function(constraints) {

// 首先,如果有getUserMedia的话,就获得它

// 一些浏览器根本没实现它 - 那么就返回一个error到promise的reject来保持一个统一的接口

if (!getUserMedia) {

return Promise.reject(new Error('getUserMedia is not implemented in this browser'));


// 否则,为老的navigator.getUserMedia方法包裹一个Promise

return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

getUserMedia.call(navigator, constraints, resolve, reject);




这是网上存在的一个方法,封装了一个HZRecorder。基本上引用了这个方法。调用HZRecorder.get就可以调起录音接口,这个方法传入一个callback函数,new HZRecorder后执行callback函数且传入一个实体化后的HZRecorder对象。可以通过该对象的方法实现开始录音、暂停、停止、播放等功能。

var HZRecorder = function (stream, config) {

config = config || {};

config.sampleBits = config.sampleBits || 8; //采样数位 8, 16

config.sampleRate = config.sampleRate || (44100 / 6); //采样率(1/6 44100)


audioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;

var context = new audioContext();


var audioInput = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);


var volume = context.createGain();



var bufferSize = 4096;

// 创建声音的缓存节点,createScriptProcessor方法的

// 第二个和第三个参数指的是输入和输出都是双声道。

var recorder = context.createScriptProcessor(bufferSize, 2, 2);

var audioData = {

size: 0 //录音文件长度

, buffer: [] //录音缓存

, inputSampleRate: context.sampleRate //输入采样率

, inputSampleBits: 16 //输入采样数位 8, 16

, outputSampleRate: config.sampleRate //输出采样率

, oututSampleBits: config.sampleBits //输出采样数位 8, 16

, input: function (data) {

this.buffer.push(new Float32Array(data));

this.size += data.length;


, compress: function () { //合并压缩


var data = new Float32Array(this.size);

var offset = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < this.buffer.length; i++) {

data.set(this.buffer[i], offset);

offset += this.buffer[i].length;



var compression = parseInt(this.inputSampleRate / this.outputSampleRate);

var length = data.length / compression;

var result = new Float32Array(length);

var index = 0, j = 0;

while (index < length) {

result[index] = data[j];

j += compression;



return result;


, encodeWAV: function () {

var sampleRate = Math.min(this.inputSampleRate, this.outputSampleRate);

var sampleBits = Math.min(this.inputSampleBits, this.oututSampleBits);

var bytes = this.compress();

var dataLength = bytes.length * (sampleBits / 8);

var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(44 + dataLength);

var data = new DataView(buffer);

var channelCount = 1;//单声道

var offset = 0;

var writeString = function (str) {

for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {

data.setUint8(offset + i, str.charCodeAt(i));



// 资源交换文件标识符

writeString('RIFF'); offset += 4;

// 下个地址开始到文件尾总字节数,即文件大小-8

data.setUint32(offset, 36 + dataLength, true); offset += 4;

// WAV文件标志

writeString('WAVE'); offset += 4;

// 波形格式标志

writeString('fmt '); offset += 4;

// 过滤字节,一般为 0x10 = 16

data.setUint32(offset, 16, true); offset += 4;

// 格式类别 (PCM形式采样数据)

data.setUint16(offset, 1, true); offset += 2;

// 通道数

data.setUint16(offset, channelCount, true); offset += 2;

// 采样率,每秒样本数,表示每个通道的播放速度

data.setUint32(offset, sampleRate, true); offset += 4;

// 波形数据传输率 (每秒平均字节数) 单声道×每秒数据位数×每样本数据位/8

data.setUint32(offset, channelCount * sampleRate * (sampleBits / 8), true); offset += 4;

// 快数据调整数 采样一次占用字节数 单声道×每样本的数据位数/8

data.setUint16(offset, channelCount * (sampleBits / 8), true); offset += 2;

// 每样本数据位数

data.setUint16(offset, sampleBits, true); offset += 2;

// 数据标识符

writeString('data'); offset += 4;

// 采样数据总数,即数据总大小-44

data.setUint32(offset, dataLength, true); offset += 4;

// 写入采样数据

if (sampleBits === 8) {

for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, offset++) {

var s = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, bytes[i]));

var val = s < 0 ? s * 0x8000 : s * 0x7FFF;

val = parseInt(255 / (65535 / (val + 32768)));

data.setInt8(offset, val, true);


} else {

for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, offset += 2) {

var s = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, bytes[i]));

data.setInt16(offset, s < 0 ? s * 0x8000 : s * 0x7FFF, true);



return new Blob([data], { type: 'audio/wav' });




this.start = function () {





this.stop = function () {



// 结束

this.end = function() {



// 继续

this.again = function() {




this.getBlob = function () {


return audioData.encodeWAV();



this.play = function (audio) {

audio.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.getBlob());



this.upload = function (url, callback) {

var fd = new FormData();

fd.append('audioData', this.getBlob());

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

if (callback) {

xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (e) {

callback('uploading', e);

}, false);

xhr.addEventListener('load', function (e) {

callback('ok', e);

}, false);

xhr.addEventListener('error', function (e) {

callback('error', e);

}, false);

xhr.addEventListener('abort', function (e) {

callback('cancel', e);

}, false);


xhr.open('POST', url);




recorder.onaudioprocess = function (e) {






HZRecorder.throwError = function (message) {

throw new function () { this.toString = function () { return message; };};



HZRecorder.canRecording = (navigator.getUserMedia != null);


HZRecorder.get = function (callback, config) {

if (callback) {


.getUserMedia({ audio: true })

.then(function(stream) {

let rec = new HZRecorder(stream, config);



.catch(function(error) {





window.HZRecorder = HZRecorder;






以下为我实现 录音格式为mp3 和 window.URL.createObjectURL传入blob数据在pad端报错 的方案。


const lame = new lamejs();

let audioData = {

samplesMono: null,

maxSamples: 1152,

mp3Encoder: new lame.Mp3Encoder(1, context.sampleRate || 44100, config.bitRate || 128),

dataBuffer: [],

size: 0, // 录音文件长度

buffer: [], // 录音缓存

inputSampleRate: context.sampleRate, // 输入采样率

inputSampleBits: 16, // 输入采样数位 8, 16

outputSampleRate: config.sampleRate, // 输出采样率

oututSampleBits: config.sampleBits, // 输出采样数位 8, 16

convertBuffer: function(arrayBuffer) {

let data = new Float32Array(arrayBuffer);

let out = new Int16Array(arrayBuffer.length);

this.floatTo16BitPCM(data, out);

return out;


floatTo16BitPCM: function(input, output) {

for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {

let s = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, input[i]));

output[i] = s < 0 ? s * 0x8000 : s * 0x7fff;



appendToBuffer: function(mp3Buf) {

this.dataBuffer.push(new Int8Array(mp3Buf));


encode: function(arrayBuffer) {

this.samplesMono = this.convertBuffer(arrayBuffer);

let remaining = this.samplesMono.length;

for (let i = 0; remaining >= 0; i += this.maxSamples) {

let left = this.samplesMono.subarray(i, i + this.maxSamples);

let mp3buf = this.mp3Encoder.encodeBuffer(left);


remaining -= this.maxSamples;



finish: function() {


return new Blob(this.dataBuffer, { type: 'audio/mp3' });


input: function(data) {

this.buffer.push(new Float32Array(data));

this.size += data.length;


compress: function() {

// 合并压缩

// 合并

let data = new Float32Array(this.size);

let offset = 0;

for (let i = 0; i < this.buffer.length; i++) {

data.set(this.buffer[i], offset);

offset += this.buffer[i].length;


// 压缩

let compression = parseInt(this.inputSampleRate / this.outputSampleRate, 10);

let length = data.length / compression;

let result = new Float32Array(length);

let index = 0;

let j = 0;

while (index < length) {

result[index] = data[j];

j += compression;



return result;


encodeWAV: function() {

let sampleRate = Math.min(this.inputSampleRate, this.outputSampleRate);

let sampleBits = Math.min(this.inputSampleBits, this.oututSampleBits);

let bytes = this.compress();

let dataLength = bytes.length * (sampleBits / 8);

let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(44 + dataLength);

let data = new DataView(buffer);

let channelCount = 1; // 单声道

let offset = 0;

let writeString = function(str) {

for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {

data.setUint8(offset + i, str.charCodeAt(i));



// 资源交换文件标识符


offset += 4;

// 下个地址开始到文件尾总字节数,即文件大小-8

data.setUint32(offset, 36 + dataLength, true);

offset += 4;

// WAV文件标志


offset += 4;

// 波形格式标志

writeString('fmt ');

offset += 4;

// 过滤字节,一般为 0x10 = 16

data.setUint32(offset, 16, true);

offset += 4;

// 格式类别 (PCM形式采样数据)

data.setUint16(offset, 1, true);

offset += 2;

// 通道数

data.setUint16(offset, channelCount, true);

offset += 2;

// 采样率,每秒样本数,表示每个通道的播放速度

data.setUint32(offset, sampleRate, true);

offset += 4;

// 波形数据传输率 (每秒平均字节数) 单声道×每秒数据位数×每样本数据位/8

data.setUint32(offset, channelCount * sampleRate * (sampleBits / 8), true);

offset += 4;

// 快数据调整数 采样一次占用字节数 单声道×每样本的数据位数/8

data.setUint16(offset, channelCount * (sampleBits / 8), true);

offset += 2;

// 每样本数据位数

data.setUint16(offset, sampleBits, true);

offset += 2;

// 数据标识符


offset += 4;

// 采样数据总数,即数据总大小-44

data.setUint32(offset, dataLength, true);

offset += 4;

// 写入采样数据

if (sampleBits === 8) {

for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, offset++) {

const s = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, bytes[i]));

let val = s < 0 ? s * 0x8000 : s * 0x7fff;

val = parseInt(255 / (65535 / (val + 32768)), 10);

data.setInt8(offset, val, true);


} else {

for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, offset += 2) {

const s = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, bytes[i]));

data.setInt16(offset, s < 0 ? s * 0x8000 : s * 0x7fff, true);



return new Blob([data], { type: 'audio/wav' });




// 音频采集

recorder.onaudioprocess = function(e) {




this.getBlob = function() {


return audioData.finish();



this.play = function(func) {

readBlobAsDataURL(this.getBlob(), func);


function readBlobAsDataURL(data, callback) {

let fileReader = new FileReader();

fileReader.onload = function(e) {










// 创建analyser节点,获取音频时间和频率数据

const analyser = context.createAnalyser();


const inputAnalyser = new Uint8Array(1);

const wrapEle = $this.refs['wrap'];

let ctx = wrapEle.getContext('2d');

const width = wrapEle.width;

const height = wrapEle.height;

const center = {

x: width / 2,

y: height / 2


function drawArc(ctx, color, x, y, radius, beginAngle, endAngle) {


ctx.lineWidth = 1;

ctx.strokeStyle = color;

ctx.arc(x, y, radius, (Math.PI * beginAngle) / 180, (Math.PI * endAngle) / 180);



(function drawSpectrum() {

analyser.getByteFrequencyData(inputAnalyser); // 获取频域数据

ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);

// 画线条

for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

let value = inputAnalyser[i] / 3; // <===获取数据

let colors = [];

if (value <= 16) {

colors = ['#f5A631', '#f5A631', '#e4e4e4', '#e4e4e4', '#e4e4e4', '#e4e4e4'];

} else if (value <= 32) {

colors = ['#f5A631', '#f5A631', '#f5A631', '#f5A631', '#e4e4e4', '#e4e4e4'];

} else {

colors = ['#f5A631', '#f5A631', '#f5A631', '#f5A631', '#f5A631', '#f5A631'];


drawArc(ctx, colors[0], center.x, center.y, 52 + 16, -30, 30);

drawArc(ctx, colors[1], center.x, center.y, 52 + 16, 150, 210);

drawArc(ctx, colors[2], center.x, center.y, 52 + 32, -22.5, 22.5);

drawArc(ctx, colors[3], center.x, center.y, 52 + 32, 157.5, 202.5);

drawArc(ctx, colors[4], center.x, center.y, 52 + 48, -13, 13);

drawArc(ctx, colors[5], center.x, center.y, 52 + 48, 167, 193);


// 请求下一帧







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Record sounds / noises around you and turn them into music. It’s a work in progress, at the moment it enables you to record live audio straight from your browser, edit it and save these sounds as a WAV file. There's also a sequencer part where you can create small loops using these sounds with a drone synth overlaid on them. See it working: http://daaain.github.com/JSSoundRecorder Technology ---------- No servers involved, only Web Audio API with binary sound Blobs passed around! ### Web Audio API #### GetUserMedia audio for live recording Experimental API to record any system audio input (including USB soundcards, musical instruments, etc). ```javascript // shim and create AudioContext window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || window.mozAudioContext; var audio_context = new AudioContext(); // shim and start GetUserMedia audio stream navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia; navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true}, startUserMedia, function(e) { console.log('No live audio input: ' + e); }); ``` #### Audio nodes for routing You can route audio stream around, with input nodes (microphone, synths, etc), filters (volume / gain, equaliser, low pass, etc) and outputs (speakers, binary streams, etc). ```javascript function startUserMedia(stream) { // create MediaStreamSource and GainNode var input = audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(stream); var volume = audio_context.createGain(); volume.gain.value = 0.7; // connect them and pipe output input.connect(volume); volume.connect(audio_context.destination); // connect recorder as well - see below var recorder = new Recorder(input); } ``` ### WebWorker Processing (interleaving) record buffer is done in the background to not block the main thread and the UI. Also WAV conversion for export is also quite heavy for longer recordings, so best left to run in the background. ```javascript this.context = input.context; this.node = this.context.createScriptProcessor(4096, 2, 2); this.node.onaudioprocess = function(e){ worker.postMessage({ command: 'record', buffer: [ e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0), e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(1) ] }); } ``` ```javascript function record(inputBuffer){ var bufferL = inputBuffer[0]; var bufferR = inputBuffer[1]; var interleaved = interleave(bufferL, bufferR); recBuffers.push(interleaved); recLength += interleaved.length; } function interleave(inputL, inputR){ var length = inputL.length + inputR.length; var result = new Float32Array(length); var index = 0, inputIndex = 0; while (index < length){ result[index++] = inputL[inputIndex]; result[index++] = inputR[inputIndex]; inputIndex++; } return result; } ``` ```javascript function encodeWAV(samples){ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(44 + samples.length * 2); var view = new DataView(buffer); /* RIFF identifier */ writeString(view, 0, 'RIFF'); /* file length */ view.setUint32(4, 32 + samples.length * 2, true); /* RIFF type */ writeString(view, 8, 'WAVE'); /* format chunk identifier */ writeString(view, 12, 'fmt '); /* format chunk length */ view.setUint32(16, 16, true); /* sample format (raw) */ view.setUint16(20, 1, true); /* channel count */ view.setUint16(22, 2, true); /* sample rate */ view.setUint32(24, sampleRate, true); /* byte rate (sample rate * block align) */ view.setUint32(28, sampleRate * 4, true); /* block align (channel count * bytes per sample) */ view.setUint16(32, 4, true); /* bits per sample */ view.setUint16(34, 16, true); /* data chunk identifier */ writeString(view, 36, 'data'); /* data chunk length */ view.setUint32(40, samples.length * 2, true); floatTo16BitPCM(view, 44, samples); return view; } ``` ### Binary Blob Instead of file drag and drop interface this binary blob is passed to editor. Note: BlobBuilder deprecated (but a lot of examples use it), you should use Blob constructor instead! ```javascript var f = new FileReader(); f. { audio_context.decodeAudioData(e.target.result, function(buffer) { $('#audioLayerControl')[0].handleAudio(buffer); }, function(e) { console.warn(e); }); }; f.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); ``` ```javascript function exportWAV(type){ var buffer = mergeBuffers(recBuffers, recLength); var dataview = encodeWAV(buffer); var audioBlob = new Blob([dataview], { type: type }); this.postMessage(audioBlob); } ``` ### Virtual File – URL.createObjectURL You can create file download link pointing to WAV blob, but also set it as the source of an Audio element. ```javascript var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); var audioElement = document.createElement('audio'); var downloadAnchor = document.createElement('a'); audioElement.controls = true; audioElement.src = url; downloadAnchor.href = url; ``` TODO ---- * Sequencer top / status row should be radio buttons :) * Code cleanup / restructuring * Enable open / drag and drop files for editing * Visual feedback (levels) for live recording * Sequencer UI (and separation to a different module) Credits / license ----------------- Live recording code adapted from: http://www.phpied.com/files/webaudio/record.html Editor code adapted from: https://github.com/plucked/html5-audio-editor Copyright (c) 2012 Daniel Demmel MIT License


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